video viewing guide

Los comparativos: Comparative structures in Spanish Printable viewing guide Directions: Fill in the blank spaces or boxes with the appropriate words or phrases from the video. Definition: Comparisons are used to establish a relationship between two or more persons or items in a sentence. The relationship between the persons or things being compared can be expressed in three different ways: superiority, inferiority or equality. Parts of Speech review: Since the structure of a comparison is determined by the Part of Speech of what is being compared, it is useful to discuss the basic parts of speech involved in these comparatives 1. _________ – typically signals actions and/or events in a clause. Spanish speakers live in every state. 2. Noun – A noun is typically a person, place, thing, idea or concept. Sentence functions of nouns in Spanish include subject of a verb, object of a verb, indirect object of a verb or object of a preposition. Spanish speakers live in every state. 3. Adjective – modifies a noun or noun phrase. Spanish is the second most popular language in the U.S. 4. _________ – modifies any other part of speech except a noun and may modify whole clauses or sentences as well. The use of Spanish is growing rapidly in the U.S. I.
Comparisons of Inequality (where A is being compared to B) 1. Superiority -­‐ más que… -­‐ Standard formula: A + VERB + más + [quality being compared – adjective/adverb] + que + B A verb más noun/adjective/ que B adverb of comparison tiene más hispanohablantes que (the) United has more Spanish speakers than Spain States 2. ________________ -­‐ menos que… -­‐ Standard formula A + VERB + menos + [quality being compared – adjective/adverb] + que + B Creado por Julia Murray Primavera 2013 (Use similar image on board): A verb menos noun /adjective/adverb of que B comparison España tiene menos hispanohablantes que Estados Unidos Spain has fewer Spanish speakers than (the) United States NOTE: Although not a true comparative structure, it is useful to point out that más/menos … de, (not más/menos… que) is used before a number or quantity. Example: Según el censo, hay más de 40 millones de hispanos en EE.UU. II.
Comparisons of Equality (where A is being compared to B) -­‐ The basic structures for comparing two things of equality quantity are: A verb tan adjective/adverb of como B comparison el francés no es popular el español French is not as popular as Spanish 1. tan… como… when the quality being compared is an adjective or adverb. -­‐ Entre los estudiantes universitarios, el francés no es tan popular como el español. 2. … tanto __________ … when the quality being compared is a verb. -­‐ A los expertas en inmigración les interesa el uso del español tanto como a los lingüistas. A verb phrase tanto como B A los expertos en les interesa el uso del tanto como a los lingüistas inmigración español are as interested in the use as much as linguists of Spanish 3. tanto … como… when the quality being compared is a noun (where tanto agrees in number and gender with noun of comparison) -­‐ Nueva Jersey tiene tantos hispanohablantes como Illinois. A Nueva Jersey New Jersey verb tiene has tanto/tanta/os/as noun hispanoh
ablantes as many Spanish speakers Creado por Julia Murray Primavera 2013 como B Illinois as Illinois 