When I was growing up, my family had its own way of dealing with

Website: www.nativityburke.org
September 4, 2011
Dear Parishioners,
“ When I was growing up, my family had its own way of dealing with disagreements. We just
stopped speaking. Sometimes the deep freeze lasted a day, sometimes a week. Every once in while an offending
aunt or cousin was simply erased from the family landscape.”
Clearing out some of my old files this summer, I came upon these words from a past Newsweek column
entitled My Turn. Although the article is a couple of years old, the message is still relevant today among some
people - unfortunately. Why is it so difficult to say those simple words “I’m sorry?” The author stopped talking
to her parents after a series of family difficulties ended in an angry phone conversation. For twelve long years
they missed out on everything that makes family a family. Holidays not shared together, birthdays, Mother’s and
Father’s Day not celebrated. And as the author so accurately pointed out: “After a year or two of keeping walls
up, it’s not so easy to pick up that phone.” However the wall began to finally crumble. The thaw came when her
father sent her a card in which he wrote three very powerful words: I am sorry.
As I re-read the article, I recalled numerous counseling cases in my career that mirrored the same actions.
People building walls and what is so sad is that sometimes as the years go by, we can forget just what put the
walls up in the first place. And, if we do remember, it was usually over something miniscule. And yet pride keeps
us from making the phone call, writing the note or emailing those simple words. Sometimes the death of the other
really signals what a serious mistake we made. And then it is too late to say those three short words - and guilt
easily sets in. One, or the most important, lesson Jesus taught was love and forgiveness. His last sermon was
preached from His Cross: “Father forgive them, they do not know what they are doing.” And how often do we
pray: “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who have trespassed (hurt) against us.” How many of us
might be saying the words rather than praying them? How many might be doing just that as they are reading this
Some of you might be thinking how naive I am. You are probably right on some issues, but not on this
one. Each time I am called to anoint someone who is dying, or officiate at a funeral, I am reminded of just how
short life really is. Our recent earthquake should have been a reminder to all of us how transitory life can be.
Many therapists have affirmed that when we can forgive another person that has hurt us we begin feeling better.
We might even say that we begin the work of forgiveness primarily for ourselves. Remember it is one thing to
attend Eucharist on Sunday and it is equally important to LIVE the message once we leave. That is where we
practice forgiveness.
“It is better to forgive and forget, than to resent and remember.”
Have a nice week.
Website: www.nativityburke.org
September 4, 2011
How Did The “Priesthood” Come Into Being?
Now this might seem like a silly question, but this is only so, until we take a very close look at the early
Church. For the very first generation of Christians, “priesthood” was not a word used by the community,
because of its close association to both the Jewish religion and paganism with its animal sacrifice. While the
first Christians continued to recognize Judaism, in their small communities they looked to selected elders or
adults to lead them and preside over the Eucharistic gatherings. These selected individuals were prayed over and had hands
laid on them, designating their authority over the community. They were known as prespyteroi. Following the death of the
apostles and first disciples, the chief elder in each community became known as the episkopos, which in Greek meant
“overseer”. (In later years, in English, this person came to be known as the “bishop”, one who presided over the Eucharist.)
It was these chief elders or episkopos, who became the successors to the apostles and who were responsible for preaching
and teaching the true beliefs of Christ and the apostles. Sometime during these first centuries of the Church, the Eucharistic
gathering or meal began to be thought of as a “sacrifice” and then at that time, the title “priest” came into use when referring
to the prespyteroi or the episkopos. By the end of the third century, the presider at the Eucharist was commonly referred to
as the priest. Interestingly, during the first 150 years of Christianity, the elders or presbyters were chosen by the members
of the community that they would lead. For a short time even the bishops were chosen in this manner. As the Church took
on more structure, this custom was changed.
