Case 1:11-cr-20582-JEM Document 37 Entered on FLSD Docket 12/17/2014 Page 1 of 8 UNITED STATES DISTR ICT CO URT SO UTHERN D ISTRICT OF FLORIDA C ase No.11-20582-CR-M A RTlNEZ UNITED STATES OF AM ERICA V:. M AR LLO RY CHA CO N RO SSELL, Defendant. PLEA AGREEM ENT The United States of America (tthe Governmenf') and M ARLLORY CHACON ROSSELL (hereinafterreferredto asthetl defendantg')enterinto thefollowingagreement: The defendantagreesto plead guilty to thelndictm ent,which chargesthe defendant withconspiri ngtodistributefive(5)kilogramsormoreofcocai neintotheUnitedState roma -sf place outsidethereof,in violation ofTitle 21,United StatesCode,Section 963. 2. y . The defendantisaw are thatthe sentencew illbe im posed by theCourtafter œu J p : considering the FederalSentencing Guidelinesand Policy Statcments(hereinaftertdsentencing Guidelines''). Thc defendantacknowledges and understands thatthe Courtwillcompute an advisory sentence under the Sentencing Guidelines and thatthe applicable guidelines will be $2 -fX -// determinedbytheCourtrelyinginpartontheresultsofaPre-sentencelnvestigationbythe > U e & . Court's probation office, which investigation will com m ence after the guilty plea has been entcred. The defendantis also aware that,under certain circum stances,the Courtm ay depart from the advisory sentencing guideline range thatithascomputed,and m ay raise or lowerthat advisory sentence under the Sentencing Guidelines. The defendant is further aware and understandsthatthe Courtisrequired to considerthe advisory guideline range determ ined under Case 1:11-cr-20582-JEM Document 37 Entered on FLSD Docket 12/17/2014 Page 2 of 8 the Scntencing Guidelines,butisnotbound to im pose thatsentence;the Courtisperm itted to tailorthe ultimate sentence in lightofotherstatutory concerns, and such sentence m ay be either m ore severc orless sevcre than the Sentencing Guidelines'advisory sentence. Knowing these facts,thedefcndantunderstandsand acknowledgesthatthe Courthastheauthority to impose any sentence within and up to the statutory m axim um authorized by law forthe offenses identificd in paragraph one (1) and thatthe defendantmay notwithdraw the plea solely asa resultofthe sentence im posed. The defendantalso understandsand acknowledgesthat,asto Count1,theCourtm ust impose a statutory minimum term of ten (10) years,and may impose a stattdory term of incarceration ofuptolifc,tobefollowed by aterm ofsupervisedreleaseofatleastfive(5)years and up to life. ln addition to a term of imprisonm ent and supervised release,the Courtmay imposeafineofupto $10,000,000astoCount1. 4. Thedefendantfurtherunderstandsand acknowledgesthat,in addition to any sentence imposed underparagraph three (3) ofthis agreem ent,a specialassessmentin the amountof $100.00 willbe imposed on thedefendant. The defendantagreesthatany specialassessment im posed shallbepaid atthetim e ofsentencing. The Officeofthe United StatesAttorney forthe Southem DistrictofFlorida (hereinaherttoffke'')reservestherightto inform theCourtand theprobation officeofa11facts pertinentto the sentencing proccss,including a11relevant inform ation concerning the offenses com m itted,whether charged or not,as well as concerning the defendant and the defendant's background.Subjectonlytotheexpresstermsofanyagreed-uponsentcncingrecommendations contained in this agreem ent,thisO ffice furtherreserves the rightto m ake any recom mendation asto thequality and quantity ofpunisbm ent. Case 1:11-cr-20582-JEM Document 37 Entered on FLSD Docket 12/17/2014 Page 3 of 8 Thc defendantisaw are thatthe sentencehasnotyetbeen detennined by the Court. The defendantalso is aware thatany estim ate ofthe probable sentencing range or sentence that the defendant m ay receive, whethcr that estim ate com es from the defendant's attorney, the governm ent,or the probation office,is a prediction,not a prom ise,and is notbinding on the government, the probation office or the Court. The defendant understands further that any recom mendation thatthc governm entm akesto the courtas to sentencing,whether pursuant to this agreem ent or otherwise, is not binding on the Court and the Court m ay disrcgard thc recom mendation in its entirety. The defendantunderstands and acknowledges,as previously acknowledged inparagraph two (2)above,thatthedefendantmay notwithdraw herpleabased upon theCourt'sdecision notto accepta sentencing recom mendation m adeby the defendant,the