Salvation through commitment. The First Reading was written shortly after the return from the Babylonian exile. We hear how God will reach out to all nations, for Yahweh is the only God, and therefore, the God of all people. He will bring them to His holy city and make them part of His holy people. They will even be invited to be priests and serve God in His holy temple. The Responsorial continues the theme of God reaching out to all the peoples of the earth. Until now, only the Israelites experienced God’s kindness and fidelity. The Hebrew word for kindness (hesed) means the love God expresses in His covenant. The word for fidelity (emet) means the truthfulness and loyalty God shows by keeping His promises. In the Second Reading, St Paul speaks of the discipline the Lord uses with those He loves, because like a parent does with a child, it is in the child’s (our own) best interests that He does so. If a child is not punished, he may not learn to distinguish right from wrong, a form of child abuse. Hence we, like children, need clear boundaries to develop a balanced moral life. In today’s Gospel, Jesus cautions the “chosen” people, for many who consider themselves to be chosen will find themselves excluded at final judgment, while many who are considered excluded (the Gentiles) will be part of the promise (invited to recline at the table of the heavenly banquet). Jesus tends to speak in a Middle Eastern manner, which although contradictory, both opposing verses are true. When He says that few will be saved He is emphasizing that to enter the Kingdom is not like belonging to a club, rather it is a question of committing oneself to the Kingdom at all costs. May we live our love for Him with this kind of commitment. August 20th to August 26th Sat. Sun. 05:00 PM Mass For the Sick 08:00 AM Jenrry & Aurelia Barajas††, Angel Madrigal†† 10:00 AM Agnes Hall†† 12:00 NN Mass For the Parishioners Mon. 08:30 AM Mass For Our Catholic Schools Tue. 08:30 AM Mass For All Married Couples Wed. No Service Thur. 08:30 AM Mass for Vocations Fri. 08:30 AM Mass For All Souls†† Please help sustain the parish August 2015 week 2 Collection: 2,207.50 August 2016 week 2 Collection: 3,421.00 This Weekend 2nd Collection for Church in Latin America. St Robert 2016 Blood Drive This Sunday. St. Robert Health Ministry, along with the Knights of Columbus and St. Robert School are co-sponsoring a blood drive. The Blood Source bloodmobile will be available in the church parking lot from 9:15AM to 1:30PM. There are few requirements. You must be at least age 17 (16 with parent's approval), weigh at least 110 pounds and be in generally good health. Last Sunday For St. Robert CCD Inscriptions Sunday, August 21 – 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. REQUIREMENTS provide a COPY of your child’s Baptism Certificate. If a copy is not provided, your child will not be considered pre-registered. CLASSES: are scheduled every Monday from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. except for Holidays. ************************************************************* Classes will begin on: Monday, September 26, 2016 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. For more Inf. Kathy Kelly at: [email protected] or (916) 949-5008 Voter Registration. This is an extremely important election year. If you are not registered to vote, the League of Women Voters will offer you that opportunity on Sunday, September 4th at our parish. They will be available after all the Masses that day. Your vote is important!! Throughout the month please remember in your Prayers: Jeanne Ducan, Jan Boliver, Edith Rivers, Emily Anuszczyk, Karen Strong, Amparo Javier, Jerry Wiederhold, Charles Rainoldi, Salvador Martínez, Katheryn Brown, Neil Valentine, Timothy Long, John Depienbrock, Manuel M Martinez, Cecilia Navarro, Juan & Araceli Jimenez, Rita Lujan, Kira Hinchman, Poncho & Maria Baladez, Lucille Wolford, Peggy Groth, Manuel Hernández, Peter Dong, Anita Muños, Joel Rivera, Jaime Silva, Ray Turner, Cynthia Matulia, Linda Lawrence, Hortencia Talamantes, Jason Vesper, Gary Hanson, Charla Hanson-Sheet, Howard Smith, Socorro Lujan, Ana Maria Ramos, Anna Teixeria, Elvira Palacios, Dave Burch, Bud McKinney, Jessie Flores, Johnny Ramírez, Eleanor Macias y Crystal Brown, Rachel & Tiny Martinez. Call the Parish office for Inf. 451-1475.ext.10 PASTORAL OUTREACH/VICTIM ASSISTANCE. The Diocese of Sacramento provides a pastoral care coordinator to assist persons who have suffered sexual abuse by members of the Catholic clergy and other Catholic Church workers. The Pastoral Care Coordinator may be reached through a toll-free number at (866)777-9133. Staff is available to take reports in English and Spanish. You may also reach the Pastoral Care Coordinator at (916) 733-0142. La salvación por medio del compromiso. La Primera Lectura fue escrita poco después del regreso del exilio de Babilonia. Escuchamos como Dios se extenderá a todas las naciones, ya que Yavé es el único Dios, y así, el Dios de todos. Él les traerá Su santa ciudad y les hará parte de Su santo pueblo. u El Responsorial continúa el tema de Dios estrechándose a los pueblos de la tierra. Hasta ahora, sólo los Israelitas habían presenciado la bondad y fidelidad de Dios. La palabra Hebrea para bondad (hesed) significa el amor que Dios expresa en su convenio. La palabra para fidelidad (emef) significa la verdad y lealtad que Dios muestra al cumplir Sus promesas. En el Evangelio de hoy, Jesús advierte al pueblo “escogido”, puesto que muchos de los que se creen escogidos se encontrarán excluidos del juicio final, y muchos de los que se consideran excluidos (los Gentiles) serán parte de la promesa (invitados a reclinarse en el banquete celestial). Jesús tiende a hablar en la forma del Medio Este, que aunque es contradictoria, los versos negativos también son verdaderos. Cuando dice que pocos serán salvados, enfatiza que para entrar al Reino no es como pertenecer a un club, sino que es una pregunta de comprometerse al Reino sin importar los costos. Que vivamos nuestro amor por Él con esta clase de compromiso. CATECISMO EN SAN ROBERTO 2016 ESTE DOMINGO REGISTRACIONES: domingos, 21 de agosto 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Requisitos: •Estar Registrado como miembros de la Iglesia •Presentar una COPIA de la fe de bautismo de su niño. Si no provee una copia del bautismo, su niño no será considerado Registrado (no excepción). Padres de familia tienen que asistir a las clases que se darán durante el año escolar. Clases están programadas para cada domingo de 9:30-11:45 a.m. iniciando el domingo 25 de Septiembre, excepto algunos días feriados. El cupo es limitado, y si hay cupo después de la fecha límite de registro se cobrara costo adicional. Grupo de Oración: Todos los miércoles a las 7:00 PM. Para mas información llamé al 916-451-1475 ext. 10 Grupo de Jóvenes: Cada otro miércoles a las 6:30 PM. Para obtener mas información sobre las fechas por favor de llamar a Gladys al: (916) 230-6595