Birthday Celebration for the Blessed Virgin Mary:
Gregory Green
Shelley Weisman
Bill Lowry
Monday, September 5
Tuesday, September 6
Fr. Martin
Wednesday, September 7
Fr. Martin
Thursday, September 8
Margaret Legaspi Balintona 7:30am
Joanne Rote
Fr. Wilson
Friday, September 9
Janet Brevik
Victoria Motowylak
Spanish Mass
Saturday, September 10
Doug Stoynoff
Stuart Barth
Cecelia Sinkovits
Dave S. Yastishock
Sunday, September 11
Fr. Korpi
Fr. Korpi
Fr. Korpi
Fr. Wilson
Fr. Wilson
Fr. Wilson
Fr. Mertes
Fr. Korpi
Fr. Korpi
Bible study will start on Tuesday, September
13 from 9:30-11a.m. in the APR for the study
of the Book of Revelation from Little Rock
Scripture Program. It consists of commentary,
study guide and DVD lectures. For further
information, contact Joan Consoli, ,703-690-5922 or Janet
Hamrick, 703-866-9465.
On Saturday, September10, our
parish will celebrate Mary’s nativity
(feast day Sept. 8) with a reception in
the All- Purpose Room following the
9:00 a.m. Mass. Please join your
fellow parishioners in this tribute to the “Mother of
The Altar Flowers this week are
In Loving Memory of
John R. Wadsworth and Phil & Eve Puckett
Kathleen Puckett
In Loving Memory of
John Nidhiry
Gracy & Emmaneul Nidhiry
Volunteer Opportunity with the RCIC program! The
RCIC program is still looking for a teacher for the younger
class. The class is made up of 3rd-6th graders and they
will be preparing for baptism, first communion, and
confirmation. The class will meet on Monday night from
7:00-8:15pm. If you feel that the Lord is calling you to
serve through this program, please contact Meghan
O'Connor at 703-455-2400, or by email
at [email protected].
Website: www.nativityburke.org
Do you hunger for holiness? Search for integrity?
Strive to balance the personal, spiritual and social
dimensions of your lives?
Engaging Spirituality, a Just Faith program, speaks to
these challenges. Nativity is planning to offer an
Engaging Spirituality program starting in September
2011. This 21-week program meets weekly.
Meetings are from 7:00 to 9:30 p.m.
For more information on Engaging Spirituality or to register, please stop by the table in the back of the church or contact: Ellen Hayes at 703‐978‐0468 or [email protected] Check www.justfaith.org My sincere thanks for your generosity for
our second collection last Sunday for the
destitute of Somalia. Your generosity$ 16,589.04 will help feed and clothe your
sisters and brothers who are suffering 24
hours each day. Once again, I am so
grateful for your response and continue to
be proud of how our parish always looks out
for those who are suffering – be they across
the street or around the world.
Fr. Martin
Thought for the Week:
You are where you are right now in your life because of the
choices you have made and the actions you have taken. If
you want to change your life, remember that change starts
with you .
Jeffrey Keller
September 4, 2011
School is around the corner;
Religious education classes
Begin September 18, 19 and
20 for students enrolled by
August 26.
Students enrolled after
August 26, begin religious
education classes on September 25, 26, and 27.
The Religious Education
Program continues to have an
URGENT NEED for teachers and assistant teachers.
Please call 703.455.0372 to volunteer, send an email
[email protected], or simply drop by
the Religious Education Office.
An Orientation/Workshop Meeting is scheduled on
Sunday, September 11, at 6:00pm in the Parish Hall
for all Religious Education Program teachers,
assistant teachers and all other volunteers. Plan to
attend this very important information meeting to get
the year off to a smooth start.
All Religious Education Program Volunteers will be
commissioned at Nativity’s 9:00am Mass on
Catechetical Sunday, September 18.
Student Registration forms should be turned in to the
Religious Education Office along with payment and the
student’s baptismal certificate (unless it was previously
submitted). Forms are available in the Religious
Education Office, on the community board in the church
vestibule, or at www.edu.nativityburke.org; on the
Nativity CCD tab click on Student Registration.
Cursillo is a religious retreat for men, women, religious,
and clergy. The next one for men is on the weekend of
October 6-9 at the new Diocesan retreat center, San
Damiano. Bishop Loverde already has been on a Cursillo
and is a strong advocate for it. Nativity Deacon Dale
Avery will be one of the Spiritual Directors for the
weekend. Contact him if you want more details: what is a
Cursillo; where it is; how much does it cost, etc.
