(VFXHOD8QLYHUVLWDULDGH (VWXGLRV(PSUHVDULDOHVGH-HUH] ,1*/e6(035(6$5,$/ CÓDIGO: ',3/20$785$(1&,(1&,$6(035(6$5,$/(6 '(3$57$0(172'(),/2/2*Ë$)5$1&(6$(,1*/(6$ $5($'(&212&,0,(172),/2/2*Ë$,1*/(6$ &8562 &DUiFWHUGHODDVLJQDWXUD&XDWULPHVWUDO 3URIHVRUD3DORPD/ySH]=XULWD 3URJUDPDGHOD$VLJQDWXUD 8QLWRQH Topic: The meaning and functions of Commerce. Trade and Services to Trade. Situations: On the plane. At the airport. Changing your reservation. Vocabulary: Confusing words. Product information. Special areas: Buying and selling. Expressions with "in". Synonyms: British and American English. Easily confused words: in time / on time. Video: Meeting Objectives 5: Figures. 8QLWWZR Situations: Asking the way; Following directions; At the hotel. Vocabulary: Easily confused words: trip/travel/journey/tour. Topic: Telephoning. Video: Meeting Objectives 1: Presentations. 8QLWWKUHH Topic: Making contact. Making Introductions. Vocabulary: Numerals. Video: Meeting Objectives 1: Making Contact. 8QLWIRXU Topic: The language of meetings. Situations: Presenting an argument. Vocabulary: Easily confused words: salary/wages/earnings/income/revenue/fee/perks/ fringe benefits. Video: Meeting Objectives 8: Negotiations. 8QLWILYH Topic: Communication and Advertising. Vocabulary: Compound adjectives. Easily confused words: make/brand/trademark. Situations: A market research Questionnaire Video: meeting Objectives: Meetings. 8QLWVL[ Topic: Business Letters: Structure and Layout. Addresses. Date. Attention line. Salutation. The body of the letter. Complimentary close. Signature. Letterhead. References. etc. Video: meeting Objectives 7: Visitors. 8QLWVHYHQ Topic: Applying for a Job. selection Methods. Vocabulary: Job Advertisements. Situations: The letter of Application; The Application form; The C.V.; The Interview. %,%/,2*5$)Ë$5(&20(1'$'$ Ashley, A. (1991) $+DQGERRNRI&RPPHUFLDO&RUUHVSRQGHQFH. Oxford: O.U.P. * Ashley, A. (1991) $&RUUHVSRQGHQFH:RUNERRNOxford: O.U.P. * Bater, B. & Lees (1990) :ULWWHQ(QJOLVKIRU%XVLQHVV. Levels 1,2,3,. Oxford: O.U.P. * Brieger, N. & J. Comfort (1992) 3URGXFWLRQDQG2SHUDWLRQV Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall. * Brieger, N. & J. Comfort (1992) 3HUVRQQHO. Englewood Cliffs: P.H: * Brieger, N. & J. Comfort (1992) 0DUNHWLQJ. Englewood Cliffs: P.H. * Cotton, D, (1989) .H\VWR0DQDJHPHQW Walton-on-Thames: Nelson. * Norman, S. (1991) :HPHDQ%XVLQHVV. London: Longman. * Norman, S. (1991) :HDUHLQ%XVLQHVV London: Longman. 