GESTION ACADEMICA FECHA: MEDELLÍN __14___ DE __JULIO_______DE___ 201_5___ TALLER DE RECUPERACION SEGUNDO PERIODO Pagina n° _____ INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA EL PINAL “Un comienzo basado en el respeto y la convivencia para lograr la excelencia” ASIGNATURA /AREA INGLÉS GRADO: 7 PERÍODO SEGUNDO AÑO: 201_5___ NOMBRE DEL ESTUDIANTE NOMBRE DEL DOCENTE TEMA(AS): DAFLI ENRIQUE PALACIOS HERNÁNDEZ , El impersonal there be, Uso de la expresión have to Reading comprehension. ACTIVIDADES PRÁCTICAS A DESARROLLAR: RECURSOS: Diccionarios, guías de talleres, libros, internet. Cuaderno de notas (Actividades en clase) Consultas en enciclopedias, Personas calificadas e idóneas en el área. OBSERVACIONES: El estudiante, debe entregar el taller en la fecha asignada. Las actividades, el Estudiante, las debe entregar en hojas tamaño carta, bien presentadas, usando las normas de icontec. El “taller de 8° estará disponible en la página de la institución, en coordinación académica. El estudiante, debe desarrollar las actividades, correctamente, completas, estudiar bien y sustentar en forma oral y /o escrita en las fechas asignadas. El estudiante debe leer y releer bien cada una de las actividades e instrucciones, antes de tomar cualquier decisión. FECHA DE ENTREGA DEL TRABAJO JULIO 21 al 24 DE 2015 FECHA DE SUSTENTACIÓN FIRMA DEL DOCENTE DAFLI ENRIQUE PALACIOS HERNÁNDEZ JULIO 21 al 24 DE 2015 ACTIVIDADES PRÁCTICAS A DESARROLLAR 1. Investigue cuál es el Impersonal en inglés y escribe oraciones en presente, pasado y futuro en las formas afirmativa, negativa, e interrogativa. 2. COMPRENSIÓN DE LECTURA Lea el texto dado a continuación tradúcelo al español y luego responda las preguntas. A rich old woman lived in luxury in a large house in an expensive part of town. Due to old age, however, her sight grew worse until eventually she was totally blind. One day she heard about a physician who had recently moved into her area. As he had a reputation for successfully treating blindness, she asked him to visit her. The physician said he could help her see again, but he asked such an unreasonably high price that the old woman was shocked. “ I will pay you what you ask, “said the woman, “but only on the condition that you cure me, If you do not, you shall receive nothing.” So the physician began weekly visits to her home to treat her eyes. Thinking that the woman would not enjoy her wealth for long, after every visit he took with him an item from the house. He continued coming every week and soon he had stolen everything valuable. After many more visits, the woman was able to see again and the physician demanded payment, however, when the woman saw what had happened, she refused to pay and so the physician took her to court. When the judge had heard the physician’s story, it was time for the old woman to speak, “Sir, it is true that I promised to pay this man, but only if he cures me,” said the woman. “He says he has made me see again but I disagree. Before my blindness, I could see paintings on my walls and gold and silver in my cabinet. Now, I see nono of it.” Responda las siguientes preguntas de acuerdo con el texto anterior. 1. The old woman. A. had been blind all her life B. Moved to a nice area because of her blindness. C. Had recently become blind. D. Wanted to see everything before she became blind. 2. Why did the old woman want to see the physician? A. He was the only physician in the area, B. He was well-known for curing the blind. C. The woman was rich. D. The woman’s sight was getting worse. 3. The physician wanted to be paid… A. If he cured her. B. In advance. C. In property. D. More than was fair. 4. A. B. C. D. In court, the woman implied that the physician had … Not cured her. Stolen painting, gold and silver. Cured her but stolen her money. Asked too much money. ACTIVIDADES: lee y analiza comprensivamente el texto dado a continuación y marca solamente, la respuesta correcta que hay en cada pregunta, Traduce al español la lectura READING COMPREHENSION Exactly midday, when all the workers were in the lunchroom having lunch, the president of the company stepped on the platform. Next to him was a worker in a bright, clean suit. “ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to speak to you today about American industry and how it rewards who work hard. This true American success story is an inspiration to all of us. The man next to me started work here only a year ago at the basic wage. He worked. So hard this wages increased every week by $100. He started as an ordinary worker. After only one month he was a group leader and we doubled his salary. A month later, he became foreman and we increased his salary again. Half way through the year he became manager of a small division so we tripled his salary. and today, it is my great pleasure to announce his appointment as senior vice president of the company with a salary of $1.000.000 a year.” The president of the company turned to the worker and shook his hand. “Congratulations, young man!” he said. “Gee, thanks, dad,” replied the worker. Choose the correct answer according before reading: 5 When did president address the workers? a. Before lunch b. After lunch c. At 12 o’clock d. Every body 5. When did young man start work in the company a. b. c. d. 12 months earlier Several years Half way through two years Several years later 7. When did they increase his salary by 100%? a. After a week b. After a month c. After a year d. After a day 8.. a. b. c. d. 9.. a. b. c. d. 10. a. b. c. d. When did he first become a manager? after a month after about six months when he became vice president. after a year who was the worker’s father? the young man the senior vice president the president the mayor what were the workers doing at 12 o’clock? they were sleeping they were working at their desks they were having lunch they were having dinner