April - May - 6 pages to PDF - Cancer Support Community Greater

Free cancer support
How do I get started?
Educational Programs - RSVP required
The first step to becoming a participant in our programs is to
attend an Introductory Meeting and you will get a thorough overview
of our programs and guidelines for participation. You will meet also
one of our facilitators and discuss your present concerns so that you
can decide how to best take advantage of our free professional cancer
support services. It is easy and you and your loved ones will be able to
participate in almost all programs immediately.
Call 305-668-5900 to schedule an Introductory Meeting
Healthy and Delicious Cooking Class - Learn some simple and easy
ways to put together healthy and nutritious ingredients to make
delicious meals that are good for the body and the soul. Limited to 15
people and previous reservation required. Be ready to take notes and
enjoy Karen Zokovitch’s class!
Friday, April 8, 11 am - 1 pm
Weekly Support Group
An initial interview is required
Participant Group (cancer patient or survivor) - Our groups can help
you maintain hope, regain a sense of control, and let you know that you
are not alone in this time of need. They offer an opportunity to gain and
share support, learn problem solving skills, and develop important
ways to enhance quality of life. These groups are led by licensed mental
health professionals are at the heart of our program.
Please visit our web site for support groups in English and Spanish
Tuesdays, 11 am - 1 pm and 7 - 9 pm
Bereavement Group - Learn how to best navigate your own grief
process with the supportive comfort of others who are also
experiencing the loss of a loved one to cancer.
Facilitator: Christine E. Spadola, Ph.D., M.S., LMHC.
Thursdays, 7 - 9 pm
Caregivers/Friends and Family Group - Meet with others to learn how
to help a loved one with cancer and to manage the stress of care-giving.
Facilitator: Cynthia Mendez Tamayo, LMFT.
Tuesdays, 7 - 9 pm
Monthly Disease Specific
Support Groups - RSVP required
These groups meet to discuss issues and information specific to
certain types of cancer.
Breast Cancer
Wed. 4/13/16 & 5/11/16, 6 - 8 pm
Wed. 4/20/16 & 5/18/16, 6 - 7:30 pm
Mon. 4/11/16 & 5/9/16, 6 - 8 pm
Multiple Myeloma
Wed. 4/27/16 & 5/25/16, 6 - 8 pm
Healthy Living
These classes will help you increase strength, while releasing stored-up
tension in your mind and body.
Breathe... Relax... Meditate - In recent decades, science has revealed
that the mind and body are intimately connected in ways we hadn’t
previously realized - and this field of knowledge is now changing our
understanding of health and disease. Every Tuesday, you can learn
ways to free yourself from stress, to calm your mind and your body, and
to relax and nurture yourself on your path to continued healing.
Facilitator: Pascale Denis Denizé, M.S.Ed., LMHC.
Tuesdays, 6 - 7 pm
Get Fit-Exercise at Your Level with Nancy Fishman
Thursdays, 10 - 11 am
Muscle Relaxation with Felipe Azambuja
Wednesdays, 12 - 1 pm
Fridays, 12 - 1 pm
Pilates with Cathee Connor
Fridays, 1:30 - 2:30 pm
TaiChi with Jorge Gonzalez
Fridays, 10:30 - 11:30 am
Yoga with Lise Efronson
Wednesdays, 10 - 11 am
Zumba® Gold with Rosanna Lamarche
Mondays, 12 - 1 pm
Please bring your own mat and blanket.
Please consult with your doctor before beginning any exercise
The mission of the Cancer Support Community is to ensure that
all people impacted by cancer are empowered by knowledge,
strengthened by action, and sustained by community.
Thank You to our Generous Program Sponsors and Grantors
Apoyo gratis contra el cáncer
Cancer Support Community (CSC) es una
organización internacional sin ánimo de lucro
la cual ofrece programas de apoyo, educación
y esperanza gratuitamente a personas con
cáncer y sus seres queridos. A través de la
participación en grupos de apoyo, talleres
educativos, clases de nutrición y ejercicios de
conexión entre la mente y el cuerpo a cargo de
profesionales, las personas que padecen de
cáncer adquieren destrezas vitales que les
permiten recobrar el control, reducir el
aislamiento y recuperar la esperanza.
