Publications - SelectedWorks

Florida International University
From the SelectedWorks of Miguel Ramos
Miguel Ramos, Florida International University
Available at:
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Eleda.Org Publications
Coming in summer, 2014
On the Orishas’ Roads and Pathways:
Oshún, Deity of Femininity
Initially, this book began as part of a larger
project about Lukumí Orisha Religion. As the
writing proceeded, it became clear that the
end result would be a massively large and
unfeasible encyclopedia-like book about the
religion. The decision was made to divide
the work into several books, giving rise to
the first edition of what will eventually (and
hopefully) become a series of publications
about the Lukumí orishas and their roads.
Why did Oshún open the series? You will
soon find out.
Monitor Eleda.Org’s Web and Facebook
pages for the release date
All titles are available through Eleda.Org or
Curamagüey: Enclave Lucumí en Matanzas [Paperback] $24.99}
Este libro relata la historia de un linaje lucumí matancero, la rama de Arabia Oviedo,
Shangó'bí, y sus descendientes religiosos. Es un encantador recuento a través de más de
cien años de anécdotas que ofrecen al lector una imagen de un mundo místico africano y los
elementos mundanos que afectaron su desarrollo en suelo cubano. Su autor nos introduce a
los progenitores de esta serie de historias y su contribución al crecimiento de una tradición
religiosa afro-cubana. Aquellos que lo han leído alaban la labor del autor y reiteran la
importancia de esta obra en el creciente cuerpo de literatura seria sobre la religión lukumí
afrocubana. ¡No se lo pierda!
All titles are available through Eleda.Org or
Obí Agbón-Lukumí Divination
with Coconut [Paperback] $24.99
This book is about much more than
just Obi divination. Read it and you
will agree!
English-Language Book. This book is an indepth and analytical study of Lukumí Obí
Divination. In addition, it is also a practical
guide for both the seasoned and the young
olorisha and the aleyo.
In the past fifty years, Lukumí religion has
experienced its greatest expansion, and is
no longer limited to the island that saw it
blossom. Irrefutably, Lukumí religion has
become a universal tradition. It is arguable
that more people have been ordained
outside the island since the onset of the
Cuban Revolution than in the entire history
of this religion in Cuba. This book is
another contributor to the expansion of
Lukumí religion and its knowledge. Three Yoruba-Lukumí divination systems or oracles
took strong root in Cuba: Ifá, Dilogún and Obí divination. Though all three enjoy
considerable popularity in the island, and now in the Cuban-Lukumí religious diaspora, the
most commonly used by Lukumí devotees is the Obí oracle.
Intriguingly, despite its frequent use, and its general access to all devotees, regardless of
hierarchical status within the religion's core, Obí, is also considered the most trivial and the
least significant oracle. Many olorishas and babalawos mistakenly insist that it is the
youngest of the Lukumí oracles, the most inconsequential, and the least reliable. This
perception is inaccurate and flawed. In fact, Obí's simple character and manipulation make
it the most dependable, accessible and effective of the three Lukumí oracles. Don't miss this
innovative book. For further information, monitor Eleda.Org.
All titles are available through Eleda.Org or
Adimú—Gbogbó Tén'unjé Lukumí
(Revised & Expanded English-language Edition) 2012
[Paperback] $21.99
The material presented in this book was first
presented at a seminar that I directed on the
24th of August, 2003, in Miami. The book
contains a potpourri of randomly selected
recipes for the preparation of adimús. The new
edition has been translated and expanded to
include other adimús and photos of prepared
orisha foods that have been offered in actual
rituals. This book is a MUST HAVE for all
Olorishas. Regardless of the variant of Orisha
that you follow, add this book to your library
Readers have praised the first edition of the
book: " of the most informative books on
orisha foods to date..." J. Rodríguez, Miami, FL
" is very important to pass on knowledge in
our religion and this book does just that..." R.
no, NYC "...the most helpful tool in the kitchen of an
olorisha..." G. Mesa, Los Angeles, CA
Orí Eledá mí ó...Si mi cabeza no me
vende, 2011 [Paperback]
$27.99; Kindle Edition: $19.99
Spanish-language book. The English version
will be available in 2014.
