Vice-rector for academic Faculty of Law SUBJECT TEACHING GUIDE G1193 - Social Security Law I Degree in Labour Relations Academic year 2015-2016 1. IDENTIFYING DATA Degree Degree in Labour Relations Type and Year Compulsory. Year 3 Faculty Faculty of Law Discipline Third Year Subjects Subject Area: Normative Framework of Labour Relations and Social Security and Social and Labour Policies Module: Disciplinary Training Course unit title and code G1193 Number of ECTS credits allocated Web 6 Term Language of instruction Spanish Mode of delivery Department DPTO. DERECHO PRIVADO Name of lecturer JOSE JAVIER ORCARAY REVIRIEGO E-mail [email protected] Office Fac. de Derecho y Fac. de CC Economicas y Empresariales. Planta: + 1. SEMINARIO DE DERECHO DEL TRABAJO (D144) Other lecturers ROBERTO GUTIERREZ GAVILAN - Social Security Law I Semester based (1) Face-to-face 3.1 LEARNING OUTCOMES - The students will get comprehensive knowledge of the principles on which our Social Security system , the public health system , the dependency care and social assistance and private supplementary protection rests. See also reinforced their ability to organize, plan and manage information ; to adopt proactive attitudes through critical and creative reasoning ; to analyze and solve the wide casuistry of the subject matter raises daily , which will result in strengthening individual self-learning ability and ability to work in teams . Page 1 Vice-rector for academic Faculty of Law 4. OBJECTIVES The course 's main objective is to train students (complementing previous knowledge on the subject ) , regarding the elements , principles and rules that make up social protection in Spain , in its aspects of Social Security , Welfare and Health, in addition to protection private complementary . Another of the objectives is the study of the defining characteristics of the financing and management of the system and know the pattern of distribution of territorial jurisdiction within the constitutional framework and the principles of European social protection. Page 2 Vice-rector for academic Faculty of Law 6. COURSE ORGANIZATION CONTENTS 1 ITEM 1 - GENERAL RULES OF THE SOCIAL SECURITY: SCOPE AND ACTS OF FRAMEWORK 1. Scope: 2. The constitution of the legal relationship with the Social Security. Acts of framing: ITEM 2 - GENERAL RULES OF THE SOCIAL seguridd: TRADING AND COLLECTION 1. The listing: 2. The collection of fees: TOPIC 3 - HEALTH CARE 1. The Health System. Management and financing: 2. Beneficiaries: 3. Protected situations. 4. Birth, duration and termination of the right. 5. Content of the right to attend. 6. Information services and health documentation. 7. Accidents at work and occupational diseases. 8. Management of law. 9. Specialties Special Regime Sea Workers TOPIC 4 - THE PROMOTION OF PERSONAL AUTONOMY AND CARE FOR PEOPLE IN SITUATIONS OF DEPENDENCY 1. Dependence in Spain. 2. The Law 39/2006 of 14 December on the promotion of personal autonomy and care for people in situations of dependency. 3. The law and the general principles of law. 4. System for autonomy and dependency care. 5. Assessment and recognition of dependency. 6. Features SAAD: 7. Financial assistance to facilitate personal autonomy. 8. Schedule of implementation. 9. Financing. ITEM 5 - SOCIAL SERVICES AND WELFARE 1. Historical development of social action: 2. Social Services today 3. Social Assistance: ITEM 6 - Complementary Social Welfare 1. Preliminary considerations: a) The pension system. b) Doctrine of the Constitutional Court. 2. The national supplementary pension system. Current configuration: a) Method of payment of benefits. b) Supplementary Social Security Instruments. c) Corporate Social Welfare Plans and Insured Pension Plans. ITEM 7 - VOLUNTARY SOCIAL PROTECTION (I) 1. Pension plans: a) legal regime. 2. Pension funds: 3. Constitutional Jurisprudence and plans and pension funds. ITEM 8 - VOLUNTARY SOCIAL PROTECTION (II) 1. Mutual benefit society 2. The contract of group life insurance Page 3 Vice-rector for academic Faculty of Law 7. ASSESSMENT METHODS AND CRITERIA Description Type Final Eval. Reassessment % description 1. WRITTEN TEST ONE FOR ALL STUDENTS TO DEVELOP IN THE THREE QUESTIONS MUST AGENDA . Written exam No Yes 60,00 description 2 - PRACTICAL TEST OF CONTENTS Work No Yes 40,00 TOTAL 100,00 Observations In the course, and within the formula of continuous assessment , the teacher will present papers or tests carried out on the matter until its completion. These works or checks may be about practical and / or theoretical questions. Observations for part-time students 8. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND TEACHING MATERIALS BASIC Se recomiendan, en sus últimas ediciones, los manuales que se indican: Alonso Olea, M y otros: Instituciones de Seguridad Social (Edit. Civitas); Villa Gil, LE de la: Derecho de la Seguridad Social (Edit. Tiranc Lo Blanch); Rodriguez Ramos, Mª J. y otros: Prontuario de Seguridad Social (Edit.: Colex); Blasco Lahoz, JF y otros: Curso de Seguridad Social (Edit.: Tiranc lo Blanch); Vidal Soria, J y otros: Manual de Seguridad Social (Edit.: Tecnos) Se recomienda la consulta permanente de los portales web de los Ministerios de Empleo y Seguridad Social y de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad y específicamente la web de la Seguridad Social. Page 4