Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar ho.'n D{t(erruL lc¡úca turi¡ Jo.torol ¡ r.rit l'^ Xu' ," co¡ic^ ?trarfr- coul(o( d.l o vi 1,'ntr\ dc¡oc,f.,do , q c).r6o de' ordo",*vnrnk.^'dn r $ g*¿ rclulto' b "h;* I clevioy<¡do f on, ?o r r'oJq. Ocr¡Íffde- ,n J (arn¡.^rt dc L Univeytid',J ¿t d/.. 3O J< x ¡hl-6rc fil¡r.,nlu J 4c (-qq7. l" fr o:¡ ótrÉorol ,n vcliz?vdd átu 't J. ju/io d, lqq4con /.drrnhok áe Arfo s.",l;1,'r'.o,on S?'8 . 0(6"o l* f r curr . (onJc " fo,t lL llnorti rufdal de át.-.'<nbtc dc €^ flL*nl, l.q ?¿/. o. 7 á. o5orpo de FJo., A n(on,o (i rrrinlct k.rrGt;o 4. L c / d ,"r^ 2.oo2. ÍloJv( 7o,t C*,^i*b'od, 0o.Éo^Jo Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar UNIVERSIDAD DE ALICANTE FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS ECONOMICASY EMPRESARIALES ABSTRACTCONVEXITY. FIXEDPOINTSANDAPPLICAIIONS. Memoria presentada pon JUAN VICENTE LLINARES CISCAR para optar al grado de doctor en Ciencias Económicas Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar D. JOSEP ENRIC PERIS i FERRANDO, TITULAR DE UNIVERSIDADDEL DEPARTAMENTO DE FUNDAMENTOS DEL ANALISIS ECONOMICODE LA UNIVERSIDADDE ALICANTE, CERTIFICA: Que la presente memoria "ABSTRACT CONVEXITY. FIXED POINTS AND APPLICATIONS",ha sido realizada bajo su dirección, Fundamentos Universidad Ciencias del de en el Anátisis Alicante, Matemáticas Departamento Económico por D. Juan el Licenciado y que constituye su Tesis para grado de Ciencias en la en Vicente . Llinares Císcar, Doctor de de optar al Económicas y Einpresariaies (sección Económicas). Y para que conste, en cumplimiento de la r legislación vigente, de Alicante la presento ante referida la Universidad Tesis Doctoral, firmando el presente certificado en Alicante, 27 de Junio de 1994 Fdo. JoSEP ENRIC PERIS i FERRANDO Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar En primer del Departamento Universidad en mi prestado de de Alicante trabajo, en asÍ todo me gustaría lugar del Fundamentos por como agradecer Análisis el constante ei apoyo, momento- interés moral Especialmente de las primeras Económico de la que han mostrado y material quisiera y a José A. Silva que "sufrieron" Begoña Subiza a mis compañeros la que me agradecer lectura han a de una versiones de esta tesis. Tengo una deuda muy especial hacia Josep E. Peris, que en todo momento me ha apoyado y animado y sin cuya dirección no podría haber realizado este trabajo. Su supervisión y orientación continua han sido vitales en el desarrollo y finalización de esta investigación. No puedo continuar sin hacer mención de la importancia que Mari Carmen Sánchez ha trabajo, ella ha seguido tenido paso a en el desarrollo de este paso la evolución de esta investigación a la que ha contribuido con múltiples discusiones y sugerencias que han sido para mi de gran ayuda. Además, el apoyo moral y eI entusiamo que me ha trasmitido siempre, han sido fundamentales en la realización de la misma. También quiero Enrique Martínez-Legaz agradecer a Carmen Herrero el interés y a Juan que siempre han mostrado, así como las sugerencias que me han hecho en todo momento. Del mismo modo quiero agradecer a Charles Horvath su hospitalidad en las distintas estancias que tuve en la Universidad de Perpignan en las que tuve ocasión de contrastar opiniones que ayudaron a enriquecer esta memoria. Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Alicante Junio 1994. Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 tn hlo.lú Ganmzn Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar INDEX. Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar INDEX CHAPTER1 : CONVEXITYIN ECONOI'íY. 1.1 INTRODUCTiON CIIAPTER 2 : ABSTRACTCO¡IVEXITY. 2.O INTRODUCTION 77 2.7 USUAL CONVEXITYIN R" 1,9 2.2 ABSTRACTCONVEXiTYSTRUCTURES 23 2.3 K-CONVEXSTRUCTURE 35 2.4 PARTiCULARCASES: RESTRiCTiON ON FUNCTIONK 2.5 2.6 4I RELATIONSHIP BETWEENTI{E DIFFERENT NOTIONSOF ABSTRACTCONVEXITIES. ol LOCAL CONVEXITY. 72 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar CHAPTER3 : FIXED POINT RESULTS. 3.0 INTRODUCTION 76 3.1 PRELIMINARIES 79 3.2 C L A S S I C A LF I XED POINT THEORN,ÍS 85 3.3 F I X E D P O I N TTHEOREMSiN ABSTRACT CONVEXITIES 3.3.1. Fixed point B9 theorems in c-spaces 90 3.3.2. Fixed point theorems in simplicial convexities 3.3.3. Fixed point theorens in K-convex continuous structures . 3.3.4. Fixed point theorens in mc-spaces ..... 101 113 CHAPTER4 : APPLICATI0N OF FIXED POINT THEORffiS. 4.0 INTRODUCTION 4.T EXISTENCEOF MAXiMALELEMENTSIN BINARY RELATIONS iN ABSTRACTCONVEXITIES 4.2 4.3 125 r 27 EXISTENCEOF EQUILIBRIUM IN ABSTRACT ECONOMiES. 150 EXISTENCEOF NASH'S EQUILIBRII.JM 176 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar REFERENCES 186 SUBJECT INDEX 201 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar 1 CHAPTER CONVEXITY IN ECONOMICS. 1.I INTRODUCTION. Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter I. l: ConveXity in Economics INTRODUCTION. Modern which allow the Most behavior. are Theory,...) based of tools these Nonempty Inequalities, different creation of uses strong analysis economic models to (Fixed Point the on analyze concept complex Theorems, Concave Intersections, mathematical human Variationai Programming, convexity of tools to Game obtain the results. The of concept (in set convex a linear topological space) is one of the most used mathematical notions in economic analysis due to the fact very regular preferences, assumption However, consider that Convexity behavior. choice sets or .and many that is is very intuitive it "natural" in "natural" (especially authors production decision sets, etc. considered as this in in character and implies sets, is individual a much used economic models. experimental is a not economics) presented in reality. Next, we are going to comment on several modelizations where convexity can be justified as in the case of the existence of economic in a natural equiiibrium (from w?Y, the consumers' as well as the producers' point of view), game theory Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter l: in Convexity Economics. decision problems under situations, (expected utility uncertainty convexitv is not a natural assumption but only a technical requirement will be theory). In these contexts, other where situations mentioned. t The classical way of justifying of preferences would be to consider the convexity assumption it as the mathematical expression of a fundamental tendency of ec<.¡nomicchoice, namely, the propensity to diversify (successive units amounts of smaller utility is a consequence, on the one hand, of the decreasing marginal natural utility consumption. This diversif ication function; of a consumption good yieid increasingly which provides the utility) and, on the other means of decreasing marginal constant, it is increasingly rate hand it concavity of the can be justified by of substitution (keeping utility more expensive to replace units of a consump,tion good by units of another). Convexitv has been one of the most important conditions in many results which ensure the existence of maximal elements in preference etc. ). relations This contexts (Fan, 1961; Sonnenschein, 1971; Shafer, -1974, assumption allows where individuals us to have obtain classical results preferences necessarily given by utility functions. Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 which are in not Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter l: Convexity All production. in the Economics above mentioned can we assume that If also be appiied perfectly inputs and outputs are divisible, then convexity on the production set implies that point any initial at its boundary, it to from takes an increasingly large amount of input to produce succesEive additional units of outputs. Therefore, convexity production in sets is a characteristic of economies with not increasing returns to scale. This statement can be derived from divisibility other of two all hand the basic requirements: on the the inputs additivity (that property do not interfere returns to scale and due to the fact convex, with used in each other). production any system one hand the production, and the is, production activities In the context of that which on decreasing the production set is generates an efficient aggregated production can be supported by means of a price system in which each firm maximizes benefits. Furthermore, productions which maximize benefits do not change discontinuously qith hence it is possible to apply Brouwer's or Kakutani's fixed Theorem which ensure the existence of equilibrium prices, point (Debreu, 1959; Arrow and Hahn, 197?; Cornwal, 1984). If an económy whose technology set has constant returns to scale is considered, then the production set is a closed convex cone. Economies which verify there is f¡'ee entry into this and property exit from are those in production. outputs can be doubled (halved) by doubling (halving) inputs. Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 which That is, Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter l: Convexity Economics. in which strengthens the convexity assumption Another fact is economies with case where the a considered (Aumann, 1964, 1966). In this continuum of case, by agents is assuming that agents do not necessarily have convex preferences it is obtained that the aggregated excess demand correspondence is convex valued. So, order in to point fixed prove to results (Brouwer, t9l2; existence of the equilibrium, classical be applied can correspondences Kakutani, 1941). These kinds of results are based on the application of Lyapunov's Theorem (see Aumann, 1965,1966). expected The aversion, principle results powerful a (and therefore operation the form reinforcement to the lotteries the preference expectation is von of the of to equivalent mathematically function. and of risk diversification convexity).' In these contexts takes to Moreover, equivalent Thus, to the the the preferences the hypothesis that of form that condition a it statistical linear in hypothesis is be the aversion rist the concavity assumption convexitiy implied by the model. Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 the spaces) where a convex has been defined and in which function probabilities. Neumann theory the are considered. Mathematically, over utility in theorv are presented in spaces (mixture combination the provided, has Morgenstern utilitv condition is of the directly Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter l: Convexity In in Economics. context the of convex sets. That is due to mixture space the strategy probability it Game Theory the fact (which distributions is that the usual to decisions are by obtained over is pure consider made on a considering strategy all space) of which is a convex set. In same way, the ensure the existence of games. In particular, a convexity is Nash's compact usual condition equilibríum convex in to noncooperative strategy spaces and quasiconcave continuous payoff functions will be required. Although been justified criticized points of intrinsic which it this as in the a models mentioned above, convexity "natural" requirement, many authors assumption fnom both the experimental view. Some of requirement of them the argue that model, but would be desirable to convexity rather eliminate. Farell context of competitive markets says, Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 ? has have and formal is not technical an one (1959) in the Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter "...I Economics. in 1: ConvexitY argue, shall relevant functtons However we shaLl assurnptüons of markets the to essential are often see that convexíty world' real the in not the by are opttmaltty and that the assertions the convex. tradítíonal no means compettttve of to the contrary are based on an elementary fallacy." Next, some of the criticisms of convexity are presented' Starr preferences indivisibility (1969) since this and anticomplementary criticizes convexity class a of the requirement postulates away relations (those in which there which are two of all one convex forms caII might different of goods and the simultaneous use of both of them yields less satisfaction to the consumer than would the use of one or the other. Examples could be pep pills wine; estetic versus sleeping pills; beach holidays satisfaction versus mountain white ,wine versus red holidays;.-.Evaluations tastes also tends not to be convex, as Bacon (in Arrow and Hanh, 1977) saYs, "There is no excellent strange in of beauty whích has nothtng proportton" Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 1: Convexity In fact, in Economics. problem could be avoided whenever these this goods could be kept for are "time Theory, dated", as a a future as in fact consumption. However, if happens in consequence preferences goods Generai Equilibrium will not be convex (Starr, 1969). Although no convexities of consumption important sets can because of be criticizes mitigated the the fact by aggregation, consequences they imply. considered by Aumann of Starr preference relations economies with that In or of they are the case a continuum of agents, the weight of an individual in the economy wiII never literally be zero, "...Though ít seems índLvidual as 5 economy, I find as O of x reasonable 1O-e of ít díf ftcult to the treat Uníted to conceíve an States of htm it." Alternatively, Starr considers large economies where preference agents are not necessarily convex, and in this context he obtains the existence of an approximated equilibrium. In order to do this, he applits Shapley-Folkman's Theorem which allows the effect of a fall in the degree of Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 non ccnvexity degree by Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter Convexity l: aggregating a Hahn, 1977) to the equilibrium) Economics, number large of considered be (that equilibria in is, a agents (Starr, 1969; the existence of and configuration (Starr, a Arrow approximated distance negligible and from 1969) to be obtained. On the other hand, there are some situations in which the production set is not necessarily convex. For instance, in the cases where there are indivisible goods, set up costs, increasing returns by to scale or externalities Arrow and Hanh is clear in the model. The example used this in sense when the indivisible goods is considered, "...There are productton ínstruments whích if acttvttíes for divístble. If the it cannot therefore ín goods whtch partícuLary (spades, mineral produced are CertaínLy, goods, many they mtlLs) units. indívistble are índívísible, are used cannot is possible the be to use a spade ít be deduced that there extsts a process where haLf a spade can be used. A more compLtcated example storage. ts that of The uti-Ltty of proportional to recípíents one such recLpíent the surface area (that Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 for üs üs, tf case of Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter Convexity l: in Economics. the thickness perhaps of the walls necessary to is constant, íncrease volume to resíst the pressure This formally case can of be tt is ¿t wíth the the contents. consídered as indívLsible, gíven that the geometríc shape of rectpíent the and recipLents of different stzes, must be consídered as dífferent goods where each produced whole one is only ín quantíties" A different and a single output case would be an economy with a single input can only be used in a f ixed which amount ( e . g . a i r p o r t s , . ). . An important situation in whirch convexity assumptions do not appear in a natural returns to scale. constant returns distribution of to In way is that the particular scale but these fixed of economies with between the produced yields increasing returns to could to cause increasing returns of uniform different units scale. Another fact which scale is organizational advantages in the internal structure Adam Simth's idea economies with set up costs, the initial costs case increasing that of of the production. of labour productivity being determined through Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 10 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter the Convexity l: in specialization returns to Economics. and the division of labour, allows be obtained on a scale significantly individual labourer for Generally in classical model these a world situations as higher than the where labour is the only input. it is possible to not production the increasing sets are apply not the convex (Mas-Colell, 1987). If economies with increasing to returns scale are analyzed, the non convexity of the production set is observed. A technical is consequence of this non convexity the which Kakutani's) supply defined. ensure the existence of comespondence might Another there general existence of equilibrium. are no equilibrium with incompatibility to results Moreover, imperfect economic equilibrium inefficient is not due to be convex valued or the so either not consequence is cómpetition, it point results (such as Brouwer's possible to apply classical fixed or that or perfect ensure competition individual even the leads to firms ending up large. In action of economies with an agent affects feasible set of market), externalities, either another and this classical equilibrium the (that objective is, when the or the function action is not regulated by the results thev have non convexities. 1l Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 cannot be-' applied since Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter Convexity l: in Therefore preferences are not Economics. out. of convex when there appropiate '19'72) pointed Starret assumptions the These non convexities As we have mentioned, the in research it behavior is under expected is shown that not valid risk, utility since this experimental the In recent descriotive describing a kind of in these cases, (197, that relative is based are individuals to put outcomes which behavior is different lotteries, etc. individual preferences over in the In particular, not more are to convexity is experimental economic choice problems preferences individual paradox (1952) out by Kahneman and Tversky Machina (1982) who illustrate or expected utility show carried inherent model of for work as on the sets. systematically violate the axioms. Consider Allais' or convex effects, are hypothesis of models. and are external both the possible action sets and preferences inherent sets principles on which that satisfied. These experiments emphasis on certain results merely probable, and that presence of negative or agent positive experimental evidence suggests that lotteries are the probabilities. Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 2 typically not linear in Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter l: in Convexity Economics. , the non existence of In Game Theory is an problem important (in preferences well-behaved pure payoff strategies), functions response are of correspondence the to of Examples models. oligopoly duopoly can produce at no cost and where demands arise models, where firms from in Nash's equilibria no Nash equilibrium in which produced. are easily not quasiconcave (which firm one of action the best response prof it-maximizing the is firms) examples these the and gives other In exists not convex-valued (Vives, l99O). In there literature, which some results are try to ensure the existence of Nash's equilibria under weaker conditions over payoff relaxing functions convexity conditions. In this line, we have to mention McClendon's work (1986), who relaxes convexity by considering (1989), who the relaxes computational mentioned contractibiiity point are of those of Other Baye, convexity from results which have to Zhou (1993), Tian and characterize the " existence of Nash's equilibria and non-quasiconcave payoffs; Vives's work the existence of semicontinuous Nash's equilibria payoffs which Kostreva's work of assumption view. or conditions, with Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 who (1990) which analyzes certain and upper monotonicity properties, directly related to strategic complementarities, etc. IJ be discontinuous considering Iattices verify the Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapten l: Convexity in Economics. From the comments we have made above, the possibility of eliminating or generalizing convexity in these models is of great interest whenever this fact is compatible with results which solve the mathematical problem which appears in economic modelization. Technically, the problem can be stated in the following terms: obtaining the existence of point fixed results using convexity conditions (since many problems are applying appropriate analyzed this fact Some works of point results). Recent reduced to works have in the context of pure and applied mathematics. along this Van de Vel (1993), generalizations fixed without line are ...among the notion of those of others who Horvath (1987, 199t), have introduced a convex set and have extended some fixed. point results. The present work reasearch. Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 IA l- follows this line of Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Volver al índice/Tornar a l'índex Chapter 1: Convexity The in Economics. thesis organized is chapters which are dedicated to properties usual of follows: there are three steps in the research. different convexity is analyzed and the most In Chapter 2 the notion of impontant as convexity have been summed up. Moreover, the notion of abstract convexity is introduced and some of the presented results Subsequently, different literature in notions of put are abstract forward. convexities are introduced and the relationship between these new notions and the ones previously mentioned is given. In Chapter 3 the existence of f ixed point results relaxing generalizations Kakutani's, of the convexity is analyzed, and some classical Browder'S,... ) are theorems (such as obtained. Finally, in different applications of existence of elements, abstract maximal economies and fixed the point the results non-cooperative games. i5 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 of Chapter 4 shown: the of equilibria in Nash's equilibria in existence existence are Brouwer's, Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar CHAPTER 2 ABSTRACT CONVEXITY 2.0. INTRODUCTION. 2.1. USUAL CONVEXITY IN RN. 2.2. ABSTRACT CONVEXITY STRUCTURES. 2.3. K-CONVEX STRUCTURE. 2.4. PARTICULAR CASES: RESTRICTIONS ON FUNCTION K2.5. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE DIFFERENT NOTIONS OF ABSTRACT CONVEXITTES. 2.6. LOCAL CONVEXITY. Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2.O. 2. Abstract Convexity. INTRODUCTION. As mentioned in the previous chapter, the notion of the convex set is a basic mathematical tool used in many economic problems. Many generalizations made this from c-spaces concept: (Horvath, of very different sets, star-shaped 1987, i99l), 1990, (Bielawski, 1987) or convexitity natures have been contractible sets, convexities simplicial induced by an order are some of these generalizations. general, In generalizations. On the concrete problems, optimization the can consider two one hand, those which G.g. the existence of kinds of motivated by different are continuous selections, problems,... ). On the other hand, those stated from point axiomaiic convexity we of view, where is based on the properties the notion of a family of abstract of sets (similar to the properties of the convex sets in Rn). In will particular, the notion of abstract convexity which be introduced is in the line of the former one and based on the idea of substitute the segment which joins- any pair of points (or the convex hull of a finite set of points) for plays their role. t1 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 a set which Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Abstract This usual Convex¡ty. chapter convexity and is organized some properties as follows: related in S e c t i o n 2 . 1 t h e to it are presented. In Section 2.2 some extensions of the notion of convexity used in Iiterature are structure, which will analyzed. In Section 2.3 be called K-convex structure, In Section 2.4 some restrictions when additional analyzed. structures In generalized convexity a conditions are Section 2.5 introduced in the the of this structure imposed on relatioship the is introduced. which appear function between the previous sections is Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 are different presented and finally, Section 2.6 analyzes the case of local convexity. t8 K Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapten 2. Abstract Convexity. 2.1. CONVEX SETS. PROPERTIES. In this Section the notion of the usual convex set in Rt and some of its properties (see Rockafellar, 1972; Van Tiel, 1984) are analyzed. Definition 2.1. Let X be a linear topological space over R. A subset AcX is a convex set iff for any pair of points the segment which joins them is contained in the subset, that is { (l-t)x + ty: t e [O,l] ] c A. Vx,yeX This notion can be defined equivalently in the following wáY' Definition 2.2. Let X be a linear topological space over R. A subset AcX is a convex x,x-,..,x l'z'nl'z'n set iff e A for any finite family anil non negative real of It =litisverifiedthat i =l ltx i =l 19 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 in A numbers t.,t^,..,1 e IO,i] nn suchthat elements ii eA. Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Abstract Definition Let Convexity. 2.3. X be a linear combtnation of the can be represented points Xl,x2,..,xn € X is a point of convex X which in the form I a,*, where i =1 space over R. A (finite) topological I t,=l and t . eI O , 1 ] V i = I , 2 , . . , n . i =1 A consequence of the definition of convex set is the following, Theorem 2.1. The intersection of an arbitrary collection of convex sets is convex. As an immediate consequence of this result, who associates for an operator any subset of X the smallest convex subset in which it is contained, can be defined. Definition 2.4. Let A be a subset of a linear topological space over R. The convex huLL of A is the intersection of all the convex subsets of X containing A. C(A) = fl { B: B is convex such that A c B } 20 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Abstract Convexity. properties Some verified by this operator are the f ollowing, l. A c c(A). 2.AcB + C(A)sC(B). 3 . C ( C ( A ) )= C ( A ) . 4. C(o) = a. The following the convex hull of result illustrates another way in which a set can be obtained by means of convex combinations of finite families of the elements of the set. Theorem 2.2. Let A be a subset of a linear topological space over IR, A = {a,: iel}, then C(A) = j (l I .r",r J finite set, Jcl, i I €r The foilowing by the closure and interior result I .r=1, i€J shows that t.e[O,l] convexity is | ) inherited of a set. Theorem 2-3. Let AcX be convex. Then the interior of A, int (A), and the closure of it, A , are convex sets. Furthermore C(A) is an open set. 2L Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 if A is open then Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Abstnact Convexity. Now the well known Carathéodory's Theorem 2.4. If result is presented. [see Van TteL, 1984J A c Rn, then for each xeC(A), there exist n+l points of A such that x is a convex combination of these ooints. Definition 2.5. Under Theorem 2.4. conditions, is defined the Carathéodory as n+1, since each element a convex combination of number of R" C(A) can be expressed as of no more than n+l elements of A. By Theorem 2.3. C(A) is open whenever A is open, however it is not true that C(A) is closed if A is closed. But in R', C(A) is compact whenever A is compact. Theorem 2.5. [Rockafellar, 1972; Van TLeL, 1984] If A c Rt is a compact set, then C(A) is a compact set. 22 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2.2. 2. Abstract Convexity. ABSTRACT CONVEXITY. The notion of abstract convexity has been analysed and used by among which many authors, Womble (1971), we can mention Kay Jamison (1974), and Wieczorek (1983, 1992), Soltan (1984), Bielawski (1987), Horvath (1991),etc. 2.6. [Kay and WombLe, 1971] Definition 0' of A family structure subsets of X, with for a set X is termed a convexLty (X, g) being called a convexíty the pair space, whenever the following two conditions hold I. a and X belong to 0. 2. € is closed under ¡ A. e 0 i€r Then elements of of X. following condition holds 3.{x}e0 The definition of abstract intersections: for each subfamily {A,},., . g. g are called E-convex (or simply convex) Moreover subsets arbitrarv 0 is called a T -convexítv 1- iff the raise the foreachxeX. convexity notion an operator sÍmilar to that in topology. 23 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 allows us to of the closure operator Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2- Abstract Definition Let defined generated 2.7. [Kay and LVombLe, 1971; Van de VeL, 1993] X be a and let by Convexity. set A which in be a a convexity an abstract subset of structure X, €, g convexity then which the we has hull will been operator call 0-hull (or convex hull) is defined by the relation C , r ( A )= n { B e 0 : A s B }, VAcX This operator enjoys certain properties identical to those of usual convexity, such as the foilowing one Proposition 2.1. C$(A) is the smallest 0-convex set which contains set A. The convex hull allows us to define an operator between the family of subsets of X p: P(X) -------+ ?(X) in tile following way p(A) = Cg(A) and which verifies the following conditions l.VAeP(X), Acp(A). 2. VA,B e ?(X), if A c B 3. VA e ?(X), then p(A) c p(ts). p(p(A)) = p(A). A map p: ?(X) -------+P(X) which satisfies these conditions is called convex huLL on X. Note that from a convex hull abstract convexity structure can be defined in the following way: 24 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 an Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Abstract Convexity. The póLytope segment convex and the hull hull of of a is convexity such that all topologtcal structure. a topological finite set of points set is called is called d an tntervaL (Van de Vel, 1993). equipped with set convex a a two-point between these points If p(A) =.\ (+ Ae0 both a topology and a polytopes are closed, then X is called a is clear that It convex structure, as well usual convexity as the abstract is convexity defined from the family of closed subsets of a topological space. Furthermore it is possible of the 0, has a Carathéodory number c iff c is to extend the notion Carathéodory number to the context of abstract convexity. Definition 2-8. [Kay and WombLe, 1971] A convexity structure the smallest positive integer for which it is true that the 0-hull of any set A c X is the union of the 0-hulls of those subsets of A whose cardinality'is not greater than c. That is : c A, lBl= c } c g ( A )= u { c u ( B ) B where lB I denotes the cardinality oi set B. 25 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Abstract Convexity. A generalization Definition 2.9. o f this concept is as follows. IKay and WombLe, 1971;Van de VeL, 19931 A convexity structure 0' is domaín f inite iff the following condition is satisfied C g ( A ) = U { C U ( B ) :B c A , Obviously an abstract lBl < +o } convexity defined on X such that its carathéodory number is c is a domain finite convexity. However the converso is not (Kay and Womble, lg7l). true The following result shows that under certain conditions, a subset A is a convex set in a domain finite for convexity if and only if the convex hull any pair of points of A belongs to A. To state this result need the notion of join we hull commutative which is defined in the following way. Definition 2.1O. A convexity huLL commutattve structure iff it defined on a set X is called a joín is satisfied that for any convex set S in X and for any xeX it is verified that = cuix,s) rJ !u [t.l " "!f, 26 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Theorem If Convexity. Abstract 2 . 6 . [ K a y a n d l V o m b l e , 1 9 7 1 . ;V a n d e V e L , L 9 9 3 ) g is a convexity commutative structure and domain finite, AcX is 0-convex In the context defined Cn({x,l}) abstract authors who consider a different asking for is join hull then iff of on X which s a convexity, there definition additional conditions for Vx,yeA of the family abstract of are some convexitv subsets which defines the convexity. Next, some of the most important ones are presented. Definition 2.11. [Wieczorek, 1992] A family of subsets g of closed convexíty iff a topological space X is called a it is verified that l. 0 is a convexity structure on X. 2. VAe0, Note that generalize the A is closed. of abstract this definition notion of usual convexity (in convexity does not topological vector spaces), therefore it is an alternative definition. A different by notion of abstract Van de Vel (1982, 1983, 1993) and convexity is the one used Kindler and Trost (1939) which requires the union of cor,vex sets to verify some conditions. z7 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Abstract Chapter 2. Convexity. 2.12. [Van de VeL, 1982] Definition A family of subsets 0 of a topological space X is called an it is verified that altgned abstract convexíty iff l. € is a convexity structure on X. 2. 0 has to be closed under unions of Many other authors a consider convexity by means of assigning for any finite cnalns. I generalization family of of points a subset of X which substitutes the convex hull of these points. In this case the works Bielawski (1987) must contractible Horvath (1987, 1991), Curtis (1985) and of notion of be used to present these results, is be mentioned. First set, which will of all the given- 2.13. '[Gray, 19751 Definition if A topological space X is contractible H: X x [O,l] ----------+X in X and a continuous function' Vx e there is a point *o such that X it is verified 1. H(x,l) = x* 2. H(x,O) = x So, a contractible set X can be deformed continuously at a point of X. ' A family of subsets { A } i i€I is called ordered by inclusion. 28 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 a chain iff it is totallY Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Abstract The Convexity. notion Horvath (1987). The with any f inite of c-spacez idea of subset of this X, was notion introduced consists of a contractible set by associating (which can be interpreted as a "polytope"). Formally Definition 2.14. the notion of c-space is as follows, [Horvath, 1987, 1991] Let X be a topological space, a c-structure on X is given by a mapping F:<X>---+X (where <X> is the family of nonempty subsets of X) such that: l. V A e <X>, F(A) is nonempty and contractible. Z- V A, B e <X>, A c B implies F(A) g F(B). then, (X, F) is called c-space" Observe that this definition includes the usual convexity in topological vector spaces as a particular ' notion of case. Irritiully this concept was called- H-space by Horvath (1987) and was used in this way Bardaro and Ceppitelli (1988), by (1990, Tarafdar 199I, I99Z), etc. However Horvath later called it c-space. 29 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Abstract Definition 2.15. Convexity. 1987, 1991] IHorvath, Let (X,F) be a c-space, a subset D c X is called an F-set iff it is satisfied F(A) c D VA e <D>, The following result shows that a family of F-sets defines an abstract convexitv on X. Proposition 2.2. Let X defined by be a topological means of space in a function F. which Then the a c-structure family- {A } ii€I is of F-sets. i.e. O, . X such that A. is an F-set is an abstract convexitv on X. On the abstract o.lher h a nd, convexity structure functions. In particular a continuous function Bielawski from a he associates with (1987)3 introduces family of any finite an continuous subset of X defined on the simplexa whose dimension is the cardinality of the considered finite set. 'Curtis ? (1985) works define it formally. aThe with n-d¿m enstonal si.mplex this kind of structure i does not Ar. g Rt*r is defined as follows, A = { x€Rt*r; x = xt.e. , t.¿ o, xt.=l } n l¡ r t where e but are the canonical vectors of R. 30 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Definition Let convexíty A,bstnact Convexity. 2.16. 1987] [Bíelawskt, space. It X be a topological each ne$l, and for if for is said to have a símplictaL each (x.x....x ) e X' = X x .?l x X l-Z'n there exists a continuous map -----+X Q[xr,xr,...*.,],Arr_, such that it verifies Q[x](t) = x. t. VxeX V n = 2' l ,' Z n lv- (2 x' n n, x- l - , . . . x ) e X t , 2. if t =O v(t-,t-,...t ) e a then i é l x r , x r , . . . x r r ] ( t l , t z , . . , . a r r=) o [ x _ , ] ( t _ . ) where x denotes that iil'z-n Note that x is omitted in (x ,x ,...x ). usual convexity can be viewed as a particular case of this structure considering the funetion é as follows, o l x r , x r , . . . x r r l ( t r , t r , . . . , t . r )= t r * , . * t r * , + . . . + t r r x ' Furthermore sets which are this stable convexity structure under the functions .... which it is defined. JI Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 is related Q[xr,xr,...*r,] to the from Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Definition Let Abstract 2.17. Convexity, IBteLawskL, 1987] X be a topological defíned. A subset A of space where a simplicial X i s c a l l e d símplíctal convex convexity iff is Vne0.,l and Vur,^2,..,.r, . A it is verified that ó [ a r , a r , . . , . a , r l ( ue) A It stable easy to .show is under arbitrary that intersections, VueA simplicial therefore convex sets they define are an abstract convex structure. Proposition 2.3. The family convex structure of can method that structures associate for mention is points sets defines by is used in literature means of interval any pair of points a subset of X. Prenowitz introduce the notion of defined from convex an abstract to generate on X. Furthermore it is a T,-convexity. Another convexity simplicial and Jantosciak's operators which In this line we results (r9iq whó convexity by means of a union operation the axiomatic point of view. Thus, for X,Y € X a nonempty subset of X, x.y, of the assumptions required are the following, 32 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 any pair of is associated..some Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Abstract Convexity. A.l Existence law of join: 4.2 Commutative law: Va,b € X, A.3 Associative laws: Va,b,c e X, A.4 Idempotent law: The of idea a.b * a. Va,b e X, a'b (a.b)-c = a-(b.c). Va e X, this a'a operation is (a,b e X) for to joining up a pair general a and b do not belong to the set a.b. points of = b'a. = a. substitute the set a.b, the segment although in The convexity defined by the union operation is given by means of the following relation, (+ Ae0 Furthermore, is a particular case Va,beA as in of a'beA the previous cases, usual convexity this structure (defining the union operation as the segment which joins up pairs of points). Another joining particular case consists of associatirig a path up pairs of points, which is not necessarily the segment. It is the notion of equiconnected space. u (..b) ." = U Q.c) z€a'b 33 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Definition A Abstract Convexity. 2.18. [Dugundji, 1965; Htmmelberg, 19651 metric topological space X is equtconnected. iff r: X x X x [O,l] --------+Xsuch that exists a continuous function 'r(a,b,l) = b, z(a,b,O)= a, there r(a,a,t) = a for any t e [O,l] and for any a,beX. Let it be observed that for we can associate the following verifying z-___(O)=x, r xyxy-xy' any pair of points x,y e X continuous function r*u,IO,1] ---+X, (l)=y. Then ¡_--_represents a path from x to y, so we can define the abstract convexity in the following terms, Definition A 2.19. nonempty subset of an equiconnected space A c X is equi-convex iff the path joining points of A is contained in A. It is clear that this family also def ines an abstract T -convexity. In general, AR spaces equiconnected spaces (Dugundji, metric spaces with finite (absolute retracts)6 1965). Moreover, in dimensionality, contexts are . of equiconnected spaces coincide with AR ones. 6Aset X is an absolute retract (AR) if ,it is a metric space and for any other metric space Y and any closed subset AcX, it is v e r i f i e d that any continuous function f:A ----+X can be continuouslv extended to Y. J+ Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Abstract Convexity. 2.3. K-CONVEX STRUCTURE. In this Section a different convexity presented. is mentioned in structure pairs of is previous the which functíon and idea of particular a the ones case. This considering functions joining That is, the segments used in usual convexity are substituted for function includes some of Section as based on the points. case This way of defining an abstract an alternative path previously fixed on X. The defines X will this path to be said will be called have a the K-convex Kl-"on ex structure. Formally, we give the following definition, Definition 2.2O. A K-convex on the set X is given by means of a structure flunction -_+X K:XxXxlo,ll Futhermore (X, K) will be called a K-convex space. So, for K(x,y,[0,1]) = U any pair of points {K(x,y,t): te[o,l]] is x,y€X a subset given by associated (in a similar way to the case of the union operation). '' From this function we can consider a family 0 of subsets of X which is an abstract convex sets are exactlv convexity on X and where the abstract the sets which function. 35 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 are stable under *.his Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Abstract Convexity. Propositior: 2.4. Let (X,K) be a K-conyex space, ----)X K:XxXxlO,ll then the family of sets 0 such that (+ A€g defines an abstract Vx,yeA K(x,y,[O,tl)cA convexity. The elements of 0 will be called K-convex sets. Furthermore 2.I4.), that it is is, the union of an aligned convexity an arbitrary (Definition collection of K-convex sets totally ordered by inclusion is a K-convex set. From this convexity a convex hull operator can be defined in the usual way, = n { B: AcB,' B is K-convex } C-(A) f r ( \ is finite Another important property domainT, that the coincides with is, of this convex hull convexity of the union of the convex hulls of is that an arbitrary all of it set its finite subsets: c,.(A) = U { c.-(s): B c A, lBl < +o } KK ' Proposition [Van de Vet, 1993] Let X be a set where a convexity_ structure stable under unions of chains has been defined, then this convexity is finite domain. 36 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Abstract Convexity. examples show different The following K-convex structure can be defined in a natural situations where a way. Example 2.1.: Usual Convexity. If particular is X a vector case of the space, then K-convex the usual structure. To convexity show is this a we consider the following function, K: X x X x [O,l]-----; X K(x,y,t)=11-1)¡+ty In this case, function K associates for any pair of points the segment which joins them. Note that in this case the K-convex set5 coincide with the family of convex sets of X. 3'7 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter Example 2. Abstract 2.2 : Log. convexity Another . Convexity. possible way in Rl*. of defining the path joining ^n points in R-- is by means of the logarithmic image of the segment which joins them. In this case function K is given as follows, K :Rl* x Rl* x [O,l] -----+ Rl* if x = (xr, ..., *r) ; y - (yr, ..., yr,), = K(x,y,t) which defines a path joining In this [*l-' y;, x,! € Rl* , -l-' rlJ x and y. case. a subset A c R" ++ is K-convex iff I o g ( A ) = { ( l o g x r , . . , l o g x , r )(: x r , . . , x , r )e A } is a convex set. 38 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Abstract Convexity. Example 2-3- [Castagnolt and Mazzolent, 1987J Let A be a convex set and X a set such that there exists a biyection from X into A, h: X ----+ A particuiar In this case it is possible to define a K-convex structure by means of function h as follows, K: X x X x [O,l]-) X - t^ ( l \ (l-t)h(x) + th(y) K(x,y,t) = h | l./ In this context a subset B is K-convex iff h(B) is a convex subset of A. Until all lo*, of the examples presented correspond to convex sets or situations where a bivection fi'om these sets into convex sets can be stated. The following example (used by Horvath (1991) in the context (and therefore structure of c-spaces) shows a non contractible set not homeomorph to a convex set) where a K-convex can be defined. Example 2.4. Let X c R' be the following set, X = !x e Rz : O ( a = llxll = b, a,b e R ) Considering the complex representation, *-Px ic(v ic[x 'Y=Pre 39 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapten 2. Abstract Convexity a function K can be defined as follows K: X x X x [O,lJ----+ X K ( x ,-y , t ) = | . t t - a l o * t p ' Y )l " i ( ( t - t ) c r x + t a v ) x l. It is important to note that in this example K-convex sets cannot be contractible sets. the In imposed on properties: the set function generated convexity following for K by in section, order function instance, that K(x,y,[O,1J); that additional to K ensure are .So, presented which verify ones of usual convexitv. 40 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 the abstract "desirable" points x,y belongs to K(x,y,[O,lJ) varies way whenever the ends do; etc. structures of that are certain satisfies any pajr conditions different in a continuous abstract properties similar convexity to the Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. 2.4. Abstract Convexity. PARTICULAR CASES: RESTRICTIONS TO FUNCTION K. If and it some continuity conditions are imposed on function K is required that structures Vx,y , x,y € K(x,y,[O,1]), then restricted can be defined where the meaning of function K is completely clear. Now some particular cases of K-convex structures are presented. 2.4.1. K-convex continuous structure. 2.21. Definition X is a topological If space, a K-convex conttnuous structure is defined by a continuous function K:XxXx[O,1] ----+X such that K(x,y,l) = y K(x,y,O) = x it . structures obvious structure continuous K(x,x,t) is = x can Vte[O,l]. generalize that in be any equiconnected defined, moreover spaces with Therefore equiconnected'spaces. 