t the ranch where my mother lived in her adolescence,sheepwandered through pasturesof grassand shrubs. When it came time to gather them into the corral at night, the ranch hands would get the I I dogsout and setthem to work running around and behind the sheepto keep them together while the hands drove them in the right direction. Occasionallya young lamb or an injured ewewould fall, and the man closestwould pick the animal up with a tendernessthat seemedout of characterwith callousesand sunburned, weatheredskin. When we visited the ranch, I remember vividly the look and smell of the sheepand that the ranch hands thought they were dumb. While the sheepmay not have been the smartest of animals, they knew the men and the promise of a safe pen and water at the end of the hot day undoubtedly made the job easier.From my mothert stories,I remember most the way she describedthe sheepherders.They did not lead the sheepso much as walk with or behind them. They became part of the procession,rather than the head of it. This kept the sheepcalm and moved them faster.When fesus looked at the crowd, he saw a people that neededsomeoneto walk with them and show them the way to go. They neededsomeoneoccasionallyto go behind them to pick up the straysand the wounded and carry them tenderly home. This is what Jesusdoes for us. In his compassion,he brings us to pasture and, at the end, he gathersall people into his one flock and guides them home. f, A 'Todavh' Readiirgs Jer23:1-6 Eph2:13-18 Mk6:30-34 &q'l'ffr' t:$- @ 2015tiguori Publications. tiguori. M0 63057-9999.Printedin U.S.A.lmprimatur:"ln accordance with c.827,permission to publishhasbeengrantedon February18,2015, by the Most ReverendEdwardM. Rice,AuxiliaryBishop.Archdiocese of 5t. 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Baptisms: By appointment. Por cito Wedding; Consult Fr. Victor 6 mos. ln advance Hoble con el Podre seis mesespro ddelonte Quinceafferas: Consult Fr.Victor6 mos. In advance Hable con el Podre seis mesespro odelante St. John the BvangelistCatholic Church Dioceseof Tyler 551E. FM 2795,Emory,TX 75440 ChurchOffice:903-473-5116 Rectory:903-474-9292 E m a iS l:[email protected] Bulletinand Facebookpoge can be viewedonline ot the following: www.stiohne mory.org 'Like"us on Facebook: StJohnthe Evangelist CatholicChurch-Emory 'r "Establecer un fuego! LiturgicalFormationSeries Diocesano Conferencia Una serie de tres partes sobre la Cat6lica de la Juventud sagrada liturgia para el clero, 24 a 26 julio,2015en BishopT.K. lit(rgica lideres laicos y todos en la liturgia aquellosinteresados se llevarda caboen tres fechasen la Cancilleriaen Tyler: Augustl continfa y el 12 de septiembre. y Lassesionesson de 10:00a 1"2:00 cubren de misica sacra, las rf bricas del Missal romano y ambientelitfrgico. Para la oficina de costos,los datose informaci6n- Gorman Catholic High School para todos entrante a trav6s de los estudiantes de secundaria reci6n graduados. ;Qu6 pasard en DCYC? Respuesta: FUN! MUCHADIVERSIoNI Mfsica, oradores, sesionesde trabajo y la adoraci6n increible! Los estudiantes se encontrardn con el Seflor en la sagrada liturgia, asi como la adoraci6n y la confesi6n. No es demasiadotarde! Registrese! Voluntarios de Formaci6n de Fe ;Quiere crecer en su fe, aprenderlas ensefranzasde la Iglesia y profundizar su relaci6n con Jesris?;Quiere divertirsey hacernuevosamigos?Su bautismoque llama a compartiren el ministeriode Jesris.Los niflos y j6venesde hoy, mds que nunca,necesitan escucharla BuenaPalabrade Jesrisy encontrarbuenosejemplosde fe , Usted tiene muchoque compartiry tendr6 la oportunidadde compartirla fe con otros catequistas.Recursosproporcionadosofrecerdnapoyo excepcional. Ustedpuedeayudara profundizarla relaci6nde los dem6scon Jesfsy la entregade una tradici6nde 2000 aflosde antigriedadque cambiavidas.Es nuestrotrabajo:fesrisnos mand6 a "ir y enseflara todas las naciones." P6ngaseen contactocon Ia oficinapara obtenerm6s informaci6n,llame la oficina903-473-511,6. Catechetical Conference Aug.7-B paraagosto7-8en LaConferencia catequ6tica Diocesana de 2015seestablece ponentes InnSouthBroadway Patrick el Holiday enTyler.Destacados Coffinde y evangelista KeithStrohm.Paramds respuestas cat6lico bienconocido informaci6n o parainscribirse, verel completo informacion : http;//bit.lvl113 lewH I 12 de |ulio, 201.5- REGALOS