“RAFAEL CONTRERAS NAVARRO”ARTISTIC HIGH SCHOOL NINTH GRADE. FIRST PERIOD. EXERCISE RECOVERY. SUBJECT: ENGLISH. 19th APRIL 2.013 TEACHER: ANA DEL CARMEN MEJÍA ROJAS Joven estudiante: atento saludo. Usted debe presentar por escrito en hoja de examen cuadriculada o en hoja blanca tamaño oficio a mano, con orden y excelente ortografía las siguientes actividades. 1. Escribir en español y memorizar las siguientes palabras o frases a. tomorrow r. Musical b. yesterday s. musically c. next week t. curious d. Weekend u. athletic e. The day before yesterday v. imaginative f. Last Saturday w. nervous g. A week from tomorrow x. energetic h. The day after tomorrow y. coach i. Next Tuesday z. obstacle j. Two weeks ago aa. hormone k. Cheer bb. was born l. Cheerful cc. first goal m. Cheefully dd. gold medal n. Student ee. player soccer o. Studious p. Studiously q. Music 2. Complete las frases y respóndalas en inglés. a. What ______ your family like? b. What kind of inventions ______ you like? c. Who _____ you admire? Why? d. What ______ your city like? e. What qualities should a friend ________? f. How many cousin do you _________? g. What _______ your plans for the future? h. What _______ your favorite place to live? i. What kind of friends _______ you have? j. What kind of places ______ you like to visit? k. What hobbies ______ you have? l. What career ______ you like to study? m. Where _____ you study that career? n. What _____ you do in your leisure time? 3. Escriba el presente de los siguientes verbos y memorícelos: a. Happened p. b. Gave q. c. Opened r. d. Saw s. e. Had t. f. Told u. g. Thought v. h. Laughed w. i. Offered x. j. Decided y. k. Came z. l. Went m. Said n. Left o. Heard began Flew Went Bought Knew Did Danced Traveled Spent Worked Ran 4. Lee el texto y selecciona la respuesta correcta. A Special Christmas Present David wants to buy a Christmas present for a very special person, his mother. David’s father gives him $5.000 a week pocket money and David puts $2.000 a week into his bank account. After three months David takes 20.000 out of his bank account and goes to the shopping mall. He looks and looks for a perfect gift. Suddenly he sees a beautiful brooch in the shape of his favorite pet. He says to himself “mother loves jewelry, and the brooch costs only 17.000”. He buys the brooch and takes it home. He wraps the present in Christmas present paper and places it under the tree. He is very excited and he looking forward to Christmas morning to see the joy on his mother’s face. But when his mother opens the present she screams with fright because she sees a spider. 1. What does David want to buy his mother? A. a special birthday present B. a Christmas present C. a spider ring D. a pocket 2. Who gave the money to David? A. his pet B. his mother C. his father D. his spider 3. How much money does David have in the bank? A. $30.000 B. $20.000 C. $17.000 D. $5.000 4. What does David buy his mother? A. a ring B. a brooch C. a spider D. a Christmas 5. What does David do with the present when he takes it home? A. he is very excited B. he is not very happy C. he wraps it in Christmas paper D. his mother opened the Christmas present. 6. Where does David put the present? A. under the chimney B. under a spider C. under the mother D. under the tree 5. Escribe en ingles 10 frases en pasado simple y 10 en futuro con el auxiliar WILL REMEMBER: El Plan de Mejoramiento Académico desarrollado deberá ser entregado en la fecha que aparecerá estipulada en el formato que recibirá su acudiente el día de la entrega de boletines. Una vez entregado dicho plan, usted deberá presentar una evaluación escrita sobre la temática tratada. Esta evaluación se realizará a las 2:30 de la tarde en el aula del docente responsable de la asignatura y en la fecha que se estipule posteriormente. Cualquier inquietud o duda, se le aclarará el día de la asesoría.