4i Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 set a K-convex verifying K-convex that continuous Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Abstract From Convexity. function K, a family of continuous paths joining pairs of points of X can be defined, K xy K Furthermore it xy : [O,l] ---+ X (t) = K(x,y,t) is verified that we consider points if which are close together (x' close to x, y' close to y), then the path which joins x and y and the path which joins x' and y' are also close together. Obviously in any convex structure can be defined, although it in any set. The next proposition set a K-convex continuous is not possible to define it states the conditions which have to be required by X so that a K-convex continuous structure can be defined on X. Proposition 2.5. Let X be a subset of a topological space, then it is possible to define a K-convex continuous structure on X iff X is a contractible set. Proof. Let K be the function which defines the K-convex continuous structure. For any fix a € X, .the following considered H:XxlO, ll 42 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 ----+X function can be Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Abstract Convexity, H(x,t) = K(x,a,t) It is continuous furthermore function is since continuous verifies that TL H(x, l) H(x,O)=x, so X is a contractible set. X is Conversely, if continuous function H set then there a contractible which satisfies the exists a previous assumptions, and from which it is possible to define the following function K, te[o, 0.5] ( ulx,zt) K(x,Y,t) = '{ telo.S, I l I nly,z-zt) which defines a K-convex continuous structure on X. It is structure continuous K-convex to the function equivalent,' subsets coincide with fact that under arbitrary abstract are the intersections, convexity. K is family Hence given by it and therefore abstract the some of the not it sets that mean subsets. That contractible the having a K-convex does contnactible of althoush that condition of condition and the contractibility note to important is not is due stable does not define an convexity contractible defined by subsets of X (since it is true that any K-convex set is contractible)Now some examples of sets where a K-convex continuous structure can be defined are shown 43 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Abstract Convexity. Example 2.5.: Star-shaped setIf X is a linear space, a subset of X is called a star-shaped set iff 3x eX oo tx + (l-t)x^ € X such that VxeX , Vte[O, l] In this case function K is given as follows, -----rX K:XxXxlo,ll I rr-rrr* + ztxo K(x,y,t) = .{ I | 2-2ixo ' Note structure that on V t e [O, 1]. function X since However equiconnected structure The next K it a teIO, O'5] + (zt-l)Y does does similar not not telo'5, 1l define verify function an that which equiconnected = x K(x,x,t) defines an on X can be considered. example shows a star-shaped an equiconnected one. 44 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 set which is not Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Abstract Convexity. Example 2-6. Let A c R2 be the following set, l] :n€tr',| ]v[0, A=U{(x,x/n),X€[O, l]x{O} A is a star-shaped set which is not equiconnected as it is not locally equiconnected8. Other kinds of K-convex These continuous structure sets situations, sets where it are interesting such as in the is possible to is the case of as they appear define a comprehensive sets. in analysis of- production many economic (free disposal assumption), bargaining problems, etc. t Th"or"- [Dugundjt, 1965] Equiconnectéd spaces are precisely the equiconnected ones. 45 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 contractible locally Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Example Abstract Convexity. 2-7. Let X c R'be a set which satisfies that if y=x VxeX From the definition then of the set it is easy to show that Vx,-veX This K-convex fact y€X XA1l=[min(x.,y.)l eX allows us to define continuous structure a function K which provides the to the set X. I O-rrl* + Zt(x¡y) K ( x , Y , t= ) l (xny) + (2t-1)y I Q-zt) t si t € [O,O.s] si t e [O.5,1] observe that this function is continuous since the minimum is a continuous function in Rt. 46 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Abstract If structure, X Convexity. is a topological (from then an operator convex Iine as the with it can be defined. but hull, In order to space with K) which function which a K-convex general in continuous is in the same does not coincide operator, consider the function define this z: ?(X) ---+ ?(X) such that: z(A) = K(AxAxlO,ll) since K(x,Y,O) = x and K(x,y,l) = !, t h e n A c K ( A x A x I O , 1 ] ) ,s o i t is clear that Asz(A)cz(z(A))9... then if we call Al = A , A2 = z(Al), we obtain ... , At = z(At-l), ... that Al . A2 c -.. < At-l c At < ... and it hull is is the operator closely possible prove to C.-(A) = V Ai, Ki that since the \ smallest K-convex set which contains A. the following related to of definition the stability is number Carathéodory K-convex From this stated which is associated with abstract convexity. Definition If 2.22. neD,,l,then a K-convex structure on a topological space X is n-stable if it is verified that vA(x - z(At)=At. 41 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Abstnact Convexity. If K defines an n-stable K-convex structure on X. then C*(A) = A" so any point a finite of the K-convex hull of a set A can be obtained from number of elements of A. Proposition 2.6. Let (X,K) be a set with an n-stable K-convex structure, then it has a Carathéodory number c such that c s zt-r. Proof. By the n-stability we have, if x e C..(A) = A' = K(A"-l x A'-r x [o,1]) K then there exist "l-t, *l-t € A'-1, t"-relo,tl such that x = K( *l-t, *l-t, t"-1 ) But since At-l = K(A"-z x At-2 x [o,l]), reasoning same way it is obtained that there exist *i-t, *f,-',*2-',*i-t € A'-2, such that *l-t \ ti-', ti-'e [o,l] = K( x'-2, *f,-z, t"-z ) *l-t = K( xl-2, *"-2, tl-z ) therefore x = K[xt*;-',*i-', ti-'), K(x'-2,*i-', t)-',, ."-' and hence x e C*( *l-', Reasoning in a recursive *f,-', *n-2, *n-' ). way it 4B Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 is obtained that ] in the Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Abstnact Convexity. x ^,1 I I I € LKIx1,*2,*3,.. .,X^r_ ¿ . I J. where the number of elements is never more than 2n-1. To obtain a result equivalent to Carathéodory's we need to introduce the following conditions, l. Idempotent: K(a,a,t)=¿. 2. Simetry: K ( a , b , [ O , t ] )= K ( b , a , [ O , l ] ) . Vte[O,l]. 3. Associativity: K ( K ( a , bI,o , 1 ] ) , cI,o , l ] ) = K ( K ( a , cI,o , l ] ) , b ,I o , l ] ) Proposition 2.7. Let X be a topological space with a Kl"onu"" structure which satisfies conditions 1, Z and 3. Then the K-convex structure is n-stable iff to the Carathéodory number is Iess than or 2n-1. To prove this result we need some lemmas. Lemma 2.1. Under the assumptions of Proposition 2.7. we have that C..({x,Y}= ) K(x,Y,IO,l]) K- 49 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 equal Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Abstract Convexitv. Proof. It is enough to show that then apply that it K(x,y,[0,1]) is a K-convex set and is the smallest K-convex set which contains the subset {*,y}. So, if a, b e K(x,y,[O,l]) we have to prove that K ( a , b , I O , 1 ]c) K(x,y,tO,il). We know that there exist s,t e [O,t] such that a = K(x,y,s); If we denotez = K(a,b,r) with z = K(a,b,r) = b = K(x,y,t) r e [O,t], then K(K(x,y,s),K(x,y,t),r) and applying conditions I,2,3 we obtain that fr' e [O,l] such that z = K(x,y,r') e K(x,y,[O,l]) The previous lemma states that under conditions I, Z ,and 3, the path which joins any pair of points is a. K-convex set. The following lemma presents a useful property of the K-convex structure to obtain the K-convex hull of any set. Lemma 2-2Under the assumptions of proposition 2.J., the convexity generated by the K-convex structure is join hull commutative, that is, subset if C(Au{xi) A is a K-convex =UC(a.x) KK a€A 50 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 and x e X then Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Abstnact Convexity. Proof. Let A be a K-convex subset of X. Since we know that A v {x} c U c*(a,x) U c*(a,x) c cK(A v {x}) and a€A if a€A were a K-convex set, it U C--(a,x) K would verify the lemma a€A since would it be the smallest K-convex set which contains A u {x}. Next it is shown that the set . U c -(a,x) a€A K U C*(a,x), we have to is a K-convex set. Consider u,v € prove a€A that the path which joins u and v is contained in this set. Since u and v are in the union, 3ar, a, e A: u e C*(ar, x) = K(ar, x, [O,1]) v e C*(ar, x) = K(ar, x, [O,1]) ar, a, e [O,1] such that so there exist u = K(ar, x, tr) v = K(ar, x, tr) Therefore Vr e [O,l] we have: K ( u ,v , r ) = K [ * t . r , * , a , , . K ( a r ,x , t r ) , . J = and reasoningin the same way as in Lemma2.I. we obtain t) = rlr(ar, where ". a r , t ) , * , r ' , J = K ( a . , X , r ' ) e C * ( a . , x ,. = K!.r, a2, t) € A a9 € A. C * ( a , x ) since A is a K-convex set. 51 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter Abstract 2. Finally 2.L. which from lemma is a generalization the following allows function Convexity. us to obtain K in a recursive the K-convex hull of of Lemma a finite set wav. Lemma 2.3. Under the assumptions of Proposition 2.7. it is verified that C * ( { x r , .. , x r r } ) = K ( . . K ( K ( x , " , , x nI_oI,,l ] ) , x r r _ rI,o ,I I ) . . ) , x r ,I o , l l ) Vt. e IO,t], Vi=l,2,...,n. Proof. We prove the result by induction on n. If n=2 then we are in the case of Lemma 2. l. Assume that the result is true whenever the cardinality of the set is at the most n. Consider the set B = {xr,xr,..,Xrr,Xr.,*r).It can be expressed in the following way. . B=AU{*rr*r} where A={xr,xr,..,*r,). Then c(A)cC(B) KK {x }cC(B) n+1 K *o."tu". BcC(A)U{x }cC(B) Kn+lK therefore C*(B) = CK(CK(A)U {x,.,*r}) and applying Lemma 2.2. 52 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Abstract Convexity. c ( B ) = c K ( c K ( AU ) { x , . , . , }=) U K K K c * ( i a , x ' , * r } )= N+I A€C (A) and by the inductive hypothesis = . r.Yo, l I K(K("K(K(xr'* )'xr'tr) r'Xrr'trr)'X.,-r't.'-t).'' C K ( B )= K ( K ( . .K ( K ( X . , * r , XIrO , ,,I I ) , x , . , _trO, ,l ] ) . . . ) , x r ,[ 0 ,l ] ) Proof of ProposítLon 2.7. Proposition 2.6. proves one of the implications. Conversely; let c = }n-r be the Carathéodory number of the K-convex structure. Then for anv AGX it is verified that c (A) = U t c frl' KK fFl = c, F c A ). Let us assume that the structure exists x € A'*l - A". is not c-stable, then there A"*l c CK(A), x e C*(A) and by But the definition of the Carathéodory number we obtain i C*(A) =U{C*(F):lFl =c,FcA} therefore x e C__(F)for some F such that lFl K Lemma 2.3. we obtain Similar that x € Ac, conditions to introduced by many other which those = c, F c A and by is a contradiction. of Proposition 2.1 . were authorg (see Wieczorek, 1992) in other contexts of abstract convexitY. 53 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Abstract Under Convexity, stability which generalizes a well conditions, known result the following from proposition the usual convexity (Theorem 2.5.) is verified. Proposition 2.8. Let X be a topological continuous structure- If space with an n-stable K-convex A c X is a compact subset, then C*(A) is also compact. Proof. Since K is an n-stable K-convex continuous structure, we know that C*(A) = An but Ar = A, A2 = z(A1), ..., A' = z(At-l) zÁ) -- K(A x A x [O,l]) \ So, it is clear that z(A) is a compact subset due to the fact that A and [O,l] are compact and K continuous. Applying this argument repeatedly it is obtained that An is compact and therefore CK(A) is also a compact subset. 54 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 that Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Abstract Convexity, 2.4.2. mc-spaces. If the the continuitv K-convex continuous generalization of this any finite their family of composition structure way to points, a family a is the is we relaxed, obtain a concept. Now the idea is to associate for case of of functions requiring function. that This composition the family of finite points in a c-spaces or simplicial convexities. continuous generates a set associated with similar K which defines condition in function However in contrast with these cases, no monotone condition on the associated sets is now required. Definition 2.23. A topological space X is rnc-space íf for of subset X, A c X, there exists a any nonempty finite family of elements br, i=O,..,lAl-1 (not necessarily different) and a family of functions P f : X x [ 0 , 1 ] - - - +x i= o,1,..., lAl-1 such that t. pl (x,o)= x, ef tx, l) = b. VxeX. 2. The following function G : [O, l]" ---+ X given by = r:I rl,h: GA(to,tr,...,t.,_r) [u",rJ,.._,],."_,J,...],tJ is a continuous function. 55 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapten 2. Abstract Note f ield Convexity. that the possibilities, of different. For mc-space since subset, AcX, following the way: since instance, it is of mc-space can appear notion it every possible family of nonempty to def ine functions ranges over context in topological for p1, any a wide completely space nonempty X is finite Vi=O,...,1A1-1, in the aeX (X;¿o) ** if we fix "on=rd"r Pl(x,t) = x VxeX, VteIO,l) I pA(x,l) = a VxeX i It is clear G (t ,...t AOn-l that from these functions it is obtained that ) i s a c o n t i n u o u sfunction. In the previous case, functions Pi are defined independently ¡ of the f inite subset A which is considered. However, in cases,functions PA can be directly reiated with other elements of A, as in the case of convex sets: P1(x,tl = (t-t)x + ta. VxeX, ütelo,tl tl where A = {a-,a,...,á, 0' l' , lAl-1 Moreover, note } and b that = a i if i X Vi. has a K-convex continuous structure and we consider functions P.(x,t) = K(x,a.,t), then they define an mc-structure on X. Therefore mc-spaces are extensions of K-convex continuous structures 56 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Abstract Convexity. Example 2.4. shows an mc-space where it is not possible to define a K-convex continuous structure since it is not a of X contractible set (it has a "hole"). In this structure (A = {a^, ... ,a }), nonempty each element for 0'ni any for there exists a function a_ e A finite and subset for each x € X, ef{x), [O, l]----+ X , satisfying that p l (x)(o )= x pl(x)(t) = u.. and ll If joins -ii'ii x represents P: is continuous, then it and b-. Furthermore, if b. a continuous path which represents a is joins equal to x path which a., PA(x,[O,1]) and a.. These paths depend, in a sense, on the points which are considered, as well as the finite subsets of A which contain them. So. in contrast to the K-convex structure, the of nature these paths can be very different. Therefore, function Go can be interpreted as follows: the path point which pA -(U , I n-l n joins .) = 'pn - 1 ., - n-l b. with represents a point of the = pn_z i= br,_r, al_r(Or,_r,^ n-z) point of the path which joins p with b ^, etc. 5'7 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 a Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Abstract So Convexity. we if want to ensure that the functions PA is continuous, we need to ask for i functions P A ( z ) : [0, 1] -> the path joining b. i+l X in any point Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 of the continuity of "2" which belongs to and p ' . _, with i = O,...,D-Z. i+2' 5B composition Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Abstract Convex¡ty. t, = l, then any t, Finaily note that if affect does not the if t. = O, then b. will Moreover G function Aii such that (since PA(x,l) = b j>i, VxeX). not appear in this path. ¡I From an mc-space structure it is always possible to define an abstract convexity given by the family of sets which are stable under function G^. To define this convexity we need some previous concepts. 2.24. Definition Let X be an mc-space and Z a subset of X. that A^Z + a, function G A AnZ = {.0,"r,..,arr}, we define the VA e <X>, such restriction of to Z as follows: Gol=, [o, i]" --+ ca ¡, ( t ) X ( a n , l ) , t , , _ ,) . . . .) , t o ) = t:(...PA_r{PA where PA are the functions associated with the elements a-eA which l¡ belong to Z. From extension this of K-convex notion we define sets) in the following 59 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 mc-sets way. (which are an Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Definition Abstnact Convexity. 2.25. A subset Z of an mc-space X is an mc-set iff G, ([o,l]") sZ Atz VAe<X>, A¡Z*a The intersections, family so it of mc-sets is defines an abstract been done previously, in it is verified this case we stable under convexity on X. As has can define operator in the usual way. C_"(A) = ¡ {B I AcB, 60 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 arbitrary B is an mc-set} an mc-huli Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2.5. 2. Abstract Convexity. RELATION BETWEEN THE DIFFERENT ABSTRACT CONVEXITIES. In kinds of this Section the convexity between the relationship in introduced previous the analyzed. Some of them are easy to prove, for different Sections, is example that equiconnected space has a K-convex continuous structure the K-convex continuous structure c-space. Those which are not is a particular or case of an that the proved immediately obtained are throughout this Section. The following result shows that a c-space is a K-convex sDace in which the F-sets are K-convex sets. Proposition 2.9. Let (X, F) be a c-space, then there exists a function K such (X, K) is a K-convex Since (X,F) is a that F-sets Furthermore space. are K-conr¡ex sets. Proof. c-space, then Vx e X it is possible to choose x* e F({xi), because of F({x}) + o. Through the monotone of F we obtain that Vx,y e X, F({x}) c F({x,y}) hence X*,y* e F({x,y}). set, there contained in and Applying that F({y}) c F({x, y}) F({x,y}) exists a continuous path joining F({x, y}). 6l Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 is a contractible x¡t and y* which is Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Abstract Convexity. Therefore we can define function K as follows K: X x X x [o,l] ---) where K(x,y,[O,ll) X is the path which joins x* and y*. So it is satisfied Vx,y e X K(x,y,[o,il)c F({x,y}) In order to show that F-sets are K-convex sets, it is enough to verify that the path which joins any pair of points of an F-set is included in the set. But it is immediate from the definition of an F-set and due to the way in which K is defined. Therefore it is verified that K(x,y,[0,1]) < F({x, y}) . Proposition 2.1O. Let (X,K) be a space with a K-convex continuous structure, then it is possible to define a simplicial convexity in X. \ Proof. Consider the family of functions O[ar,ar,..a,rl as follows, Q[ar,ar,..a,.,1(t,,..,1r,_)=K(..K(arr,ar.,_r,t.,_r),?n_2,. . ). . ),ar,tr) , The simplicial convexity generated by 0 coincides with one which is obtained from K. 62 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 the Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Abstract On simplicial Convexity. the other convexity is hand, a it is K-convex important structure as to note the that following result shows. Proposition 2.11. Let X be a space with a simplicial convexity generated by O, then there exists a function K which defines a K-convex structure on X. Moreover, simplicial convex sets are K-convex sets. Proof From the simplicial convexity, we have that Vx,y e X there exists a continuous function Q[x,yl: A, ------>X Considering the following function K(x,y,t) = O[x,y](t,1-t) K: X x X x [O,1]-----+X it defines a K-convex structure on X. Moreover, if A is a simplicial convex set then it is obtained that Vn e 0,.|,V(ar,ar,...arr)e A, Vu € Arr_r O[ar,ar,..,arrl(u)e A and in particular V x, ye K ( x , y , [ o , l l ) = o [ x , y ] ( 4 1 )g A A Therefore simplicial convex sets are K-convex sets. Tl" next proposition contain, as a particular shows that mc-space structures case, c-spaces (in the sense that are also mc-sets). 63 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 F-sets Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapten 2. Abstract Convexity. Proposition^ 2.I2. Let (X,F) be a c-space, then X is an mc-space. Moreover F-sets are mc-sets. Proof. Since (X,F) is a c-space, then for any finite subset A={a^,a-,...,a } of X, we assign the contractible set F(A). Thus a O'l'n singular face structuree can be defined as follows, F':<N> -_-_)X F'(J)=F((a.:ieJ)) where N = {O,1,...,n}. So we can apply one of Horvath's results (1991) to ensure the existence of a continuous function g:4,, ->X such that for any J c N e(Ar) c F'(J) = F(ia. : i e J)) . Next, we are going to prove that X is an mc-space by means of function g. If of R^*r, functions we denote by {e.r i=0,..,n} Pf:Xxto,ll ->X I the cannonical base are defined in the following way: ' o Definition IHorv^ath, 1991] Let X be a topological space, an N dimensional singular face structure on X is a map F:<N> --+X such that: l. VJe<N> F(J) is nonempty and contractible. 2. VJ,J'ecN> if JcJ' then F(J)cF(J'). Theorem [Horvath, 1991] Let X be a topological space and F:<N>-->X a singular face structure on X. Then there exists a continuous function f:An ---+X such that VJe<N>, f(A")cF(J). 64 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Abstract Convexity. PA(x,l)=g(e,",)=b,., PA-r{PA{*'t)'tr,-r)= s[t,.,-r"r,-, * (t-t"-r)e,r] = tl-, [tl-'[eo{*'t)'t,,-,J't"-J =e [t"-r"r,-r+(1-t,,-r) [tr,-r".,-r*(t-t"-r,"") J in general .-J't]= "lI tl-,["][."'tJ,.,,-,J,, "-,J, n ( tr -elt.". l nn+ . (Functions pi j=k*l will now so that until it ,j-, ,) ) .",[ilrr-tlll L j t i=k be defined in those values not considered would be an mc-space, that is PA(x,O) = x, and pA(x,l¡ = g(e.)). Finally, = t:I tl-,[4["",tJ,t,,.,J,t GA(to,tr,'.',t,,-r) "-rJ,'],tJ - f F l ) o,t,l t.?"J = cl where &. ir furthermore are it functions is which verified that vary continuously I o,=1. Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 So, the with t. and composition Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Abstract ¡^ , rD Go: [0, ] i ----+X means of Convexity. a is the continuous composition of function continuous since it functions, is def ined by defines an so it mc-space structure. We only need to show that F-sets are mc-sets. If Z is an F-set, then V A' e <Z>, it is satisfied that F(A') < Z. A e (X), Consider A'= AnZ, then mc-structure, as a such AnZ * a, that result of way the and used let to us denote define the we have c A l z ( [ o , l ] - ) c s ( a r ) s F ( A n Z )= F ( A ' ) 9 Z whereJ=ii:a.eAnZ). Therefore F-sets are mc-sets. The following example a c-space, in the sense that shows mc-sets an mc-space which do not coincide with is not F-sets. Example 2.8. @ Consider the following X = U [2n,2n+1] (ne[,]). subset of R: n=O . Then it is possible to prove that X is an mc-space whose mc-sets are not functions: F-sets. In order to do it, we def ine VA = {ar,...,.r,} € <X> ( -¡. I P'-'(x,O)= x 1¡ I tlf*,t) = max(A) = a* 66 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Vte(O,ll the following Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Abstnact Convexity. S o i t i s c l e a r that G is a continuous function AA G A ( t o , t l , . . . , t n) = P " ( . . . P " ( a, l ) , t On n n- I since )...t ) = a* Vt.eIO,l] I therefore X is an mc-space. In this context we can ensure that the following subsets are mc-sets: Z Thus, Z that w AnZ =[w,+o)nX VweX w is an mc-set since for *@ ww every finite weknowthat subset A of X such a*eZ,therefore I -\ c- . 