Cornerstone Family Counseling, P.C.
Website: www.nativityburke.org
Parish Prayer List
Please remember, in your prayers, the
sick of our Parish Community:
Tom Baskin, Elaine Bitton, Cecil Bosworth,
Cyrilla Brungardt, Lullian Coffey, Manuel de Jesus, Margo
Gordon, Jessica Knoeber, Eugenia Merida, Infant Charles
Samuel Wilson, Krystina Woodworth, Infant Madison
For the deceased:
Nancy McGuire
Raymond Valente, Father of Joseph Valente
Pray for our military men and women and their
families. May God keep them safe and out of harm’s
We can end abortion when we help the
parents to trust that the baby is not an
obstacle to their plans. Rather, both child
and parents find their fulfillment in giving themselves to each
other in love and thereby truly becoming a family. Choose Life
Today. Choose Life Tomorrow. Pray Always. We Must Do
No Less.
Please support the TEPEYAC FAMILY CENTER, 11135 Lee
Highway, Fairfax, VA 22030, 703-273-9440 x 107, with your
prayers and financial resources. Info on this pregnancy resource
center can be found at www.tepeyacfamilycenter.com
Pro-Life Rosary and Witness - Nativity Parishioners are invited
to pray for both an end to abortion and healing for those suffering
from abortion at NOVA “Healthcare”, 10400 Eaton Place,
Fairfax, VA 22030, from 7:30 - 8:30 am on
Saturday mornings. This is the busiest hour of an active abortion
clinic; it is not uncommon for over 10 women/couples to arrive
during this time. Peacefully pray for Our Lady's intercessions and
lovingly encourage calls to the numbers below. For more info,
please contact Josh Reynolds, 703-470-8978,
[email protected]
September 4, 2011
Interested in Becoming Catholic?
If so, we invite you to participate in Nativity’s RCIA
program, beginning Monday, September 12, 2011, at 7
pm, in the Parish Hall. RCIA, the Rite of Christian
Initiation of Adults, is the Catholic Church’s way of
forming new disciples of Jesus Christ, and welcoming new
members into the Church at the Easter Vigil. Our program
involves instruction, prayer, group discussion and spiritual
events designed to prepare those seeking to enter the
Church. RCIA is open to those who have not been
baptized, Christians baptized into another faith, adult
baptized Catholics who have not been confirmed and
anyone else who wants to learn more about the Catholic
faith. For more information, contact the Church office at
(703) 455-2400, send an e-mail to
Ron Riggins at [email protected] or pick up an RCIA
brochure at the back of the Church.
Come and join the Nativity Cub Scouts!
Our Pack has a fabulous year of fun
planned: build a Pinewood Derby car, two
family campouts, games, activities,
fellowship (and maybe a few skills along
the way). Moms and dads are needed as well (they have
fun too!). Please join us for our first Pack meeting on
Friday, September 16th, 7:00pm, in the Parish hall. Boys
starting 1st grade this year through 5th grade are eligible
for Cub Scouting. Don't let your boys miss out on all the
fun! For more info please call Pete Griffiths, (571) 4992121.
All women are invited for prayer, study, food and
fellowship. We will be learning about the Blessed
Mother’s life in the study: A Marian Bible Study:
Bringing Scripture to Life for Moms. September 16 to
December 16, on Fridays 9:30 to 12:00 in the All Purpose
Room. Women with children are welcome...we take turns
watching each other’s children. Please bring: your rosary, a
Catholic bible, the bible study book available in the church
bookstore. For more information call Laura Wells,
703-455-5498 or [email protected]
24-Hour Crisis Pregnancy Hotline: 1-800-395-HELP
Project Rachel (healing after abortion):
1-888-456-HOPE (4673)
Pregnancy Resource Centers Phone Numbers:
Catholic Charities National: 1-800-CARE-002
Catholic Charities Local: 703-425-0100
A Woman's Choice: 703-538-4305
Gabriel Project: 1-866-444-3553
54, begin a new year in September. Women of all ages are
invited to attend the next regular meeting at 7PM, on
Monday, September 12, 2011, downstairs in St. Mary’s
Lyceum, located at 313 Duke Street. Please join us in
faithfulness and fellowship as we plan projects and events for
the coming year. You may contact Helen Lynch for
additional information on 703-582-5722, or
helenlynch21@ gmail.com .
