joint affidavit for marriage of

Male Declarant: _______________________________________________ the _______________ son of
(groom’s name)
(1st, 2nd, etc.)
_______________________________________________ and ________________________________________________
(father’s name; in parens, indicate father’s citizenship)
(mother’s maiden name; indicate mother’s citizenship)
U.S. address: ____________________________________________________________________________
Date of birth: _______________________________ Place of birth: _______________________________
Evidence of citizenship: ____________________________________________________________________
Local address: ____________________________________________________________________________
(If previously married: I _______________________was divorced from ______________________ on this date __________.)
I, the above-mentioned person being duly sworn, do declare that, according to the laws of my domicile, I am of legal
marriageable age, that I have not been married before / I have been married before and divorced, and that there is no hindrance,
legal or otherwise, to my uniting in marriage with the female declarant listed below.
Male declarant’s signature
Female Declarant: _______________________________________________ the _______________ daughter of
(bride’s name)
(1st, 2nd, etc.)
_______________________________________________ and ________________________________________________
(father’s name; in parens, indicate father’s citizenship)
(mother’s maiden name; indicate mother’s citizenship)
U.S. address: ____________________________________________________________________________
Date of birth: _______________________________ Place of birth: _______________________________
Evidence of citizenship: ____________________________________________________________________
Local address: ____________________________________________________________________________
(If previously married: I _______________________was divorced from ______________________ on this date __________.)
I, the above-mentioned person being duly sworn, do declare that, according to the laws of my domicile, I am of legal
marriageable age, that I have not been married before / I have been married before and divorced, and that there is no hindrance,
legal or otherwise, to my uniting in marriage with the male declarant listed above.
Female declarant’s signature
Subscribed and sworn to before me this date _____________ at _____________________.
Consul of the United States of America duly commissioned and qualified
Male Declarant: _ the _____________ son of
(groom’s name)
(1st, 2nd, etc.)
_. _______________ and __ 
(father’s name; in parens, indicate father’s citizenship)
(mother’s maiden name; indicate mother’s citizenship)
U.S. address: ________
Date of birth: ___________________ Place of birth: _________
Evidence of citizenship:  no. 13848839 issued on June 7, 1998 at Houston_________
Local address: _______________________________________
(If previously married: I was divorced from  on this date .)
I, the above-mentioned person being duly sworn, do declare that, according to the laws of my domicile, I am of legal
marriageable age, that I have not been married before / I have been married before and divorced, and that there is no hindrance,
legal or otherwise, to my uniting in marriage with the female declarant listed below.
Male declarant’s signature
Female Declarant: _____________________________ the __________ daughter of
(bride’s name)
(1st, 2nd, etc.)
_ _____________________ and _ ____________
(father’s name; in parens, indicate father’s citizenship)
(mother’s maiden name; indicate mother’s citizenship)
U.S. address: __________
Date of birth: ____________________ Place of birth: ___________
Evidence of citizenship:  no. 12345678 issued on March 10, 2000 at Los Angeles_______
Local address: __________________________________________________
(If previously married: I was divorced from ____________ on this date __________.)
I, the above-mentioned person being duly sworn, do declare that, according to the laws of my domicile, I am of legal
marriageable age, that I have not been married before / I have been married before and divorced, and that there is no hindrance,
legal or otherwise, to my uniting in marriage with the male declarant listed above.
Female declarant’s signature
Subscribed and sworn to before me this date _____________ at ______________________.
Consul of the United States of America duly commissioned and qualified