¿Cuánto cuesta participar?
Nada. Cancer Support Community es una
organización sin ánimo de lucro que no cobra
por sus servivcios. Esto se logra a través de
contribuciones generosas del público.
¿Cómo funciona Cancer Support
Community con los tratamientos médicos?
Mientras la medicina maneja el aspecto físico
del cáncer, CSC ofrece técnicas para enfrentar
el impacto psicosocial y emocional del cáncer.
Los programas de CSC no son una alternativa
para el tratamiento médico sino un apoyo
adicional antes, durante y después del
Programas semanales
8609 South Dixie Highway, Miami, FL 33143
Orientación - Pacientes o sobrevivientes y
familiares o amigos que deseen participar en
nuestros programas, deben hacer una cita y
asistir a una orientación, para enterarse más
a fondo de cómo beneficiarse de ellos.
Para hacer una cita llamar al 305-668-5900
Meditación - Tai Chi - Monje Noble Silencio.
Descubra cómo este arte oriental de
meditación en movimiento puede ayudarle a
mejorar la salud y el bienestar.
Lunes y viernes, 10:30 - 11:30 am
Zumba® Gold - Rosanna Lamarche. El
ejercicio en baile es la nueva moda para
mantenerse saludable. Venga a divertirse
mientras se beneficia de este ejercicio.
Jueves, 1 - 2 pm
Grupo de apoyo - Programa de apoyo
emocional para pacientes en donde se
exploran temas relacionados con el proceso
de la lucha contra el cáncer. Necesita cita
Jueves, 10 am - 12 pm
Programas mensuales
Cocina sana y deliciosa para pacientes de
cáncer - Aprenda un menú saludable, denso
en nutrición, y a la vez flexible para
sobrevivientes de cáncer y sus seres queridos.
Necesita hacer reservación.
Martes, abril 19 y mayo 17, 7 - 9 pm
Integración de mente y cuerpo - Tratará dos
En abril - Los cuatro acuerdos en el proceso del
En mayo - Autocuidado en el proceso del
El Dr. Oscar Hernández conduce este programa
dirigido a los sobrevivientes de cáncer,
familiares y amigos. Por favor evite llegar
Martes, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Cuando el padre o la madre tiene cáncerTalleres educativos para ayudar a los padres
que tienen cáncer y a sus hijos a enfrentar la
realidad del cáncer. Los niños podrán
participar en charlas y actividades
apropiadas para sus edades.
Sábado, abril 9 y mayo 14
10:30 am - 1 pm
El objetivo de Cancer Support Community es ayudar a personas afectadas por el cáncer a
mejorar su salud y bienestar al participar en programas educativos, de apoyo emocional y de
esperanza. Todos los servicios son gratuitos para los participantes y sus acompañantes.
¡No se pierda los programas de CSCGM!
Puede ver nuestro calendario online. Si desea
recibirlo por email, por favor solicítelo a
[email protected].
Si no tiene acceso al Internet, llame a nuestra
oficina. Podemos enviarle una copia por fax o por
correo. Muchas gracias!
Programa de rehabilitación para mujeres
con cáncer de seno - Se ofrece en el hospital
Jackson, UM Mailman Center for Child
Development, sala 4004-A. Patrocinado por
Susan G. Komen for the Cure.
1er jueves 9:00 am - 12:00 pm - Grupo de
apoyo y relajación con Isabel Trabanco y
ejercicios con Rosanna Lamarche.
3er jueves 9:00 am - 12:00 pm - Presentación
de temas educativos y ejercicios.
Para más información o reservaciones,
llamar a Isabel Trabanco 305-668-5900
ext. 232.
