2014-2015 Winding Springs Elementary School Uniform Policy

2014-2015 Winding Springs Elementary School Uniform Policy
Dear Families:
Please note that Winding Springs Elementary is a Uniform School. In an effort to make uniforms easily accessible
and easy to care for, we have added navy collared shirts to this year’s school uniform. In addition, tennis shoes with
colors will also be allowed. While there may be certain days where the school has a “dress down” day, it is expected
that all students will be in uniform each day. Uniform guidelines will be communicated via the school website,
Connect Ed messages, and in each of the grade level Welcome letters. In the event a student arrives to school out of
uniform, the following responses will be implemented:
 1st occurrence – The parent or guardian will receive a reminder note or call from the student’s teacher.
Dependent on the school’s uniform closet, the student may be loaned a uniform item to wear during the
school day.
 2nd occurrence – The parent or guardian will be contacted to bring correct uniform attire to the school.
 3rd occurrence – The parent or guardian will be contacted by school administration for a conference
regarding uniform expectations.
Please see below for the complete list of appropriate uniform attire.
o Shirts – White, hunter green, or navy blue collared
o Shirts – White, hunter green, or navy blue collared
shirts, short or long-sleeved
shirts, short or long-sleeved
o Bottoms – Khaki skirts, skorts, jumpers, pants, or
o Bottoms – Khaki shorts or pants
o Shoes – tennis shoes only – no boots of any kind
o Tights – White, hunter green, navy blue, or black
o Belt – if needed (no sagging pants are allowed)
tights – no patterns or colors other than listed
o Shoes – tennis shoes or black rubber-soled Mary
Janes – no boots or heels of any kind
All Students:
o Outerwear – Hooded sweatshirts are not allowed to be worn in the school building
o Sweaters – White, hunter green, or navy blue may be worn in the school building
o Blusas –Polos con cuello, Blanco, verde oscura, azul
o Camisa – Polos con cuello, Blanco, verde oscura,
marino, manga corta o larga
azul marino, manga corta o larga
o Bottoms – faldas, faldas pantalón,
o Bottoms – pantalones largos o cortos color caqui.
jumpers,pantalones o capri color caqui.
o Zapatos – zapatillas tenis solamente – no botas o
o Medias –blancas, verde oscruro, azul, negro- no se
permiten medias con motivos o diferentes colores o o correa – Si necesita ( no se permiten pantalones
o Zapatos – Zapatillas tenis o de suela de goma negro
Mary Janes, no se permiten botas o zapatos de
Todos los estudiantes:
o Prendas de vestir exteriors – Sudaderas con capucha NO estan permitidas en el edificio de la escuela.
o Sweaters – Blanco, verde oscuro, o azul marino puede ser usado en el edificio de la escuela.