Imperfect ir verbs 1

Sentence Match Quiz for Category: imperfect_ir_verbs_1
Mark the sentence that matches each item below.
1) Le decía que volviera.
- A: I told him that she would return.
- B: I was writing an article.
- C: He wrote to the singer.
- D: They were writing a letter.
2) Ellos escribían las tarjetas.
- A: They were writing the cards.
- B: We presumed that they were robbing the bank.
- C: I couldn't understand what he was saying.
- D: You were writing your name in the registers book of the hotel
3) Él escribía al cantante.
- A: He was writing to the singer.
- B: You all used to live near the entrance to the city.
- C: He wrote to the singer.
- D: They were writing the cards.
4) Nosotros escribíamos nuestro diario.
- A: We were writing our diary.
- B: I said that I was waiting for you in the airport.
- C: She was writing to her brother in law.
- D: I also was writing one to the teacher.
5) Ellas escribían una carta.
- A: What were you saying?
- B: I told him that she would return.
- C: They were writing a letter.
- D: I was writing her name in the check.
6) Yo escribía las notas.
- A: I couldn't understand what he was saying.
- B: You wrote to the church.
- C: I was asking him to try to directly understand the Spanish text.
- D: I wrote the notes.
7) Tú escribías a la iglesia.
- A: You wrote to the church.
- B: You all used to live near the entrance to the city.
- C: They were not paying attention to what I told them.
- D: I was writing an article.
8) Nosotros escribíamos notas en la biblioteca.
- A: I also was writing one to the teacher.
- B: We used to write notes in the library.
- C: He was writing to the singer.
- D: My grandparents, who arrived from Italy, lived in this town.
9) ¿Qué decías ?
- A: Here is the palace where the princess lived in.
- B: You wrote to the church.
- C: What were you saying?
- D: I was writing an article.
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(continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: imperfect_ir_verbs_1
Mark the sentence that matches each item below.
10) No pude entender lo que decía.
- A: She wrote to her mom.
- B: They were not paying attention to what I told them.
- C: I couldn't understand what he was saying.
- D: Here is the palace where the princess lived in.
11) Yo escribía el nombre de ella en el cheque.
- A: I was writing her name in the check.
- B: I told him that she would return.
- C: Because she was writing a poem to my mom.
- D: I wrote the notes.
12) Mis abuelos, quienes llegaron de Italia, vivían en este pueblo.
- A: He wrote to the singer.
- B: I was writing an article.
- C: My grandparents, who arrived from Italy, lived in this town.
- D: He was writing to the singer.
13) Venía cada día.
- A: I used to come every day.
- B: He was writing to the singer.
- C: I was writing an article.
- D: I told him that she would return.
14) Yo también escribía uno a la maestra.
- A: Well, as I was saying, before that I'll examine you.
- B: We were writing our diary.
- C: I told him that she would return.
- D: I also was writing one to the teacher.
15) Cuando vivía en París me encontraba con él a menudo.
- A: You wrote to the church.
- B: When I lived in Paris I used to ran into him sometimes.
- C: You all used to live near the entrance to the city.
- D: You were writing your name in the registers book of the hotel
16) Había mucha gente en la carretera porque alguien decía haber visto un oso en el río.
- A: He wrote to the singer.
- B: They were not paying attention to what I told them.
- C: You all used to live near the entrance to the city.
- D: There were many people on the road because someone said that they had seen a bear in the river.
17) Ella escribía a su cuñado.
- A: You were writing your name in the registers book of the hotel
- B: What were you saying?
- C: They were writing a letter.
- D: She was writing to her brother in law.
18) Vosotros vivíais cerca de la entrada a la ciudad.
- A: You all used to live near the entrance to the city.
- B: I used to come every day.
- C: I also was writing one to the teacher.
- D: She was writing to her mother.
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(continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: imperfect_ir_verbs_1
Mark the sentence that matches each item below.
19) Él escribía al cantante.
- A: He wrote to the singer.
- B: They were writing the cards.
- C: He was writing to the singer.
- D: They were writing a letter.
20) Yo escribía un artículo.
- A: They were writing a letter.
- B: You wrote to the church.
- C: We were writing our diary.
- D: I was writing an article.
21) Yo escribía un artículo.
- A: I was writing an article.
- B: My grandparents, who arrived from Italy, lived in this town.
- C: They were writing a letter.
- D: I said that I was waiting for you in the airport.
22) Ella escribía a su mamá.
- A: I said that I was waiting for you in the airport.
- B: I was asking him to try to directly understand the Spanish text.
- C: She wrote to her mom.
- D: There were many people on the road because someone said that they had seen a bear in the river.
23) Ellos no hacían caso de lo que les decía.
- A: She was writing to her mother.
- B: They were not paying attention to what I told them.
- C: When I lived in Paris I used to ran into him sometimes.
- D: He was writing to the singer.
24) Decía que te esperaba en el aeropuerto.
- A: I said that I was waiting for you in the airport.
- B: I was writing an article.
- C: I was asking him to try to directly understand the Spanish text.
- D: They were writing the cards.
25) Ella escribía a su mamá.
- A: She was writing to her mother.
- B: I was writing an article.
- C: Because she was writing a poem to my mom.
- D: You were writing your name in the registers book of the hotel
26) Los jóvenes de quienes te hablé vivían en un palacio.
- A: She wrote to her mom.
- B: You all used to live near the entrance to the city.
- C: I couldn't understand what he was saying.
- D: The guys whom I told you about lived in a palace.
27) Le pedía que intentara comprender directamente el texto español.
- A: She wrote to her mom.
- B: I was asking him to try to directly understand the Spanish text.
- C: My grandparents, who arrived from Italy, lived in this town.
- D: Because she was writing a poem to my mom.
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(continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: imperfect_ir_verbs_1
Mark the sentence that matches each item below.
28) Bueno, como le decía, antes le voy a hacer un exámen.
- A: Well, as I was saying, before that I'll examine you.
- B: Here is the palace where the princess lived in.
- C: I was writing an article.
- D: You all used to live near the entrance to the city.
29) Presumíamos que robaban el banco.
- A: We presumed that they were robbing the bank.
- B: You were writing your name in the registers book of the hotel
- C: I was writing her name in the check.
- D: You all used to live near the entrance to the city.
30) Tú escribías tu nombre en el libro de registros del hotel.
- A: Well, as I was saying, before that I'll examine you.
- B: We were writing our diary.
- C: Here is the palace where the princess lived in.
- D: You were writing your name in the registers book of the hotel
31) Porque ella escribía un poema a mi mamá.
- A: Well, as I was saying, before that I'll examine you.
- B: I was writing her name in the check.
- C: They were writing a letter.
- D: Because she was writing a poem to my mom.
32) Aquí está el palacio en el que vivía la princesa.
- A: He was writing to the singer.
- B: I said that I was waiting for you in the airport.
- C: I was writing her name in the check.
- D: Here is the palace where the princess lived in.
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Answer Key for Worksheet 8daa1
Sentence Match Quiz starting on page 1
1 = A , 2 = A , 3 = A , 4 = A , 5 = C , 6 = D , 7 = A , 8 = B , 9 = C , 10 = C , 11 = A , 12 = C , 13 = A , 14 = D , 15 = B , 16 = D ,
17 = D , 18 = A , 19 = A , 20 = D , 21 = A , 22 = C , 23 = B , 24 = A , 25 = A , 26 = D , 27 = B , 28 = A , 29 = A , 30 = D , 31 =
D , 32 = D
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