La gran mayoría de los rituales de iniciación al
sacerdocio en la religión yoruba y los sistemas que
descienden de ella en Cuba y Brasil se llevan a cabo
sobre la cabeza del futuro sacerdote. La cabeza
juega el papel primordial en todo aspecto, ya que
forma una parte intrínseca de las filosofías
All titles are available through Eleda.Org or
religiosas de este sistema. Como bien nos lo recuerda el odu Ejiogbe: "la cabeza lleva al
La presente obra analiza el rol de la cabeza del ser humano y su relación con las diversas
creencias y tradiciones; sus bases teológicas y prácticas. ¿Que significan las palabras ashé,
Orí, Eledá, Olofín, iwá? ¿Cuales son las obligaciones del olorisha y del ser humano y cual es
el debido comportamiento que estos deben observar durante el transcurso de sus vidas?
¿Qué representan la vida y la muerte para los iniciados yorubas, cubanos y brasileños?
Ase Omo Osayin...ewe Aye [Paperback]
As a young Olorisha in New York, I became aware of the urgent need to disseminate
information to other Olorishas. By my 16th birthday, I published the first edition of this
book; 100 books, meant solely for my friends and the members of my ilé. Looking back on
that book today, in many respects I feel embarrassed by it as the spelling errors and typos
were so numerous. I get upset whenever I see the pirate copies of that edition, primarily
sold in New York. Full of religious fervor, I was
very naive, gullible and inexperienced in the
affairs of the "real" world. I paid the price.
The printer, should have edited the book, but
never did so. Thus, the book was printed with
grammatical mistakes, spelling errors, and
typos-that the printer was supposed to have
edited. In spite of all these flaws, in a matter of
months, the intellectual pirates (surely the
printer himself) got a hold of the book and
published it, with all its errors, and most
detrimental, without my consent! It was
stolen! Lawyers suggested that it would be a
waste of time to pursue any legal course of
action because it was such a minor case-"small
fry." Thousands of pirate copies of the book
were sold at botanicas all over the city.
Surprisingly, in spite of all its errors, the book was very successful. To this day, I come
across people who tell me that thanks to this book, they learned to chant Osayín- chants are
the book's major emphasis- or that they use the book to consult some of the bead patterns.
The fact that this book was influential to scores of Olorishas in many, many ways is my
major reward. Modupé ó! The book is in Spanish, with an English version in the works.
All titles are available through Eleda.Org or
Despite its shortcomings, the book continues to perform the task I originally had in mind
when I first published it: disseminate information.
Adimú: Gbogbo Tén'unjé Lukumí
[Edición bilingüe/Bilingual edition]
This is a bi-lingual edition (Spanish & English),
listing and describing adimú (the food
offerings) given by Lukumí (Yoruba) olorishas
in the Diaspora to the orishas and ancestors.
The book also contains recipes for preparing
many of the food offerings detailed in the
Este libro, escrito en ingles y español, provee un listado y las descripciones de los adimú
(ofrendas de comida) que los olorishas (o
sacerdotes de la religión lukumí (Yoruba) hacen
en la diáspora a los orishas y antepasados. El
libro contiene muchas de las recetas para
elaborar las ofrendas detalladas en sus páginas.
Oro Egungun...Las Honras de Egungun
[Paperback] $12.99
Libro en castellano que detalla el ceremonial
lukumí conocido como "las honras" de egún.
Contiene los súyeres (cantos) y una descripción
básica del ritual completo. No se lo pierda!
Spanish-language book that details the Lukumí
“Honras (Honors)” ceremony. It provides the
súyeres (chants) and a basic description of the
ritual. Do not miss out on it!
All titles are available through Eleda.Org or
Didá Obí...Adivinación a Través del Coco
[Paperback] $12.99
Libro en castellano que describe y enseña a usar el oráculo
Dida Obi el cual usa cuatro pedazos de coco para establecer
un dialogo oracular con los orishas adorados por los
sacerdotes de la Religión Lukumí.
Spanish-language book that describes and teaches the use
of Dida Obi, an oracle that uses four pieces of coconut for
divination when consulting with the orishas worshiped by
the priests and priestesses of the Lukumí religion.
Seminario de Religion Yoruba [Paperback]
$15.99 (Out of Print)
Libro en castellano. Introducción a la religión
Yoruba/Lukumí como se conoce en Cuba. El libro
introduce al lector a muchos detalles básicos que debiera
conocer toda persona que empieza a estudiar la religión
Yoruba/Lukumí o le interesa ingresar en ella.
Spanish-language book. Introduction to the
Yoruba/Lukumí Religion as known in Cuba. The book
introduces the reader to basic information that will lay
foundations for the studious as well as for those interested
in pursuing Lukumí Religion.
Find them at
Eleda.Org, Amazon.Com, or BN.Com
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