Programas especiales
Se ofrece interpretación en Español con
reservación previa al 305-668-5900
Pregúntele al experto: Sobre la actualidad
del tratamiento de cáncer de seno - Invitada
especial, la doctora Starr Koslow Mautner.
Asista a esta presentación acerca de la
investigación y el tratamiento de cáncer de
seno más avanzados; incluyendo
lumpectomía para conservar el seno,
mastectomía, disección de ganglios linfáticos
y biopsia. La doctora Mautner ha investigado
la seguridad y efectividad de la mastectomía
con conservación de pezón, la exactitud de la
biopsia del ganglio linfático centinela
después de la quimioterapia neoadyuvante, y
la genética molecular del carcinoma lobulillar
in situ.
Lunes, abril 4, 6 - 8 pm
Resolución de medio año: Su compromiso
personal en la supervivencia de cáncer Invitada especial la doctora Stacy Cutrono.
Mayo es el momento perfecto para volver a
examinar sus metas de salud y perfeccionar
sus estrategias para asegurar un éxito. La Dra.
Cutrono presentará una manera fácil y clara
para organizar sus metas de salud en la
segunda parte del año. Se hablará del
ejercicio, la nutrición, y el manejo del estrés
como componentes claves de sus metas de
salud y habrá la oportunidad de conversar
sobre sus experiencias personales y hacer
Lunes, mayo 16, 6 - 8 pm
encima de la
tienda Ross y
frente a la
estación del
Reservations Required
Reservations Required
With Special Thanks to our Sponsors
With Special Thanks to our Sponsors
Yoga as Medicine: Fine Tune Your Body and Mind
Mondays, April 4 and 18, May 2 and 16, 1:30 - 3:30 pm
Instructor: Lise Efronson
Yoga Instructor
Studies have shown that a yoga practice during cancer
treatment can improve physical symptoms by reducing stress
and anxiety. The benefit of yoga are both physical and
emotional. Meditation, gently guided movement and longer
shavasana. We will end the class with a cup of tea and light
RSVP: 305-668-5900
Ask the Expert: Current Breast Cancer Treatments
Monday, April 4, 6 - 8 pm
Guest Speaker: Starr Koslow Mautner, M.D.
Breast Surgery, General Surgery, Oncology Surgery
Miami Cancer Institute
Join us for a conversation with Dr. Mautner about the latest
research and treatment for breast cancer; including breastconserving lumpectomy, mastectomy, lymph node dissection
and biopsy. As a research fellow, Dr. Mautner investigated the
safety and efficacy of nipple-sparing mastectomy, the accuracy
of sentinel lymph node biopsy after neoadjuvant chemotherapy
and the molecular genetics of lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS).
RSVP: 305-668-5900
Ask the Expert: Long-Term Health Monitoring
after Breast Cancer
Friday, April 15, 10 - 11:30 am
Guest Speaker: Alejandra Perez, M.D.
Director Breast Cancer Program
Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center-Plantation
Follow-up care is important to help maintain good health,
manage any side effects from treatment, watch for signs that
the cancer may have come back, and screen for other types of
cancer. Join Dr. Perez as she discusses the benefits of longterm health monitoring after treatment for breast cancer and
learn what a follow-up care plan may include.
RSVP: 305-668-5900
Ask the Expert: Intimacy & Sexuality after
Gynecological Cancer
Wednesday, April 20, 6 - 8 pm
Guest Speaker: Marilyn Volker, Ed.D.
Our Gynecological Cancers Networking Group invites you to join
Dr. Volker for a discussion on the physical and emotional impact
a gynecological cancer diagnosis may have on women. During
and after treatment, women may develop insecurities and
emotional distress about changes in their body. As a sexologist,
Dr. Volker can talk about common fears related to intimacy and
sexuality and how to effectively communicate them to your
doctor and/or partner.
