INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE BUREAU INTERNATIONAL DU TRAVAIL OFICINA INTERNACIONAL DEL TRABAJO G.B. t62/L8/5 162nd Session COVERNING BODY CONSEIL D'ADMINISTRATION CONSEJO DE ADMINISTRACION Geneva, i,.{ay-June 1965 - Xlghteenth ltem on the BEPON.T O! Agend.a THE }IRXCTOB-GEN'EP4I Second Suppleme:rtarY RePort ?articipation f as ()bservers I'Ton-liietro litan Territories ssLon o erence 1. At its 161st Sessj-on (I\tareh L965) , the Governlng Sody agreed., in pursuance of the d,eeision taken at its 424fi7 Sesslon thatr or the recommendation of the responslble member State, non-metropolitan territories may be invited tc partieipate by means of tripartite obserrrer d.elegations 1n sessions of the International labour Confereace, tha.b Barbad.os, Sritish Guiana and. i\{auritius should. be invited., through the Unlted. Kingdom Governnent, to senat tripartite obserrer d.elegations to the 49th Session of the International labour Conference. 2. fhe Director-Genera} has now been asked. by the United Government to submit a request to the Governing Bod,y that Dominlca, Grenad.a, St. lucia and. St. Vincent, hror,'in as the $Iindward. Is1and.s, be invited. to send. a jolnt tripartite observer d.elegation to the 49th Sesslon of the Conference. is aecordl Iv reouested. to 3. The Governi 1ncen!. I<110w13. la an Domlnic re s, overluIlen sen a oLn eo server cLeJe e n-uernatr-o our oI].I erene e . Geneva, 17 l{ay L965. POINT FOA DECTSION: Paragraph 3.