government,orarecommendationmadejointlybyb0ththedefendantandthegovermnent. The United Statesagreesthatitwillrecomm end atsentencing thatthe Courtreduce bytwo (2)levelsthesentencingguidelinelevelapplicabletothedefendant'soffense,pursuantto Section 3E1.1(a) ofthe Sentencing Guidelines,based upon the defendant's recognition and affinnative and tim ely acceptance of personal responsibility.lf atthe tim e of sentencing,the defendant's offense levelis dcterm ined to be 16 or greater,the governm entwillm ake a m otion requesting an additionalone(1)leveldecreasepursuantto Section 3E1.1(b)ofthe Sentencing Guidelines,stating thatthe defendanthas assisted authorities in the investigation orprosecution ofhis own misconductby tim ely notifying authorities of his intention to cnter a plea of guilty, thereby perm itting the governmentto avoid preparing for trialand perm itting the governm ent and the Court to allocate their resources efficiently. The United States further agrees to recom m end thatthe defcndantbe sentenced atthe low end ofthe guidelinerange,asthatrange is determ ined by the court. TheUnited States,however,willnotberequired to m ake thesem otions Case 1:11-cr-20582-JEM Document 37 Entered on FLSD Docket 12/17/2014 Page 4 of 8 and these recommendationsifthe defendant:(1)fails orrefusesto make a 1 11,accurate and com plete disclosure to theprobation office ofthe circum stances sunounding the relivantoffense conduct;(2)isfound to havemisrepresented factsto thegovernmcntpriorto entering into this pleaagrecment;or(3)commitsanymisconductafterenteringinto thispleaagreement,including butnotlim itcd to com m itting a state orfederaloffense,violating any term ofrelease, orm aking falsestatem cnts orm isrepresentationsto any governmcntalentity orofficial. 8. ThisOffice and thedefendantagree that,although notbinding on theprobation oftk e or the Courq they willjointly recommend thatthe Courtmake the following findings and conclusionsasto the sentence to bc im posed: Ouantityofdrugs:Thatthequantity ofcontrolled substance(cocaine) involved in the offense, for purposes of Section 2D1.1(a) and (c) of the Sentencing Guidelines and isatleast500 kilograms. Role in theoffense:Thatthe defendantshould receivea four-lcvel increaseasan organizerand leaderofcrim inalactivitythatinvolved five orm ore participants,pursuantto Section 38 1.1ofthe Sentencing Guidelines c. ThisOffice willnotseek any otherenhancem ents. The defendantagrees that she shallcooperate fully with thisOffice by:(a)providing truthfuland com plete inform ation and testim ony,and producing docum ents,records and other evidence,whencalleduponbythisOffice,whetherininterviews,beforeagrandjury,oratany trialorotherCourtproceeding;(b)appearingatsuchgrandjuryprocecdings,hearings,trials,and otherjudicialproceedings,and atmeetings,asmay be required by thisOffice;and (c) requested by this O ffice,working in an undercover role under the supervision of, and in compliance with,1aw enforcementofficers and agentg. In addition,thedefendantagreesthatshe ;. Case 1:11-cr-20582-JEM Document 37 Entered on FLSD Docket 12/17/2014 Page 5 of 8 w illnot protect any person or entity through false infonnation or om ission, thatshe willnot falsely im plicateany person orentity,and thathethathewillnotcomm itany furthercrimes. 10. This Officc reserves the right to evaluate the nature and extent of the defendant's cooperation and to makc thatcooperation,orlack thereo: known to the Courtatthe time of scntencing. lfin thesoleand unreviewablejudgmentofthisOfficethcdefendant'scooperation isofsuch quality and signiscance to the investigation orprosecution ofothcrcrim inalm attersas to warrantthe Court'sdownward departure from the advisory sentencing range calculated under the Sentencing Guidelincs and/orany applicable m inim um mandatory scntence,thisOftk e m ay m ake a motion prior to sentencing pursuant to Section 5K 1.1 of the Sentencing Guidelines and/orTitle 18,United States Code,Section 3553(e),or subsequentto sentencing pursuantto Rule 35 ofthe FederalRulesofCrim inalProcedure,infonuing the Courtthatthe defendanthas provided substantialassistance and recom mending that the defendant's sentence be reduced. The dcfendant understands and agrees,however,that nothing in this agrecment requires this Office to file any such m otions,and thatthisOffice'sassessm entofthe quality and significance ofthedefendant'scooperation shallbe binding asitrclatesto the appropriatenessofthisO