Carbon monoxide (CO) is an odorless, colorless gas that kills without warning. It’s produced by gas- and oil-burning furnaces, and back-up generators. Keep your family safe by following these steps: WG+E Dispatch at 413-572-0000. •Installbattery-operatedCOdetectorson every level of your home and within 10 feet of bedroom doors. • Check CO detectors regularly to be sure they arefunctioningproperly. PROTECT YOUR FAMILY FROM CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING WHILE YOU • Only use portable generators outside, more PROTECT THEM FROM THE COLD. कागजातमा सुरक्षा सम्बन्धि महत्वपूर्ण • Have your furnace inspected every year. यो than 20 feet away from the home, doors जानकारी समेटिएको छ। यो कागजातको अनुवादित and windows. रुप पढ्न चाहनु हुन्छ भने कृपया हाम्रो वेबसाइट • Never use मा portable हेर्नुहोला। generators inside a Carbon odorless, colorless Carbon monoxide monoxide (CO) (CO) is is an an odorless, colorless gas that kills without warning. It’s produced gas that kills without warning. It claims the gasand oil-burning furnaces, and back-up home or garage, even if doors & windows by lives of hundreds of people every year and generators. Keep your family safe by following are open. makes thousands more ill. Many household these steps: items including gas- and oil-burning furnaces, Common symptoms of CO poisoning include generators, and charcoal grills •Installbattery-operatedCOdetectorson headache, dizziness, weakness, nausea, portable and every level your home and within 10 feet produce thisof poison gas. Keep your family safe vomiting,andmayincludechestpain,confusion of bedroom doors. by following these steps: and unconsciousness. If you suspect poisoning, or if your detector sounds an alarm, get fresh• air Check CO detectors regularly to be sure they • Install battery-operated CO detectors on every level immediately and call for help to WG+E Dispatch arefunctioningproperly. at 413-572-0000, or 911. Visit our website atof your home and within 10 feet of bedroom doors. • Have your furnace inspected every year. www.wgeld.orgformoreinformation. • Check CO detectors regularly to be sure they are • Only use portable generators outside, more functioning properly. than 20 feet away from the home, doors U.S. Department of Health and Human Services • and Have your furnace inspected every year. windows. Centers for Disease · Control and Prevention 100 Elm Street, Post Office Box 990 Westfield, MA 01086-0990 Customer Service: (413) 572-0100 Main Office Fax: (413) 572-0104 24-Hour Emergency: (413) 572-0000 Only use use portable portable generators outside, more •• Never generators inside a than 20 feet away from the home, doors and windows. home or garage, even if doors & windows open. • areNever use a generator inside your home or garage, WESTFIELD GAS + ELECTRIC even if doors and windows open. Common symptoms of COarepoisoning include headache, dizziness, weakness, nausea, and Common symptoms of CO poisoning include headache, vomiting,andmayincludechestpain,confusion dizziness, weakness, nausea, and vomiting, and may and unconsciousness. If you suspect poisoning, include chest pain, confusion and unconsciousness. or if your detector sounds an alarm, get fresh air If you suspect poisoning, or ifhelp yourto detector immediately and call for WG+Esounds Dispatch an alarm, get fresh air immediately and call website for help at at 413-572-0000, or 911. Visit our to WG+E Dispatch at 413-572-0000, or 911. Visit our www.wgeld.orgformoreinformation. website at for more information. · U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention WESTFIELD GAS + ELECTRIC INTOXICACIÓN POR MONÓXIDO DE CARBONO (CO) NO SE PUEDE VER NO SE PUEDE OLER NO SE PUEDE OÍR SE PUEDE EVITAR El monóxido de carbono (CO) es un gas inodoro e incoloro que produce la muerte sin hacer ninguna advertencia. Cientos de personas mueren y miles se enferman todos los años a causa de este gas. Muchos artefactos de uso doméstico, como calentadores de aceite y gas, generadores portátiles y parrillas a carbón, producen este gas tóxico. Siga estos pasos importantes para proteger la seguridad de su familia. ¡Peligro! Proteja su familia de intoxicación por monóxido de carbono El monóxido de carbono (CO) es un gas que no tiene DEtEctOREs DE cO olor, ni color y