Course Units 2009-2010

Course Units 2009‐2010 Writing Examination: LCSP6907: Spanish Translation Skills This examination counts for 60% of your final mark. You may use a bilingual dictionary of your choice. Duration: 2.5 hours Date: XX‐May‐2010 Time: 10:00/14:00 Version: v1.02 2010‐02‐15 © 2010 University College London SPANISH TRANSLATION SKILLS: LCSP6907 Page 2 In this examination you can obtain a maximum of 100 points which are awarded as follows: Translation English‐Spanish: 50 points Translation Spanish‐English: 50 points Answer ALL questions in the separate Examination Answer Book(s) provided. You may use a bilingual dictionary of your choice. In order for your answers to remain anonymous do NOT use your name when completing the tasks. Document A Anglo‐Spanish Relations during the Second World War A My work covers the formulation of Franco’s foreign policy towards Britain, conditioned by the country’s economic shortage and its ideological affinity with the Axis major powers. B During the military conflict, the economic factors became a central aspect of Spain’s relations with Britain. When the Franco regime was on the brink of joining the war on the side of the Axis, the British government formulated a policy for economic appeasement towards Spain, trying to use its dependence on imports from the West to convince the dictator to retain his country’s neutrality. By providing essential exports like gasoline and grain to prop up the Spanish economy, which had been in a state of collapse since the end of the Spanish Civil War, London hoped to keep Franco’s Spain out of the War. C Although this policy failed to attract Spain to the Allies, it contributed to its gradual detachment from the Axis. The close ideological and political ties between the Franco dictatorship and those of Germany and Italy, and all the potential dangers emanating from Spain were never misapprehended by Britain. After 1941 Spain drifted gradually from an imminent belligerency towards an active pro‐Axis stance. During the war, Spain cooperated with the Allies in humanitarian efforts, allowing safe passage through Spain of downed Allied pilots, escaped Allied prisoners, and civilian refugees, including thousands of Jews. D When the course of the war changed in favour of the Allies, the British government discarded the economic engagement as a policy instrument to force domestic political changes in Spain that could have led to the replacement of the Franco regime. 5 10 15 20 Miguel Longoria Anglo‐Spanish Society Quarterly Review, Autumn 2009 CONTINUED SPANISH TRANSLATION SKILLS: LCSP6907 Page 3 Document B El paisajismo siembra esperanza Dos nuevos proyectos en Terrasa y Alicante transforman la idea del parque y del paseo. A Los nuevos parques urbanos brotan de antiguas refinerías o fábricas reconvertidas. Viejos depósitos de deshechos y carburantes, absorbidos por la trama urbana tras el crecimiento de las ciudades, se someten a una nueva vida, esta vez más plácida. Transformados en zonas de recreo, reaparecen arropados por un incipiente manto vegetal y por la sombra de nuevos 5 árboles. La búsqueda de espacios públicos en los centros urbanos no es una novedad, pero sí es nuevo que incluso en antiguos paraísos de la especulación inmobiliaria, como la costa mediterránea, entre un urbanismo desproporcionado y abusivo florezcan ahora senderos y zonas de sombra. El paisajismo está comenzando a trabajar con deshechos y lejos de convertirse en una disciplina andrajosa está ganando una batalla. 10 15 B El arquitecto catalán Pere Riera lleva años entendiendo que la operación de salvar el paisaje pasa por intervenciones limitadas y pequeñas cirugías. Desde que convirtiera los restos de una antigua central eléctrica en el Parque de las Tres Chimenea, Riera se ha especializado en zurcidos urbanos junto a sus socios del estudio RGA. Su trabajo ha consistido en ordenar espacios públicos sin definir para, entre los restos, hacer crecer un parque. En Tárrega, aprovechó la carretera que cruza el pueblo para permitir que entrase también el paisaje. Y ahora, en Terrassa, ha cosido las plazas que rodean al conjunto monumental de iglesias de Sant Pere sin borrar su pasado y sin hacer desaparecer siquiera su fragmentación. El mensaje es sutil, pero contundente: es posible conjugar unidad y diversidad. Anatxu Zabalbeascoa El País, 4 octubre 2009 TURN OVER SPANISH TRANSLATION SKILLS: LCSP6907 Page 4 Task 1 Document A: English to Spanish A friend of yours is doing a degree in Hispanic Studies and in one of her courses she needs to write an essay on Spain’s policy under Franco. She has come across a text that might be of relevance to her essay topic and would like you to translate it for her so that she can use the information included in it. Please translate the text in full, as printed in Document A, into Spanish. Please write your answer in the answer booklet provided. (50 points) Task 2 Document B: Spanish to English As part of your degree studies, you are working on a project about the environment. While doing your research you have found an interesting article in a Spanish newspaper about innovative green projects in Europe that is especially relevant to your research. Translate it so that you can show it to your supervisor and discuss how you can integrate it into your project. Please translate the text in full, as printed in Document B, into English. Please write your answer in the answer booklet provided. (50 points) END OF PAPER 