Attendonce:269* Combined: (2) Mass totol* Regular: Fondode construcci6n: S 7o3.oo 5 744.63 * i n c l u y el a sd o s m i s a sd e l d o m i n g o ,t(* * t( * * r( * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *,* *'i {. * * * 6 o o L o P o E t! P 2 :t vl t! L o CL t! g C) ; o g c o (J o I t! q o tr q) I Si tienes un familior que estd enfermo o que necesito orociones especioles (no follecidos), p1ngase en contocto con lo oficina poro poner el nombre en lo listo de oroci6n duronte cuotro domingos, Si se necesita por mds tiempo, por fovor llome y renueve su solicitud, 2 semanas ontes de lo fecho impreso o lo derecho. Sefior,te rogamos que bendigasa estos individuos con tu graciasanadora... Fr. EfrenNano (8/16) DustyForette[8/16) EdwinaHayes (8/16) Nora Duran(8/16J, NormaHerrera(7/19),Sandra Sanchez(7/19),Ollie Chacon(7/19), RickChacon(7/t9), Johnathon,(7/79), Lino (7/79), John (7/19)Ray Guidry (7/L9) Ann Coon {7/26), Jr Conder,Jr (B/z),David Denny (B/2)UrsaLynneSaputo(B/9), Ray& DaleVasil(B/9) Calendariopara esta Semana Domingo,fulio 19: M isa11a.m. Misa 12:3Opm Lunes,fulio 20: Grupode Oraci6n7 pm Martes, |ulio 21: Misa 6:3Opm Formaci6n de Catequistas 7pm Miercoles,lulio 22= Ensayode coro5:30pm fueves,fulio 23: CAPS6pm Viernes, lulio 24= Sdbado,fulio 25: Recenpor nuestros Militares Maria Homan,StephenLinn, Gary Robinson,Jr., Jayde E. Mach Harley Thompson, Ashleigh Thompson,KristineDiaz,William Bell,DylanNix. vl o N P :t o CI o tJl t! o C o o tJ 5 = J Ministerio para enfermosy personasmayoresque no pueden salir de su casa Si conocesa alguienque necesitala Sagrada Comuni6n el domingo despu6s de la misa,porfavor contactelaoficina Sue Asbill o ClaraAguilar . , 7/79 TammyUgalde 7/79 KarinaCalvillo 7/27 AaronPerez 7/25 MariaSanchez 7/25 DavidMendez t^ G o o n Horasde oficina: MarcelinoEspinosa903-474-4692 Martes 2-5pm Monica Hughes:804-477-5424 Miercoles2-6pm BeaNipp:[email protected] or903-253-5306..Jueves 2-5pm La fechalimite paralos articulosde anuncios: Email:[email protected] por midrcolesNoon Monday JULY20 Weekday Ex14:5-18 Mt 12:38-42 Tuesday JULY 2I Weekday Ex14:21-15:l Mt 12:46-50 Wednesday JULY22 St.MaryMagdalene Ex16:l-5,9-15 Jn20:l-2,l1-18 Thursday JULY23 Weekday Ex19:1-2,9-11, 16-20b Mt 13:10-17 Friday JULY24 Weekday Ex20:1-17 Mt 13:18-23 Saturday 25 JULY St.lames, Apostle 2 Cor4:7-15 Mt 20:20-28 Is th eremorevo,lue in o,grouproso,ry? a -.1Does it meanmore to proVthe rosorgin o group? ir''-,,,,,,r1, 'i.t;t::,t The congregotionalrosorg beJoreMossdisturbs mg '.'.."t: .,,,'imeditativetime beJoreMossin church. There is power and strength in communityprayer.We are socialbeingsand like to do thingstogether.That is why we like to root for our sport teamswith other people present. But we alsohavea personalside.Formyself,I liketo go into a silentchapelwith the so manywaysto enter into presenceof the BlessedSacrament.Thereare, nonetheless, the presenceof the Lord. 5o while both forms of prayerhavegreat value,the normsfor the celebrationof the Eucharist callfor a silenttime of meditationbeforethe Massbegins.Thismayonly be and morefully for a few brief moments.Thisis so peoplewill end their conversations Therefore,the rosaryshouldend participatein the celebration with limiteddistractions. beforeMasswith adequatetime for personalquiet and reflection.lf this is done,then everyonehasan opportunity to enter into prayerin a way that he or shewants. Whetherone praysaloneor with others,the importantthing isthat we aretrying. The traditionamongCatholics. Devotionto Mary hasalwaysbeena long-standing rosarvisonepopularwavfor manvpeople' ::rffi|,i:H*:.ff.:rr; Sunday JULY 26 Sunday Seventeenth in Ordinary Time ?Kgs4i42-44 Eph4:1-6 Jn6:1-15 lrl A God, you'veblessedme with a wonderful family who lovesand supportsme in this missionto servemy country.Noq from themby manymiles,their welfare asI find myselfseparated weighson my soul.Dear God,blessthem everyday.Keepthem safein your arms.Remindthem of my greatlovefor them.. .." -Excerpted from.Reveille for theSoul: *!#"('{!ly::::3Y;l1iT'X' share God,s hope and r,",,", $ ffi @ mgl@ $l'i##1ddfr,i'ili 'Almighty - madeat l-iguori'org, ;!j of Reveiltefor the Sout(#818783) Foreveryindividualpurchase apply. ExpircsAugusttt 2015 Exclusions liguori wilf donatea copyto ourarmedservices. M Liguori Mo63057-eeee PUBLICATIONSo zors.Lisuori,