1 II fr vot ¡ rr t * | = a * e Z nlz*t w ) However it is not possible to define a c-structure on X in which Z* were F-sets (VweX)- It is due to if F:<X> ---)X defines a c-structure VAe<X> on X, then it has to be verified that F(A) has to be a contractible set, and therefore to be included in some interval [Zn,Zn+Ll. Moreover, by the AsB then F(A)€F(B)) this interval Ae<X>), since case they in other connected components and they monotonicity condition has to be the same for would would not be in two (if everv different be contractible sets. Therefore it is clear now that Z* is not an F-set whenever w)Zn+l (for every Ae<Z > it is verified F(A) is not included in Z ). 61 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Abstract Next, Proposition Convexity. it 2.I2., mc-structure, proved is that a in simplicial in which simplicial a similar convexity way as induces an convex sets are mc-sets. Proposition 2.13. Let X be a space with a simplicial convexity generated by O. Then in X there exists an mc-structure where the simplicial convex sets are mc-sets. Proof. Since X has nonempty finite a simplicial subset A c convexity X, g(O), then for A = {ao,ar,...,"r,), there any is a continuous function é[a ,a,...,a ]:A -------+X such that 1. é[x](1)= x. 2. Q I a o , a r , . . . , a n ] ( t 0 , t l , . . , o , . . . , aorI)a=_ . ] ( t _ . ) i) then it is possible to define an mc-structure by means of f u n c t i o n é [ a ^ , a - , . . . , a] Otn, pA:Xxlo,1l->X in the following way p A ( x , t ) = o I a o , a r , . . . , a , . , 1 ( e=, . ., r) , 'p A t p A l x l ) , -t r , - 1) ' .,-1" r'^"" = ó- ' [- a o ',-,t a ' . 1, ." .' -.n, 'u[ "lnf-tl " n - e l 68 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 ') + ( l - t" n - t l' -. n J " the Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Abstract Convexitv. tl-. Qlao'a,'"''t.,1 't"-r]= [t:-,[eo{*'t)''"-,J [',,-r".,-r*(' -tn-z) [',,-r""-r*('-'"-r,""J] in general tl['tl,[tl["",tJ,'"-,J,' "-,],"'J,'J= é[ao,a,,-..,."t .rf,.,"r[,|[_,t .,,J [,n"u ] f inally 'l[ 4-,[rl[.",tJ,."-,J,."-,J, = J,.J rL o l ao^. r, a l, u . ..",l.\.,l.4 t t)J where o, are functions which ) " . " .I vary continuously with t, and furthermore. it is verified that f c.=1. So, the composition Go:[o,l]"-----+X = t;[. t:-,[t:[.",tJ,."_,J,...J,.J = cA(t.,tr,...,t,,-r) (n\ é[ao,ar,...,u"rl l"r"rl \ is a continuous function since it l=o is t defined by means of composition of continuous functions, so X is an mc-space. 69 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 the Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Abstract (Functions Convexity. P1 will i until now so that it be defined in those values not considered would be an mc-space, that is Pl(x,O) = x, and P"(x,l) = Ola ,a.....a l(e )). i0'l-ni We only need to show that therfore if Z is simplicial convex set convex sets are mc-sets; then V A' < <Z>, it is é[a_,a ,...,a ](A ) g Z. verified that Let a simplicial Olmm A e (X), with AnZ + a, and let us denote A'= AnZ = {a. ,...,a. i then as a result of the way used to define II 0m the mc-structure, we have G ^ r _ ( [ o , 1 ] *=) o l a . , . . . , d . l ( ¡ ) s Z Al' ro t- m whereJ={i:a.eA¡Z]1. I Therefore simplicial convex sets are mc-sets. 'to Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Abstract Convexity. Summing up we have proved the following relations: USUAL CONVEXITY EQU ICONNECTED CONTINUOUS K-CONVEX STRUCTURE I ü SIMPLICIAL CONVEXITY C-SPACE K-CONVEX 11 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 STRUCTURE Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2.6. 2. Abstract Convexity LOCAL CONVEXITY. Finally, that the notion of local convexity (which assumes each point has a neighborhood base of convex sets) and its extension to the context of abstract convexities are analyzed. It is important to consider this case due to the many applications of convexity that require convexity will u9 used propert.ies, so local throughout generalize some results from the the local following usual convexity. In this abstract chapters to Section we introduce the notions of local convexity in some of the particular contexts of abstract convexities mentioned in the Iast sections. Definition 2.26. [Van de VeL, 1993] A set X is LocaLLy convex if each point has a neighborhood base of abstract convex sets. In particular, in the 'case of usual convexity, this concept can be expressed in the following wayr Definition 2.27. A linear topological space X is local Ly convex if the point O has a neighborhood base of usual convex sets. A simple convexity example of localiy convex space in the usual is the following: 72 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 2. Abstract Convexity. Example 2.9. A normed space X is locally convex due to it is possible to define a base of neighbourhoods at O as follows, B(O,e)={x:llxll When we want apart from asking for se} to extend the notion of local convexity, the balls to be abstract convex sets, we need to require the balls of abstract convex sets B(E,e)= { x e Xl d(x,E) < e } to be abstract convex sets. Definition 2.28. A metric [Horvath, 199L] c-space (X,d) is a LocaLLy "-"p"..to if the open balis of points of X as well as the balls of F-sets, are F-sets. In this line, but in the context of K-convex spaces and mc-spaces, we give the following definitions: toThi, concept introduced corresponds by Horvath to the notion (1991). Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 of Lc-metrtc space Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Volver al índice/Tornar a l'índex Chapter 2. Definition Abstract Convexity. 2.29- A metric space (X,d) with a K-convex continuous structure is a LocaLLy K-convex space iff Ve>O it is verified that d(x,E)<r} {xeXl is a K-convex set whenever E is a K-convex one. Definition 2.30. A metric mc-space is a LocaLLy mc-space verified that {xeX:d(x,E)<e} is an mc-set whenever E is an mc-set. 14 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 iff Ve>O it is Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar CHAPTER 3 FIXEDPOINTRESULTS. 3.0. INTRODUCTION. 3.I. PRELIMINARIES. 3.2. CLASSICAL FIXED POINT THEOREMS. \ 3.3. FIXED POINT THEOREMS IN ABSTRACT CONVEXITIES. 3.3.1. Fixed point theorems in c-spaces. 3.3.2. Fixed point theorems in simplicial convexities. 3.3.3. Fixed point theorems in K-convex continuous structures. 3-3-4. Fixed point theorems in mc-spaces. Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 3. point Fixed results. o . INTRODUCTION. point Fixed we can ensure that into itself , basic to or f ixed a or tool problems of in the existence of fixed That conditions from is, can a topological space exists These the This be which point a depending on whether prove economics. under there respectively. used to point for the defined x e f(x), problems these f, point. correspondence mathematical several most a analyzes a function x = f(x) such that function has Theory is to ref ormulated specific results existence due f as is a are a solutions of the x fact that problems of functions. For instance, a classical problem in economic theory is the existence economies,...) existence (f :E -+E). of of which the (in equilibrium in macroeconomics, some cases is solution of solved by \such equations Leontief proving as f(d the = O But these problems can be formulated as a fixed point problem by considering the following function: p(z) = z - f(z). In the same way, we can mention the problem of the existence of a solution to variational inequalities which also are problems probiems complementarity basic (general ( z >O; z Í (z' - d-fQ' ) = O ],..., in the solving of equilibrium, 76 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 among equilibrium distributive f(z) = O), others, existence problems,...) and Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter which the point Fixed to points case of of { x e Dom(f): the by In particular, can be obtained from the g(x) = sup{O,x-f(x)}; in considering where tr(y) the following is the } (see Borden, 1985; Harker Vz e Dom(f) set and 1992). A different point inequalities, xy = zy problems. function: A(x,y) = tt(y)xf(x) Pang, 199O; Villar, fixed problems following variational point as fixed complementarity correspondence: of results. can be reformulated solution fixed the 3. kind of problem which can be solved by means theory, is the case of inequality systems stated as a nonempty finite intersection problem t fr f. * a ) by making use ' i=l of Knaster-Kuratowski-Mazurkiewicz's result (KKM). In this case it is also possible to solve the problem by proving the existence of a fixed point of a specific (see function Border, 1985; Villar, L992). On the existence of other maximal hand, is it important to note that the elements, thc existence of Nash equilibrium in non-cooperative games, etc. are all problems which can also be solved by means of fixed point theory. Therefore, of it is very interesting to analyze extensions f ixed poina- results by relaxing the conditions usually imposed on them in order to cover more situatians than those covered bv 77 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 3. the Fixed known used problems where classical is that the Horvath's and results. results. point f ixed in point of mapping results is defined. obtains the the most order in the convexity (1987, work One of to important solve some of both the mapping this In line, we generalizes 1991) who existence of conditions and the set have f ixed continuous economic to mention point results selection to correspondences. This chapter is devoted to analyzing fixed and the existence of correspondences by convexities the is convexities organized definitions which will In Section 3.2 analysis fixed presented and we analyze this abstract problem in some of Section in using previous chapter. in the follows: point classical' fixed new convexity approximations to 3.1 the This basic be used in this development are introduced. in Finally theorems to the and the introduced as presented. are point relaxing instead. In fact, abstract chapter continuous selections or point results results theorems used in Section context of in the presented in chapter 2 are proved. 18 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 3.3, abstract new economic extensions of convexities are abstract convexities Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter I. 3. Fixed point results. PRELIMINARIES. In this Section several concepts and well known results which be will used throughout the work are presented (see Dugundji and Granas, 1982 or Istratescu l98l). Definition 3.1. Let X be a topological space, a family of open subsets of X such that X = U W. is called an open covertng of X. {W.}.-I lel I i€I Definition 3.2. Let {W,},., be a covering of X. Then if J is contained in I and {W.}.., is again a covering, it is called a subcoverLng. Definition 3.3. Let and {*,},., is a ref inement of \ be two coverings of X. {tr}r., {*r}r., {*r}r., if for every iel there exists jeJ such that W c w- Definition 3.4. A covering {W.).-- oi'a I lcr finite if for every xeX there exists a neighborhood V* of x such that W ¡ Y + a ix topological space X is called locally onlv for a finite number of indexes. 79 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 3. point Fixed Definition results. 3.5. A Hausdorff topological open covering has a locally Definition Let compact space X is called. paracompact finite if each open refinement. 3.6. X be a Hausdorff if for topological space, X each open covering of x there is said to exists be a finite subcovering. First of all we present some previous resuits which are needed to prove fixed point theorems. Definition 3.7. Let {*rirl, x- A {Wiii:l finite be a finite partitíon of open covering of untty subordinate is a set of continuous functions p.:X ___+R such that . 1. VxeX ú.(x)=O n 2. VxeX 3. VxÉW. Iú(x)=l t tI, II ú.(x) =O 80 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 a topological space to this covering Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 3. Fixed Theorem 3.1. point results. IIstratescu, 1981] Let X be a compact Hausdorff topological space and {W.}.], a finite open covering of X. Then there exists a partition of unity subordinate to this covering. Next, the notion correspondence and of continuity for correspondences are formally given. Definition 3.8- Let X, Y be topological spaces, and ?(X), ?(Y) the family all the subsets of X and Y. A, correspondence from of X into Y is a function from X into P(Y) f:X ----+ P(Y) and it will be denoted by f:X _+_+ Definition Let y 3.9. X, Y be spaces topological and f:X ->+ a Y correspondence. It is said that r-l(y)={xeX:y-ef(x)} are the ínverse ímages of l. A correspondence has open tnverse ímages whenever f-l{y) an open set for everY YeY. 81 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 is Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 3, Fixed point results. The graph of a correspondence f:X ___>_> y is given by the foilowing subset of X x y: Gr(f) = { (x,y) e Xxyl y e f(x) } Definition Let 3-lO. X and Y be two topological correspondence such that for to be upper all x e X , l(x)*a. semícontínuous neighborhood v of f(xo) spaces and I-:X ___++ y at xo€X , there exists if for Then it any a is said arbitrary a neighborhood u of *o such that f(x) < V for all xeU. The correspondence I' is said to upper be semicontínuous (u.s.c.) on X if it is upper semicontinuous at e a c h p o i n t x e X . Definition Let 3.11. X and Y be two topological correspondence such that for to be Lower neighborhood v all * I x semícontinuous of f(xo) spaces and I':X -+-+ at , l(x)+o- xo€x , there exists if for Then it any y a is said arbitrary a neighborhood u of *o such that Vx e U it is verified that f(x) n y * a. The correspondence f is said to be Lower semicontLnuous (l.s.c.) on X if it is lower semicontinuous at each point x e X. 82 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 3. Definition Fixed point nesults. 3.12. Let X and Y be two topological spaces and let f:X --+-> a correspondence with f(x);¿a for all x e X. Then f conttnuous at x € X if Y be is said to be it is upper and Iower semicontinuous. The correspondence I- is called continuous on X if it is continuous at eachpointx€X. One of the problems which will be analyzed throughout the work is the existence of fixed points. This concept, which is stated in context the of functions (x*: f(x*) = x*), has been extended to the context of correspondences in the following way: Definition 3.13. LetXbea topological space and correspondence. Then x* e X is called a fíxed I-:X -----+---+ Y a potnt of f if it is verified that x* e f(x*). Two different ways of def ining a function associated consider whether a function whose images are contained in correspondence images, or a function whose with graph a corresoondence is to is as close as is wanted t-9 the Formally we give the following definitions: 83 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 correspondence graph. Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 3. Definition point results. 3.14. f :X ----->--) Y be a correspondence. Let function Fixed f: X---------; Y such that f(x) Definition Let for A selection from I- is a everv x € X e I-(x) 3.15. X,Y be metric correspondence. A f amily spaces and {f,},., indexed by a nonempty filtering Ve>O Hereafter, 3jel: of let f: functions X----------++ Y a between X and y set I is an approxímation Vi=¡ be for f if Gr(f.) c B_(Gr(f)) Hausdorff topological considered. B4 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 spaces will be Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapten 3. 2. point Fixed results. CLASSICAL FIXED POINT THEOREMS. Perhaps the most important result the in f ixed point theory is the famous Theorem of Brouwer Q9l2) which says that the closed unit ball R' has the fixed ball and f:Bt ->Bt denotes this point property, that is, if is a continuous function, B' then there exists a point x*€Bt such that f(x*)=;¡*. One of the unit its possible extensions consists of substituting any other compact and convex subset of sphere for a finite dimensional euclidean sDace. Theorem 3.2. If [Brouwer, 1912] C is a comDact convex set in a f inite dimensional soace and f :C -----+ C is any continuous mapping, then there exists a point x*eC such that f(x*)=xx. This result was extended to the context of nonfinite dimensional spaces (locally convex) by Schauder-Thychonoff. Theorem 3.3. Let C topological [schauder-Thychonoff, be a see Dugundjí and Granas,7982J compact convex subset of space. Then any continuous function t lxecl Dornt. B5 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 a locally convex f :C ------+ C has a Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 3. Fixed point results. Brouwer's result point results these is the main tool used to extend f ixed to correspondences because the way used to obtain extensions consists of considering a continuous approximation to or selection of the correspondence in which the existence of fixed points is ensured by Brouwer's result. Since these fixed points are also fixed points to the correspondence the problem is solved. The first extension of this theorem to correspondences considered is that of von Neumann (1937). Theorem 3.4. [Von Neumann, 7937; Kakutani, 1941] Let X and Y be two nonempty compact convex sets each in a finite dimensional euclidean space. Let E and F be two closed subsets of X x Y. Suppose that for each y e y (x,y)eE} E(y)={xeXl is nonempty, closed and convex and also fon each x e X (x,y)eF) F(x)={yeYl is nonempty, closed and convex. Inthiscase Kakutani EnF*a. (1941) obtains an extension of Brouwer's Theorem by considering compact convex valued correspondences in a compact convex set in the Euclidean space. 86 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 3. point Fixed Theorem 3.5. results. IKakutani, 1941] Let E be an Euclidean space and C a nonempty bounded closed convex set in X. I':C ------++C Let be an upper semicontinuous corresDondenceand closed convex valued. Then f has a fixed point. Another result along the same line is that of Fan (1961), which was obtained independently by Browder (1961), where the of existence a fixed point is proved using conditions different to those of Kakutani. Theorem 3.6. [Fan, 196L;Browder, 7967] Let E be a topological vector space and C a nonempty compact convex subset of E. Let f:C -------) C be a nonempty convex valued correspondence with open images. Then I has a fixed point in C. As we mentioned above, the way to prove the existence of fixed points to correspondences continuous selection or approximation applied. or Therefore selections- of the existence of consists of constructing to which Brouwer's result continuous approximations correspondences has been of vital the theorv of fixed point. 87 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 a is to importance in Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 3. Fixed point results. The following ensure the and, results, by yannelis existence of a continuous this, the existence from and Prabhakar (1983), selection of of a correspondence points fixed to this correspondence is obtained. Theorem 3.7. Let x [YanneLis and prabhakar, 19g3] be a paracompact space and y space. suppose that f: X -------+-+ y a linear topological is a nonempt-v convex valued correspondence which has open inverse images. Then there exists a continuous function f :X -----+Y such that for all xeX f(x) e f(x). Corollary Let topological 3.1. [YannelLs and prabhakar, 1983] X be a compact convex nonempty subset of space E and suppose that f :X---+--+X a linear is a nonempty \convex valued correspondence which has open inverse irnages. Then f has a fixed point. These results will be extended to abstract convexities in the following section. B8 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 the context of Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 3, Fixed point results. FIXED POINT THEOREMS IN ABSTRACT CONVEXITIES. In the context of fixed point theory in abstract convexities we have to mention Horvath's work (1987, 1991), lvho obtains selection and fixed Bielawski (1987), who c-spaces; context selection point of simplicial results in convexities. Other results proves to correspondences in similar results in convexities and Curtis (1985) who a similar that context works which are to also of the obtains simplicial interestins in this framework are those of Keimel and Wieczorek (1988) and Wieczorek (1992) who use closed convexitv- In this the abstract Section the convexities existence of fixed points in some of mentioned in Chapter 2 is analyzed. 89 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 3. Fixed point results. 3.1. Fixed point Theonems in c-spaces. As we mentioned in c-space was convexity to introduced and to obtain conrespondences following lower Horvath (1987, l99l) by some results equivalent proves result semicontinuous the previous chapten, the the to of those existence of selection of result is usual generalize and Dresented in the convexity. extends the of point and fixed a continuous correspondences Theorem (1956)rl. This to notion The selection to Michael's context of locally c-spaces. Theorem 3.8. Let "-rp.""t' vxeX f(x) X IHorvath, be a 1991] paracompact space, (y,F) and I.:X a complete locally Y a lower semicontinuous map such that is a nonempty closed F-set. Then there is a continuous selection for I-. The next result covers the extension of Browder,s and Fan's Theorems (Theonem 3.6.) to c-sDaces. rr Theorem [Michael, 1956] Let X be a perfectly normal topological space, then every l.s.c. correspondence from X in itself with closed convex and nonempty images admits cont!.nuousselection. t' S"" Definition 2.28. 90 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 3. Fixed point results. Theorem 3.9.13 (X,F) Let I-: X -->--+ be a compact c-space and a correspondence the existence X such that 1. VxeX, f(x) is a nonempty F-set. z. x = U {int r-l(y): yex}. Then f has a fixed point. The following continuous approximation whose images are result to F-sets. states of a upper semicontinuous correspondences Therefore it is used io prove the extension of Kakutani's Theorem (Theorem 3.5.) to c-s-.aces. Theorem 3.1O. Let (X,F) be a compact locally c-space and a correspondence I':X ------+>X such that 1. f is upper semicontinuous. 2. Vk e X f(x) is a nonemtpty compact F-set. Then Ve > O there exists a continuous function f.:X -->X such. that Gr(f ) a c B(Gr(f), e). Furthermore,- f has a fixed point. ^'This 13_. result is not stated exactly as Horvath (1991) did; in fact derived from Horvath's result. 