MINISTERIO DE INDUSTRIA, ENERGÍA Y TURISMO SPANISH PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE EUROPEAN PATENT RENEWAL FEES GENERAL INFORMATION After a patent has been granted, a fee must be paid for maintaining the patent in force. Payment must be made in relation to any renewal fees falling due after the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent. Renewal fees shall be paid within a period of three months before the last day of the month containing the anniversary of the filing date of the European patent application, and in one additional month after that date. Payment can still be made within three months after that additional month, together with a 25% surcharge or, together with a 50% surcharge, during the following three months. Once these periods have expired, the patent may still be maintained in force by paying, before the due date for the next renewal fee, the amount of the 20th year renewal fee. Reestablishment of rights may be requested where the applicant was unable to observe a time limit before the Office. For further information, please, take into account the information paper on reestablishment of rights in this Website. Payments in favour of Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas have to be made by bank transfer in Euros, to the following bank address: LA CAIXA Pº de la Castellana, 75 28046 MADRID (ESPAÑA) Bank account: ES 22 2100 5038 31 0200001807. (SWIFT Code: CAIXES BB XXX) Payers are requested to indicate in the payment form the name of the patent’s proprietor, the European patent number, and the year of the renewal fee. We would be very grateful if a payment receipt’s copy or other notice about the payment is sent to the Office. After the payment is made, the Office informs the patent’s holder on the received payment, and if the payment is not correct, about the details to correct it or on the possibility to apply for refund. ----- End of the information paper ----- [email protected] Information paper. European patent renewal fees (01-10-2016) Pª DE LA CASTELLANA, 75 28071 MADRID TEL. 902 157 530 FAX. 91 349 55 97