Jorge García Segovia. Mr. García Segovia has served as Co-Chief Executive Officer of Operadora de Bolsa, S.A. de C.V., for the northern region of Mexico. In Banca Serfin, S.A., he has served as Executive Officer of the International, Trust, Mortgage, and Credit Cards departments in the northern region, as Executive Officer of Credit Recovery, nationwide, and Executive Officer of Commercial Banking for the northern region of Mexico. He participated in Vector Casa de Bolsa, S.A., as executive associate from 2000 to 2004. He has been an alternate member of the Company´s Board of Directors since 2002, and furthermore he has been member of the Board of Directors of Cemex México, S.A. de C.V., Ameq de México, S.A. de C.V., Koviva, S.A. de C.V., FOINBRA, SAPI de CV, Fundación Jesús M. Montemayor, Club Deportivo de Cazadores Monterrey, A.C., Consejo Estatal de Flora y Fauna Silvestre de Nuevo León, A.C. and Casino Monterrey, A.C. He held the position of Honorary Consul of Slovenia, with jurisdiction in the northern region of Mexico, and acted as member and Treasurer of the H. Cuerpo Consular de Monterrey. He has also participated as Chairman of Club de Niños y Niñas de Nuevo León, A.B.P.,a beneficiary company focused on supporting academic, cultural and sport programs for children with scarce resources. Mr. García Segovia graduated from I.T.E.S.M. as Bio-Chemical Engineer and coursed a certification program in Finances. Herbert Arturo de Sola Wright. Mr. De Sola, was born in El Salvador, and he is one of two directive partners of Sola´s Group, a family company founded in 1896 that operates, principally, in Central America. He has more than 40 years of experience in the public, gremial and private sectors and he has participated in different industries such as the coffee, hotel, finance and real estate development industries. He has been an alternate member of the Company´s Board of Directors since 2013 and he is currently the chairman of Hospiteum, a regional Central America hotel chain that owns and operates Hilton hotels in Central America. He is Vice-President of the Exporting Union, coffee exporting beneficiary associated with the Japanese Company Itochu Corp., that exports coffee from El Salvador and Guatemala. He also serves as active Chief Officer of the Executive Board of Inversiones Bolívar SA de CV, real estate developer in El Salvador, Honduras and Costa Rica. In the sugar industry, Herbert is Chief Officer of the company that produces and exports sugar and electric energy in El Salvador. The four decades of performance have allowed Mr. de Sola to develope excellent institutional and personal relations in Central and South America, among other regions. Jaime Espinosa de los Monteros Cadena. Mr. Espinosa de los Monteros is currently a partner and Officer of Excelencia Total en Servicios Corporativos and has been Chief Financial Officer of Mexicana de Aviación; Credit Coordinator and Portfolio Manager of INFONAVIT; Co-Chief Executive Officer of Crédito Hipotecario, Grupo Financiero Bancrecer; Executive President of Finacom, S.A. de C.V., holding several management positions at Banca Serfin; Chief Financial Officer of Ediciones Larousse; Chief Financial Officer of Compañía Mexicana de Seguros de Crédito. Additionally, Mr. Espinosa de los Monteros is a specialist in bankruptcy proceedings and he has been appointed as inspector in some bankruptcy proceedings. He is an alternate member of the Board of Directors of the Company since 2013, and he is currently the Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Company. He has participated and currently participates in several Audit Committees (as Chairman in some cases) including, without limitation, the following companies: Royal Bank of Scotland, Afianzadora Insurgentes Aserta, Bancomext, Sociedad Hipotecaria Federal y Seguros Hipotecarios, Consorcio Hogar, S.A. de C.V., Fincomún (Sociedad Financiera Popular), Sociedad de Fomento a la Educación Superior, SOFOM, Unión de Crédito de la Industria Litográfica, Banco de Ahorro Nacional y Servicios Financieros (Bansefi), Fincasa, and Ixe Banco, among others. He has taught at the Accounting and Management Department of UNAM since 1970. He has been a member of Instituto Mexicano de Ejecutivos de Finanzas, A.C., Instituto Mexicano de Contadores Públicos, Colegio de Contadores Públicos de México, and Asociación Mexicana de Bancos, and he was part of the negotiating team of the financial sector for the NAFTA. Mr. Espinosa de los Monteros is a Certified Public Accountant. He graduated from the