Website: www.nativityburke.org
NEW! IN THE GIFT SHOP! Just in time
for crisp fall weather, find delicious hot soup
mixes in the Fair Trade Corner. The
Women's Bean Project in Denver, Colorado,
helps at-risk women with job training and
work opportunities. Try Toni's 10 Bean Soup, 6 Bean
Soup, or Spicy Split Pea Soup. Vegan, kosher, and heartwarming.
SERRV, INT. was started at the end of World War II
when a member of the Church of the Brethren brought
cuckoo clocks from Germany to sell in the US in an effort
to help Germany get back on its feet. Since then it has
grown and supports Fair Trade communities and producers
around the world. SERRV, INT and Catholic Relief
Services work in partnership to promote Fair Trade coffee,
chocolate, and crafts. For great gift ideas,
check crsfairtrade.org or serrv.org or visit the SERRV
shop at 500 Main Street, New Windsor, MD. A lovely
drive in the Maryland countryside!
Prime Time Single Catholics (PTSC) is open to all single
Catholics, 40 and older, who have never married, are
widowed, or are divorced with a Church annulment.
September Events:
Every Monday, 10 AM (except holidays) social golf at the
Par 3 Burke Lake Golf Course Center, call Rose, 703-6444841
September 11, Sunday 7pm
Dine at the Indigo
Restaurant in Alexandria, call Beth 703-683-0222
September 17, Saturday 6pm A social evening to meet
PTSC members in Falls Church, call Anne 703-751-0739
September 18, Sunday 5pm Dance at the Elks Lodge
in Fairfax, call Jack 703-971-8665
Anyone with questions about PTSC may call Jack
Emery, 703-971-8665, for more information.
Celebrating a Silver or Golden Wedding
Anniversary this year? Were you married
in 1961 or 1986? Then join Bishop
Loverde for the 2011 Marriage Jubilee
Mass to celebrated on Sunday, October
23rd at 2:30 pm at the Cathedral of St. Thomas More.
Contact the parish office (703-455-2400) to register no later
than September 23rd. For more information, visit
September 4, 2011
Church of the Nativity parishioners will travel to Haiti with
Food For The Poor in November, 2011. This mission trip will
involve a combination of activities to expose travelers to the
needs of the poor and the efforts of Food For The Poor and
Church of the Nativity to meet those needs. Nativity
parishioners will visit several “Nativity Village”
developments, feeding centers, orphanages, fishing villages,
and other facilities. When asked how travelers should prepare
for such a journey, Fr. Martin said, “just bring an open mind
and open heart; the Holy Spirit will do the rest.”
As currently planned, a group of about 15 will leave
Washington on Sunday, November 6; overnight in Ft.
Lauderdale; take an early flight on Monday, November 7 to
Port-au-Prince; fly on Wednesday, November 9 to CapHaitien; and return home on Friday, November 11.
We plan to dedicate Nativity Village at Lozandier, on the
south coast of Haiti; dedicate Nativity Village at Chastenoye,
on the north coast; dedicate the new community center in
Madras, and visit several additional projects funded by
Operation Starfish. There will be some hands-on work at Food
For The Poor’s feeding center, at the Little Children of Jesus
Home and at other sites. We are also planning a visit to
Cardinal Leger Leper Hospital.
If you would like to see what a Nativity mission trip is like,
stop by the church office for a dvd from our last trip to Haiti.
For additional information on this upcoming mission trip,
please contact Jim McDaniel ([email protected]) 703455-6874.
This is going to be the easiest thing we’ve ever asked
you to do!
