the spanish points system explained

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The Spanish points system starts out with 8 points for those who have
had their licence for less than 3 years, and 12 for those that have held it
for 3 years or more.
If you do not commit any traffic offence that causes points to be
deducted from your licence, for a period of 3 years, you obtain another 2
points if this situation continues for another 3 years, another 1. Totalling
15 points max.
If you have lost a substantial part of your points, but not all, you have the
opportunity to recuperate points. Two possibilities:
1. Recuperate up to 6 points if you follow a ´sensibilisation and reeducation´ course of 12 hours in total. You can do this every 2
years as a regular driver and every year if you are professional
driver. Cost of the course approx. 170 euros.
2. If you lost your points because of ´grave´ traffic offences and you
do not commit any more for a period of 2 years, your points will
be reversed back to your original amount. If for ´muy grave´ traffic
offences (loss of 6 points) you need to be without any further fines
for 3 years.
If you have lost all your points and you have received notification that
your licence is not valid any more you can obtain a new permission to
drive by;
Ref: 00/0204
Date: 18/11/14
This work by Citizens Advice Bureau Spain is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercialNoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Based on a work at
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1. Taking a course of ´sensibilisation and re-education´ of 24 hours.
You can do this course while your licence has been retracted or
declared ´non valid´. Cost of the course approx. 320 euros.
2. Once the sanctioned period in which your licence has been
declared ´non valid´ has passed (6 months for drivers in general
and 3 months for professional drivers) you must pass a theory
test on the contents of the course you have done. You must
make an appointment for this with the provincial Trafico Office.
3. The licence obtained after passing this test will have 8 points.
Points Deducted for Traffic Offences
1. Conducir con exceso de alcohol (valores miligramo/litro aire
· Superior a 0,50 mg/l (0,30 mg/l, profesionales y titulares de permisos
de conducción con menos de dos años). 6 Points
· Superiores a 0,25 hasta 0,50 mg/l (0,15 hasta 0,30 mg/l profesionales y
titulares de permisos de conducción con menos de dos años). 4 Points
2. Conducir bajo los efectos de drogas o estupefacientes. 6 Points
3. Negativa a someterse a test de alcoholemia o drogas. 6 Points
4. Conducir de forma temeraria, en sentido contrario o participar en
carreras ilegales. 6 Points
5. Conducir vehículos con mecanismos o instrumentos de inhibición de
la vigilancia del tráfico o de los sistemas de detección de radar. 6 Points
6. Exceder en más del 50% los tiempos de conducción minorara en
más del 50% los tiempos de descanso establecidos en la legislación
sobre transporte terrestre. 6 Points
7. Alterar el normal uso del tacógrafo o del limitador de velocidad. 6
8. Conducir sin la clase de permiso o la licencia necesarios. 4 Points
Ref: 00/0204
Date: 18/11/14
This work by Citizens Advice Bureau Spain is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercialNoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at Website Terms & Conditions
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9. Arrojar a la vía o en sus inmediaciones objetos que puedan producir
incendios, accidentes u obstaculizar la circulación. 4 Points
10. No respetar la prioridad de paso las señales de stop y ceda el paso
y los semáforos en rojo. 4 Points
11. Realizar adelantamientos indebidos. 4 Points
12. Adelantar poniendo en peligro o entorpeciendo a ciclistas. 4 Points
13. Efectuar un cambio de sentido en zonas prohibidas. 3 Points
14. Realizar la maniobra de marcha atrás en autopistas y
Autovías. 4 Points
15. No respetar las señales de los Agentes que regulan la
Circulación. 4 Points
16. No respetar la distancia de seguridad. 4 Points
17. Conducir utilizando manualmente el teléfono móvil, programando el
navegador, usando cascos auriculares u otros dispositivos que
disminuyan la atención. 3 Points
18. No hacer uso del cinturón de seguridad, sistemas de retención
infantil, casco y demás elementos de protección. 3 Points
19. Conducir con el permiso suspendido o teniendo prohibido el uso de
ese vehículo. 4 Points
20. Conducir excediendo los límites de velocidad: These recently
changed with the new Traffic Law of May 9th 2014.
By Richelle de Wit
18 /11/14
Ref: 00/0204
Date: 18/11/14
This work by Citizens Advice Bureau Spain is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercialNoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at Website Terms & Conditions