Contrastive Grammar SPAN 302 Page 1 of 5 Contrastive Grammar SPAN 302 Course Syllabus I.! REQUIRED MATERIALS “Papalote 5” Autor: Kukulcan II.! SUPPORTING MATERIALS •! Chaistain, Kenneth. Gail Guntermann. ¡Imagínate! Managing Conversation in Spanish. Third edition. Canada: Thomson Heinle, 2004. •! González, Trinidad y Joseph Farrell. Composición y práctica. USA: Willey, 2001 •! Jordan J. Isolde y José Manuel Pereiro-Otero. Curso de gramática Avanzada del español: comunicación reflexiva. USA: Pearson Prentice, 2006. •! Spinelli, Emily. English Grammar for Students of Spanish. Fifth edition. USA: The Olivia and Hills Press, 2003. •! Alarcos Llorach, Emilio. Gramática de la Lengua Española. Real Académia Española, Colección Nebrija Bello. Madrid: Espasa Calpe, 2002. III.! COURSE OBJECTIVE To reinforce the student’s known grammatical structures, through “role-playing” while introducing new concepts of contrasts that will improve his/her communicative, reading and writing skills. The objective of this course is to place the student in real situations that will enable him/her to play different roles and pursue his/her audience of his/her position. We will focus on those lexico-semantic morphological aspects that seem to be more problematic when learning Spanish as a second language. IV. EVALUATION Weekly quizzes and final exam Class participation/attendance & homework Oral expression V. CONTACT HOURS This course covers 45 contact hours VI. COURSE OUTLINE Introduction: Las preposiciones Las conjunciones 6 18 LESSON I Writing: -! Monologue and dialogue Linguistic content Different uses of pronoun “se”. -! Indirect “se”. -! Reflexive “se”. 40 % 30 % 30 % 100 % Contrastive Grammar SPAN 302 Page 2 of 5 -! Reciprocal “se”. -! Emphatic or emotional “se”. -! Impersonal “se”. -! Passive “se”. -! Accidental “se”. CULTURAL OBJECTIVE -! Latin-American women Vocabulary: Sentir Sentirse Tener el presentimiento Tener la impresión Tener ganas de LESSON 2 Writing -! Auto-biographic and biographic Linguistic content -! Por vs. para. -! Object and people movement (por) / purpose (para). -! Opinion (por) / opinion (para). -! Partiality (estar por) / availability (estar para). Vocabulary: Extranjero Forastero Desconocido Extraño CULTURAL OBJECTIVE -! Sports and entertainment LESSON 3 Writing -! Essay Linguistic content -! Use of “por”. -! Unfinished actions (por). -! Passive voice (por). -! Quantity (por). -! Precision (por). CULTURAL OBJECTIVE Entertainment Vocabulary: Ilusionar Ilusionarse Hacerse ilusiones LESSON 4 Writing -! Analysis and Investigation Linguistic content -! “Ser vs. Estar”. -! “Ser” + adjective / “estar” + adjective. -! Passive voice (“ser”) /result (“estar”). Contrastive Grammar SPAN 302 Page 3 of 5 -! “Ser” + place expression / “estar” + place expression. -! “Ser de “origins, material, possession / “estar de “ adverbial expression. -! “Ser” / “estar” . -! “Ser” + time expression. -! “Estar” + gerund. CULTURAL OBJECTIVE -! Cry and laugh Vocabulary: Realizar Realizarse Darse cuenta Ir Viajar Montar Andar Pasear Manejar Conducir Llevar a alguien LESSON 5 Writing -! Portrait Linguistic content -! Uses of past and imperfect. -! Uses of present perfect and past perfect. Vocabulary: Doler Lastimar Herir Dañar Pegar Pegarse Pelearse Discutir CULTURAL OBJECTIVE -! To dream… day dreams LESSON 6 Linguistic content Passive voice “Se” as substitute of passive voice Vocabulary: Uso de ciertos verbos: Acabar Acordarse, recordar Andar, ir, irse Cuidar, cuidarse Dar Dejar CULTURAL OBJECTIVE -! The Spanish in México -! Mexicans & Language Contrastive Grammar SPAN 302 Page 4 of 5 LESSON 7 Linguistic content Cognates Idioms and proverbs Translating idioms Vocabulary: Hacer Hacerse, ponerse, llegar a ser, volverse Jugar, tocar Pensar de, pensar en CULTURAL OBJECTIVE -! Mexican Holidays LESSON 8 Linguistic content -! Lexicology and semantics -! Morphology and Syntax -! Phonetics and phonology -! Discourse analysis -! Rhetoric Vocabulary: Poner Quedar Saber, conocer Parecer, parecerse CULTURAL OBJECTIVE -! Food & Culture