Operation Starfish is registered with GoodSearch.com
and now every time you search the internet, a donation
will be made to Operation Starfish - Church of the
Nativity. Just go to www.goodsearch.com and follow
the simple instructions. GoodSearch will make a
donation to Operation Starfish with very search you
make. Thanks for giving it a try!
Website: www.nativityburke.org
September 4, 2011
2011 White House Ornament Sale by Women of Nativity
September 10/11 and 17/18
Monday, September 5 Labor Day Office Closed
9:00 am………………………………...….…...Mass (CH)
8:00 pm………………………..….......AA Meeting (APR)
Wednesday, September 7
10:00 am……………………………......Mom & Me (APR)
7:00 pm…………………………....ESL Registration (GR)
7:00 pm……………………...Hispanic Prayer Group (SC)
7:30 pm………………………....…...Legion of Mary (SL)
7:30 pm…………………...Hispanic Baptism Class (APR)
Thursday, September 8
9:30 am………………………….….....Craft Group (APR)
7:00 pm…………………………....ESL Registration (GR)
7:15 pm………………….....Prayer Group Meeting (APR)
Saturday, September 10
10:00 am…………………………....ESL Registration (GR)
10:00 am…………………….……......Dog Obedience (PL)
4:00 pm………………………….....Hispanic CCD (S/PH)
5:00 pm………………………….Hispanic CYO (Room 4)
Knights Wive's Appreciation Dinner
All Brother Knights are welcome to come
join us on Saturday September 10th for a
special night to thank our wives for
supporting us throughout the year. We will be going to see
Nunsense at the Lazy Susan Dinner Theatre. The Council
will contribute $25 towards each wife's ticket, so for only
$35 per couple, you active Brother Knights can take your
Lady out for a fantastic evening. You must RSVP and
prepay to attend this event. To do so, please give our Grand
Knight, Phil Thompson, your deposit by Wednesday,
September 7th.
Soccer Challenge
The Father Sikora (Nativity Parish) Council of the
Knights of Columbus will hold the annual Council
Soccer Challenge in conjunction with Holy Spirit on
September 10th from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The field is
located behind Holy Spirit School. Holy Spirit is located
at 8800 Braddock Road, Annandale, Fairfax County,
Virginia 22003, at the corner of Burke Lake Road and
Braddock. The Soccer Challenge is open to boys and
girls ages 10-14 years old. Contact John Larvie for more
information: (703) 451-3477) or [email protected].
You are going to love adding this ornament
to your White House collection! It features
Theodore Roosevelt, who was our 26th
President. At the age of 42 he brought six
children into the White House. It seems
appropriate to have Santa on this years ornament, it is so fun!
The cost is $20.00 for each ornament-we accept checks and
cash only. Checks are made out to Church of Nativity. The
Women of Nativity will be selling ornaments the weekends of
September 10-11 and 17-18, between the hours of 8AM and
1PM on Sundays and Saturday before and after the 5PM Mass.
Proceeds from this sale will assist local families and charities as
well as victims of natural disasters in the name of “Nativity”. We
look forward to seeing you in front of the church! Thank you for
supporting our only fundraiser of the year!
The Nativity Girl Scout troops would like to
invite girls in kindergarten through 12th grade
to join our programs. Troops are forming and/
or accepting girls at all levels: Daisy (K-1st),
Brownie (2nd-3rd), Junior (4th-5th), Cadette
(6th-8th), Senior (9th-10th), and Ambassador
(11th-12th). Flyers are available at the back of the church in the
Scouting Folder on the bulletin board. Girl Scouts gives girls
opportunities to practice leadership, learn useful skills, earn
religious emblems, and provide service to the community in a
fun, safe environment. Find out how much fun and value there is
with scouting. Adult volunteers are always needed and greatly
appreciated – no experience necessary. Free training is provided.
Contact Becky Chaves at 703-425-4965 or stop by the Girl
Scout table after all Masses this weekend to get more
Forthcoming Programs at
Dominican Retreat 703-356-4243
Advance Reservations Necessary
September 9-11...Charismatic Retreat for Women & Men
Directed by Fr. Dave Pivonka, TOR.