9l Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 it is Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 3. Fixed point nesults. To prove this result we need the follolvins lemma. Lemma 3.1. Let X be a metric compact topological space and f: X ----_¡+ X an upper semicontinuous correspondence Then vc > o there exist x o , . . . , x n € X a n d p o s i t i v e r e a l n u m b e r s6 0 , . . . , ó ns u c h t h a t { r t*.,u.r oi: is an open partition of covering of X. i=o, ,"} Moreover, thereexistsafinite unrty tú,i,=o subondinate to forallx€X this covering such that 3j e {O,...,n} such that r' i/ . ( x ) > O i m^p l i e s f(x)s i- B ( fk . ) , e / 2 ) J Proof. Fix every e > O. Since f x e X z e B(x,6(x)), there is upper semicontinuous 6(x) > O exists such we have that that for for an-v \ it is verified r(z) c e ( r(x),|) (t) a 6(x) < 9 Moreover, we can take The family space X. Let a finite partition of 2 balls ig(*, a(*) /a)) *ex, covers the compact rÍr { B ( x , ó , z c )' i}=" o b e a f i n i t e s u b c o v eI rn'g a n o' 1r 'W ,),=o i' i of unity I- ' i r y ' . ( x )= t , subordinate r y ' . ( x )> O , to this subcover r / . ( x ) > O+ x € B & . , 6 . / q ) ¡ r 92 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 r l Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 3. point Fixed nesults. J ( x ) = { i : r' iú ( x ) > O } . i t i s s a : i s f i e d t h a r Let x e B(x., 6.,2+) g. = If we take máx jt vi e J(x) n'e have Vi e J(x), {6.: ieJ(x)}, x e B(x.,ó.,/+), thus x.e B(x., 6./z), IJIJJ hence B(x., 6./+) c B(x.. ó.), Therefore by (l), for any i e J(x) r ( x¡.t ¿) ( B ( r t x . l . * ) I Proof of Theorem 3.10. a. Existence of continuous approxímatícn. By Lemma 3.1, there exists a covering {B(x.,6./+)}n_o and a partition finite function of unity V :X ------+ A en subordinate to iúr),lo it.A continuous can be defined b,.' ilrr(x)=(ry'o(x),.. . ., r/n(x ) ) Moreover, for any i=0,1,..,n we cari choose y. e f(x.). Hence, since (X,F) is a c-space and applying one of Horvath's results (1991), we have that for an]- y0,yr,...,!'n € X there exists a continuous function defined on the n-dimensional simplexla toA =Co{"^,...,€ nO'n {eo,.. . , e,.,} is } is the the standar simplex of cannonical base A -CO{e: ieJ}. 93 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 of dimension N, RN*t and f or where JgN Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 3. point Fixed results. s:' o -aa , -----J \ such that if J g N={O,...,n} P( A)e F ( i-vi : i e J ) ) J Since V x € X, ' A nV- ^ C (Jx( x) ) ' € A, in particular ü (x) e A therefore g(9^(x)) € g( 4...) s F(i_v.:ie ¿ J(XJ r Moreover since I'(x.) is an F-set J(x))) and X a locally c-space then J B(l'(x.), ¿/z) is an F-set, and appiying Lemma 3.1. J y. e I'(x.) c B(f(x.), e.zz) ¡,vhenever i e J(x) ll so it is verified that S(Vr(x)) e F({y. : i e J(x)}) c Therefore if we denote f, B( f(x.), e.zz) = go \lr, , rve have fr(x) e B(f(x.), t/z) so there exists y' e I'(x.) such that J '¿(r (x), y') < t/z a- and by the proof of Lemma 3.1. x e B(x., 6.) JJJ with ó.< e/2 ,so d((x, f^(x)), (x., y')) - d(x, x.) + d( f^(x) ,.v') < e ajje and we can conclude (x, f where f^ is a-a a continuous a (x)) e B(Gr(i-), e). function continuous 94 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 because C and V- are also Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 3. Fixed b. Extstence Let of point nesults. points. fíxed {c.}, e.> O V i e 0 , 1a d e c r e a s i n g s e q u e n c e o f r e a l It numbers which converges to O. Let approximations to f which are obtained b.r' reasoning as above for every {f. ) be ihe sequence of continuous c.. Then ( x , f . ( x ) ) e B ( G r í i - ) ,e . ) lt If we take the following V it is continuous from function o og:' - A ---------+ A ¡nn compact convex subset into a itself, so applying Brouwer's Theorem we can ensure the existence of a fixed point 2.. I 32. €A: [iú- "91 2.)=2. INI¡I e ( ú¡ t.l( e ( 2 . )=) g Q . ) and if we denote yx = g(2.) we have that II g ( Ü . ( x T )=) x * ¡ll Therefore f( iii x* ) = x* that is,' i l f- has a fixed point x*. Hence (xl , f. (xx)) e Itlr and from this sequence {xl} B{Gr(f), e.) and by considering that X is compact, I we know that there exists a subsequence which pornt x. 95 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 converges to some Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 3. Fixed point results, Therefore d((;, ;), Gr(t-)) = Lim d f.,*- , f. (x*)),Gr(r)l = (iii) Since Gr(f) is a closed set (i, ;) e that is xef(x) 96 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Grf o Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter- 3. Fixed 3.2. Fixed point point nesults. Theorems in simplicial Bieiawski (1987) introduces proves In several particular, semicontinuous generalizations he of obtains the simpliciai classical a correspondences. convexities. fixed selection This resuit, convexity ooint result in the and results to case Iower of open inverse image correspondences is as follows: Theorem 3.11. IBtelawski, 1987] Let 0(0) be a simplicial convexity on a topological space X. Let Y be a paracompact space correspondence such that f(x) and f-l(y) and let I-: Y ------+> X be a is a nonempt-v simplicial convex set is an open set for each x € X. Then I' has a continuous selection. Originally, since he convex does values function not this require (which prove comespondences with structure is obtained is in fact, To was result the wrongly stated correspondence needed to ensure to that by Bielawski have simplicial the continuous a selection). the existence of a fixed point to open invense images, Bielawski considers a less general than simplicial 91 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 convexity which he calls Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 3. f initely shows locai that simplicial ¡'esults. the same convexity. will .^^-'15 (Bielawski, convexity correspondence will point Fixed result can Firstly, a l9S7)-be The stated continuous be obtained and, a f t e r l v a r d s , in next the theorem context of selection of Brouwer's Theorem the be applied to this selection. Theorem 3.12. Let C(O) be a simplicial convexity on a compact topologicai space X and let I': X -----++X be a correspondence with open inverse images and nonempty simplicial convex values. Then f has a continuous selection and a fixed ooint. Proof. Since f-l(y) is an open set for each y€X and f(x) + a for each xeX, then { f-t(y) }.rex is an open covering of X, which is a compact set. So there exists a finite subcovering -l { r-'(y.)}."^ tu D"fi.,ition 1987] [Bíelawiki, A convexity €' on a topological space X is called f i.nttely Local if there exists convexity C(O) such that a simplicial 0 c 0(é) and for each f inite subset {*,,*r,..,x,,}cX there exists a perfectly property normal set for compact maps such that ó- .[-x- 1- , x- -_2 , .-., , x ] ( A ) c C -[ x , x n--n_1. having C[xr,xr,..,xn1 - L, 2,..'^nr 98 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 1 ' \' the r c . ^t -l ' ^ 2-' f ixed ..,x ] n point Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 3. and a Fixed point results. finite continuous ñ2.f iti^ñ of unitv subordinate to this subcovering, )1 f r ¿i . ( x = { ',i/ . } . " ^ , r' i/ . ( x ) = 0 , i=0 We define the following V : \-------+ A function r y ' . ( x ) > o +x € r r ( y . ) r r ú: V ( x ) = ( r / ( x ) , r / l( x ) , . . . , r i ' ( x ) ) nOln if we take J(x)={ i: r y ' . ( x )> O } , t h e n w ' e h a v e I y ef(x) (t) VieJ(x) I On structure, the lve other hand, can define since a X has continuous a simplicial function convexity f:X ---+X as follows: f(x) = 0[yo . . , y . l ( r y ' o ( x ) ., . . , ú " ( x ) ) And applying that f(x) is a simplicial convex set anci by (l) for every i e J(x), y. e l(x) we have that f is a continuous selection of f, that is f(x) e I'(x) This function f is a composition of the following functions: V : X€ <D: A,", -+ 4.,, X So if lve take g = ü o é, it is a continuous function defined from a compact convex set (An) into itself. Therefore, we can apply Brouwer's Theorem and conclude that g has a fixed point. f x €A onoo g(x)=x : 99 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 3. Fixed point results. Hence 0( v(o(x))) =é(x) oo and if we denote x* = O( x ) we have o f(x*)=x* that is, f has a f ixed point which is also a f ixed point to the correspondence f. 100 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 3. point Fixed results. Fixed point Theorems in K-qonvex continuous structures. 3.3. Although the results obtained in the context of K-convex continuous structures are immediate consequences of the ones obtained in the context of mc-spaces (which u'ill be presented in the next proving section), we will constructive is selection as constructed. paths well In which as present them noiv since the way of and it the is to approximat.ion to both cases, the vary interesting correspondences is basic idea is continuously and that show how the the the existence of functions are constructed by means of the composition of these paths. Theorem 3.13. Let X be a continuous structure compact topoiogical and let f: valued correspondence with space with a K-convex X -------+> X be a nonempty K-convex inverse open images. Then there exists a continuous selection of I' and I has a fixed point. Proof. As in Yo,! ,,Y,,.. ,! n Theorem. 3.12., and subordinate to if-r(y.¡¡."0 y.- e f(x) a we f inite can ensure Partition that or such that Vi e J(x) = { i: rl.(x) > 0 ) tol Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 there ' untry - exist ¡ 'ñ \w.¡. ii=O Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 3. point Fixed results. Moreover, by considering that ensure f (x), that the assuming for path the f(x) y. e f(x) every joins which existence of is a K-convex set, , i e J(x) them will these arcs, and be an-v point contained the we can p of f (x). So, of the def ine the in construct,ion selection by composing them is presented now'. a. Construction From the of the continuous <el eafi partition finite an f unity, of we can following family of functions, to _j if I t.(x)= ,¿.t"1 Il r if ln If ú .t ( x ) * O Ir/.(x) I l..J ú.(x) = O J=r we take hr,_l= yn , then both hn_, and yn._, b"long to I-(x) lwhenever ú,.,(x)>0, K(hr,_r,yr,_r,[O,l])joining úr,_r(x)>O therefore ), these points ( which we the call path gr,_ ) r is contained in f(x) since it is a K-convex set. If we compute gn_r in t,r_r(x), we will have h.,-z = g,.r-l(tn-l(x))= K( hn-r' -vn-r' 1,.,-r(x)) and by construction h.,-z e I'(x). By reasoning in this wáy but with the path which joins h.,_z .nd y.,_, (which we will call computing it in t,.,_r(x), we obtain, h.,-3 = 9,.,-, (t,.,-r(*)) = K( hn-z' !n-z' 102 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 tr'--tx)) En_z) and Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapten 3. Fixed point nesults. In the same way we repeat this element Finally h^ rvhich will o this and we will be linked continuous function to will reasoning untii 'y0 b -v \,ve obtain the means of be computed in a path ? o.' a to(x) = ry'o(x) obtain the selection imase in x- that is so( r/o(x))= K( ho, yo, to(x)) = f(x) f(x)=K[ - {-[*,r,,,r,.,_,,..,_,(*)),],.,_2,."_r,*,J,-u^_.,t"_.{x)}...] \ By the way of defining f(x) e I'(x), Vx e X, since the f(x). that Note if f it is "relevant" ú.(x) = O for any proved immediately paths are i, then that contained in we have that t.(x) = O, so K( h., y., t.(x)) = K( h., y., O) = h. and y. will not appear in the construction of function f. Hence to I construct selection f we only need points y. which have ry',+¿. lo3 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 3. Fixed point results, b . Conttnuíty of selectíon f. Selection f can be rewritten d> the following composition ( ü(x) )) f(x)=f( where R: [o,t]" --------+\ ( r f \ K ( to^ , . . , 1 ) = K l . . x l f l v , v . t l .-vr , - z ' t n-l n-r.¡ L iI¡ : X----) t ,] 1.-n-n-l ú(x) = (ry'o(x),ry',(x),...,ún(*)) A: n f:A-----+Rn: n T.(z)= I z =O if {i I J j=i 9(V(x ) ) = ( t ( x ) , t ( x ) . . . . . t ol f(x)=I(tgt (( L l. [n n-l I \ I=, f i-O z *O if (x)) n-l )) ú ( x ) ) ) = K ( t ( x ) . t ( x ) , . . . , 1 . , _ r ( x= or = K l . . K l K l y , y . , t ( x ))L v , t ( * )\ \ ' l l , . .l , I ^ , t ^ ( x ) l n-l' n-l n-2' n-2' In order to prove the continuity x, firstly be of f = we are going to prove that continuous function. would ))) )'' If inmediately this is obtained _. true (since continuous functions : R."g and ü). lo4 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 K ( f ( ú)) at any point K " g , A ----+ X n then f the is a ¡antinrri+" uvrrL¡r¡urLJ is a ^{. 9l composition f' I of Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 3. point Fixed results. To analyze the continuity it is important . J [ of function at anv point zeAn if z >O then to note that n z T.(z)= i tn fz ,:, is a continuous function, j is since it quotient of a continuous function whose denominator is not null. In other denominator case, I.Q) is zero, could not that is be when 2,. continuous (when zero are for its all k = i, ... ,n-l). In the f irst in not problem: since I( .9 case, the continuity is a composition of continuous functions and therefore continuous. In the second case, we define j=max{i:2.>o} then z j * l ' n= O , . . . , 2 = O hence . O , .. . , T. .tz)- T (z) = o and T.Q) = | J+INJ Tlz)= 'i because j z+ +...+z z jj*lnj Futhermore because their f (a=0,...,j) are =l z continuous functions at z a denominators are non nuls, Q.>O and z.> O V k*i, njk therefore I tu , O, Vk=O,...,j) K=a ro5 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 3. Fixed By the point' way results. in rvhich function K has been def ined. it is verified that K ( 7 0 ( z ) ,. . , J . Q ) , . . , 9 , . , , _ , () z= ) K { f o { z ) , . . ,1 , O , . . , O ) = '1 -* .1r. _ . *.[(*_f .t (" , t " _ ), , o^)_, tr ,) o ) , . . tr),,J, , .). . J , r o , r o r z t l and since K(a,b,l) = b, V a e X, then the part of the function *f..*|'*|.r-,r = -yj y.,il - n -,,rr ' n -,{z)'l 'i ^,r -(zll, r ) ',y, l. [-n L ' ) ) "-2' "-z' and it is independentof the values of 7,.,-,(z), ln_re), ..., f r*re) that is, * [ . . * [ * [ r n , r . , - , , ^ , , - , ) , y n - r , t r n - r )r, r , r ) = y j V t r r , _ t.,. . , ^ r * , e I o , t l Sot To simplify, we call T=(fo(z),..,I) and t h u s r { Í o { = ) , . . , 1 , ^ r * r , . . , } r , _=r ) r ( T , l ) ro6 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 ^ =,^r*,,...,),.,_,), VreIo,l]t (m=n-j-t). Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 3. Fixed point results. In order to show that function Kof is continuous we are going to prove that V z € A , r ,V W e N ( K " g ( z ) ) , f V ' e By applying that X.g(=)=f (t,f ) K"f(V') c !V N(z) : V¡,elO,tlm and that K is a continuous function. we have that v w € N (R (T ,I)),' T A T3AV 1 " Mo¡'eover, since the V- e N( ( T.) ,) ) : r f i' l ., v, ) s w family of tr e [O,l]m is a covering of [O,l]t, neighborhoods when which is a compact subset, we recovering .,shich will known that there exists a finite V¡, ( l) be denoted as follows ¡^ -rITl {V^. : i=1,...,p} lo,ll"'=, Hence, if we take ul t , Vi=I,. .,p, and we )¡ Vr.= ^ {Vi': Vi=I,..,p}, then V, is a neighborhood of T. But by considering that T = ( f o ( z ) , . . , f r _ r ( z t)), we can rewrite vtri = vtrtt ...t vlt TTOTjTkk hence V -V x...xV TTOTJ where vtrt < N(7 (z)). where V r u =^ , u l | , i = 1 , . . , pk) = o , . . . , i . l07 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 consider Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 3, Fixed H e n c e-, defined as Moreover, V_ Tk a is results. a finite these there exists point neighborhood of i- k - 2- ') intersection of neishborhoods functions !,. are neighborhoods U. of k continuous since at z it has of been ! (d. k Vk=O,.,.,j, so, zsuch thar Tk(Uk) . Vrn Finally, on the one hand, if we denote V'=n{Uu:k=o,...,j} then V' is a neighborhood of z, and it is verified VweV', (90(w),..,9.(w)) . On the is verified other hand, for that Vro x...x Vr. = Vr c Vlt the rest of indexes Vi=I,..,p (k=j+l,...,¡r¡ it that ( 9 . , ( w ) , . . . , T _ . ( w ) ) e I o , l ] ' = U { V - . .: i = 1 , . . . , p } j+l n-l Ai so there exists an index i o such that \ ( 9 r * r ( * ) , . . . , f , . , - r ( w ) ). u ^ , o , i o e { 1 , . . . , p } Thus we can ensure that ( 7 ^ ( w ) , . . , f. ( w ) , 7 . . ( w ) , . . , 7 - ( w ) ) e V - x V . - . V l t o u n-r T Aio , J J+r and since we had obtained, (1), that rcfV| ^ VI) s W can conclude that for any w € V' it is verified that t < ( g ^ t * ) , . . , 7 . ( w ) , 7-.( w ) , . . , 9 . ( w ) ) < W j j+t u n-l 108 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 t ulto V).elo,tlm, we Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 3. Fixed point results c. Ftxed point exístence. Selection f can be written as the following composition f(x) = X f g ( ú(x) )) = é ( v(x) ) where é=K-"f ú ( x ) = ( r / ^ ( x ) , r(/x ) , . . . , ú ( x ) ) V : X-----+ A : nOIn Consider 0 are compact continuous, set g = ü " é: An --------) A,.,. Since V and now the function into it is itself, a continuous so Brouwer's function Theorem from can a convex be applied and we have 3x Therefore, eA: g(x)=x onoo = O( g(xo).) Q(xo) and, thus f(O((xo)) = O(xo), xx = é(x ) we have obtained that so if we call o f(x*) = x*, that is, f has a f ixed point which is also a f ixed point to the conrespondence. Note that selection f in the last theorem, the way of defining the could have been done in the paracompact space. lo9 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 case of considerins a Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 3. The next approximation nonempty to the 3.13. results. result an K-convex constructing Theorem point Fixed shows upper values. approximation stated in locally the K-convex existence semicontinuous compact although the In context is continuous a correspondence this similar is of case, the way of the one used in to generai less with since it is continuous structures. Theorem 3.14. Let X be a compact locally K-convex space , and let f: X-_> x be an upper semicontinuous correspondence with nonempty K-convex compact values. Then l. V e > O, f f . 2. a : X-+ c Gr(fr) X continuous such that B(Gr(i-), e) I has a fixed point. Proof. By applying Lemma 3.1., we have that there exists a finite partition of for unity every fixed subordinate {B(x., ó,,/+)} and 3j e J(x): Vi € J(x), x e B(x., é../z) r(x.)c B ( r(x.) ,|) If we take y, e f(x.) y. e f(x.) for c B( f(x.), any i = O,...,n, then e/z) uo Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 whenever i e J(x) e>0, to Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 3. Fixed point results. a. Construct¿on of the approxtmatíon f . Since X is a K-convex continuous srrucrure and I-(x) is a K-convex set, we have that Vc > 0, B(f(x).e) is also a K-convex set. Then for any pair joins K(a,b,[0,1]) them points a,b of and is in B(f(x), e) contained in that the path ball. By neasonÍng in the same way as in Theorem 3.I3. we can define the following function . r (( L t \ ) I f ^ ( x ) = K l . . K l K l K-(ny-,-yn -. 1, t' n -. l( x' )' ')n, -y2^' ,nt- z^ ( x ) 1 , _ ^v , t ^ ( x' ) 1 . . . 1 e [ J'-n-3'n-3 I It is easy to verify that f"(x) e B(f(x-),e/z), Vx e X, since all of the paths are contained in B(f (x.),e,/z). So, 3y' e f(x.) tal que d(fr(x), y') < e/z thus d((x, f.(x)), (x., y')) = d(x, x.) + d( fr(x) , -y')< e and therefore The (x, f"(x)) e B(Gr(f), s). continuity of the approximation is proved as in Theorem 3.13. b. Fixed Let poínt {e.}, exLstence. a.> O Vi e D',1,be a decreasing sequence of real II numbers which converges to O. Let {f. } be the corresponding sequence of approximations to f which are obtained by reasoning as above for every e.. Then Iil Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 3. Fixed point results. ( x , f . ( x ) ) e B ( G r ( f) , e . ) tl From the last theorem we knorv that f, has a fixed point f.(x*) = x* Since (x* , f (x*)) e B(Gr (l-),e ) iiii from this set, there sequence {xi}, and by considering that x is a compact exists a subsequence which converges to some point i. Hence, d ( ( i , ; ) , G n ( f ) ) = L i m d f . , " : , f . ( x * ) 1 ,c r ( r ) l = o ti¡i) Since Gr(l') is a closed set, then (i, il e that is xef(x) t12 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Gri' Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 3. Fixed 3.4. Fixed point The point results. theorems in mc-spaces. following points and selection of presents the result correspondences with existence of f ixed open inverse images in the context of mc-spaces. Theorem 3.15. Let X be a compact topological mc-space and I-: X ------>> X a correspondence with values. Then f open inverse images and nonempry mc-ser has a continuous selection and a flixed point. Proof. In the same way as in Theorem 3.12. it is possible to ensure that there exists a finite partition of unity subordinate to this covering { r - r (- iy.)i =} O."Let J(x) be the following set J(x)={i:r/.(x)>O} so If we take if i e J(x) y. e I-(x). then A = {yo,yr,...,Irr}; since X is an mc-space, there éxist functions PA:XxlO, ll----+X I such that Pf(x,o) =x and PA(x,l)=b. ¡ll lt3 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapten 3. Fixed point t n such a way that nesults- Go:[O,ll" -----+ X defined a5 .\ GA(to, ... , t.,_r,=.:I eo_r[e^ , r ) . tn - l j l . t ,fnorv n t> .,.J "_,J,. a continuous function. Constructton of the seLection. From the partition of unity, we can define if ry'.(x)= O I t(x O,1,...,n-l i if ty'.(x) ;t O I so, functi as follows = G (t (x), ... t Aon-l (x)) = (t|I I l\ ne ^ ( yn ^ , t )n,-tr - , ( lx, )tn_- .z( x )1 . . . . ,ot ^ ( |x ) ) ) ) = O, and ú,r_r(x) > 0 , Note I then t,.,_r(x) = l, therefore tl _ r(b",."_r ( x)=) r l_,( 0.,1)= bn_, that is, b,, is not in the path defined by G¡. 81' applying the same reasoning repeatedly, if ú',(xo) = ú,r-r(xo) = o n4 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 and ú,.,-2(*o)> o Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 3. Fixed point results. t,.,_r("o) - then we have that p^ ^(pA (b ,t n-2 n-l' Therefore to t.,_z(xo) = l, so O y ( x- )- ") , t- n - Z(' -x-l") = p - 'r (b - n '.