puede matar sin advertencia. Cobra • Instale detectores de CO que funcionen con pilas cerca de cada la vidadedesucientos dormitorio hogar. de personas todos los años y • Revise los detectores CO regularmente para asegurarse enferma a milesdemás. Muchos artículos paradelaque casa funcionen correctamente. incluyendo furnaces (hornos/calderas) de aceite y caLEntaDOREs DE acEItE y Gas y asadores de carbón gas, generadores portátiles • Haga revisar su calentador todos los años. producen este gas tóxico. Mantenga su familia segura siguiendo estos pasos: GEnERaDOREs PORtátILEs • Nunca use un generador dentro de su casa o garaje, aunque las puertas y ventanas estén abiertas. • Instale baterías operadas por detectores de • Solo usemonóxido generadoresde afuera, a másen de todos 20 pieslos (6.10 metros) carbono niveles dedelala casa, de las puertas y ventanas. casa y a 10 pies de distancia de las puertas de los dormitorios. Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de los EE. UU. • Chequee todos los detectores regularmente para Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades asegurarse que están funcionando correctamente. • Haga una inspección anual al horno/caldera de la casa. • Sólo use generadores portátiles fuera de la casa y colocados a 20 pies de distancia de la casa, puertas y ventanas. • Aunque las puertas y ventanas estén abiertas nunca use un generador dentro de la casa o en el garaje. PROtEJa a sU FaMILIa Síntomas comunes de intoxicación incluyen dolor de cabeza, mareo, debilidad, náusea y vómito, también puede incluir dolor de pecho, confusión y desmayo. Si usted cree que puede estar intoxicado o si la alarma del detector suena, busque aire fresco inmediatamente y llame a WG+E Dispatch al 413-572-0000, o al 911 para pedir ayuda. Para más información visite nuestro sitio web, Отправление угарного газа Не виден Не пахнет Не слышен Может быть остановлен Защищая своих близких от PROTECT YOUR FAMILY FROM CARBON холода, защитите их от отравления MONOXIDE POISONING WHILE YOU PROTECTугарным THEM FROM THE COLD. газом! Carbon monoxide (CO) is an odorless, Окись углерода (СО) - бесцветный газ, colorless не имеющий и убивающий gas that killsзапаха without warning. без It’s produced предупреждения. Каждыйfurnaces, год он уносит by gas- and oil-burning and жизни back-up сотен людей и делает более тысячи больными. generators. Keep your family safe by following Многие предметы домашнего обихода, включая these печи, steps: котлы и переносные генераторы, производят этот ядовитый газ(СО), так, как •Installbattery-operatedCOdetectorson они работают от сжигания нефти, газа и угля. every levelсвою of your home and within 10 feet Сохраните семью, соблюдая следующее: of bedroom doors. • ∙ Установите CO детекторы с батарейным питанием на каждом уровне вашего дома, в3 • Check CO detectors regularly to be sure they метрах от дверей спальни. arefunctioningproperly. • ∙ Проверяйте СО детекторы регулярно, чтобы • Have your furnace inspected every year. убедиться, что они функционируют должным образом. • Only use portable generators outside, more •than ∙ Проверяйте вашfrom котёлthe каждый 20 feet away home,год. doors and windows. • ∙ Используйте переносные генераторы только снаружи,более чем в 6 метрах от дома, дверей • Never use portable generators inside a и окон. home or garage, even if doors & windows • ∙ Никогда не используйте генератор внутри are open. вашего дома или гаража, даже если двери и окна открыты. Common symptoms of CO poisoning include Общие симптомы отравления угарнымnausea, газом: and headache, dizziness, weakness, головная боль, головокружение, слабость, vomiting,andmayincludechestpain,confusion тошнота, рвота и также может быть боль в груди и and unconsciousness. If you suspect poisoning, бессознательное состояние. Если вы подозреваете or if your detector sounds an alarm, get сигнал fresh air отравление или если ваш детектор издает immediately and callвыходите на for help to WG+E тревоги, немедленно свежийDispatch воздух и позвоните в Скоруюor Помощь-911 + E at at 413-572-0000, 911. Visitили ourв WG website 413-572-0000.Посетите наш сайт по адресу www.wgeld.orgformoreinformation. для получения дополнительной информации. · U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention WESTFIELD GAS + ELECTRIC