Cambridge Advanced (CAE)| Inglés Direct Madrid 2016 | Frases Verbales en inglés | Cambridge Advanced 2016 (CAE) (Nivel C1) Estos phrasal verbs mejorarán, no solo tu habilidad de comunicación a la hora de hablar en inglés, si no que te ayudarán a la hora de completar el Use of English, a la hora de escribir (Writing) y a la hora de entender conversaciones en inglés. ¡Los nativos, utilizamos phrasal verbs todo el rato, así que más te vale aprenderlos! Muchos de estos phrasal verbs tienen más de un significado en inglés. Academic Resources | Executive English Programmes | Cambridge Advanced (CAE)| Inglés Direct Madrid 2016 | Take over Take control | Tomar control Example: “She took control of the project” Get on | Llevarse (bien/mal) To get on well: llevarse bien To not get on well/ to get on badly: llevarse mal To get on like a house on fire’: llevarse muy bien To Pick up a. To learn something | aprender algo Example: “I picked up some French while I was in France” b. Recoger algo del suelo o recoger a alguien en coche/autobus ect. Bring up a- To take care of and teach a person during their childhood years | Criar a una persona (to bring up) o ser criado (to be brought up) b- To mention a topic during a conversation | mencionar Example: “He brought up the fight he had had with Mary” 4. Call off To cancel or stop | Cancelar, parar o detener algo Example: “We called off the trip because of the weather” Call for Something a. when someone or a group of people demand that something happens | Exigir algo o que algo ocurra- eg- “to call for change” b. To pick up the telephone and ring for a service | Realizar un pedido por teléfono Example: “We called for a pizza half an hour ago so it should arrive soon” Add up a- To add numbers or parts | Sumar Eg: “They added up the tomatoes and there were 9″ Academic Resources | Executive English Programmes | Cambridge Advanced (CAE)| Inglés Direct Madrid 2016 | b-To be logical or make sense | Ser lógico o tener sentido Eg: “His explanation didn’t add up, I thought he was lying to me, it simply didn’t make any sense” Carry on a. To continue or continue doing an action | Seguir hacienda algo | Continuar Come across a- To give the impression of something | dar la impresión de algo Example: “Susan came across as confident” b- To find a person or a thing without looking for them | Toparse con alguien o algo Example: “I came across this old book while I was cleaning my loft” Come up with To think of an idea | Ocurrir Example: “They came up with the solution while they were having dinner” Get along a- When two or more people are friendly towards eachother | Llevarse bien Example: “We don’t get along/ We get along” b- To achieve progress | Avanzar o progresar Example: “How are you getting along with the homework?” To go on a. To go on: To continue | Continuar Example “She went on speaking despite the noise from outside the lecture hall” b. To Go on to: To progress | Progresar Example: “After winning the World Cup, he went on to win the European Championships in Berlin” c. To go ahead of a person or group | Separarse de una persona o grupo para ir por delate en el entendimiento que ellos/ellas van al mismo sitio. Example: “You go on to the pub, I’ll be there in 20 minutes” d. Happen | Pasar/ Ocurrir Example: “What went on last night? / What’s going on?” Academic Resources | Executive English Programmes | Cambridge Advanced (CAE)| Inglés Direct Madrid 2016 | e. Used as an expression to motivate or urge someone to do something- Example: “Go on, come to the pub for one drink!” Get over a. To stop being controlled by a feeling | Superar algo emocionalmente Example: “James still hasn’t got over his break-up with Maria” b. To become healthy after being sick/ ill. Example: “He got over his illness and went on to win 5 championships” Look after a- To take care of | Cuidar de Example: “I need someone to look after the kids while I go to the shop” Academic Resources | Executive English Programmes |