Lower Sixth Spanish- AS level (Year 12

Lower Sixth Spanish- AS level (Year 12- L6A)
Eleven 50 mins sessions over 2 weeksL6C: Teacher A=4 periods, Teacher B= 4 periods, Teacher C= 3 periods
L6A: Teacher A=6 periods, Teacher B= 5 periods
RESOURCES: Course Book – Sigue AS Units 1-10. (Animo 1 supplements it)
Each student is issued with their own personal copy of: Collins billingual dictionary, Anaya
Diccionario de Español, Acción Gramática, The Big Red Book of Spanish Vocabulary and
Animo AS/A2 Grammar workbook.
Despite having a textbook the vast majority of resources are taken and adapted from real
sources such as the Internet, newspapers and magazines.
ICT- Students will regularly use the Moodle course created by teachers and available via the
school´s website to supplement their studies in the classroom and to expand their horizons in
terms of independent learning and research. They will have access to Kerboodle (an
interactive resource linked to AQA AS textbook), Oxbox ( linked to Animo 1) for additional
material and assessments, an Interactive Grammar workbook, Vocab Express and an array of
past papers and audio files.
The School Learning and Resource Centre (LRC) has a wide collection of titles covering
Spanish and South-American history, civilisation and literature. The Department also has a
large collection of literary texts covering all periods from the medieval to the contemporary.
DVDs- The Department's collection of DVDs suitable for Sixth-Form is constantly growing. The
students are encouraged to take films home but there is also the possibility to watch a variety
of them in the “Spanish Film Club”.
The Spanish assistant will see each student individually 25 mins per week. They will develop
the topics studied in class, will expand the students´ cultural knowledge of Spain and will help
them with their oral exam preparation.
The school has opted for the WJEC board and the topics to be studied are divided into two
main areas:
Leisure and Tourism: Travel and tourism, sport, hobbies, entertainment, customs,
traditions, healthy living, health and nutrition, diet and exercise, unhealthy living, drugs,
aids, smoking, alcohol.
The Individual and Society: Relationships, responsibilities, gender issues, youth culture
(values, peer groups, fashions and trends), education, vocational training and future
EML June 2013
Lower Sixth Spanish- AS level (Year 12- L6A)
L6A- TEACHER A (Six 50 mins sessions over 2 weeks)
Teacher A will dedicate one lesson a cycle to introduce and practise grammar points.
AUTUMN TERM (12 weeks)
Tema 1. Las relaciones personales: cómo vemos a los otros; problemas y relaciones
amorosos; la amistad; la familia monoparental; la familia del siglo XXI.
Tema 3. La educación en España: el sistema educativo español; la ciudadanía; los profes;
el bilingüismo; suspender; la jornada intensiva; igualdad entre los sexos; los problemas de los
gitanos; la vida tras el insti.
Tema 1: Los tiempos presente y pretérito indefinido; verbos reflexivos; el uso de ser y estar;
pronombres – objeto directo/indirecto; uso de lo; concordancia y posición de adjetivos; uso de
por y para; adjetivos y pronombres posesivos.
Tema 3: La voz pasiva en perfecto, el “a” personal, el tiempo futuro, el presente de subjuntivo
Fortnightly Grammar lesson/ Animo Grammar Workbook.
. Nouns and gender, collective nouns and verbal agreements
Present tense- regular verbs and reflexive verb verbs
“Gustar” and friends...
Preterite tense, including “pretérito grave
Preterite vs Imperfect????
Pronouns- personal, reflexive, impersonal, direct and indirect, prepositional, relative,
possessive, demonstrative, personal “a”.
Supplementary materials
Tema 1: Animo AS- Unit 8, AQA AS - Units 10, 1, 12
Tema 3: Animo AS- Unit 9
Grammar Resources: Sigue AS textbook, Animo 1 textbook and Grammar workbook, AQA
AS textbook, Kerboodle, Oxbox, Vocab Express (the Grammar section) and a wealth of
photocopiable resources and others taken from the Internet.
EML June 2013
Lower Sixth Spanish- AS level (Year 12- L6A)
SPRING TERM (11 weeks)
Apart from the set topics the Spring term will be dedicated to prepare for the oral examination.
Tema 5. Los deportes en España: puntos de vista; niño torero; la niñez de un campeón de
tenis; el fútbol -más que un deporte; Real Madrid c. Barcelona; baloncesto; ciclismo; pelota;
golf; Fórmula 1.
Tema 7. Los medios de comunicación: televisión, incluso satélite y por cable; publicidad;
Internet y la prensa tradicional; podcasting; aspectos positivos y negativos del Internet;
telefonía móvil – el futuro.
Tema 5: Los tiempos: pretérito imperfecto, pretérito indefinido, presente del subjuntivo,
pretérito perfecto, futuro; pronombres posesivos.
Tema 7: Los imperativos (Vd.); el tiempo presente continuo; los verbos radicales en tiempo
presente; los adverbios; por y para.
Fortnightly Grammar lesson/ Animo Grammar Workbook.
Future and Conditional.
Revision ser vs estar; por vs para;
Imperfect Subjunctive
Direct and Indirect Speech
Si- clauses (Type 1+2)
The Passive and how to avoid it.
Supplementary materials
Tema 5: Animo 1- Unit 5, AQA AS unit 7
Tema 7: Animo 1- Unit 1+ 2, AQA AS 1+ 2+3
Grammar Resources: Sigue AS textbook, Animo 1 textbook and Grammar workbook, AQA
AS textbook, Kerboodle, Oxbox, Vocab Express (the Grammar section) and a wealth of
photocopiable resources and others taken from the Internet.