Friday 3:00pm to Sunday 1:00pm.
September 16-18...Special Weekend Retreat, Prayer of
Heart and Body II
Directed by Fr. Tom Ryan, CSP.
Friday 7:15pm to Sunday 1:00pm
For more information check our website
Website: www.nativityburke.org
September 4, 2011
Domingo XXIII (A)
Javier Leoz
Todos, en muchos aspectos, tenemos un ideal. Todos, en algún momento de nuestra vida, hemos anhelado
llegar a metas altas. Todos, en algún instante, hemos intentado buscar la perfección y escapar de la
mediocridad o de las cosas dejadas a medias.
Y, en todo ello; en los ideales, metas y búsqueda de la perfección, nos hemos dado cuenta que no siempre
hemos estado a la altura y que, para llegar hasta el final, hemos tenido que corregir aquello que no era bueno para lograr
nuestros propósitos. ¿O no?
-¿Sirve de algo iniciar un viaje sabiendo que, en el bolsillo, no tenemos lo suficiente para hacer frente a los gastos?
- ¿Es bueno, para nosotros y para los que nos rodean, encerrarnos en nuestros defectos y presumir de lo que sabemos son en
el fondo errores?
- ¿Por qué, con frecuencia, pensamos que la conversión o el cambio lo tienen que realizar los demás y no en nuestra vida?
Jesús, en el evangelio de este domingo, nos ofrece unas pistas que son muy dignas de ser tenidas en cuenta:
Primero: la corrección fraterna no significa el modelar las personas a nuestro antojo. Cuántas veces nos creemos con
derecho a apuntar las debilidades de los demás y a ocultar las nuestras. El Señor nos indica el camino y el sentido auténtico
de la corrección fraterna: buscar que nuestros hermanos estén en comunión con Dios.
Segundo: nuestro objetivo, como cristianos, no es juzgar ni pregonar desde la azotea de nuestras palabras, posición o
privilegios, las actitudes o vida de los demás. Nuestra oración, nuestra misión o nuestro reto debe ser precisamente el que
los demás encuentren la verdad de Dios.
Tercero: aquello de “a mí plin” no es bueno ni característico de una vida cristiana. Los problemas de los demás, aunque nos
parezca una intromisión, deben de ser también los nuestros. No podemos vivir indiferentes al sufrimiento de los que nos
rodean. Ser cristiano es compartir la alegría y la tristeza, el gozo y el llanto, el éxito y el fracaso con todos.
Cuesta, y mucho, corregir y ser corregido. Corregir; porque siempre hay riesgo de perder amigos y de ser subjetivo o
dejarnos seducir o condicionar por nuestras ideas, ideologías o preferencias. Cuesta, y mucho, ser corregido; entre otras
cosas porque el nivel de nuestra fe no siempre está suficiente cultivado como para afrontar o acoger una dinámica de este
Sólo, desde la lectura de la Palabra de Dios, desde el amor a Cristo, desde el deseo de encontrarnos con El es cuando, la
corrección fraterna, es entendida como un camino que nos abre las puertas hacia el encuentro personal y auténtico con Jesús
y a una mejora en nuestra relación con los demás.
Vivimos en una sociedad donde, los defectos y los fallos de la Iglesia, son aireados no como llamada al cambio o la
reflexión sino como destrucción. También, a nuestro alrededor, con nuestra forma de enjuiciar situaciones y personas,
podemos caer en la misma tentación: querer someter todo aquello que no nos agrada. Y eso, amigos, no es corrección
amigable, fraterna o cristiana, sino todo lo contrario: aniquilación del adversario.
