SETTING OUT Carol Perry John Eastman Título: Setting Out Autores: © Carol Perry John Eastman Curtis I.S.B.N.: 84-8454-463-X Depósito legal: A-897-2005 Edita: Editorial Club Universitario Telf.: 96 567 61 33 C/ Cottolengo, 25 - San Vicente (Alicante) Printed in Spain Imprime: Imprenta Gamma Telf.: 965 67 19 87 C/. Cottolengo, 25 - San Vicente (Alicante) [email protected] Reservados todos los derechos. Ni la totalidad ni parte de este libro puede reproducirse o transmitirse por ningún procedimiento electrónico o mecánico, incluyendo fotocopia, grabación magnética o cualquier almacenamiento de información o sistema de reproducción, sin permiso previo y por escrito de los titulares del Copyright To our long-suffering spouses Pepe and María Jesús THE AUTHORS Carol Perry With over thirty years’ teaching experience in France, England and Spain, in private language centres and Official Schools of Languages in Spain, she is currently at the Official Schoool of Languages in Elche, Alicante. She has also participated on numerous occasions as a speaker at national language congresses and at local teacher-training centres. John Eastman He has taught for 30 years at the Official School of Languages in Alicante, and has concurrently been a teacher at the University of Alicante for the last fifteen years. His principal interests are the psychological processes and teaching of listening comprehension, the subject of his doctorate and of several articles. He has also published a book on composition-writing. THANKS We would like to thank our respective partners and families for their patience for the many times they have had to do without us at weekends and during the holidays. Our thanks also to the students at the Alicante Official School of Languages who tried out all the exercises and made suggestions for improvements. INDEX INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................i-iv 1. UP and DOWN............................................................................................................................ 1 2 IN - OUT - INTO - OUT OF ....................................................................................................... 5 3 IN - INTO - OUT - OUT OF ....................................................................................................... 9 4 GET UP - GET DOWN - GET IN ............................................................................................ 13 5 FIXED COMBINATIONS........................................................................................................ 17 CONSOLIDATION UNITS 1 - 5 ............................................................................................ 21 6 ON and OFF .............................................................................................................................. 27 7 UP and DOWN - IN and OUT .................................................................................................. 31 8 TRAVELLING and TRANSPORT........................................................................................... 35 9 LITERAL and NON-LITERAL PARTICLES.......................................................................... 41 10 AWAY and BACK, FROM and TO ......................................................................................... 45 CONSOLIDATION UNITS 6 - 10 .......................................................................................... 49 11 BE… UP, OUT, IN, AWAY or BACK..................................................................................... 55 12 SEPARABLE VERBS: PUT and TAKE .................................................................................. 59 13 MOVING… PEOPLE and THINGS............................................................................................. 65 14 MORE ABOUT SEPARABLE VERBS ................................................................................... 69 15 USING MACHINES ................................................................................................................. 73 CONSOLIDATION UNITS 11 - 15 ........................................................................................ 77 16 WORD ORDER ........................................................................................................................ 81 17 ODDS and ENDS ...................................................................................................................... 87 18 T.A.F! ........................................................................................................................................ 91 CONSOLIDATION UNITS 16 - 18 ........................................................................................ 95 THE MAN IN BLACK ..................................................................................................................... 99 ANSWER KEY ............................................................................................................................... 109 MY MINI-DICTIONARY OF MULTIWORD VERBS................................................................. 125 WHAT ARE MULTIWORD VERBS? 1) EL VERBO: DISTINTOS TIPOS a) Single word verbs: son los verbos que no necesitan ninguna partícula ni estructuralmente, ni para el significado • I like chocolate. • He watched television last night. b) Multiword verbs: son verbos que constan de un verbo + una ó dos partículas, bien estructuralmente o bien para completar el sentido. Pueden ser de distintos tipos: i) Los verbos que añaden una partícula sólo si hay un complemento. La partícula no cambia el sentido del verbo. • She talks a lot. She is talking to me. • Look! Look at that plane! • Listen to me, please. Listen carefully. • Shh! I’m thinking. I’m thinking about my wedding. ii) Los verbos intransitivos (que no tienen complemento directo) que llevan una partícula indicando la dirección del verbo. verbo + preposición + complemento • He ran up the hill. (Where did he run? – Up the hill.) • They walked out of classroom.) the classroom. (Where did they walk? – Out of the verbo + partícula