Spring 2016, Vol.3, Issue 1 - Springfield Public Library

Highlighted &
Volume 3, Issue 1
Spring 2016
Springfield Public Library Newsletter
It’s Sprung! Spring, That Is
Just as the daffodils are pushing skyward and the tips of the
fruit trees show swollen buds
ready to flower, so too, the
library is bursting with new
life. Everywhere I look the
energy and anticipation that
accompanies Spring is apparent.
Under the watchful eye of
library staff, hard-working
volunteers are finishing placing
Radio Frequency ID tags in
every library item in readiness
for the installation of our new
patron self-checkout stations.
And this feverish activity was
preceded by a complete review
and “edit” of our library collection. By eliminating books
that were in poor condition,
that contained erroneous in-
formation, and that people just
plain stopped reading, we have
created a newer, fresher, and
more accessible collection. No
more stooping to retrieve a
book from the bottom shelf
and no more stretching to tip
books onto our heads from the
top shelf. Now our shelves are
just waiting for an infusion of
new books and movies and the
Friends of the Library and the
Library Foundation are coming
to the rescue! The Library
Foundation just held one of its
most successful fund-raisers
ever, earning over $14,000 at
their annual Books and Brew
event while the Friends are
preparing for their ever popular annual book sale (March 11
-12), a great way to “freshen
up” your book shelves
while helping the Library
restock theirs.
I hope by planting this
seed that you will come to
the library soon to “grow
your mind”.
New Service Options for You in the Library
New service enhancements
are taking shape in the library. Our updated security
provides some great features
to enrich your library visit.
New gates installed the
first week of March will
allow you to enter and exit
out of any library door.
Most exciting, we will
soon be turning on two selfcheckout stations. From
these stations, you can
check on your account, renew titles, and of course —
check-out! You will also
have the choice of no paper
receipt at these machines.
Another change you’ll see
will be during the month of
March, when our front service area will change its
flow. The counter where
you returned books will be
where you checkout; where
you used to check-out,
you’ll return your items in
our new book drop slots.
We hope these changes
offer library users more
flexibility and independence
in managing their library
activity. But don’t fret, library staff will always be
available to help you whether you want to learn to do-it
-yourself, or would like our
expert assistance. We’re
here for you.
Springfield Public Library
225 5th St. Springfield, OR 97477
(541) 726-2237
Rob Everett,
Library Director
Library Home
My Account
Library Hours
Contact Us
Page 2
7th Annual
March 11
March 12
Highlighted & Handpicked
If you enjoy the feel of a
print book in your hands
and also a heck of a deal,
join us for the Friends of
the Springfield Library’s
7th Annual Book Sale on
March 11th and 12th.
The event is held in the
Springfield Library Meeting
Room and overflows into
the City Hall Lobby. At
5pm Friday evening, the
Springfield 2nd Friday Artwalk coincides with the
For sale: thousands of
books and lots of CDs,
DVDs, and audiotapes. No
book costs more than $2;
children's books are 3/$1.
There is something for everyone to browse and buy at
this special event. Bring
your bags and fill 'em up.
Cash only, please.
If you purchase books,
show one at the 100 Mile
Bakery during book sale
hours and you will receive a
free cup of coffee with any
Your Printz Has Come
On January 11th, the
Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA)
announced the 2016 winners of the prestigious
Printz Award. Each year
YALSA, a division of the
American Library Association, announces the award
given to the best example
of teen literature published
in the previous year. The
award is based on literary
merit and strives to reflect
the diverse world our teens
live in. All types of literature are considered: fiction,
nonfiction, poetry, graphic
novels and anthologies.
The 2016 Printz winner is
Bone Gap, written by Laura
Ruby and published by
Balzer + Bray, an imprint
of HarperCollins Publishers. Told from alternating
viewpoints, Bone Gap perfectly melds elements of
fairy tales, myths, gothic
romance, and magic realism
into the story of Finn, who
lives in a town with gaps in
the very fabric of time and
The Printz Committee
also chose two honor
books this year. The Ghosts
of Heaven, by Marcus Sedgwick is composed of four
seemingly disparate stories,
each of which feature a
character haunted by the
ever-present shape of a
spiral. Spanning time,
space, and genre, each story
raises powerful questions
about human nature. The
second Printz honor was
awarded to Out of Darkness,
written by Ashley Hope
Pérez. Set in 1937 East
Texas, Mexican American
Naomi and African American Wash begin a bittersweet romance. Perez’s
beautifully crafted novel is
a moving portrayal of both
powerful love and a period
marked by oppressive, destructive racism.
For these and other great
books, browse the library’s
catalog online, log onto
Novelist or use our new
phone app called Bookmyne (you can download it
from your app store). Of
course, you are always welcome stop by and talk to
one of our friendly librarians. We love talking books.
bakery purchase.