EML June 2013
Lower Sixth Spanish- AS level (Year 12- L6A)
Apart from the set topics the Easter holiday and the Summer term will be dedicated to reivse
and prepare for the final examination, with plenty of past paper practice and exam technique
Tema 9: El transporte: cómo llegar a Madrid; el transporte urbano; el tren; aprender a
conducir; el carsharing.
Tema 9: Verbos reflexivos impersonales; si + imperfecto del subjuntivo + condicional;
With only a few weeks left until Study Leave starts focus should be placed on revision of the
most challenging topics and structures, making sure the students use them in context and not
only on drill exercises.
Supplementary materials
Tema 9: AQA A2- unit 1C
Grammar Resources: Sigue AS textbook, Animo 1 textbook and Grammar workbook, AQA
AS textbook, Kerboodle, Oxbox, Vocab Express (the Grammar section) and a wealth of
photocopiable resources and others taken from the Internet.
EML June 2013
Lower Sixth Spanish- AS level (Year 12- L6A)
L6A- TEACHER B (Five 50 mins sessions over 2 weeks)
Teacher B will also dedicate one lesson a cycle to introduce and practise grammar points.
AUTUMN TERM (12 weeks)
Tema 2. Los españoles y el ocio: estilos de vida; senderismo; de tapas; fiestas y folklore;
música pop; Buena Vista Social Club; Festival de música de Granada
Tema 4. La comida, la salud: gastronomía y bebida española; costumbres y cambios; dieta
moderna; comer sano; la nutrición; bebidas españolas; la cultura de la delgadez; adelgazar
con y sin riesgos; obesidad.
Tema 2: Los tiempos pretérito imperfecto, pretérito indefinido, pretérito perfecto, pretérito
pluscuamperfecto; presente del subjuntivo; pronombres objeto; participios usados como
Tema 4: Adjetivos; artículos; interrogativos; plurales; presente del subjuntivo; imperativos;
Fortnightly Grammar lesson/ Animo Grammar Workbook.
Adjectives, agreements, word order, shortened adj, suffixes
Present tense- irregular verbs and radical changing verbs
Negatives and Por vs para
Perfect and Imperfect tense
Ser vs Estar
Pronouns- personal, reflexive, impersonal, direct and indirect, prepositional, relative,
possessive, demonstrative, personal “a”.
Supplementary materials
Tema 2: Animo AS- Unit 3, AQA AS - Units 4, 5, 6
Tema 4: Animo AS- Unit 6, AQA AS – Unit 8
Grammar Resources: Sigue AS textbook, Animo 1 textbook and Grammar workbook, AQA
AS textbook, Kerboodle, Oxbox, Vocab Express (the Grammar section) and a wealth of
photocopiable resources and others taken from the Internet.
EML June 2013
Lower Sixth Spanish- AS level (Year 12- L6A)
Assessment aims:
By the end of every unit the students should have compiled a detailed list of topic related
vocabulary, written at least one topic related essay and practised talking about a exam type
SPRING TERM (11 weeks)
Apart from the set topics the Spring term will be dedicated to prepare for the oral examination.
Tema 6: Problemas sociales: el alcohol y los jóvenes; el macro botellón; el tabaco;
marihuana; las drogas; SIDA; las adicciones del siglo XXI; enganchados al trabajo
Tema 8. El mundo del trabajo: la ambición (y falta de ambición); buscando trabajo; la mujer
en el mundo laboral; el techo de vidrio; empleos tradicionales y nuevos; el trabajo voluntario
Tema 6: La voz pasiva; el uso de los tiempos pasados indicativos; los negativos
Tema 8: Adjetivos; negativos; imperfecto del subjuntivo; le/les.
Fortnightly Grammar lesson/ Animo Grammar Workbook.
Infinitive constructions
Imperfect Subjunctive
Revision Tenses
Supplementary materials
Tema 6: Animo 1- Unit 4 + 6, AQA AS unit 8B
Tema 8: Animo 1- Unit 9, AQA AS unit 8C
Grammar Resources: Sigue AS textbook, Animo 1 textbook and Grammar workbook, AQA
AS textbook, Kerboodle, Oxbox, Vocab Express (the Grammar section) and a wealth of
photocopiable resources and others taken from the Internet.
EML June 2013
Lower Sixth Spanish- AS level (Year 12- L6A)
Assessment aims:
By the end of every unit the students should have compiled a detailed list of topic related
vocabulary, written at least one topic related essay and practised talking about a exam type
Apart from the set topics the Easter holiday and the Summer term will be dedicated to reivse
and prepare for the final examination, with plenty of past paper practice and exam technique
Tema 10. Las vacaciones: España – imán turístico; los españoles y las vacaciones; las
vacaciones y la familia; vacaciones sin aventura; vacaciones con amigos; preocupaciones de
los padres; esquí; camping; turismo cultural; escapar del estrés.
Tema 10: Pretérito pluscuamperfecto; ser y estar; por y para; uso del subjuntivo; cuyo.
With only a few weeks left until Study Leave starts focus should be placed on revision of the
most challenging topics and structures, making sure the students use them in context and not
only on drill exercises.
Supplementary materials
Tema 10: Animo AS unit 7, AQA AS unit 9.
Grammar Resources: Sigue AS textbook, Animo 1 textbook and Grammar workbook, AQA
AS textbook, Kerboodle, Oxbox, Vocab Express (the Grammar section) and a wealth of
photocopiable resources and others taken from the Internet.
Assessment aims:
By the end of every unit the students should have compiled a detailed list of topic related
vocabulary, written at least one topic related essay and practised talking about a exam type
EML June 2013