Asignatura: 5156 Llengua Anglesa i la seva Didactica IV (Literatura Anglesa)
Curs: 3er. Especialitat Mestre de Llengua Estrangera
Tipus: Troncal
Període: 2n. Quatrimestre 2004-2005
Nombre de credits assignats: 6 (4.5T+1.5P )
Desdoblament de grups: 1 GT, 2GP
Prerequisits: Cap
Nom del professor: Joana M. Seguí Aznar
Despatx: nº 6
Edifici: Beatriu de Pinòs
Tel.: 971 173349
Fax: 971 172309
e-mail: jmsegui@uib
1r. quadrimestre: Mon. or Tues. 17.00pm- 18.00pm/ wed. 12.00pm- 13.00pm
2n quadrimestre: Thurs. 11.00am - 13.00pm / Mon. or Tues. 17.00pm- 18.00pm
and by appointment through email or telephone.
An Introduction to English Literature (Theory and Practice)
The aim of this course is to introduce students in the most important literary authors and
movements of the English Literature through their study and the analysis of their work.
This is a six credits subject divided as follows:
1. 4.5 Theoretical credits which will content the following:
The Beginning of the English Literature. Beouwulf. Introduction to the Middle English
Literature. Chaucer and the significance of his literary work.
Origins of the Drama. "University Wits". Marlowe and Kyd.
Elizabethan England. Shakespeare: the man, his environement and his plays.
The Seventeen Century. Puritanism. John Milton and his literary work.
The Restaurationand and the satirical spirit of an age. Satire in Dryden, Pope, Defoe y
Swift. The journalistic essay of Addison y Steele.
The beginning of the novel as a literary genre. Richardson and the epistolary novel.
Fielding and his view of the society. The world of Jane Austen.
The Victorian Age. The thematical originality of Emily Brontë. Charles Dickens and
the social novel. Thomas Hardy and his insight in the country life.
The Romantic Period. Early Nineteenth Century Poets and Later Nineteenth Century
Introduction to the Contemporary English Drama. The Irish Drama: Yeats, Synge and
Tendencies and Trends of the Contemporary English Novel. Personal experiences and
the idea of time in James Joyce and Virginia Woolf.
Individualism and the value of nature in D. H. Lawrence. The Futuristic fantasy of A.
Huxley. The problematic issues in the literary work of Evelyn Waugh y Graham Green.
Tecniques and attitudes in the contemporary English Poetry. The poetic work T. S.
Elliot. Dylan Thomas and the power of his poetic language.
The Short Story as an important genre in the English Literature. Roald Dahl, Elizabeth
Bowen, Katherine Mansfield, A. Sillitoe, Muriel Spark, William Trevor and others.
2. 1.5 Practical credits which will consist in the close reading of several extracts,
poems and short stories from selected writers, as a way to apply the theory to the
practice. The readings will be from the book Bonds of Love and from the handouts that
students would be able to collect at the Photocopy Desk.
A) Objectives
The aim of this course is to provide students with an essential introduction to English
Literature as well as to present students with the basic skills and tools to investigate the
subject with confidence.
The number of texts to be read is low, deliberately so, in order that students can
become familiar with each of them and will therefore be able to take full part in
class discussions and group work.
There will also be a selection of short stories, poems and extracts from novels
distributed in photocopy form as and when required
B) Course Assignments
1. All texts must be read
2. Written essay on a topic given by the teacher or selected by the student.
C) Assessment
This will be based on three criteria:
1. Class attendance and students contribution in class discussions.
2. Written essay on a topic given by the teacher or selected by the student
3. A written examination at the end of the course: Theory and Practice. 50% each
This final written examination will be based on a close analysis of several texts and
parting from these texts the historical background, the literary movements and the life
and the work of the authors must be explained. There will also be some questions about
precise points of English Literature.
Reading list 2004-2005
Course Books
ƒ Thornley, G.C. & Roberts, G. An Outline of English Literature. Longman
ƒ Corrado, Guglielmo and Stagno, Laura. Bonds of Love.Web of Themes
Collection. Black Cat Readers.Vicens Vives
Modelos de estudiar la Literatura
Literary terms
Schematic Historical Overview (American literature)
Anatomy of a Play
Video List
Diccionario Oxford avanzado para Estudiantes de Inglés. Inglés-Español, EspañolInglés. Oxford University Press, 1996.
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Oxford University Press.
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. Longman.
Reference Books:
Baugh, A. A Literary History of England. Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Blamires, H. Twentieth Century English Literature. Macmillan.
Bradley. Shakespearean Tragedies. MacMillan
Bowra. The Romantic Imagination. Oxford University Press
Burgess. The Novel Now. Faber.
Cunliffe. The Literature of the United States. Penguin.
Chase. The American Novel and Its Tradition.
Daiches, D. A Critical History of English Literature. Secker and Warburg.
Dobree. Shakespeare: The Writer and His Work. Longman.
Estudios sobre teatro inglés contemporáneo. UNED
Evans. A Short History of English Drama. MacGibban
Ford, B. The New Pelican Guide to English Literature. Penguin.
Gascoigne, B. Twentieth Century Drama. Hutchinson.
Jotterand, F. El Nuevo Teatro Norteamericano. Seix Barral.
Kettle, A. An Introduction to the English Novel. Harper.
Legouis and Cazamian. A History of English Literature. Dent.
Lozano. El Tema del Regreso en la Literatura Norteamericana.
Madden. The Art of Victorian Prose. Oxford University Press.
Saporta. Historia de la Novela Norteamericana.
The Cambridge History of English Literature. Cambridge University Press.
The Oxford Companion to American Literature. Oxford University Press.
The Oxford Book of English Romantic Verse. Oxford University Press
The Cambridge History of American Literature. Cambridge University Press.