Book and Resource Acquisition Year Group Subject 1 Geography 2 3 4 Title/Item 2016 Author/Make ISBN Edition KELLY,David & FRETWELL,Muriel 9780199129317 2012 Geography COMPLETE GEOGRAPHY FOR CAMBRIDGE IGCSE (They use it for 4 years) As above, one copy for 4 years As above, one copy for 4 years As above, one copy for 4 years 5 Geografía Argentina Huellas Geografía 5 Sociedad y Economia en la Argentina Actual 9789500113564 2012 5 IB SL Geography GEOGRAPHY FOR THE IB DIPLOMA:Patterns & Change Luis Domínguez Roca | Silvia González | Carolina García || Raquel Alvarado Quetgles | Ricardo Apaolaza || Fernanda González Maraschio | y otros| Coordinación del área de Ciencias Sociales: Víctor Sabanes | GUINNESS,Paul 9780521147330 2010 5 IB HISTORY SL THE COLD WAR 9781444156478 2013 5 IB HISTORY HL THE COLD WAR AND THE AMERICAS 9781444156591 2012 5 IB ECONOMICS ECONOMICS COURSE COMPANION 2 ed. 9780198390008 2012 5&6 IB Maths Graphic Calculator (CASIO) any of the following:FX9750 G Plus or GII CFX 9850 Plus Serie FX 9860 Serie CG (FXCG10/20) David G. Williamson HODDER EDUCATION Vivienne Sanders HODDER EDUCATION Jocelyn Blink & Ian Dorton OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Casio nd