RSVP: 305-668-5900
The Mid-Year Resolution: Cancer Survivorship and
Recommitting to Your Health
Monday, May 16, 6 - 8 pm
Guest Speaker: Stacy Cutrono, Ph.D., CES
Exercise Oncology
Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center
May is the perfect time to re-examine your health goals and
hone your strategies to ensure your success. Dr. Cutrono will
discuss a clear, easy way to understand and organize your
health goals for the second half of the year. She will discuss
exercise, nutrition, and stress management as key
components of your health goals. Participants will have the
opportunity to discuss their experiences and ask questions.
RSVP: 305-668-5900
The following programs will be held at:
The Dave and Mary Alper JCC, 11155 SW 112 Ave.,
Miami, FL 33176, in the Futernick Family Art Gallery,
Building 4 in the Cultural Arts Center
Leaky Gut: How to Improve your Health
from the Inside Out
Wednesday, April 20, 7 - 9 pm
Guest Speaker: Raymond Tolmos, Doctor of Chiropractic
Frontier Spine and Health Care
In this program, Dr. Tolmos will highlight Leaky Gut Syndrome
and new understanding of how our intestinal health affects all
aspects of our wellbeing, from mood and concentration to
more serious states such as auto-immune disorders and even
Survivorship Care: Strategies for Recovery,
Wellness, and Prevention
Wednesday, May 18, 7 - 8 pm
Guest Speaker: M. Beatriz Currier, M.D.
Medical Director, Cancer Support Services
Miami Cancer Institute
This presentation will review the most common physical and
psychological effects of cancer and its treatment which may
impact the quality of life of cancer survivors. An emphasis on
specific strategies to manage these symptoms will be
discussed, as well as lifestyle changes that promote wellness
and cancer prevention.
Exercise: A Powerful Tool in Cancer Survivorship
Wednesday, May 18, 8 - 9 pm
Guest Speaker: Cathee Connor, CLM
Certified Lebed/Healthy Steps Dance and Exercise
Specialist, Miami Cancer Institute
Exercise is a powerful tool in the fight for the recovery from
cancer and should be part of the wellness routine of almost all
survivors. Ms. Connor will present the latest guidelines in
exercise to help cancer survivors design a workout program
that is safe and effective. She will also demonstrate how
exercise can be a fun and safe part of your daily routines.
RSVP: 305-668-5900
Mondays in Spanish 10:30 - 11:30 am
Fridays in English, 10:30 - 11:30 am
Instructor: Jorge Gonzalez (Monk Noble Silencio)
Tai Chi Instructor
10:30-11:30 am
Muscle Relaxation
12-1 pm
Tai Chi, a form of energy therapy, can be of much benefit to cancer patients. It is an interplay of mental and
physical energy that creates renewal, healing and life. Through Tai Chi cancer patients can master the flow of
energy in their bodies, though combined mental and physical practice. Tai Chi offers many mental benefits:
Improved focus, less susceptibility to stress, less stress-induced pains, and balanced approach to conflict.
Some of the physical benefits can be: Improved immune system, better balance, increased energy, and
effective use of the body. No reservations needed.
10:30-11:30 am
From Cancer to Health™
Zumba® Gold
6-7 pm
Yoga as Medicine
11 am-1 pm (RSVP)
Awaken Your Inner Healer
Muscle Relaxation
10-11 am
Get Fit - Exercise
10-11 am
6-7 pm
Zumba® Gold
Muscle Relaxation
1-2 pm
Tai Chi: Physical
and Mental Energy
in Health
6-8 pm (RSVP)
12-1 pm
Michelle Alva, PT
7-8:30 pm (RSVP)
10:30-11:30 am
10:30 am-12:30 pm
10-11 am
1:30-2:30 pm
Breathe... Relax... Meditate
12-1 pm
6-7 pm
Cocina sana y deliciosa
Yoga as Medicine
1:30-3:30 pm (RSVP)
Get Fit - Exercise
10-11 am
From Cancer to Health™
11 am-1 pm
Zumba® Gold
7-9 pm (RSVP)
10:30 am-1 pm (RSVP)
Muscle Relaxation
Awaken Your Inner Healer
Meditación-Tai Chi 18
en Español
Family 16
Networking Group
for children
with cancer and
their families
10:30-11:30 am
Networking - Breast
Networking Group
Ask the Expert: 15
Long-Term Health Monitoring
Alejandra Perez, M.D.