Books for sale include
donations and library
All proceeds of the sale go
to benefit the Springfield
Public Library.
For additional information
or to join the Friends of
the Springfield Library,
email them at:
Volume 3, Issue 1
Page 3
Spring Break for Elementary-Age Students
It’s time once again for
Spring Break programs
in the library! Last year
our theme for this fantastic week of art and
science geared programming for kids was “Art in
Nature” where we focused on the unique patterns nature creates. This
year we’re all about arthropods with insects
and arachnids.
Artist Marianne Walker
has again created unique,
hands-on art programs
for elementary schoolage children and we’ll be
giving away prizes
throughout the week.
New this year is a series
of three programs created
especially for us by
NWERC (Northwest Entomological Research
Center) exploring insects
and the art in their lives.
We’ll also be debuting
our Tinker Tech Kits
which enable children to
get up close and personal
with unique technology.
Each day will feature a
passive (independent)
program in the children’s
area including art, scavenger hunts, and more.
2016 Mother’s Day
Flower Basket Pre-Sale
The Springfield Public Library Foundation is
again selling hanging flower baskets this spring for
Mother’s Day.
Baskets are $30 each and this year, you can
pre-order by sending an email to:
[email protected].
Mother’s Day falls on Sunday, May 8th, 2016.
Order early! Moms everywhere will appreciate that
your gift helps support library programs and services.
Finally, our headlining
presenter this year is none
other than OMSI
(Oregon Museum of Science and Industry)!
OMSI will be here for
two presentations on
Thursday, March 24th.
Spring Break programming begins on Monday,
March 21st and ends on
Saturday, March 26th.
Library programs for
Spring Break are geared
toward elementary school
-age children. Sign-ups
begin March 1. Younger
children may observe
with a caregiver. Passive
programs will be available
for all ages.
All programs are free
and made possible
through a generous grant
from SUB (Springfield
Utility Board).
Check out other programs happening this
week on our website!
Celebrate Día! Fun for the whole family /
¡Celebra Día! Que se divierta toda la familia
Saturday, April 30, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m., Springfield Public Library /
sábado, 30 de abril, 1:00 – 4:00p.m., la biblioteca de Springfield
The whole family is invited
to Springfield Public Library’s free El día de los niños/El día de los libros—
Children’s’ Day/Book Day
celebration. There will be
many fun crafts, games and
activities for children to do
as well as performances by
Alma de México folclórico
dance, Springfield High
School’s Mariachi de Sol
and Taller Son Jarocho Eugene. Our celebration will
close with Angel Ocasio of
Portland and his bilingual
family show Komedy 4 da
Kidz. All youth who attend
can receive a free book. For
School y el Taller Son Jarocho Eugene. Al fin de la
celebración, se invitan a
todos a gozar del espectáculo bilingüe de Angel
Ocasio de Portland: Komedy 4 da Kidz. Todos los
jóvenes que asistan a la ce///
lebración pueden recibir un
Se invita a toda la familia a la libro nuevo regalado. Para
más información, visite a
celebración de la biblioteca
nuestro sitio del web. El
de Springfield del día de los
domingo, 1 de mayo, se
niños/El día de los libros. Hapuede asistir a la biblioteca
brá muchas actividades divertidas y manualidades para de Eugene para otra celebración entre las 2:00niños. También, bailarán el
grupo folclórico Alma de
México y tocarán el Mariachi
del Sol de Springfield High
more information, see the
library’s Día website. Enjoy
a second day of festivities at
the Eugene Public Library
on Sunday, May 1, from
Spanish Language Book Club /
Grupo de Lectura en Español
The Springfield Public Library will offer a Spanish
language book group on
Saturday, April 2, at 1:00pm
to discuss Lados B, an anthology of contemporary
short stories written by Mexican female authors. Later
this year, the book club will
meet to read the Lados B
anthology by male authors—
keep posted for more information! This book club is
open to the public. Preregistration is suggested, but not
required. Call 541-726-3766
for more information.
La Biblioteca Pública de
Springfield ofrece un grupo
de lectura en español el sábado, 2 de abril a las
1:00pm. Se invita la participación de la comunidad en
la lectura y en la plática del
libro Lados B, una antología
de relatos contemporáneos
escritos por autoras femeni-
Springfield Public Library
225 5th St. Springfield, OR 97477
(541) 726-2237
nas mexicanas. En el futuro,
vamos a leer la antología
Lados B escrito por autores
masculinos—busque el
anuncio en los meses que
venga. Se puede prestar un
ejemplar del libro en la biblioteca de Springfield,
mientras haya ejemplares
disponibles. Si tenga preguntas o para apuntarse visite a
la biblioteca de Springfield
o llame