ffice's filing ornon-filing ofa m otion to reduce sentence. The defendantunderstandsand acknowledgesthattheCourtisunderno obligation to grantthe 5K 1.1orRule 35 m otionsreferred to in paragraph 10,abovc,should the governm ent exercise its discretion to file any such m otions. The defendant also understands and acknowledges thatthe courtis underno obligation to grantthe 5K l.1 or Rule 35 motions and reduce the defendant's sentencebecause ofthedefendant'scooperation. Case 1:11-cr-20582-JEM Document 37 Entered on FLSD Docket 12/17/2014 Page 6 of 8 12. The defendantisaware thatTitle 18, United StatesCode,Section 3742 and Title 28, United Statcs Code,Section 1291afford the defendantthe rightto appealthe sentence im posed in thiscase. Acknowledging this,in cxchange forthc undertakings made by the United Statesin this plea agreem ent,thcdefendanthereby w aives allrightsconferred by Sections3742 and 1291 to appealany sentenceim posed,including any restitution order,orto appealthe m annerin which the scntence was imposed,unless the sentence exceedsthe m aximum perm itted by statute or is the resultof an upward departure and/oran upward variance from the advisory guideline range thatthe Courtestablishes atsentencing. The defendantfurther understands thatnothing in this agreem ent shall affect the governm ent's right and/or duty to appeal as set forth in Title 18, United StatesCode,Section 3742(b)and Title28,United StatesCode,Section 1291. However, ifthe United Statesappealsthedefendant'ssentencepursuantto Sections3742(b)and 1291,the defendant shall be released from the above waiver of appcllate rights. By signing this agreement,the defendant acknowledges thatthe defendanthas discussed the appealwaiverset forth in this agrcem ent with the defendant's attorney. The defendant further agrees,together with the United States,to requestthatthe Court enter a specitk finding thatthe defendant's waiver of the defendant'srightto appealthe sentence to be imposed in thiscase w as know ing and voluntary. The defendantrecognizcsthatpleading guilty m ay haveconsequenceswith respect to the defendant'sim migration statusifthe defendantisnota citizen oftheUnited States. Under federallaw, a broad range of crim es are rem ovable offenses,including the offense to which defendant is pleading guilty. lndeed, because defendant is pleading guilty to a controlled substance offense, rem oval is presumptively m andatory. Rem oval and other im m igration consequencesarethesubjectofaseparateproceeding,however,and defendantunderstandsthat Case 1:11-cr-20582-JEM Document 37 Entered on FLSD Docket 12/17/2014 Page 7 of 8 no one.including the defendant'sattorney ortheCourt,can predictto acertainty the effectofthe defendant's conviction on the defendant's imm igration status. Defendantnevertheless afsrm s that the defendantw ants to plead guilty regardless of any imm igration consequences that the dcfendant'splea m ay entail,even ifthe consequence isthe defendant's autom atic removalfrom the United States. Thedefendantis aw are thatthe sentence has notyetbeen determ ined by the Court. The defendantalso is aw arethatany estim ate of the probable sentencing range orsentence thatthe defendantm ay receive,whether thatestimate com es from the defendant's attorney,this Office, or the probation office,is a prediction,nota prom ise,and is not binding on this O ffice,the probation office or the Court. The defendantunderstands furthcrthatany recom m endation that thisOffice m akesto the Courtasto sentencing,whetherpursuantto thisagreem entorotherwise, isnotbinding on the Courtand the Courtm ay disregard the recom mendation in itsentirety. The defendantunderstands and acknow ledges, as previously acknowledged in paragraph 2 above, thatthe defendantm ay notw ithdraw herplea based upon the Court's decision notto accepta sentencing recom m endation m ade by the defendant,this Oftk e,or a recom m endation m ade jointlybythedefendantandthisOffice. @ Case 1:11-cr-20582-JEM Document 37 Entered on FLSD Docket 12/17/2014 Page 8 of 8 15. Thisisthe cntireagreem entand understanding betw een the United Statesand the defendant. There are no otheragreem ents,prom ises,representations,orunderstandings. W IFREDO A.FERRER UNITED STATES ATTORNEY Date:l2.tW'2. o19 By: M ONIQUE BOTERO ASSISTAN T UNITED STATES ATTORNEY Date:/I-/. =,9j By: B NIE s.KLAppER,EsQ. ATTORNEY FoR DEFENDANT Date: (2.-tt- lN By: A HA C DEFEN DANT 8 R SSELL