adverbial: a menudo por el contexto no es necesario mencionar el complemento • He ran up. • They walked out. iii) Los verbos transitivos (que tienen complemento propio) con una partícula indicando dirección. verbo + complemento + preposición + complemento • He put the book into his briefcase. (Where did he put the book? – Into his briefcase.) • She took her clothes out of the suitcase. (Where did she take the clothes from? – Out of the suitcase.) verbo + complemento + partícula adverbial (por el contexto no es necesario mencionar el complemento) • He put the book in. • She took her clothes out. iv) Los verbos que necesitan una partícula para cambiar o matizar el sentido original del verbo. A) Verbo + partícula i INTRODUCTION • He got up early. • The plane took off. (despegar) B) verbo + preposición + complemento • He heard from his sister in America last week. (recibir una carta de alguién) C) verbo + complemento + partícula • Can you switch the light off, please? • They picked their books up. D) verbo + partícula + partícula + complemento • She gets on with her students. (llevarse bien con alguién) 2) ENGLISH / SPANISH Muchas veces los verbos funcionan de distinta manera en inglés y en español. Hay verbos en español que serían ‘single word verbs’, mientras que en inglés son ‘multiword verbs’. He put his hand in his pocket. > Metió la mano en el bolsillo He put some money in the bank > Ingresó / metió / puso dinero en el banco. They get on well. > Se llevan bien. He switched the lights on. > Encendió las luces. Sobre todo hay que tener cuidado con los verbos de manera y movimiento. He ran down the hill > Bajó la colina corriendo. The birds flew up > Los pájaros subieron volando. She walked across the street. > Cruzó la calle andando.. She hurried across the street > Cruzó la calle a prisa. En inglés expresamos la manera con el verbo, y la dirección con la partícula. En español se expresa la manera con el gerundio, mientras que la dirección se expresa con el verbo. Hay que tener especial cuidado con los verbos de dirección en español que no indican la manera. En inglés habrá que distinguir entre ‘come’ and ‘go’. Entró y se sentó a hablar conmigo. > He came in and sat down to talk to me. Entró y empezó a dar la clase. Me quedé fuera, esperándole. Al final me llamó. Me dijo, “Entra!” Así que entré yo también. > He went in and started teaching. I stayed outside, waiting for him. In the end he called me. He said, “Come in!” So I went in, too. 3) SEPARABLE VERBS El grupo más grande de multiword verbs son los llamados “separable verbs” (más de 3000). Se llaman así porque podemos elegir el orden del complemento y partícula. Se puede separar o no el verbo de su particula con el complemento. ii • He switched the lights on / He switched on the lights and looked for his keys. • They picked up their books and looked at page 60. / They picked their books up and looked at page 60. SETTING OUT El infinitivo debe indicar por la posición del complemento si el verbo es separable o no. • switch something on (separable) / look for something (orden invariable) • pick something up (separable) / look at something (orden invariable) UNA AYUDA. Hay ocho partículas que se usan mucho con este tipo de verbo separable: UP DOWN IN OUT ON OFF AWAY BACK 4) SIGNIFICADO En cuanto al significado de los multiword verbs, los hay de tres tipos: i) VERBS WITH A LITERAL MEANING: los que mantienen el significado original del verbo y de la partícula. Se pueden combinar de distintas maneras. • They drove away.She drove off. We drove down. • The painter fell down. The glass fell off. ii) VERBS WITH A NON-LITERAL PARTICLE: los que mantienen el significado original del verbo, pero la partícula añade otros matices. • She put her clothes away. (put sigue siginificando poner, pero usado con away significa guardar) iii) FIXED COMBINATION VERBS: los que cobran un significado totalmente distinto al combinarse con la partícula • The plane took off at six o’clock. • He got up early last Sunday. LAS PARTÍCULAS, UNA AYUDA: a veces la partícula nos puede dar pistas para el significado de los verbos. UP: i) a/en posición vertical • He got up • They put the lamp post up. • We stood up. • You can’t speak to him now. He isn’t up. He went to bed very late last night. ii) hacia arriba • She drove up the hill. She drove up. • I took the towels upstairs. I took them up. iii) aumentar • Please turn the volume up. I can’t hear. iii INTRODUCTION Finalmente algunos verbos pueden tener más de un significado. PICK SOMETHING or SOMEONE UP • Pick up your toys, please.(recoger del suelo) • If you like, I can pick you up after work. (recoger a alguién) • It’s easy to pick up English if you live in England.(aprender sobre la marcha) • She has picked up a cold. (resfriarse.) TAKE SOMETHING OFF / TAKE OFF • At night we take our clothes off and put our pyjamas on. • The plane takes off at six. Don’t worry. Be happy! Multiword verbs are fun! iv 1 UP and DOWN ________________________________________________________________________ INFORMATION LIFTS - Excuse me. Where is the personnel manager's office, please? - Go up to the second floor, and it's opposite the lift. You can go up the stairs, or you can go up in the lift. - Thanks a lot. ________________________________________________________________________ go up and go down Look at these pictures: Mark’s going down the stairs I’m going up the stairs I’m going down the stairs Jenny’s going up the stairs 1 Fill in the gaps with up or down: 1 Jenny isn't going ............... the stairs. 2 Mark isn’t going ............... the stairs. 3 Is Jenny going ................ the stairs? 4 Who is going .................. the stairs? Jenny is. 5 Who is going .................. the stairs? 6 Is Mark going …………. or ………… the stairs? No, she isn't. Mark is. Look at these questions and answers about Jenny: 2 What is Jenny doing? She’s going up the stairs. What is she going up? The stairs. Now fill in the gaps in these questions about Mark: 1 …………………….. is Mark doing? He’s going down the stairs. 2 ……………………. Is he going ……………………? The stairs. 1