Pidamos, desde la fuerza que nos da la oración, que seamos capaces de discernir nuestra propia vida, de fomentar
comunidades cristianas más auténticas y de que, nuestra maduración en la fe vaya creciendo de tal manera, que gustemos y
Catequesis necesita voluntarios
El grupo de catequesis desea invitar a todas las
personas que esten interesadas en trabajar con los
niños, jovenes, y padres de familia de la comunidad
durante el año de catequesis sirviendo
como catequistas, asistentes, voluntarios, o en la
Oficina. Si tienes el interes de colaborar con nosotros
y servir a Jesús con tu trabajo, no dudes en contactarte
con Maria Pia Vela durante los horarios de oficina de
lunes a viernes de 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. o llamando
al 703-455-2401 ext. 116 o por e-mail
al [email protected].
Catequesis: Inscripciones abiertas
Las inscripciones de la catequesis ya estan abiertas
para todos los niños, jovenes y adultos de la
comunidad. Invitamos a todas las personas
interesadas a inscribirse cuanto antes, especialmente
si deseas prepararte para los sacramentos de Primera
Comunión o Confirmacion. Las inscripciones
terminan en el mes de septiembre. Para inscribirse
por favor contáctese a María Pía Vela de lunes a
viernes de 9:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. o llamando al
703-455-2401 ext. 116 o por email:
[email protected]
Website: www.nativityburke.org
Si tengo defectos y dificultan mi camino
ayúdame a superarlos….pero con amor
Si avanzo en la dirección equivocada
indícame el camino verdadero….pero con amor
Si hay algo que de mí no te gusta y te hiere
házmelo saber….pero con amor
Si mi vida se dispara hacia un túnel sin salida
adviértemelo….pero con amor
Si soy egoísta o vanidoso
si la envidia no me deja ser feliz
si tengo mil vicios o caídas
dímelo….pero con amor
Si no soy como no tengo que ser,
no pretendas que sea como tú,
pero si tú vives en la verdad y yo en la mentira
dime cómo se sale de ella….pero con amor
Si me falta corazón y caridad
reza por mí…..pero hazlo con amor
Si estoy mal conmigo mismo y con los demás
si me encuentro agarrotado por la soberbia
si hace tiempo que perdí el norte de mi existir
mírame a los ojos….pero hazlo con amor
Si pensamos de forma diferente
si crees que podemos caminar juntos
si todavía confías en mí
lo intentemos de nuevo…..pero con amor
Pero una cosa te digo:
Si piensas que, sólo soy yo, el que fallo
Si crees que, soy sólo yo, el falto de caridad
Si crees que tú eres el santo, el bueno y el sabio
no me digas entonces nada…
Porque es cuando me daré cuenta
que tú tampoco dejas actuar a Dios.
Dime lo que quieras…
pero eso sí…hazlo con amor
September 4, 2011
Actividades de la Comunidad Hispana
Iglesia de la Natividad 6400 Nativity Lane
Burke, VA 22015
Teléfono 703-455-2400
Rev. Cedric Wilson
Todos los sábados a las 7:00pm
CONFESIONES: Los sábados antes de la Santa Misa
de 6:15pm a 6:55pm
Catequesis Para niños y Jóvenes: Sábados de 5:00pm a
6:45pm Informes: 703-455-2400, ext 116
Sr. Ponciano 202-262-6659
Catequesis Para niños y Jóvenes: Inscripciones para el
año escolar septiembre 2011 a mayo 2012 están abiertas.
Catequesis para adultos: Bautismo, Comunión, y
Confirmación, Sábados de 5:15pm a 6:15pm
Contacto: Tito Pinto 703-912-9220
Charla para el Bautismo: Primer Miércoles del mes
7:30pm, aula 8
Sacramento del Bautismo: Tercer Sábado del mes.
1:30pm Contacto: Deacon Pardo 703-455-2400
Grupo de Oración: Miércoles 7:00pm a 9:00pm.
Están todos invitados. Marco Camacho 703-968-5585
Grupo de Liderazgo Juvenil reuniones:
Domingo 11:00am-1:00pm aula 5 Contacto: Nelson
Pineda 571-234-3664
Reunión del Grupo de los Jóvenes Sábados: a partir de
las 5:00pm aula 4. contacto: Juan Carlos Chávez 703-4736941
Solidaridad Cristiana: Mayor información llamar Mirian
Ponciano 703-913-5494.