-i' ) = b - n' n-l- n-Z' construct the approximation f points b. such that y. e I'(x). Ivforeover since f(x) IT the mc-convex hull of y.ef(x)) and since f(x) the points yi such that n-2 rve only need is contained in ieJ(x) (that is, is an mc-set, w-e obtain that i-(x) contains that mc-convex hull. In particular we have f(x) e'f(x) The wa-v of proving the continuity of the selection is similar to that of the K-convex case (Theorem 3.13.). b. Ftxed point existence. In the same way as in the last theorems, function f can be written as the following composition 9:X -----+A,r, f:An ---+ [o, t]n Go,[O, l]n --+X \ Let g be the following function 8=Ú"Go"7 It is a continuous function convex set into itself. and is defined from a comDact By applying Brouwer's Theorem we have that there exists a point xo such that -so( xo ) = x 115 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter Fixed 3. po¡nt So, if we call results. x* = [Go o T](g(xo)) = f(xi) Therefore f has a fixed (7(x )) AO we have = x* point w'hich is a l s o a f i x e d point to the correspondence. As an immediate consequenceof this theorem, some of the results previously presented can now be obtained. That is the case of Fan's and Browden's results (Theorem 3.6.) or Horvath's result (Theorem 3.9. ) in the context of c-spaces. rv'foreover, and since every K-convex structure defines an mc-structure. Theorem 3.13. is also obtained as a consequence of it as '"vell as yannelis and Prabhakar's results (1983). The Kakutani's proves the next Theorem to existence result corresponds the of context a of to the extension mc-spaces. That continuous approximation is, to semicontinuous correspondences and the existence of a fixed In the same line as last approximation theorems, it the context of locally mc-spaces. 116 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 of it upper point. is stated in Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 3. Theorem point results. 3.16. Let upper Fixed X be a compact semicontinuous values. locally mc-space correspondence with and I-: X ----> X nonempt-v compact an mc-set Then l. V e > O, 3f e Gr(f 2. : X-+ ,) X c continuous such that B ( G r ( f) , e ) f has a fixed point. Proof. a. Construction of the approxtmation. From Lemma 3.1. for every e>O there exists a finite partition of unity subordinate i,/.i.n^ ¡ l=u to the covering {B(x.,6..2+)}n^, I I l=u verifying that if >O}, J(x)={i:ú.(x) then f(x.) ce ijz ( r(x.),i) with where j is in such a way that... U, = ieJ(x) máx {ó.: ieJ(x)}, 6.<e/2). If we choose y. e f(x-), for any i=O,..,n, and we consider tl A = { yo, yr, ... , y.,} we have y. e i'(x.)c B( f(x.), e./z) i e J(x) llJ and we can define f - in the following a fr(x) way = Go(to(x), t,(x), ... , tn_,(x)) r r ?I LL Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 3. rvhere G Fixed is mc-structure of unity point th e nesults. continuous function def ined b_v means on X, and t. are functions d e f i n e d f r o m of the the partition V i=O,1 , . . . , n - i T loif I --l (x)= t ú.(x) = I u'txr I r- ry'.(x)+ 0 ;f ln It - i I ú I (x) J=r So, if and only if r/.(x) - O. Furthemore if t.(x) = O I ú.(x) > o, then I y. e f(x.)c B( f(x.), s,/z) t¡J and since f (x.) is an mc-set, then B(l'(x.), x / z ) ) is a l s o an mc-set because of its being in a locally mc-space. Hence f a (x) = G (t (x),t (x),...,t Therefore, there from d(x,x.) the < ó. < e/2, proof J y' e f ( x . ) ) exists dtr and ( x ) ) e B ( l - ( x. ) , x / z ) AOln-l of ^.,^l>uLtt that < t/z ,(x),I') Lemma 3.1., it is verif ied that then JJ d((x, f (x)), (x, y')) = d(x , *,) * d( fr(x) , y') < e ei'that is ( x , f r ( x ) ) e B ( G r ( f ) , e ) , and f (x) is an aporoximation to the correspondence. The continuity of function can be proved as Theorem 3.13. 118 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 in a s i m i l a r way Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapten 3. b. Fixed point Fixed potnt results. exístence. point The fixed existence can be proved in the Theorem 3.1-1. by substituting function K fo. function same way G as .A I Some of stated results now as immediate case of and the Kakutani's last results (Theorem 3.5.), obtained in the as weil result the well is the as fixed context (Theorem 3.lO) and K-convex continuous structures Next, sect.ions can be consequences of Theorem 3. 16. That Theorem approximation present.ed in the of point c-spaces (Theorem 3.13.). known Knaster-Kuratowski-Ifazurkiewicz (KKM) (which is equivalent in the usual convexity to the existence of fixed point) is presented. Theorem 3.17. [Knaster-Kuratowskt-Mazurkiewícz, see Border, 1985] ^m,_m Let X c R-", if we associate a ciosed set F(x)cR"' for xeX which verifies the following conditions, ] . F o r a n' yl n f i n i t e s e t { x , . . . , X } c X w e h a v e t\ c l { x - , . . . ,nx}) l c U F ( x . ) i I 2. Flx) Then is compact for j=r some xeX. ¡ F(x) is nonempty and compact. x€X It9 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 every Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 3. F¡xed poinr results. We prove this result in the context of rnc_spaces Itherefore it wirl arso be true in all of the structures particular cases which are of them)' To prove the result we need the of generalized notion KKM correspondence which is defined as follows. Definition 3.16. Let X be an rnc_space and B a subset of X. A correspondence f: B------_____+> X is a genera¿í.zed KKIvI correspond.ence verified that if it is for every fjnite subset { * , , * r , . . , * n } . B tn"({*r'*r,",xn}) where c-. n c Ur(xl i =¡ i. the mc-convex hull. i Theo¡em 3.18. LetXbea compact mc_space and B c X. If l-: B _______> genera.lized X is a KKM correspondence wit)r nonempty compact values, then fi{f(a):aeB}*a. Proof. By contradiction, assume that X=X\ nt(.)= a€B U (x r rra)l a€B So, X has aa open covering and since it is a co¡npact can obtain set we a finite subcovs¡i¡g. So, there exists a fjnjte famill {ar'ar,",a,.r} such that 120 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 3. point Fixed results. X = U (X \ f(a.)) I i=l Since {X\f(a.)}.". i there exists a i=l is a finite subcovering of X, we know that partition f inite of unity subordinate {,/ . }.". I to l=r it. Thus, (x) > O if and only if x e X\l-(a. ). V¡. ll is a KKM correspondence, in particular But since f ({a.}) s f(a.) C Vi=I,..,n. mcll So, if we take A = {ar,ar,..,a.,}, since X is an mc-space, there exists a continuous function G : [O,1]" -----------+ X A From the way of defining G^ and the partition of unity, G (t (x),...,t (x)) e C AOn-lmci (l) ( a: ieJ(x) ) are defined in the same way as in Theorem 3.13. where functions t I On the other hand, since f is a generalized correspondence, we have C mc (a:ieJ(x))s U t 'r€J(x) I'(a) i Moreover, the following composition f ' =G o9o!ú A üÍG X# A.-r ----------+ [O,tl" r2l Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 --j-+ X KKM Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 3. Fixed I nesults. (since Goog is continuoustb as well is continuous consider point = G A o T, continuous one and it itself. Therefore, ¡1, o .q: A function is defined from n-l as ú). -------------) A n-l So if is also vve a a compacr convex set into we can apply Brourver's Theonem and conclude that there exists a fixed ooint Y€Ar,_rrVlg(f')l =I and if we call x* - g(y) we obtain f(x*) = x* By (l) we have xx=G^[f(V(x*)] eC A (a.:ieJ(x*)) c mc U i f(a.) i- i€J(x*) Furthermore, if ieJ(x*) then x* e X\l-(a.), hence xr É ,.?,**rx\f(a') = X\,.Y,**) f(ai) which is a contradiction. The last result can be extended by considering weaker continuity considered conditions, by in Tarafdar particular (1991, lggZ\. conditions The similar to generaiization those is as follows, tuBy reasoning as in the proof of Theorem 3.i3. but replacing K f o r G . , i t w o u l d b e o b t a i n e dt h a t G . 9 i s a c o n t i n u o u sf u n c t i t _ ¡ n . AA r22 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Volver al índice/Tornar a l'índex Chapter 3. Theorem point Fixed results. 3.19. X a generalized Let X be a compact mc-space and i-: X ---------+-> the set \ \ I-(x) contains an KKM correspondencesuch that Vx e X open s u b s e t O w h i c h v e r i f i e s U O x x€X Then =f,. x n I' ( x) * a. x€X Proof By contradiction, if we assume that the result fails we have X=X\¡f(x)= U(xrr(x)) x€X x€X On the other hand, since X = and X is a compact set, U O* x€X exists there subordinate a finite subcovering partition finite a of unity to it, f,= ü i=o o { , /I . l}=:u^ *i such that if r/.(x) > O then x e O c X \ f(x.). IX,' If and we take A = {xo,xr,...,xn}, since X is an mc-space we can ensure that there exists a continuous function Ga, [O,t]" --> that such a parallel way X reasoning to of the one obtain the existence of Theorem 3.15 can be applied to used in a fixed point. From this point, and by reasoning now as in the last part of the n llx) previous Theorem, we obtain = a. x€X r23 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 a contradiction with Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar CHAPTER 4 APPLICATIONS OFFIXEDPOINTTHEOREMS. 4.O. INTRODUCTION. 4.1. EXISTENCE OF MAXIMAL ELEMENTS IN BINARY RELATIONS IN ABSTRACT CONVEXITIES\ 4.2. EXISTENCE OF EQUILIBRIUM IN ABSTRACT ECONOMIES. 4.3. EXISTENCE OF NASH'S EQUILIBRIUM. Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. 4.O. Applications. INTRODUCTION. In this chapter, applications to different economic analysis of selection, approximation topics in the and point fixed results obtained in the last chapter are presented. Firstly, some generalizations of in the area of the existence of maximal the classical results elements are presented. the theorems in this These generalizations extend many of area including those based on convexity conditions such as Fan (1961), Sonnenschein (1971), Borglin which Keiding acyclic consider $976), binary and Yannelis (1993), etc. (1985), Tian Prabhakan (1983), Border results and as relations well as such as Bergstrom (1975), Walker (1977), etc. for In Section 2, the existence of equilibrium economies with non-convex general assumptions is and non-compact (K-convex sets, mc-sets...) agents without infinite proved: in contexts dimensional strategy where a countable infinite convex preferences abstract with spaces number of is considered. Thus our result generalizes many of the theorems . on the existence of equilibrium in abstract economies, including those of Arrow and Debreu (1954), Shafer and Sonnenschein(1975), Border (1985), Tulcea (1988), etc. r25 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. Applications. Finally, non-cooperative obtained. considered, result In in games this with case, a (1951) and the Section in the context infinite non-f inite theorems 3, Nash of abstract dimensional quantity of of agents, 126 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 in convexities strategy Martinez-Legaz are generalized. equilibria spaces thus, and Marchi is are Nash's (1991) Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4, 4.1. Applications. EXISTENCE OF MAXIMAL ELEMENTS IN BINARY RELATIONS ON SPACES WITH AN ABSTRACT CONVEXITY The notion of preference relation a fundamental theory. concept Then, when a particular economics, in in consumer is or utility with faced the choosing a bundle of products, in the end, he will function in is consumer problem of look for the bundle which maximizes his oreference relation from those which he can afford. The problem of looking for sufficient conditions which ensure the existence of maximal elements of a binary relation been studied Walker, 1977; or Continuity by several (Fan, 1961; Sonnenschein, 1971; authors Yannelis y Pnabhakar, 1983; convexity has conditions of the Tian, 1993; set of more etc.). (less) prefered elements U-r(x) - {yeXl xpy} U(x) = (yeXl ypx) or transitivity required. conditions Some of unrealistic, of the preference relation them, have been criticized especialli the transitivity Starr,1969). r27 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 are usually as being strongly condition (Luce, i956; Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. Applications. purpose The (especially problem the of transitivity existence independent condition ways, and conditions of on the the one other the elements hand, hand sets U(x). If condition transitivity acyclic binary considered that binary subset a has a relations. relation maximal is In is In results maximal elements as in Walker's or Bersgtrom's Theorem 4.1. give [Bergstrom, us sufficient different the the and transitivity convexity relaxed, it could be it must be this several that two carried considering sense, acyclic element. condition has relaxing by on the upper contour the transitivity indiference) maximal the considered finite of of on avoiding if this and only area, conditions if any there are to obtain results, 7975; Walker, 1g77] Let X be a topological space, and let p be a binary relation on X, such that it verifies: -t ^(x) l. U 2. P is an acyclic binary relation. are open sets V x e X. Then every compact subset of X has a p-maximal r28 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 element. Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. Applications. In the second approach the results are mainiy based on convexity conditions on the set and on the upper contour sets (u(x)). To obtain the existence of maximal elements in this case, most of results apply classical results Browder, ... ) or of f ixed points (Brouwer, nonempty intersection results (KKM), therefore convexity conditions are required on the mapping and on the set where it is defined. In this context, an element x* element for a binary relation P if the following is a maximal condition is verif ied U(x*) = a In the approach based on convexity conditions, a first result is Fan's theorem (196I) Theorem 4.2. [Fan, 7967;see Border, 1985] Let X be a compact convex subset of R" and let p be a binary relation defined on X, such that: 1. Gr(U) = {(x,y) | yPx} is an open set. 2. VxeX, x É U(x) and U(x) is a conve.x set. Then the set of maximal elements, {x*: U(x*)=o}, is nonempty and compact. r29 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. Applications. There result as are some situations lexicographic which (Gr(u) order presents a conditions weaker than those of Fan. Theorem Let relation first 4.3. extension [Sonnenschetn, X be a compact of is Fan's are not not covered open). result, by this Sonnenschein by considering 1971] convex subset of R' and let p be a binarv defined on X, such that: I. Vx e X x e C ( { x o , . . . , x 0 } )V, x . e U ( x ) ,V i = l , . . , p , p s o + I . y e U-l{x), 2. If then there exists some x, € X such that y e int U-l(x'). Then the set of maximal elements, {x*: U(x*)=a}, is nonempty and compact. In spaces this and a line, but similar considering continuity infinite condition, dimensional yannelis and Prabhakar (1983) prove the existence of maximal elements. Theorem Let space 4.4. X and [YanneLís be a let and compact U: X--->> Prabhakar, convex X 7983] sübset be a of a linear topological correspondence which verifies: i. VxeX 2. VxeX x É C({x^,...,x_}), - x.eU(x), pe[rl,isp, pe0.l. 0pi U -t ^(x) is an open set in X. Then the set of maximal elernents, {x*: U(x*)=a}, is nonempty. 130 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. Applications. Next, an existence result of maximal elements in binary relations, which constitutes the union point of the two focuses commented previously is presented. So, this result generalizes the previous one which considers acyclic binary relations, as well ás, those which consider usual convexitv conditions. This general Sonnenschein's but by result is stated in a similar way to considering mc-spaces and mc-sets rather than usual convex sets. The method used to prove this result is based on a fixed point result obtained in Chapter 3. In this way, it is remarked on point technique includes these two different as the fixed analyzing the proble-r? The ways of of the existence of maximal elements. continuity condition which considered is is that rused by Sonnenschein, but it could be argued in an analogous way, by considering Tarafdar's condition 'J9gZ)18(which in this context is equivalent) and obtains the same conclusion. L'7 In this line, Tian (1993) presents a result which tonsiders the case of acyclic relations, but only in the context of convex sets is also a consequence and topological vector spaces. This result of that which will be presented as follows. 18 vxeX, u-l(x) conditionthat vO x€X contains an oDen subset O x -X. x 131 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 which fulfills the Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapten 4. Applications. Theorem 4.5. Let x be a compact mc-set and let p be a binary relation defined on X, such that: 1. VxeX and verified V AcX, finite, AnU(x) + o it is x É Golut*,([O,l]-) y e U-l{x), 2. If A then there exists some x. e X such thatyeintU-l(x,). Then the set of maximal elements, {x*: U(x*)=z}, is nonempty and compact. Proof. Suppose u(x) + o, for each x e X, then for each x there is y e U(x) and so x e U*l(y). Thus, { u-r(y) : y e X } covers X. By 2. \{ intu-l(y), yex } is an open cover of X. Since X is a compact set, then there exists a finite subcover { int U-l(y.) : i=o, ...,n } and a partition of the unity subordinate to this finite { r' i/ . ) : ^ r/.(x) >o i=0 Let A = {y^, -O' consider this ¡ , y_i n xeintu-l(y.) Hence X is an mc-space continuous function f:X -+X t32 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 subcover. as follows then we can Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. Applications. f(x) = G (t-(x), ..., AOn-l ((\\ P l . . p ^ l P . ( P (-yn,' l ) ,' t oI n-2 n-l n 1 where the functions t, (x)) = t . ( x ")') , t ^ ( x- ')) 1' , . .'.-,ot '^ (- 'x) ) l n-l' "-2' are defined as in the fixed (Theorem 3.13.), and the proof of the continuity point results is the same as the continuity of the selection in Theorem 3.13, in the same way there exists a fixed point of f. Let x* = f(x*) and consider the set J(x*) ={i:ry'.(x*)>O} it is verified that xx e int U-l(y.), i e J(x*) hence y.eU(x*), ' it is ieJ(x*) Moreover, as a result of the way used to define functions t., verified function if that ú.(x*)=O, then PA(2,t.(x*)) = pl(z,o) = z, t.(x*)=O, (that iii is, in which identity case, function), so, the composition f(x*) = GA(to(x*),... , t,r_r(x*))= (('t\ P ^ 1 . . P _ l e _ , ( P _ ( r ^ , 1 ) , t _ , ( x * ) )_, (t _ x*)1,...,t^(x*)l Ol n-2[ n-r only the P, functions n-n n-l n-'¿ ) u ) which correspond to those index i e J(x*) will appear, hence f ( x * ) = G o ( t o ( x * ) , . . . , ! , . , _ r ( x * )= ) G¡(qo,...,e_) 133 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. where the Applications. coordinates q. are those non null rj of t (x*). Then x* = f(x*) . Golu,**,([o,l]^) which contradicts l. Therefore, the set {x: u(x) = o} is nonempty, that is, there exist maximal elements. Furthermore, this is a closed set because its complement is open. This is proved as follows if w e {x: U(x) = ñ} U(w) + u, then therefore, there exists y e X: y e U(w), That is w e U-t(y) and by 2. there exists y' € X such that w e intu-t{y') . u-l{y'), thus if z e intU-l(y') then y'etJ(z), that is, tJ(z)*a thus intu-r(y') c X\{x: U(x)=o} Consequently it \ set then compact. {x: U(x) = al is obtained that is a closed I Let hipothesis f. us notice that condition f. in Theorem 4.5. is in Theorem 4.3 when the functions po which define function G. are defined as segments joining pairs of points, that A is, pA(x,t) = (l-t)x + ta. where , A={ao,...,a,.,} in which is verified that pA-(pA(x,l),t n-r n n_I )=t n_l 134 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 a +(l-t n_i n_l )a n case it Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. Applications. = rl_, ,r"_J [rl_,[eor*,rr,."_,J tr'-2".,-z*(I -t.'-r) [t"-rtrr-r*t'-t"-r )t^J in general G A ( t o , . . . , a r r )= 't 't 't'l (_ I ) Po 't"-,J 't"-rJ '"',J''"] = l"P"-,[t" ['"'t,J _l-_ j-l n 1 n ' i=o rl (n to'o*L',',lll "-"1¡- L',*, f j=t The next defined on a i=o Lemma shows how. from topological space, it mc-structure on X such that irreflexivity condition (1.) the in is an acyclic relation possible to upper contour Theorem 4.5., define sets verify then an the Theorem 4.1. (Walker, i977) will be a particular case of Theorem 4.5. Lemma- 4.1. Let relation X be defined a topological on X. space, and P Then there exists an acyclic binary an mc-structure on X such that VxeX and V AcX, A finite, verified AnU(x) * a it is x e Golur*,([O,l]-) 135 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. Applications. Proof. As P is an acyclic binary relation, every finite subset element, that is, then it A = {xo, xt,...,xn} c X, there is an element in is verif ied that has A, a *o maximal such that, U(xo) nA=4. It is possible to define the following mc-structure pA:Xx[O,l]--------+X i=O,l,...,n pA(x,o) = x PA(x,t)= xo where x^ 0 is one of te(o,ll the maximal elements of the set A. Then, composition Go will be as GotIO,l]" --_-+X Go(,0, . . .,t,,_, ) = t: as' PA(x,.,,l)= xo ff [ .eo_, 1),1,,_r),."_rJ,. .,.0J [no_rtpA(x,,, in the end composition Go will be .a constant function equai to xo, G o ( a 0 , . . . , t r . , _=r )x o t o , . . . , t r r _ le I o , 1 ] Let us see that this mc-structure verifies VxeX and V AcX, A finite, AnU(x) + ñ it is verified x é Golu(*)([O,1]*) 136 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter If 4. Applications. it is supossed that it is not nonempty subset A of X such that true, then there is a finite * o and which verifies Anu(x) x e Golu(*)([O,l]-) therefore, maximal by the construction element on A, that AnU(x) ;¡ o- because then condition It of function Go x is, AnU(x) = o which Hence, if P is an has to be a is a contradiction acyclic binary relation, l. in Theorem 4.5. is verified. is important unif ied treatment to to remark that analyse the Theorem 4.5. yields an existence problem of elements in preference relations when relations or convexity conditions are either maximal acyclic considered. binary Thus, this result allows most of the results obtained until now by means of these two immediate different consequences of (Theorem 4.5. ), and Tianle results ways Fan to this theorem (Theor:m 4.2.), (1993) among others which generalized be are the and extended. results of As Walker Sonnenschein (Theorem 4.3.) obtained. Furthermore, the are presented below and which correspond to the lgTheorem 4.5. can be rewritten as a characterization in a similar way te that of Tian's result (1993) in the usual convexity, since it is immediate that if there exists a maximal element then the set is an mc-space (by defining Go(ao,..,trr)= x*, where xx is the maximal). 1?'7 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. Applications. existence of structures and simplicial maximal elements in convexities c-spaces, K-convex continuous are also obtained. Corollary 4-1. Let x be a compact c-space and let p be a binary relation defined on X, such that: t.VxeX 2. If xeC.(U(x)). y e U-l(x), then there exists some x. e X such thatyeintU-l(x,). Then the set of maximal elements, {xx: U(x*)=o}, is nonempty and compact. Coroilary Let 4.2. X be a cont.inuous structure compact topological space with and let P be a binary relation a K-convex defined on X, such that: t.VxeX 2. If xeC*(U(x)). y e U-l(x), then there exists some x. e X such thatyeintU-l(x.). Then the set of maximal elements, {x*: U(x*)=o}, is nonempty and compact. 138 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. Applications. Corollary 4.3. Let X be a compact topological space with a simplicial convexity. Let P be a binary relation defined on X, such that: l.VxeX 2. If xeCO(U(x)). y e U-l{x), then there exists some x' e X such thatyeintU-l(x'). Then the set of maximal elements, {x*: U(x*)=o}, is nonempty and compact. The following and shows a example (Corollarv is situation simple Sonnenschein's result covered 4.2. ) example (I97i) by is based on the of nonconvex cannot some of be the euclidean preferences applied. previous X = { (x,y)eR2: ll(x,y)ll = b, y=o }. where ll . ll denotes the euclidean norm in R2. The binarv relation P is defined as follows: ( x . x ) P ('vr .' 