10-11:30 am (RSVP)
From Cancer to Health™
Breathe... Relax... Meditate
12-1 pm
12-1 pm
11 am-1 pm
Zumba® Gold
1:30-2:30 pm
10:30 am-12:30 pm
10:30-11:30 am
Michelle Alva, PT
7-8:30 pm (RSVP)
Starr Koslow Mautner, M.D.
6-8 pm (RSVP)
Family Circle
10:30 am-1 pm (RSVP)
and Delicious
Cooking Class
Muscle Relaxation
Ask the Expert:
Breast Cancer Treatment
Tai Chi: Physical 8
and Mental Energy
in Health
10:30-11:30 am
1-2 pm
Breathe... Relax... Meditate
1:30-3:30 pm (RSVP)
6-8 pm
Get Fit - Exercise
10-11 am
11 am-1 pm
12-1 pm
Meditación-Tai Chi
en Español
10-11 am
follow us on twitter
1:30-2:30 pm
10:30 am-12:30 pm
Zumba® Gold
Tai Chi: Physical 1
and Mental Energy
in Health
Tai Chi: Physical and Mental Energy in Health
Meditación-Tai Chi 4
en Español
10:30-11:30 am
Zumba® Gold
Muscle Relaxation
Tai Chi: Physical 22
and Mental Energy
in Health
1-2 pm
Muscle Relaxation
12-1 pm
Networking - Gyn
Dr. Marilyn Volker
6-8 pm (RSVP)
1:30-2:30 pm
Leaky Gut
Dr. Raymond Tolmos
(at JCC) 7-9 pm (RSVP)
Meditación-Tai Chi
en Español
10:30-11:30 am
10:30 am-12:30 pm
10-11 am
12-1 pm
Breathe... Relax... Meditate
6-7 pm
10-11 am
From Cancer to Health™
11 am-1 pm
Zumba® Gold
Get Fit - Exercise
Muscle Relaxation
Networking Group
Multiple Myeloma
6-8 pm (RSVP)
Zumba® Gold
1-2 pm
Tai Chi: Physical 29
and Mental Energy
in Health
10:30-11:30 am
Muscle Relaxation
12-1 pm
1:30-2:30 pm
Awaken Your Inner Healer
Michelle Alva, PT
7-8:30 pm (RSVP)
Contact us 305.668.5900 • www.cancersupportcommunitymiami.org • 8609 South Dixie Highway, Miami, FL 33143
Meditación-Tai Chi
en Español
10-11 am
Get Fit - Exercise 5
10-11 am
10:30 am-12:30 pm
10:30-11:30 am
Breathe... Relax... Meditate
Zumba® Gold
6-7 pm
12-1 pm
From Cancer to Health™
1-2 pm
Muscle Relaxation
12-1 pm
Muscle Relaxation
Yoga as Medicine
Tai Chi: Physical 6
and Mental Energy
in Health
10:30-11:30 am
Zumba® Gold
11 am-1 pm
1:30-3:30 pm (RSVP)
1:30-2:30 pm
Awaken Your Inner Healer
Michelle Alva, PT
7-8:30 pm (RSVP)
Meditación-Tai Chi
en Español
10:30 am-12:30 pm
10:30-11:30 am
From Cancer to Health™
11 am-1 pm
Zumba® Gold
Breathe... Relax... Meditate
12-1 pm
6-7 pm
Tai Chi: Physical 13
and Mental Energy
in Health
Family Circle
10:30 am-1 pm (RSVP)
10:30-11:30 am
Zumba® Gold
1-2 pm
Muscle Relaxation
Muscle Relaxation
12-1 pm
Networking - Breast
Networking Group
6-8 pm
Get Fit - Exercise
10-11 am
10-11 am
6-8 pm (RSVP)
1:30-2:30 pm
Awaken Your Inner Healer
Michelle Alva, PT
7-8:30 pm (RSVP)
Meditación-Tai Chi 16
en Español
10:30-11:30 am
Zumba® Gold
10:30 am-12:30 pm
Get Fit - Exercise
10-11 am
From Cancer to Health™
Breathe... Relax... Meditate
12-1 pm
10-11 am
6-7 pm
11 am-1 pm
Zumba® Gold
Muscle Relaxation
1-2 pm
10:30-11:30 am
The Mid-Year
Cocina sana y deliciosa
7-9 pm (RSVP)
12-1 pm
Meditación-Tai Chi 23
en Español
10:30-11:30 am
6-7:30 pm (RSVP)