Javier Leoz
Para mas información: María Guevara 703-444-5716
Anuncios para el boletín: debe ser presentado por
escrito el viernes a las 9 de la mañana (10 días antes de
su publicación). Pueden enviar entradas por correo
electrónico a [email protected]
Charlas de Convalidación para recibir el Sacramento del
Matrimonio: cada otro domingo del mes 9:00am –
10:45am aula 4.
Contacto: Antonio y Maritza Di Paolo 703-493-8719
Reunión de Matrimonios: domingo 9:00am – 11:00am
aula 5. Contacto: Segundo y María Guevara 703-444-5716
Website: www.nativityburke.org
September 4, 2011
Aprende Tu Fe
Más allá de todo lo que pase, con una sonrisa sencilla, amable, buena, podré ver las cosas y las
personas con más ilusión y esperanza.
Asuntos serios han de ser tratados seriamente: con atención hacia los argumentos, con el deseo
sincero de encontrar soluciones.
A veces, el argumento presenta escondites complejos. No resulta fácil encontrar salidas. El corazón
y la mente se sienten presionados, inquietos. ¿Qué hacer? ¿Cómo salir adelante ante un problema
grave, ante un asunto complejo?
De repente, una sonrisa oportuna puede no sólo regalarnos unos instantes de paz, sino devolver
energías para ver las cosas de manera diferente. No es una sonrisa irónica que parece más un insulto de desprecio que un gesto de distensión, sino una sonrisa auténtica que descansa y que ayuda
a descansar, que nace de la simpatía y genera simpatías.
Demasiada seriedad agota. La sonrisa sana no sólo genera hormonas gratificantes (según dicen algunos especialistas), sino
sobre todo un espíritu distendido y una mente más abierta.
El corazón descansa brevemente. Los ojos miran con nuevo fulgor asuntos difíciles. Surgen incluso palabras más amables,
que suplantan las que antes dirigíamos con dureza hacia otras personas.
Sigo de camino en este día luminoso u oscuro, que promete lluvia o que inquieta a todos con vientos oscurecidos por el
polvo. Pequeñas o grandes situaciones enturbian mi alma: la tensión por no encontrar dónde estacionar el coche, las prisas
para llegar a tiempo al trabajo, la inquietud ante los apagones intermitentes de la luz...
Más allá de todo lo que pase, con una sonrisa sencilla, amable, buena, podré ver las cosas y las personas con más ilusión y
esperanza; lo cual es especialmente urgente en un mundo como el nuestro, lleno de prisas y de angustias, y hambriento de
corazones positivos y de rostros sonrientes, que transmiten esa verdadera alegría que viene de Dios y que nos conduce
suavemente hacia Él.
La ley del amor
El amor, pues, es la Ley perfecta. Romanos 13:10
LAS LEYES EXISTEN PARA mostrarnos el camino, para señalar los rudimentos de la ética. Al obedecerlas, generan orden, pero no garantizan la conversión. Uno puede obedecer todas las leyes siempre y, sin embargo, ser incapaz de amar; una
persona puede ser un ejemplo de rectitude y comportase como un tirano con los familiars y colegas, cumplir con todas las
obligaciones con los demás pero tratarlos con fría indiferencia.
Veamos, por ejemplo, el mandato de honrar a los padres: hay quienes cubren diligentemente todas las necesidades
materiales de sus padres en edad avanzada pero no pasan tiempo con ellos. O reflexionemos sobre la prohibición del
adulterio: hay quienes son fieles durante sus 50 años de matrimonio pero pasan cada uno esos años combatiendo una
“guerra fría”. Tal comportamiento no pertenece a la categoría tradicional de “pecado” pero tampoco se parece al amor. Las
leyes nos hacen sentir justificados; el amor, por otra parte, nos entibia el corazón.
Ablanda nuestros corazones de piedra, oh Señor, para wue aprendamos a amar.
Elizabeth-Anne Stewart
Ezequiel 33:7-9 ; Salmo 95: 1-2, 6-9 ; Romanos 13: 8-10 ; Mateo 18: 15-20