'v ) < + l l ( x . x ) l l > l l (' vt '.-v ) l l . r' z z t' 2 2 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 which this generalizations \ 139 in However Example 4.1. Let distance Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. App.lications. Notice that result because However by Corollary continuous this example VxeX this 4.2.) rings not covered since in in covered it the upper case) K-convex U-l(x) is an (in def ine sets. a K-convex (u(x)) sets This particular structure are is way = [(l-t)p y e U-'(x) open set , X * tp ]"tt(t-t)ctx v the complex representation Furthermore, if to contour K: X x X x [O,ll------+ considering Sonnenschein's by Theorem 4.5. possible is which this defined in the following K(x,y,t) by x e C(U(x)) = X case is structure, (semicircular is of the points in R2. then x e U(y) VxeX, Corollary 4.2. 140 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 + tc(vl then it is € llxll > llyll, so possible to apply Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. Applications In fact, this relation is continuous and acyclic. Then it is possible to apply walker's result (Theorem 4.1.) which witl ensure the existence of maximal elements. However, this relation modif ied by considering another which is not acyclic, can be hence Walker's Theorem cannot be applied. Example Let 4.2. X be the following subset of R2, X = { ( x , y ) e R z : l l ( x , y ) t l = 1, Y=O ) Let us consider the following subsets of X. A = { ( x , y ) e R z : l l ( x , y ) l l = 1 , xcO, y>O ). B = ( ( x , y ) e R z : l l( x , y ) l l = l , x=O, y>O ). The preference relation (P) is defined on X as follows: This VbeB,VxeX\B bPx VaeA,xeXrelsu{y*} aPx xx =( -I/2,O), y*=(-l,O) x*Py* Vx,y < X\ AvBu{x*,y*} xPy (+ llxll >llyll x e {x*,y*), Vz e X\{x*,y*} xPz €+ llxll >llzll x e {x*,y*), Yz e X\{x*,y*} zP (+ llzll > llxll is in fact a non acvclic relation cycle y*PG3/4,O)Px*Py* 141 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 x because there is a Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. Applications. However, Coroliary this preference relation 4.2. as is shown immediately verifies every condition in after. From the structure defined in example 4.1., X has a K-convex continuous structure. we going are verify to the continuity condition of the preference relation, that is, y e U-l{x) + 3x': y e int U-l(x') in this case the problematic point is y* y* e U-l(x*) ¿3x': y* e int U-l(x')? but in this case it is verified y*eU-'(z)=X\B VzeB moreover, since X\B is an open set, then y* e int u-l(z) Finally, as for the if z e B irreflexivity condition we must prove that x e C*(U(x)) In this other case definition VxeX. case, the problematic point this condition is verified is X*, because, in any obviouslv of the preference relation P, but x* from the also verifies. this condition because U(x*) = { xeX: ttxtl > ilx*il } t {y*} is a K-convex set due to the fact t42 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 that y* is an extreme point, Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter that U(x*) 4. Applications. is, yx does not (except if y* belong to is one of we pick up the point K-convexity K-convex will not y* from be joining any path the extremes of and the the of set points in then if path), llxll > llx*ll the set { xeX: broken pairs U(x*) } then its will be a set, so it is verified x*eU(x*) =cx(u(x*)) AIso it U(y*) = B u {x*} is verified and the that K-convex hull y* É CK(U(y*)), of this set because does not contain the point y*, just as is shown in the following graph Then all the conditions of Corollarv 4.2. are verified can be concluded that there exist maximal elements. 143 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 and it Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. Applications. In results the which context give of sufficient usual convexity, conditions to there are ensure the existence of maximal elements weakening the compacity of the set x. this kind of some with results a boundary condition must be introduced. In due to Border (19s5), the compacity condition is the next result replaced by the o-compacityzo. Theorem 4.6. Let [Border, 1985] XcRt be convex and o-compact and let p be a binary relation on X satisfying: l.VxeX xeC(U(x)). 2. U-L({ is open (in X) for all x in X. 3. Let DcX be compact and satisfy VxeX\D there exists zeD with z e U(x). Then the set of maximal elements, {x*: U(>¡*)=6}, is nonempty i and a compact sübset of D. The following result is an extension of Theorem 4.6. in the context of an n-stable K-convex continuous structure. 20 A set Cc{R', is called a-compact compact subsets of C satisfying: if C = 144 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 there ,.,H* is a sequence C,.,. {C } of Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. Applications. Theonem 4.7. Let continuous X be a o-compact structure topological n-stable and let space with a P be a binary K-convex relation on X satisfying: I . VxeX 2. If x e C*(U(x)). y € U-l(x), then there exists some x' € X such thaty€intU-l(x'). 3. Let DcX be compact and satisfy VxeX\D 3zeD:z€U(x) Then the set of maximal elements, {x*: U(x*)=o}, is nonempty and a compact subset of D. Proof. Since X is o-compact, subsets of X satisfying there a is sequence {X ) n of compact - X. u X Set /\ Tn= c l ü x u D l j=t K[ j ) then, by applying proposition 2.8., {Trr} is an increasing sequence of compact K-convex sets each containing D with X = u Trr; moreover by Corollary P-maximal condition 3. 4.2. it element follows Xrr, that implies that x 1- and 2. .t}i.at each T,., has a from n is, e D. U(x.,)¡Tr, = o. Since D is Since D c T. compact, we .can extract a convergent subsequence {x } --+ x*. Suppose that xx is not a maximal element, that is, U(x*) + a . Let z e U(x*), by 2- there is a z' (x* 145 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 e int U-t(z')) and Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. Applications. neighborhood W of x* contained in U-t(z'). For a large x € W rI¡NN and maximality D, and P-maximal thus 2. 3. implies implies that that z' e U(x )nT , contradicting the = a. of xn. Thus U(x*) Hypothesis to z' e T_, enough n, the any p-maximal element must p-maximal is set closed. belong Thus the set is a compact subset of D. Theorem 4-5. can be extended by general family of considering a correspondences than the one utilized more in that Theorem. The idea is to see that if for each x it is verified that A(x) c B(x) B(x) = a introduced by Borglin then the existence of introduce the implies VxeX that A(x) = a. This and Keiding (1926) to maximal notion of elements. In KF and order KF technique extend to results do this, locally was on they majorized correspondences as follows: Definition 4.1. [Borgltn y Keídíng, 1qf6] A co*espondence P: X----+> X defined o., . "onu"x a topological vector space, is said to be KF-majorízed another correspondence O: X------++ X 1. VxeX subset X if there l:>^ such that verifies p(x)c0(x)." 2. Gr ó is an open set. 3. VxeX x e e(x) 146 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 o1 and O(x) is convex. Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. r\pplications. Any correspondence which satisfies conditions 2. and 3. called a KF correspondence. Moreover, a correspondence f on X is LocaLLy KF-majorízed neighborhood lV* of x at x, ;¿ o f(x) and a KF-correspondence if iñ. x defined there X---+> is is a X such that VzeW f(z)<aQ) x This notion will be extended convexity, in particular to the context Definition to the context of abstract of mc-spaces. 4.2. Let X be an mc-space. A correspondence I-: X -----) KF* correspondence X is called if it is satisfied: l. VyeX l-r(y) is open. 2. Vxe\X f(x) is an mc-set. 3. VxeX x e f(x). A correspondence P: X -;+ there is a correspondence KF*, X is called KF*-majorized f: X ---+> X, such that VxeX it if :l >^ verified that P(x) c f(x). It can be seen that a KFx corresoondence satisfies the conditions of Theorem 4.5., thus an immediate consequencewould be the following result. t4'7 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. Corollary Applications. 4.4. LetXbeacomDact KF*-correspondence. mc-space and Then the set of maximal f: X---+> elements {x*: X a I-(x*)=z} is nonempty and compact. is possible to work with the local In some situations it version of KF* corresDondencewhich is defined as follows: Definition 4.3. Let X be an mc-space. A correspondence l: X --->> X is called Vx e X such that i'(x) + o, there exists LocaLLy KF*-majortzed if an open neighborhood V of x and a KF* correspondence é : X ------+>X such that I'(z) s 0 (z) VzeY The following correspondence has to preference relations). Proposition the result some equivalent x existence shows point with of maximal a locally empty KF*-majorized (which is contexts of images elements in 4.1. Let X be a compact topologicál locally that KF*-majorized mc-space. correspondence, nonempty. 148 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 then If set f : X -> {x*: X is a i'(x*)=g} is Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. Applications. The way of usual convexity, but proving this result by substituting mc-spaces and KF correspondences for is similar convex sets for to result in usual convexity can be found in Schenkel (1993). Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 of mc-sets or KF* ones (a proof t49 that of this Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4.2. 4. Applications. EXISTENCE OF EQUILIBRIUM IN ABSTRACT ECONOMIES. In the elements in presented. in the choice the feasible set problem (or of decisions of the Droblem of only one agent section the problem In this which Section last the of other equilibrium) over the of is affect the raised. Then appears among the maximal factible of an economy with anyone. agents existence set n-agents preferences a is or compatibility decision maximizers of individual agents. In this context some of the most notable results the existence of equilibrium in abstract In classical the abstract economy I of model about econiomies are analyzed. (1954), Arrow-Debreu an = (X., 4., u.): - ir defined as follows: N = { 1 , 2 , . . , n }i s t h e set of agents. is the set of choices under agent i's control; X I X=IIX & ii : X---+ X is i feasibility the or^ correspondence of agent i. u: i X-+ R i s t h e utility 150 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 function of agent i. constraint Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. Applications. For an abstract vector economy 6, an equíLíbríum is a strategy Vi = 1,2,...,n, xxeX such that 1. x* e d-(x*). tl u . ( x-*¡ . , x l ) = u . ( x-*t . , z ) 2. The I ! result following Debreu (1954), and r shows Vz.e&.(x*).2r ¡ r t proved was by conditions sufficient to Arrow ensure and the existence of equilibrium of an abstract economy. Theorem 4.8. Let [Arrow and Debreu,1954J 6 = (X., d., u.)l r t I r=I be an abstract economy such that for each i, it is verified i=l,..,n: 1. X c Rp is a nonempty compact and convex set. i Z. u.(x.,x.) -t r 3. 4 i t on x. for each x - l.. is quasiconcave2? I is a continuous and closed graph correspondence. 4. V x e X, l-(x) is a nonempty and convex set. Then there is an equiiibrium of 8. An extension of this result do have not in general transitive 21 x - i denotes the vector is obtained when the agents or complete preference relation, in which i's coordinate 22L is said quasíconcave ,e l function f:X---+R = = a} are convbx sets. sets X q. {xeX I f(x) 151 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 is omitted. if for any aeR the Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter so in 4. Applications. this functions. case, preferences are not representable by In this line, Gale and Mas-colell's work be mentioned and Shafer utility (1975) has to and Sonnenschein's work (19?5), which analyzes the problem of the existence of equilibrium in abstract economies I = (X., 1,, a,)l=, in which utility functions are replaced by best response corresponclences. P.: X- X, defined by ) . x} P.(x) = {z.eX.l (x_.,2.p where p. is the preference relation of agent i. In this context, the equilibrium notion is introduced in the following way: x* is an equíLíbrLurn of the economy I if it is satisfied: l. x* e l. (x*). 2. d.(x*) n P.(x*) = o This kind of formulation which cannot be represented by utility Vi=1,2,..n. ailows preference relations functions to be considered. By using this point of view, Shafer and Sonnenschein(1975) prove the following equilibrium resültt r52 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. Applications. Theorem 4.9. and Sonnenschein, 1g7S]. [shafer = (X., 1,, a,)i=, Let I be an abstract economy such that for each i: l. X.S Rp is a nonempty compact and convex. 2. 4, is a continuous correspondence such that VxeX, d.(x) I is a nonempty convex and closed set. 3. P. is an open graph correspondence. i 4. VxeX e C(p (x)). x t¡ Then there is an equilibrium. There are many results existence of considering equilibrium conditions in in literature abstract different to the which results correspondences consider different *i have to of either Shafer by and on the one hancl, among continuity mention Border (1985, p.p.93) and rarafdar analyze the economies, those Sonnenschein or by extending that result. which conditions the in works the by (L992) who also consider choice sets as c-spaces. On the other hand, among those which generalize, Yannelis and Prabhakar's work (1983) can be mentioned in which an infinite number of goods and a countable infinite number of agents ane considered; or Yannelis' work (1987) who considers a measure space of agents work (1988) who and infinitely replaces many the commodities or continrrity constraint correspondences by its semicontinuity. 153 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 condition Tulcea's of the Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. Applications. In general, one of the conditions which is maintained in most the of results on the existence of equilibrium, sets as as the is the convexity of the values of the constraint or best response correspondences. This is due to the fact the proof of of points. that existence choice fixed well these results is based principally So, if it is on the necessary to apply Brouwer's or Kakutani's results, then the convexity condition will be required. In the rest of the section these results are extended to the context of mc-spaces. The existence problem of equilibrium in abstract economies is reduced to the existence problem of equilibria unipersonal economy Keiding, 1976). equilibrium in (following Therefore, an abstract the first method the economy with of Borglin and result of existLnce only in a one agent is presented and then this case is generalized to infinite agents. Some previous lemmas which are required to prove this result are now shown. 154 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapten 4. Applications. Lemma 4.2. Let X be a compact mc-space and let l. l:X-----+> X be a correspondence 1.1. VxeX l-l(x) 1.2. VxeX l(x) such that: is an open set. is a nonempty mc-set. 2. P:X----+>X is a locally KF* majorized correspondence. Then there is x* e X such that x* e TIxTl- d(x*) n P(x*) = o and Proof. The correspondence @: X---+> X is defined as follows: I d(x) d(x)=1"t*lnr(x) t If is ó(x) locally if x é J{x)- if xe¿rx]- KF*-majorized, then by applying Proposition 4.1. we have fxx e X As &(x*) + a and such that then it 0&*) -- o. is obtained P(x*) n l(x*) = Q(xx) = o x* e l--(x*I It locally only remains KF*-majorized. to In prove that order to the correspondence do this, let . xeX ó is such that Q&) * s. Casel: In xel(x). this case it is possible to prove that open neighborhood of x, V_- such that Vy e V* 155 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 there y 4 A(1. exists an Then the Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapten 4. following Applications. correspondence is defined: ( e,$) y€v* [., yÉV* ó* g) = I So,if yeV* yeÁTvl-wehavethaty4óU), as which implies that S* majorize locally to @. CaseZ: x e l--(xl In this case as correspondence P is locally KF*-majorized, if P(x) + a then there is an open neighborhood of x, V*, and a KF* correspondence Q*:X -------+>X such that Vy e V*, p(y) c e*(V). Let's consider the following correspondence vA f\rr¡ r) =- J (e(y) if y*@ letyl.'¿tyl if yefil)- tx Therefore @ is a corespondence which majorizes to @. To see ' |x that Q* is KF*, first inverse images, that is, zeq-r$) of all it will be proved that it has open O -ttyl is an open set (VyeX). (eQ) ( + v e d * ( z )= . 1 e(z)nd(z) Ix ze$-(¿l =.a{ff If z * ÁTzl, then there is a neighborhood V" of z such that: VweV, wéllw- Therefore, as d has open inverse images and as z e ú-r(y), then there is a neighborhood Vl of, z such that lsÁ Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. Applications. -I(y) v' c J W = \,I n V' By taking we have that zzzz w€l-r(y) and Vw e W wed-(wJ then @.-(w)= 4(w), hence it will be had that x W_ . O_t(y) ')r z On the other hand. if z e l7l so,if ye0(z)= Q(z) nd(z) xx . x. and as it óx xb) = Q (z) n l(z) then then z€Q-t(y)nl-r(y) is an open set, it can be concluded that there is a neighborhood wr.(e*nd)-l(y) then y e l(w), henceif weW y € Q*(w) n l(w), zx wed[w)- d(w)=l(w) w e J(wJ- d x x(w) = Q (w)nd(w) ^(y), -1 . therefore W c @ zxx so @ has open inverse images. We can conclude that @* has mc-set values since it is defined from 0x the intersection of mc-set valued correspondences. Moreover, does not have a fixed point, since if it had a fÍxed point there would exist an element z such that z e Q*(z), which would imply that ze&(z) with ze7(71 which is impossible, or 157 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. Applications. ze&Q)^Q*(z) but correspondence Q*(z) is KFx, which is also a contradiction. Finally, correspondence Q* has open inverse images, so it can be concluded that it majorizes locally to d. Note that the previous lemma, apart from providing the existence of quasiequilibrium23, covers two results which are of a different nature: the existence of maximal elements and the existence of fixed Doints. That is, if we consider l(x) = X for every x € X, then the hypothesis of Lemma 4.1. is verified and we obtain 3x*eX:P(x*)=z Therefore, this generalizes result and covers the existence of maximal elements in binary relations (Theorem 4.5.). On the other hand, if we consider the correspondence P: X ---+> X with empty images, then the hypotheses of the lemma are verified too and it is obtained 23 Let 8=(X,,d,,Pr)r., be an abstract quasiequilíbrtum iff x* e lTxrj iirr economy, then x*eX and d. (x*)nP. (x*) = z. 1s8 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 is a Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. That Applications. is, the 3xxeX : existence of x*€d(x*) fixed points in the clousune correspondence. Lema 43.24 Let locally X be a subset of mc-space. corespondence correspondence 'a f : X --+> If with a paracompact mc-set Y values, is topological space and y a an semicontinuous then upper Ve>O there exists a H : X--------+> Y such that l. H_ has an open graph. a 2. H a has mc-set 3. Gr(f) Theorem images. c Gr(H_) < B(Gr(f),e). e 4.1O. If X is a compact locally l. d:X ------+; X is mc-space, a correspondence and it is verified with a closed that graph and i such that d(x) are nonempty mc-sets. 2. P:X ------> X is a locally KF*-majorized correspondence. 3. The set {x e X / P(x) n 4(x) = o } is closed in X. Then there exists x* e i x* e d(x*) such that and l(x*)nP(x*)=¿ 24 that of the usual The way to prove this result is similar to convex case (Schenkel, 1993) by substituting usual convexity for mc*spaces and convex sets for mc-sets. 1.59 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. Applications. Proof. From Lemma 4.3.. we have V e > O 3 H, such that Gr(l) c Gr(H") c B(Gr(l), e) where H, is an open graph correspondence whose values are mc-sets. If we consider (x, Hr, P) and by applying Lemma 4.1. we can ensure that there exists an element x x eHIx-T eacee'-a' a such that and H(x)np(x)=a Let {e,.,} be a sequence which .converges to O and reasoning as above we obtain another sequence {- such that } t a.J.'eo'{ vneD.,r, - [ - r " Jllj =a fr["^l.,pf" ll .fu-|'*-]^pf* LIr,rJ le,.,JJ Le,,[e,.,J and since it is in a comDact set due to x. an e {xeXl d(x)np(x)=a} then there exists a convergent subsequence to a point X*, which will be an element of the set since it is a closed set. x*€ {xeX/&.k)np(x)=a) We have to prove now that x* is a fixed point of A. Vn e 0,,1we have r\ lx_ , x^ | e Gr(H- ) c cn' I tr, "r, J B(Gr(l), a ) n and since A is a compact set then r\ l x ^t^ , x -tn)| - ) I (x*, x*) e Gr(l) 160 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. Applications. Next a result which ensures the existence of equilibrium in an abstract economy with an countable number of agents is presented. Theorem 4.11. Let I = (X-,1.,P,),a, be an abstract economy such that 1. X is a compact locally mc-space, X = ' i ii X,. i€I 2- 4. ís a closed graph correspondence süch that d.(x) is a nonempty mc-set VxeX. 3. P. is locally KF*-majorized. 4. The set {xeXl d.(x) n P.(x) = o} is closed in X. Then, there exists an equilibrium for the abstract economy. Proof. X ---+-) Consider the correspondence l: I e l(x) r that is l ( x- ) = (+ y. e l.(x) X as follows: VieI II l(x). n ll i' i€I Moreover, for each iel we define the following correspondences: a) yeP*(x) Px:X----->X: (+ ¡III that is, PT(x) = X x..x P.(x) x..x X. ¡t b).- P: X---> X in the following way: IOI Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 y.eP.(x) Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapten 4. Applications. ( I p(x) =l n P*(x) r ielr*l I I\ if I(x) + s o in any other case where I(x) = {iell P.(x) n 4.(x) * s). First of all, will it be proved that under theorem conditions it is verified that l. P is locally KF*-majorized. 2. 4 is a closed graph correspondence with nonempty mc-set values. l. Consider xeX such that P(x) * o, then there exists ioel(x) such that P. (x) n 4. (x) + a, 'o to Since the set {xeXl l.(x) n P.(x) ;¿ o} is an open set, there r¡\ exists a neighborhood V of x such that P. (z) n 4. (z) + a VzeY that is i o to to e I(z). so p(z) = VzeY Moreover, since p, pl(z) c p*. e) n 'o i€I(z) is a locally KF*-majorized o correspondence, Pl is locally KF*-majorized and therefore there o exists G: X a X---+-) neighborhood X w of x such that Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 and a KF* correspondence Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. Applications. VyeW P* (y) c G*(I) o Hence, G__is a KF* correspondence which majorizes p in the x neighborhood WnV of x. 2. Immediate. Finally, we show that the set ixeX I n P(x) = s) l(x) is closed. VieI we define the following correspondence: Q.: X--> X. ( e.{xl n d.(x) e.(x) = .{ I t d.