Ramón Ramírez Ruiz Prog..AICLE 3º de primaria. Ceip El Zargal CONOCIMIENTO DEL MEDIO 3º DE PRIMARIA Los contenidos de la asignatura Conocimiento del Medio se agrupan en tres bloques, uno por trimestre y constan de 5 unidades cada uno. Teniendo en cuenta la temporalización de la asignatura que se ha hecho para todo el curso, se calcula aproximadamente de diez a doce sesiones por tema lo que viene a ser dos semanas por unidad. En esta primera unidad todos los contenidos se darán en lengua inglesa. El fin del uso de esta segunda lengua no es otro que reforzar los contenidos estudiados en lengua materna y al mismo tiempo desarrollar las competencias lingüísticas en la L2 , lo que se viene denominando AICLE (aprendizaje integrado de contenidos y lengua extranjera) . En este colegio y durante este curso los alumnos/as siguen el libro de conocimiento del medio de 3º de la editorial ANAYA, el cual va a servir de referencia para la programación de distintas actividades que posibiliten la iniciación del idioma extranjero dentro de una asignatura de área no lingüística. La primera unidad que vamos a trabajar será: Los seres vivos/ living things. Conocimiento del medio 3º de primaria Unidad 1 Living Things. 1 Ramón Ramírez Ruiz Prog..AICLE 3º de primaria. Ceip El Zargal UNIDAD 1: SOMOS SERES VIVOS. UNIT 1: WE ARE LIVING THINGS. Lesson plan 1: Living things Who knows what living things are? Our planet is full of them and there are several types of living things. Here are some tips: 1. There are three types of them. 2. Some of them can move, others not. 3. They have different colours and shapes. 4. They interact with each other. 5. ………….. Do you know what we are speaking about? Of course. Living things are: Animals: Plants: LIVING THINGS People: Exercise 1. Copy in your note book the living things classification. Draw one example for each type. Conocimiento del medio 3º de primaria Unidad 1 Living Things. 2 Ramón Ramírez Ruiz Prog..AICLE 3º de primaria. Ceip El Zargal Lesson plan 2: Living things characteristics: You want to know more about living things? Here is a short definition: LIVING THINGS All living things have something in common: they are born, they grow, they reproduce and they die. They also need water and air to survive. BORN GROW LIVING THINGS DIE REPRODUCE Exercise 2: Copy the diagram in your notebook. Conocimiento del medio 3º de primaria Unidad 1 Living Things. 3 Ramón Ramírez Ruiz Prog..AICLE 3º de primaria. Ceip El Zargal Lesson plan 3: living things: functions. All living things have to do some activities which are necessary to live. These are called There are three types of 1º-Nutrition 2 º-Interaction 3 º-Reproduction vital functions. vital functions: We eat to grow and have energy. We interact with others. We reproduce to make new living things. Exercise 3: How do living things perform the vital functions? Work in pairs and discuss it. Write some ideas in your notebook. Conocimiento del medio 3º de primaria Unidad 1 Living Things. 4 Ramón Ramírez Ruiz Prog..AICLE 3º de primaria. Ceip El Zargal Lesson plan 4: More about “vital functions”. 1º-Nutrition: All living things need to eat to grow and have energy. They get food from other living things or from non-living things. Food 2º-Interaction: Nutrition All animals interact with other animals using their senses. The five senses are: sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. Interaction Senses 3º-Reproduction: All living things reproduce to make new living things with the same characteristics. Reproduce Reproduction Exercise 4. Copy in your notebook the vital functions classification. Draw one example for each type. Conocimiento del medio 3º de primaria Unidad 1 Living Things. 5 Ramón Ramírez Ruiz Prog..AICLE 3º de primaria. Ceip El Zargal Lesson plan 5:Non-living things: Who knows what non-living things are? Our planet is full of them and there are many types of non-living things. Here are some tips: 1. They are not alive. 2. They can be heavy or light. 3. They have different colours and shapes. 4. They do not interact with each other. 5.………….. Do you know what we are speaking about? Of course. Here are some of them: Rocks: Water: Nonliving things Air: Exercise 5. Copy in your note book the non-living things classification. Draw one example for each type. Conocimiento del medio 3º de primaria Unidad 1 Living Things. 6 Ramón Ramírez Ruiz Prog..AICLE 3º de primaria. Ceip El Zargal Lesson plan 6:Non-living things. CHARACTERISTICS: You want to know more about non-living things? Here is a short definition: NON-LIVING THINGS: There are other things on Earth that are not alive as you can see. Non-living things are not born, they do not grow, they do not reproduce and they do not die. There are two types of non-living things: Natural: Not made by humans. Artificial: Made by humans. Natural Nonliving things Artificial Exercise 6: Copy the diagram in your notebook. Conocimiento del medio 3º de primaria Unidad 1 Living Things. 7 Ramón Ramírez Ruiz Prog..AICLE 3º de primaria. Ceip El Zargal Lesson plan 7: Living Things REVIEW: Non-living things. Activity 1: Match the pictures to the definitions, and then copy in your notebook. ROCKS STONES PLANTS MAN AIR WATER ANIMALS Conocimiento del medio 3º de primaria Unidad 1 Living Things. 8 Ramón Ramírez Ruiz Prog..AICLE 3º de primaria. Ceip El Zargal Activity 7: There are two types of non-living things, natural and artificial. Classify the following objects. STONES PEN WATER SUN BOOK CHAIR CAR AIR If you need help you can use the following links: Living and non-living things quiz Living things Conocimiento del medio 3º de primaria Unidad 1 Living Things. 9