Survivorship Care
1:30-2:30 pm
M. Beatriz Currier, M.D.
and Exercise
Cathee Connor, CLM
(at JCC) 7-9 pm (RSVP)
Stacy Cutrono, Ph.D., CES
6-8 pm (RSVP)
10:30 am-12:30 pm
10-11 am
Get Fit - Exercise
10-11 am
From Cancer to Health™
11 am-1 pm
Zumba® Gold
Zumba® Gold
Muscle Relaxation
12-1 pm
6-7 pm
Tai Chi: Physical 27
and Mental Energy
in Health
10:30-11:30 am
1-2 pm
Breathe... Relax... Meditate
Family 21
Networking Group
for children
with cancer and
their families
10:30 am-1 pm (RSVP)
Muscle Relaxation
Networking - Gyn
Yoga as Medicine
1:30-3:30 pm (RSVP)
Tai Chi: Physical 20
and Mental Energy
in Health
Networking Group
Multiple Myeloma
6-8 pm (RSVP)
Muscle Relaxation
12-1 pm
1:30-2:30 pm
Awaken Your Inner Healer
Michelle Alva, PT
7-8:30 pm (RSVP)
10:30 am-12:30 pm
Breathe... Relax... Meditate
6-7 pm
Like Cancer Support Community
Greater Miami Facebook Page today!
From Cancer to Health™
Wednesdays, 11 am - 1 pm
Facilitator: Cynthia Mendez Tamayo, LMFT
From Cancer to Health™ (C2H) is an empirically supported biobehavioral
intervention that educates patients about strategies for coping with
cancer stress. Expert panels of health psychologists at The Ohio State
University developed this manualized intervention specifically with the
needs of adult cancer patients in mind using cognitive and behavioral
therapeutic techniques. Our C2H would include eight 2-hour long weekly
sessions and four 2-hour long maintenance monthly sessions. Initial
Interview required. Call Cynthia at 305-668-5900, ext. 230.
Use technology to
your advantage!
Program your
favorite CSCGM
Programs into
your cell phone
Contact us 305.668.5900 • www.cancersupportcommunitymiami.org • 8609 South Dixie Highway, Miami, FL 33143
Mark your
8609 South Dixie Highway
Miami, FL 33143
So that no one faces cancer alone.®
Cancer Support Community Greater Miami
helps people with cancer - and the people
who support them - enhance their health
and well-being through a professional
program of emotional support, education
and hope, all free of charge.
Ofrecemos programas en Español
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Program Calendar
April - May 2016
For more information please contact Cynthia
Mendez Tamayo, LMFT at 305-668-5900 ext. 230.
3. Help parents address their own emotional needs
so they can better manage the tasks of parenting a
child with cancer.
2. Give well siblings an opportunity for safe
expression regarding how cancer has affected
them by providing developmentally appropriate
support for their needs.
1. Help children with cancer process feelings, adapt
to stress of their illness, skill build and learn
through age-appropriate interventions including
therapeutic play.
Our Services:
Cancer Support
Greater Miami (CSCGM)
Pediatric Oncology
Program, presented by
Carnival Foundation.
Children and Teens Programs