Accounting and Management Department of UNAM and has taken several courses of management and banking administration, and bankrupcty, among others. José Antonio Contreras Leyva. Mr. Contreras is Managing Partner of WAMEX Private Equity, a Mexican company that was founded in 1999 that manages the private equity funds MIF I and MIF II. He has been an alternate member of the Board of Directors of the Company since 2010, and he is currently the Chairman of the Corporate Practices Committee. He specialized in investment banking and strategic consulting before participating in WAMEX. He was Executive Officer of Investment Banking in OBSA Serfin (1993-1997), where he has in charge of Mergers and Acquisitions, originating and executing purchase and sale mandates for private and public companies, and structuring joint-ventures and privatizations. He was a consultant at Booz, Allen & Hamilton (19861993), where he rendered services in Mexico, United States, Canada and South America, and he specialized in strategic and financial advice. He is a member of several boards of directors and he has a Mechanical Engineering title from Universidad Anáhuac and an MBA title from Wharton, University of Pennsylvania. Sergio del Valle Cantú. Mr. del Valle has been a Partner at WAMEX Private Equity, a Mexican private equity company, since 2001. Mr. del Valle is responsible for several portfolio companies, operations of the funds and investor relations. Mr. del Valle serves as statutory member of the Boards of Directors of the Company since 2010, and is currently member of the Company´s Audit Committee. He currently serves as member of the board of director and committees of KUA Mex Foods and Productos Medix, and has served as a member of the boards of directors of several portfolio companies of the funds managed by WAMEX. Mr. del Valle previously worked in the mergers and acquisitions and corporate finance areas at Bankers Trust, which was acquired by Deutsche Bank, Grupo Televisa and OBSA Serfin. Mr. del Valle has a graduate degree from the Instituto Panamericano de Alta Dirección de Empresas (IPADE) and an engineering degree from the Universidad Panamericana. Luis A. Chapa González. Mr. Chapa González has served since the year 2002 as Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer of Iconn and 7-Eleven México S.A. de C.V., where with the support and talent of his executive team has achieved the development and transformation from a family company founded in 1923 into a private corporation implementing the best corporate governance practices. He is also member of the board of directors of STIVA, Recuperaciones Industriales Internacionales (RIISA), MDI Contact Center, and Chairman of the Investigation Board of Retail for Latin America, The Coca Cola Company, Consultant Member of TELMEX Northern Region, Regional member of Scotiabank and Banamex, member of the Executive Board and Chairman member of the Finance Committee of the Universidad de Monterrey (UDEM), member of COPARMEX Nuevo León, member of Fundación Ricardo, Andrés y José A. Chapa González A.C. (a non-profit organization who attends through Beneficiary Institutions the basic needs of the community in the areas of education, health, social assistance, and moral development). Mr. Chapa González has a degree as an Industrial and Systems Engineer with honors from the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM), and continued with his post graduate education with Advance Marketing Program in Texas University and with the Alta Dirección de Empresas AD II del IPADE, the Executive Program for Growing Companies of Stanford University as well as with the Executive Program Leadership & Strategy in the IMD of Switzerland. Alejandra Smith. Alejandra Smith is CEO and Co-founder of Edge, a consultant boutique office with 8 years of experience in advising leader companies in order to grow its position in the market through different geographic areas and categories. She has participated as independent member of different Board of Directors, including Bepensa, Kua Foods and Zurich, among others, and Chairman of the Evaluation and Compensation Committee of Bepensa. She previously worked for 20 years in developing business, brands and company teams for Fortune 100 companies (Procter & Gamble and PepsiCo) in North America, Latin America, and Asia Pacific. She has strong experience in management, focusing in sales and marketing. She has a Business Administration Degree, focused in Economics by ITAM (Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México).