(x) if iel(x). in any other case. It is clear that I | t t e ¡. ( x ) p(x) n41*¡= jier I I s CorrespondencesQ., X+ P(x) n 4(x) = o Therefore (+ Xi P(x) = z, ir P(x) * o in any other case have nonempty values, thus that is I(x) = u. we have {xeXI P(x) n l(x) = a) = {xeKl I(x) = a} = rl = nJxeXl P.(x) n &.(v)=6 | I r ) ier( Hence {xeX I P(x) n &(x) = a) is closed because of the intersection of the closed sets. 163 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 So (X,d,P) its being verifies Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. Applications. Theorem 4.10. hypothesis and we obtain that there exists an element x*eX such that: x*el(x*) y P(x*) n&(x*)=a. y P(x*)nd(x*) I(x*) = o and finally so x*el(x*) Shafer and Sonnenschein's(1975), p.p.93) and Tulcea's (1988) results =¿. (19SS, Border,s can be obtained as consequences of the last theorem since the conditions they impose on the conrespondences imply the conditions of rheorem 4.11. First of all we present rul.cea's result which is an immediate consequence. Corollary [Tulcea, j.988] 4.5. Let X be a locally I ' convex topological linear space and = (X.,4.,P-)._- be an abstract economy such that VieI: i' i- i i€I 1. X. is a compact and convex subset of X. 2. ú..(x) is closed and convex VxeX. 3. d i' is upper semicontinuous. 4. P is lowen semicontinuous and KF*-majorized. i 5. The set G. = {xeXl d (x) n p (x) = o} is closed. Then there exists an equilibriüL ror the abstract economy g. 164 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. Applications. Next, several lemmas in which it that the hypotheses of is explicitly presented Shafer and Sonnenschein's Theorem (1925) and Border's (1985) in the context of usual convexity imply those of Theorem 4.11. Lemma 4.4. Let X be a compact and convex set, the following conditions 1. d.: X ----> X is a cohtinuous correspondence with nonempty convex and closed values. 2. P.: X -----> 3.VxeX X is an open graph correspondence. xeC(P.(x)). imply P: i X ---------)-)X is a locally KF-majorized correspondence. Proof. Since images. P- i"i has Next, it an is open shown graph, that then P. is C(P.) locally has open inverse KF-majorized by c(P.). Consider -x € ( c ( P ) ) - 1 ( y ) , t h a t exist i x , . . . , x ) c P(x) ln x. e P(x) then x open neighborhoods such that is, y e C(P(x)); then y e C(xr, ... ,*.) . there and since < P-l(x-) which are open sets. So, there exist of x V. e B(x) such that V. c P-r(x.) for i =1,.--rn- 165 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 each Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter If 4. Applications. we V = nV., take x' € p-l(x.) Vx'eV then x. e p(x') i=I,2,..n. Therefore C(x., ... ,x ) c C(p(x')), hence y e C(p(x')) Thus, V c (CP)- I (y), locally majorized (+ x' € C(p-l(y)). t so (Cp)- (y) is an open set and p. is by C(P.) Lemma 4.5. Let X be a compact and convex set, the following conditions 1. d-: X ----+> X is i a continuous correspondence with nonempty convex and closed values. 2. P.: X ----+) i 3.VxeX X is an open graph correspondence. xeC(p.(x)). imply A = {x e X / P.(x) n l.(x) = a ) is closed in X. Proof. Let x e A, a) z e ú..&) l-i then 3z e p.(x) n dr(x), hence which implies x e &-rb). b) z e P.(x) , the pair (x, z) e Gr(p.) and since it open set there exists a neighborhood v V x V xzi z<4.(A, rzzi by of (x, z) such that x v c Gr(P). Ontheotherhand, and xz is' an applying the lower and zey semicontinuity (since it is continuous) we have t66 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 soV of nl-ix);¿o. correspondence a, Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. Applications. fU eB(x) xzix If wetakeW=U a) x'eV xx ^V V eB(x), then{x'}xV xzi then V and b) we nd.(x')*a wehave n l(x') Vx'eU Vx'€W: cGr(P.) ,soV xztz¡ b) x' e U From a) suchthat cP.(x'). * s. obtain that P.(x') n d.(x') + o l¡ , therefore W c X\4, and A is a closed set. As a consequenceof Lemma 4.4 and Lemma 4.5.., it is obtained that Shafer and Sonnenschein's result (1975) (Theorema 4.9. ) is a consequenceof Theor-ema4.11. Lemma 4.6, Let X be a compact and convex set, the following conditions: 1. 4: X ------+) X is an upper qemicontinuous correspondence with nonepty compact and convex values which satisfies: 1.1.Vx e X, l(x) =int-"G]. has open graph. 1.2. x---+int d(x) Z. P: X--------+) X is an open graph correspondence. 3.VxeX xeC(P(x)). imply, a. P is a KF-majorized correspondence. b. The set A = {xeX I l(x) n P(x) * z} is open. 10/ Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. Applications. Proof. From hypotheses 1., Z. and 3., inmediately since c(P) majorizes the conclusion a. is obtained correspondence. So we only have to prove that b. is also verified. (+ xx € A l(x*) n P(x*) ¡¿ s zeP(x*) € {+ jz e d(x*) n p(x*) (x*,2)e Gr(P) Since it is assumed that Gr(p) is open, we have fV xü e B(x*), jV z e B ( z )' l V _ x V c G r ( p ) x* z in particular V**t{zicGr(P) hence zeP(x') Vx'eV x* On the other hand, z e &.(x*) = lnTZTxT)-. distinguish two different From now we can cases: Case 1: z e int l(x*). In this case, since the correspondence x ->int l(x) has an open graph, by reasoning as above *e huí", 3V', € B(x*)l z e int d(x') xl Vx, € V, x* If we take V = V** n V**, we obtain that V c A, so A is an open set. 168 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. Case 2: Applications. z e 4(x*) \ intJ(x*). In this case, we denote M(x) = int d(x), hence l(x) Since z € MT;TI- \M(x*), we know that for every U= e B(z) we have U= n M(x*) * a, in particular since w e M(x*) = TTxl. for U= = Y=. Thus, if w e V" n M(x*) and M has open graph, there exist W e B(w), V'- € B(x*) such that V'- x W c Gr(M), so V'- x {w} c Gr(M), thus xr xr xt w € M(x') Vx' € V' xf Since w e V we have that V _ x {w} c Gr(P), zx* w e p(x') If we take so Vx'e V** V = V** n Vi* we have: ifxeV,then ( I xeV Jx* I It t therefore xe V'* so weP(x) so weM(x)=intd(x)cl(x) w e P(x) n l(x), that is P(x) n &(x) + a VxeV. So, it has been proved that in this case V c A and therefore that A is an open set. As a Lemma 4.6. consequence of Border's result (1985) is obtained. r69 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 and Theorem 4.11., Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. Applications. Corollany 4.6. IBorder, 1985] Let 6 = (X., J,, t,)l=, be an abstract economy such that 1. X-c Rp is nonempty, compact and convex. i 2. & i is an upper semicontinuous correspondence with compact convex values such that Z.t. V x € X, .d.(x)= *a qt¡ The correspondence intd.: X --> 2.2. intJ.(x) = int[, r [r t"ll X. given by has an open graph. ) 3. P is an open graph correspondencein --- X -- x --i' " X. i 4.VxeX, x.eC(p.(x)). Then, there exists an equilibrium for the abstract economv g. The next abstract result shows the existence of equilibrium economies when the compacity condition is relaxed. in In the same way as in the result of the existence of maximal elements, we need to impose an additional boundary condition. Moreover the result is presented in the context of n-stable K-convex continuous structures. 170 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapten 4. Applications. Theorem 4.12. Let f = (X.,/.,P.). -_ be an abstract economy such that VieI: i i' i i€I L X, is a nonempty space with an n-stable locally K-convex continuous structure. 2.4 i'l is an upper semicontinuous correspondence: l.(x) is nonempty, K-convex and compact VxeX. 3. P, is locally KF*-majorized. 4. The set {xeXl J.(x) n P-(x) = o} is closed in II X, Viel. Z. = C,.[D. v l.(D)] 5. 3D c X. compact such that if ir-iK-rr then it is verified that 4&)nZ i i *a VxeX V x - e X \ D . , x -. i e X--i i i -i xZ 3-yi . e & - | x ) n Z . i i i i : y- i . e P . ( x ) i Then, there exists an element x* e X such that VieI x* e l(x*) d(x*) n P(x*) = o and iiii Proof. Consider the following compact set Since lby applying structure, ,8, D,. semicontinuous, d.(D) is a compact set and is upper -- i ¡ the n-stability we have that compact K-convex If D = we of condition the set K-convex continuous Z- = C_-lD.v d.(D)l is also a the ¡Kir set. take Z = ,8, Z, and correspondence: T7T Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 consider the folüwing Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. Applications. H :Z ---------->--+ Z: i H (x) = 4 (x) n Z -i i i- i' This correspondence H, has nonempty compact and K-convex values since it given is by the intersection of two compact K-convex sets. Furthermore, it has a closed graph, so it would be an upper semicontinuous correspondence. From the last correspondence, we can define the following one: L : Z---------->+ Z ii ( e.&) irx ' L.(x) ={ ll d.(x) n Z. I L. has a closed graph, I i € D i in any o t h e r c a s e since if (x,y)eGr(L.) yéL.(x) + then the following situations can occur: a)x.eD. a.tl b)x a) If have that ii x. e D., i i- eD then L.(x) = d.(x), i- y e 4.(x), that i and since y e L.(x) I is, the pair (x, y) é Gr(/.). i has a closed graph due to the fact that it semicontinuous, there exists a neighborhood W x V of that WxVnGr(&.)=s I I-72 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 we Since & -i is (x,y) upper such Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. Applications. Therefore, it is verified V(x',y') e W x V y' e 4.(x') > L.(x') hence W x V n Gr(L) = a i b) If x e D., y e L.(x) = &.(x) n Z yéd.(x) the case of and y e l.(x) yéZi or , by reasoning as in a) obtained that 3W x V neighborhood of (x, y): W x V n Gr(&.) = o and thus, y' 4 &.(x') > d.(x') n Z. = L.(x') V ( x ' , - v ' )e W x V TI¡I hence WxVnGr(L.)=o In the case of y é Zi, then since Z. is a closed set, :lV neighborhood of y: V n Zr, = " and so, for any neighborhood W of x we have WxVnZxZr=" as a result of V(x',y') eWxV if it implies that ¡ii' In L.(x) = 4.(x) n 2., then as y'ÉZi.wehave therefore WxVnGr(L-)=s 173 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 (x',Y')eZxZ. it is Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. Applications. That is, correspondence L. Now the following 8 ' = ( 2 . , L . , P, ). ' l |z has a closed graph. subproblem can be considered: It verifies all of the conditions ll of Theorem 4.11. and we only need to prove that A' = {xl L.(x) n P.' (x) = z} , ,,= is ciosed for every i e I. From hypothesis 5. we solutions to the subproblem 6' have ih2t the A' set of possible is a subset of D . lvloreover, since L . ( x ) c 2 . , t h e n L '. ( x ) n P . | ( x ) c Z . , thus i iilz ¡ L . ( x )n a , 1 " , * , L.(x) n P. (x) but '¡ ¡ ( a . & ) n z . n P . ( x )= [.d.(x) n P . ( x ) l n Z . J', plvl- L.(x) n ¡ I I I l.(x) n P. (x) Since the possibie solutions are those elements x such that x.e D. and by the definition of Z. , &.(x) c Z. then lt ld.(x) n P.(x)l n Z, =.4.(x) n P.(x) that is A' = {xl By 4. it ccrnditions from 3x* e Z: L.(x) n P.l (x) = o) = {xl l.(x) n P.(x) = z} I rl is verified i that A' is a closed Theorem 4.11. are verified, x*. € L.(x*) i ¡ and la^ r ra Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 i set, so all of the therefore L(x*) i n P | (x*) = a ii- (l) Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4, Applications. Moreover, x* € D, since in other case, that 3iel: is if xrFéD x* e X.\D. ttl and by applying hypothesis 5 we would have that d.(x*) n Z. 3y.e -i i i y. e P.(x*) such that I r but it is a contradiction with (l), L.(x*) n P. | (x*) = o since t tlt L.(x*) n P.l (x*) = d.(x*) n P.(x*) n 2.. ¡ il_ i i i Therefore x*. € l.(x*) rtt¡ l.(x*) n P.(x*) - a and r75 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter- 4. 4.3. Applications. EXISTENCE OF NASH EQUILIBRIUM. In chapter this 3 are applied equilibrium in inequalities when a line Section, in fixed order to non-cooperative similar to abstract that of point obtain games convexities Marchi theorems the and are analyzed existence of in Nash,s solutions to minimax considered. To do this, and Martinez-Legaz,s (199r) work, is considered. A game is partial control and a situation general in in which conflicting several players preferences have regarding the outcome. The set of possible actions under player i's control is denoted by x.. Elements of X, are called strategies and X, is the Let strategy set. N = {1,2,...n} denote the set of players, and X =,E*X, is the set of strategy vectors. Each strategy vector determines an outcome given by a function g (g:X ---+lR") which will be called the payoff function. The idea of Nash equilibrium to choose a feasible own payoff strategy with in a noncooperative point x*, for which respect to his .own strategy choices of the other players. 116 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 each player game is maximizes choice, given his the Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4, Definition Applications 4.4. Let 9 = (N, X, g) be a game, an element x* € X is called a Nash equilíbrium for that game if VieN it is satisfied: g.(x*.,x*) = g.(x*.,y.) Vy €X II The following gives result sufficient conditions to ensure the existence of Nash's equilibrium. Theorem 4.13. INash, 195L] I = (N, X, g) Let be a game of complete information that satisfies: 1. X, . R- is compact and convex Vi e N. ,. Zi, X -*-+ R is continuous 3. g-(x is quasiconcave Vx -i - i-,') ' i Vx e X and e X- i and --- Vi e N. Vi e N. Then I has at least one equilibrium point (of Nash). This result has been generalized in many ways. On the one hand, some authors strategy payoff have relaxed sets and continuity functions (Kostreva, Zhou, 1993). On the inf inite dimensional players ( Marchi other strategy or the convexity quasiconcavity 1989; Vives, conditions i99O; hand, . some authors Baye, ,1991). In r't'7 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 in Tian in the y have considered spaces and an inf inite and Martínez-Legaz condition our qr'r".rtity of case, this Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. section Applications. runs condition. parallel In order to to function to the context 'work, this do of this, relaxing the mc-spaces notion the of generalized is convexity quasiconcave in a natural way. Definition 4.5. Let X be an mc-space and function f is mc-quasiconcave X- ={xeX:f(x) =a} a f: X ------+R a real function. The iff sets for every a e R the aremc-sets. Nash's generalization is as follows: Theorem 4.14. Let I mc-spaces; be any for set each of indices, let iel X, be X- i = ITX let j*i O: X- i --------> X i compact mc-set be a continuous i images and function such that g.(v,. ) let --+ g.: X R is mc-quasiconcave for ¡ g.(x*) = I which will with nonempty a continuous each v e X 'i proving g.(x*.,y). Max ^ y€(r. (xr.) I Before be let x* € X such that x x e @ . ( x- l * . ) , ¡ and j correspondence I Then there is compact locally I this generalization, be applied in his proof are introduced. 178 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 -l -¡ several results Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter Lemma 4. Applications. 4.7. [Marcht Let y Martinez-Legaz, X be a topological space and f.: X --+ the space, I any y, index set, Y. an u.s.c. correspondence and compact values for Then 1.99L] a compact with nonempty each iel. y, f:X -----+-+ correspondence where Y=ITY., I f(x) = iI f.(x) defined by is also u.s.c. t Lemma 4.8. Let I be any set of indices and for each iel Iet X. be a I compact locally correspondence Q.: X -+ mc-space, with nonempty X- compact mc-sets continuous a X = II X., and where t f- : X x X. ----+ R a ii continuous function such f.(x,.) that is t mc-quasiconcave Then the for any x in X. \ ¿ : X --------+--+X correspondence Q(x) = IT O.(x) has a fixed point, I f.(x*, x*.) = r I x*eQ( x* ), defined by such that f.( x*, y ). Max y€Q- (x*) r Proof. It X=II i s possible X to prove is also a compact that the locally product topological mc-space. Moreover, for I ieI let f : i X -----+-+ X I'.(x)={zeA.k)/ be the correspondence f.(x, z)= defined Max y€Q. (x) r'79 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 by f,(x, y) ) I space each Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. Applications. Since A.(x) is a continuous correspondence and f.(x, z) nonempty compact l-¡ continuous values function, and is then u.s.c. Berge 1963, p.p.116 ), we by have that Berge's and since f, has (Maximum result f.(x,.) is is a Theorem, mc-quasíconcave, then I'.(x) is mc-set valued, due to if we consider c( = Max f.( x, y )) yeQ.(x) . then I'.(x) = Q.(x) n { z / f.(x,z) > a By applying Lemma 4.7., the correspondence given by f(x)= iI f.(x), f : M-----+-> M also has these properties. Therefore, by Theorem 3.16, f has a fixed point xx € M, indeed x* e f(x*) Clearly x* satisfies f.(x*,xl rll- ) =Max f.(x*,y) y€lJ. (x*) ¡ Proof of Theorem 4.14By applying Lemma Q.: X ------)--+ X., defined by i functions f. i 4.8. to CI.(>i)= O.(x- l.) r defined by 180 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 l the correspondences and considering the Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapten 4. Applications. f . ( x , y ) = g . ( x- l . , y ) - g . ( x ) ; ¡ I we obtain the existence of x* € X, such that f.(x*,x*)=Max I I x* e O.(x*.) f.(x*,y) I Vie and I Y€@-{x*¡t I the last condition yields the desired quality for the g. , then we obtain the expression of the existence of Nash's equilibrium. g.(x*) = t The functions in Max y€o. (**) mc-quasiconcavity the previous g . ( x-*t . , y ) t condition theorem could assuming a weaker hipothesis such as that of imposed have on been f.(x,. ) weakened, I'.(x) being mc-sets. I The next example shows a situation where Nash's Theorem cannot be applied because of the non convexity of the strategy sets. However our result covers this situation. Example.4.3. Consider a game with two players, each one following strateg! space: X.= { x eRz : O < a = llxll - b } I 181 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 i=1,2 with the Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. Applications. x X -) -si:r 2 X g.(x,y)=llxll It is obvious particular it is same function that possible X, are to define R +llyll compact a and mc-sets structure by because considering in the as in example 4.1 K : X x X x [ O , l ]- + K(x,y,t) = [(l-t)p xv X + * tp ].tt(t-t)Gx tctvl P.(x,t) = K(a.,x,t) The functions are defined to construct the mc-structure. Sets X- a"i functions will existence of are circular be rings, so they are mc-setszs, then g.'s continuous Nash's and mc-quasiconcave. equilibrium is Thus, ensured by strategy sets the applying Theorem 4.14. Notice contractible, that in this and the payoff case the functions are not are not quasiconcave, then it is not possible to apply the classical results. 'uI., this case abstract convexity given by circular rings only. 182 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 which is considered is that Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Chapter 4. Applications. The previous Theorem has been proved by applying the extension of similar Kakutani's point fixed (Theorem 3.16). In result a way, as a consequence of the extension of Browder-Fan's Theorem (Theorem 3.15.) the existence of inequality in the context of a solution to minimax mc-spaces, is obtained, generalizing the analogous result of Marchi and Martinez-Legaz (1991). Theorem 4.15. For each let Q :X ---------+-> X and i=1,...,n, let X, be be a nonempty a continuous compact f. : X x X. ------;R ii¡ is mc-set values, mc-space correspondence tl nonempty compact where X = ,E, Xr, with and is a semicontinuous function26 such that f.(x,.) mc-quasiconcave for any x in X, and f.(.,y.) is continuous. Then I inf I max xeQ(x) li=r,..,n where the correspondence ( f.(x,y) - f.(x,x.) { max II lyee. l*) t ' )]= I Q : X---++ X is defined as Q(x) = II f2.(x). ¡ 26 Let X be a topological space. A function f:X --+R is called upper semíconttnuous if for each creR the sets {xeX I f(x) > a} are closed in X. 183 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Volver al índice/Tornar a l'índex Chapter 4. Applications. Proof. Given e>O, let f.r(x) = { ze Q.(x) : f . ( x ,-y ) - f . ( x , z ) < e ) i max t i ueQ.(x) fr:X -----> X and denote by the product correspondence fr(x) = The mc-quasiconcavity of that f"(x) are mc-sets. semicontinuity of f, n r t, (*J =r!, --1, t ,r(*l Moreover, and the continuity On the other f (.,y), max of hand, from it i y€O. (.) --1, f.r(x) ,I, follows e, imply the that upper the sets are open sets in X. I-"(x) * a V x e X, then from Theorem 3.15, the correspondence f^(x) has a fixed point x ^ A a which - - - - - - satisfies ---n x e e Q(x^) and €: x_ e I'_(x) = e e'--' tT ilf I- (x) ia then for i = l, ..., n f.(x^,x-^) > r e ia Max yee(x) f ( x . v ) - ei-e''' ie ,='-i1,"{ r'(x''Í)- r'(x''x") ' ' } T:á ,-, I since a can be made arbitrarily result. 184 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 small, we obtain the desired Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar REFERENCES. Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar ALLAIS, M. (1952). "Fondements d'une comportant I'ecole Nattonal un risque Américaine". de La et critique theorie positive des postulats Colloques Internationaux Recherche Sctenttftque des choix et axiomas de du Centre 40, (1953) p.p. 257-332. 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Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar SUBJECT INDEX abst r act e con omy 150 cor r espondence - quasiequilibrium 158 - KF* - equilibrium 151,152 majorized r41 - 148 theorem - Arrow & Debreu 151 - Bord er r70 - Shaf er & S o n n e n s c h e i nr 5 3 - Tulcea r64 141 locally - KKlvf 119 generaI i zed - selection 84 - 82 I ower semi continuous - upper Carathéodo ry ( R") t20 semicontinuous 82 22,25 equ i I ibrium - Nash convexi ty 117 - abstract 23 - al i gned 28 - closed 27 hul I - Iocal 72 - abstract z4 - log.- 38 - usual zo 31 - g- 98 - join 23 - K- convex - simplicial f inite ly local -T - topologi cal existe nc e 25 convex z4 - conmutativity *"- 20 corr e spondenc e 81 - approximat i on 84 - cont inuo us 83 - graph az -KF r47 - - majorized t46 - loca I ly 141 IT ' - mc -quasi co.ncave 178 - upper 183 semicontinuous idempotent 33 int e rval 25 open sub Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 Jb fun c t ion - c o vering 201 26 60 , convex combination 177 79 79 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar partition of unity 80 structure - polytope 25 r28 - max imal of r29 - qn2 a 29 P - K-convex relation - acyc I ic a 35 cont inuous A1 TI - A1 at n-stable - mc- 55 singular face 64 set - compact 80 - comprhensive 46 - contractible 28 - equ i convex 34 -F- 30 - K-convex 36 - mc- 59,60 - star shaped - simplicial convex simp I ex c- 32 30 29 I ocal - equ i connected 73 J+ -H- 29 - 35 K-convex local - mclocal - 74 55 74 202 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994 existence - of maximal Bergstrom 128 Border r29,r44 Fan r29 Sonnenschein 130 Wal ker rzB Yannelis 45 space - The o r ems fixed & Prabhakar 130 point Bro uwer 85 Browder a] Fan 87 Kakutani 87 Schauder von - KKM Thychonoff Newmann 85 86 119 Abstract convexity. Fixed points and applications. Juan Vicente Llinares Ciscar Volver al índice/Tornar a l'índex zo3 Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Alicante. Tesi doctoral de la Universitat d'Alacant. 1994