'LFFLRQDULRV*HQHUDOHV * V.V.A.A. (1987)&ROOLQV&REXLOG(QJOLVKODQJXDJH'LFWLRQDU\. London: Collins and Sons. * V.V.A.A. (1980) 'LFFLRQDULR%LOLQJHLondon: Collins-Noguer. * V.V.A.A. ( 1993) *UDQ'LFFLRQDULRHVSDxRO,QJOpV(QJOLVK6SDQLVK, Paris: Larousse * V.V.A.A. ((1991) 7KH&RQFLVH2[IRUG'LFWLRQDU\RI&XUUHQW(QJOLVK. Oxford: O.U.P. * V.V.A.A. (1993) /DURXVVH&RPSDFW. Paris: Larousse. * V.V.A.A. (1998) 'LFFLRQDULR0XOWLPHGLD(VSDxRO,QJOpV. Paris: Larousse. (En CD ) * V.V.A.A. (1995) 2[IRUG:RUGSRZHU'LFWLRQDU\IRUOHDUQHUVRI(QJOLVK. Oxford: O.U.P. 'LFFLRQDULRV(VSHFtILFRV Adam, J.M. (1989) /RQJPDQ'LFWLRQDU\RI%XVLQHVV(QJOLVK. London: Longman. * Alcaráz Varó, E. and Brian Hughes (1995) 'LFFLRQDULRGH7pUPLQRV-XUtGLFRV,QJOpV (VSDxROBarcelona: Ariel. * Alcaráz Varó, E. and Brian Hughes (1996) 'LFFLRQDULRGH7pUPLQRV(FRQyPLFRV )LQDQFLHURV\&RPHUFLDOHV. Barcelona: Ariel. * Álvarez, I. et alii (1987) 'LFFLRQDULR(PSUHVDULDO. León: Evergráficas. * Cowie, a.P. and R. Mackin (1993) 2[IRUGGLFWLRQDU\RI3KUDVDO9HUEV. Oxford: O.U.P. * Elosúa de Juan, M. (1990)'LFFLRQDULR(PSUHVDULDO6WDQGIRUG. Madrid: Expansión. * Hill, J. and M. Lewis (eds) (1997) 'LFWLRQDU\RI6OHFWHG&ROORFDWLRQV. London: L.T.P. * J. Baker, M. (1990) 0DF0LOODQ'LFWLRQDU\RI0DUNHWLQJDQG$GYHUWLVLQJLondon: Macmillan. * Lozano Irueste, J.M. (1991) 'LFFLRQDULR%LOLQJHGH(FRQRPtD\(PSUHVD. Madrid: Pirámide. * Powler, W.S. (1989) 'LFWLRQDU\RI,GLRPV Walton-on-Thames: Nelson. * Smithback, John B. (1997) 7KH(QJOLVKSRSDQG6ODQJBarcelona: Larousse. * Tuck A. (de.) (1993) 7KH2[IRUG'LFWLRQDU\RIEXVLQHVV(QJOLVKIRU/HDUQHUVRI(QJOLVK. Oxford: O.U.P.G. *UDPiWLFDV G. Bolton, D. & Peterson (1988) %DVLF:RUNLQJ*UDPPDU. Walton-on-Thames: Nelson. * Brieger, n. & J. Comfort (1992) /DQJXDJHUHIHUHQFHIRU%XVLQHVV(QJOLVK Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall. * Chaulker, S. (1987) ,QWHUPHGLDWH*UDPPDU:RUNERRNDQG.H\London: Heinemann. * Eastwood, J. (1992) 2[IRUG3UDFWLFH*UDPPDU. Oxford: O.U.P. * Praniskas (1975) 5DSLG5HYLHZRI(QJOLVK*UDPPDU. Englewood Cliffs: P.H.I. * Thomson and Martinet (1989) $3UDFWLFDO(QJOLVK*UDPPDU. Oxford: O.U.P. 2%-(7,926'(/$$6,*1$785$ * Expresarse y comprender adecuadamente las distintas situaciones que se pueden presentar en el ámbito de la empresa. * Comprender textos y conversaciones eminentemente relacionados con la empresa. * Redactar o cumplimentar documentos con los que se pueden encontrar en el mundo laboral. (9$/8$&,Ï1 * Para la superación de esta asignatura se realizará un examen final obligatorio que podrá ser escrito u oral, a petición del alumno. Se valorarán asimismo los trabajos realizados durante el curso, la asistencia y la participación activa en las clases. &2162/,'$7,2181,7