Name:_______________________________________________ Date:______________ Sentence Match Quiz for Category: preterite_ir_verbs_1 Mark the sentence that matches each item below. 1) Nosotros le escribimos una carta al abogado. - A: We wrote a letter to the lawyer. - B: I preferred the comedy. - C: The matador left through the main door. - D: Which of the neckties did you prefer? 2) Yo también le escribí uno a la maestra. - A: We wrote a letter to the lawyer. - B: I also wrote one to the teacher. - C: The gentlemen wrote a letter to the lawyer. - D: The person that left the office is the boss. 3) Vivimos allí el año pasado. - A: We lived there last year. - B: We prefered to go out with our friends. - C: The Foundation wrote the code. - D: I preferred the comedy. 4) Yo escribí la carta esta mañana. - A: I wrote the letter this morning. - B: Which of the roads did they follow? - C: Why did you laugh at the man? - D: She left without saying goodbye. 5) Ella invirtió en la empresa. - A: Yes, we included employees of other companies. - B: We lived there last year. - C: She invested in the company. - D: The Foundation wrote the code that prohibits the sale of arms to certain countries. 6) ¿Ya los viste? - A: Mister López opened the conference. - B: I went out to have a soft drink. - C: The person that left the office is the boss. - D: Did you already see them? 7) Presumió que robaban el coche. - A: He supossed that they were stealing the car. - B: Which of the roads did they follow? - C: The matador left through the main door. - D: We lived there last year. 8) Los señores le escribieron una carta al abogado. - A: The gentlemen wrote a letter to the lawyer. - B: I also wrote one to the teacher. - C: We wrote a letter to the lawyer. - D: I preferred the comedy. 9) Escribió un libro sobre la España de Carlos V. - A: He wrote a book about the Spain of Carlos V. - B: The plane to London left 10 minutes ago. - C: Raúl and Víctor wrote a note. - D: We lived there last year. Copyright © 2016 - 5037f 1 Name:_______________________________________________ Date:______________ (continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: preterite_ir_verbs_1 Mark the sentence that matches each item below. 10) Ella salió sin despedirse. - A: I lived in an apartment. - B: The Foundation wrote the code that prohibits the sale of arms to certain countries. - C: Why did you laugh at the man? - D: She left without saying goodbye. 11) El señor López abrió la conferencia. - A: She invested in the company. - B: The gentlemen wrote a letter to the lawyer. - C: Raúl and Víctor wrote a note. - D: Mister López opened the conference. 12) Nosotros abrimos los regalos al despuntar el día. - A: We opened the gifts at day break. - B: Yes, we included employees of other companies. - C: Why did you laugh at the man? - D: The Foundation wrote the code that prohibits the sale of arms to certain countries. 13) Preferisteis comer en el restaurante. - A: Did you already see them? - B: He wrote a book about the Spain of Carlos V. - C: You guys preferred to eat in the restuarant. - D: She left without saying goodbye. 14) La Fundación escribió el código que prohibe la venta de armas a ciertos países. - A: Yesterday, we received an email from the boss. - B: Did you already see them? - C: She left without saying goodbye. - D: The Foundation wrote the code that prohibits the sale of arms to certain countries. 15) Raúl y Víctor escribieron una nota. - A: Raúl and Víctor wrote a note. - B: We opened the gifts at day break. - C: I preferred this beautiful garden. - D: The Foundation wrote the code. 16) Preferí este jardín hermoso. - A: Raúl and Víctor wrote a note. - B: Yesterday, we received an email from the boss. - C: I lived in an apartment. - D: I preferred this beautiful garden. 17) Mi madre salió del baño. - A: The gentlemen wrote a letter to the lawyer. - B: Raúl and Víctor wrote a note. - C: The matador left through the main door. - D: My mother left the bathroom. 18) ¿Cuál de los caminos siguieron? - A: We lived there last year. - B: She invested in the company. - C: Which of the neckties did you prefer? - D: Which of the roads did they follow? Copyright © 2016 - 5037f 2 Name:_______________________________________________ Date:______________ (continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: preterite_ir_verbs_1 Mark the sentence that matches each item below. 19) El torero salió por la puerta principal. - A: The matador left through the main door. - B: Yes, we included employees of other companies. - C: The Foundation wrote the code. - D: Mister López opened the conference. 20) Preferí aquella casa grande. - A: I preferred the comedy. - B: My mother left the bathroom. - C: She invested in the company. - D: I preferred that big house (over there). 21) ¿Cuál de las corbatas preferiste? - A: Which of the neckties did you prefer? - B: Yes, we included employees of other companies. - C: We lived there last year. - D: We wrote a letter to the lawyer. 22) Viví en un apartamento. - A: The plane to London left 10 minutes ago. - B: He wrote a book about the Spain of Carlos V. - C: I went out to have a soft drink. - D: I lived in an apartment. 23) Yo preferí la comedia. - A: I preferred the comedy. - B: Why did you laugh at the man? - C: The matador left through the main door. - D: We lived there last year. 24) La persona que salió de la oficina es el jefe. - A: The person that left the office is the boss. - B: He supossed that they were stealing the car. - C: We lived there last year. - D: I wrote the letter this morning. 25) El avión salió con destino Londres hace diez minutos. - A: We wrote a letter to the lawyer. - B: I lived in an apartment. - C: The plane to London left 10 minutes ago. - D: The gentlemen wrote a letter to the lawyer. 26) Juan compró los boletos en cuanto el parque abrió. - A: Which of the neckties did you prefer? - B: The gentlemen wrote a letter to the lawyer. - C: I also wrote one to the teacher. - D: John bought the tickets as soon as the park opened. 27) La Fundación escribió el código. - A: I lived in an apartment. - B: Mister López opened the conference. - C: The Foundation wrote the code. - D: Which of the roads did they follow? Copyright © 2016 - 5037f 3 Name:_______________________________________________ Date:______________ (continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: preterite_ir_verbs_1 Mark the sentence that matches each item below. 28) Preferimos salir con nuestras amigas. - A: The matador left through the main door. - B: I wrote the letter this morning. - C: We lived there last year. - D: We prefered to go out with our friends. 29) Si, incluimos empleados de otras empresas. - A: You guys preferred to eat in the restuarant. - B: Yes, we included employees of other companies. - C: We lived there last year. - D: The gentlemen wrote a letter to the lawyer. 30) Salí a tomarme un refresco. - A: I went out to have a soft drink. - B: Why did you laugh at the man? - C: I also wrote one to the teacher. - D: Which of the neckties did you prefer? 31) Ayer, recibimos un correo electrónico del jefe. - A: Yesterday, we received an email from the boss. - B: I went out to have a soft drink. - C: She left without saying goodbye. - D: She invested in the company. 32) ¿Por qué te reíste de ese señor? - A: Why did you laugh at the man? - B: Which of the roads did they follow? - C: Yes, we included employees of other companies. - D: She invested in the company. Copyright © 2016 - 5037f 4 Name:_______________________________________________ Date:______________ Answer Key for Worksheet 5037f Sentence Match Quiz starting on page 1 1 = A , 2 = B , 3 = A , 4 = A , 5 = C , 6 = D , 7 = A , 8 = A , 9 = A , 10 = D , 11 = D , 12 = A , 13 = C , 14 = D , 15 = A , 16 = D , 17 = D , 18 = D , 19 = A , 20 = D , 21 = A , 22 = D , 23 = A , 24 = A , 25 = C , 26 = D , 27 = C , 28 = D , 29 = B , 30 = A , 31 = A , 32 = A Copyright © 2016 - 5037f 5