JEFFERSON COUNTY ELECTIONS POLL WORKER APPLICATION (APLICACION DE TRABAJADOR ELECTORAL) Please provide the following information and return the completed application to the Jefferson County Elections Department via mail, e-mail, fax, or hand delivery to: (Por favor llene toda al informacion en la solicitud y devuelvala al departamento de Elecciones del Condado de Jefferson via e-mail, fax, o entrega personal a:) Naomi Doyle, Election Manager (Elección Sustantivo) 1001 N. Pearl St. – Physical Address (Dirección Física) P.O. Box 1151 – Mailing Address (Dirección Postal) Beaumont, TX 77701 409.835.8760 or 409.722.4637 (phone/teléfono) ■ 409.839.2394 (fax) [email protected] Name: _____________________________________________ Voter Reg. #: ____________________ (Nombre) (# Reg, de Votante) Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ (Direccion) City (Ciudad) State (Estado) Zip Code (C, postal) Precinct in which you reside: ________________ (Precinto donde Ud vive) Contact Numbers: ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ (Num,Telefonico) Home (Casa) Work (Trabajo) Cell (Cellular) E-Mail Address: ______________________________________________________________________ (Correo E-Mail) Have you ever worked as a Poll Worker in Jefferson County? (Ha trbajado Ud, como Trabajador Electoral en el Condado de Jefferson?) ___ Yes (Si) ___ No (No) Do you speak any languages fluently other than English? (Habla Ud, otro idioma aparte del Ingles?) ___ Yes (Si) ___ No (No) If yes, please specify: __________________________________________________________ (De ser asi cual) Would you accept an assignment at another precinct other than your own? ___ Yes (Si) (Aceptaria Ud, ser asignado a otro precinto diferente al suyo?) Do you have prior experience as an election official from another jurisdiction? (No) (Tiene Ud, previa experiencia como un oficial electoral de otro Condado o jurisdiccion?) Do you have a political party affiliation? (Esta Ud, afiliado a un partido politico?) ___ No (No) ___ Yes (Si) ___ Yes (Si) ___ No ___ No (No) If yes, please specify: __________________________________________________________ (De ser asi cual) Page (Pajina) 1 of 2 PLEASE COMPLETE BOTH SIDES. (POR FAVOR LLENE LOS DOS LADOS.) JEFFERSON COUNTY ELECTIONS Please list the area(s) of Jefferson County you would be willing to work: (Haga una lista de areas donde estaria dispuesto a trabajar en el Condado de Jefferson:) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Please check any position(s) you would be willing to work. (Marque los pestos que desea desempenar.) ___ Judge (Juez) ___ Early Voting Clerk (Secretario de Elecciones Adelantada) ___ Alternate Judge (Juez Alterno) ___ Early Voting Ballot Board (Junta de Votacion de Elceciones Adelantada) ___ Clerk (Secretario) ___ Emergency Election Judge/Clerk (Juez/Secretario de Elecciones de Emergencia) Please check any election(s) you would be willing to work. (Marque los pestos de Elecciones que desea desempenar.) ___ Primary Elections (March) (Elecciones Primarias (Marzo)) ___ Special Elections (May) (Elecciones Especiales (Mayo)) ___ Primary Run-Off Elections (April) (Desempate de Elecciones Primarias (Abril)) ___ General/Constitutional Amendment Elections (November) (General/Constitucion Enmienda Electoral (Noviembre)) ___ Special Elections (November) (Elecciones Especiales (Noviembre)) Please indicate any person(s) who you know that may be interested and willing to serve as a poll worker at polling locations during Jefferson County elections. (Si Ud, conoce a personas que estan interesadas y dispestas a server como Trabajadores(as) Electorales Durante las Elecciones en el Condado de Jefferson anote sus Nombres.) Name (Nombre) Address (Direccion) Telephone Number(Numero de Telefono) _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Comments: (Comentarios:) ________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Signature (Firma) Date (Fecha) Page (Pajina) 2 of 2 PLEASE COMPLETE BOTH SIDES. (POR FAVOR LLENE LOS DOS LADOS.)