THE PUBLIC PROSECUTOR´S OFFICE FOR THE PROTECTION OF ENVIRONMENT AND LAND PLANNING Fiscalía Coordinadora de Medio Ambiente y Urbanismo Fiscalía General del Estado REGULATION OF THE PUBLIC PROSECUTOR IN SPAIN ARTICLE 124 OF THE SPANISH CONSTITUTION: 1. The Office of the Public Prosecutor, without prejudice to the functions entrusted to other bodies, has as its mission that of promoting the operation of justice in the defence of the rule of law, of citizens’ rights and of the public interest as safeguarded by the law, whether ex officio or at the request of interested parties, as well as that of protecting the independence of the Courts and securing through them the satisfaction of social interest. 2. The Office of Public Prosecutor exercises its duties through its own bodies in accordance with the principles of unity of action and hierarchical dependency, subject in all cases to the principles of the rule of law and of impartiality. 3. The organic statute of the Office of the Public Prosecutor shall be regulated by law. 4. The State Public Prosecutor shall be appointed by the King on being nominated by the Government, after consultation with the General Council of the Judiciary. Fiscalía Coordinadora de Medio Ambiente y Urbanismo Fiscalía General del Estado THE PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT IN THE SPANISH CONSTITUTION ARTICLE 45: 1. Everyone has the right to enjoy an environment suitable for the development of the person, as well as the duty to preserve it. 2. The public authorities shall safeguard rational use of all natural resources with a view to protecting and improving the quality of life and preserving and restoring the environment, by relying on essential collective solidarity. 3. For those who break the provisions contained in the foregoing paragraph, criminal or, where applicable, administrative sanctions shall be imposed, under the terms established by the law, and the shall be obliged to repair the damage caused Fiscalía Coordinadora de Medio Ambiente y Urbanismo Fiscalía General del Estado ORIGINGIN OF THE ENVIROMENTAL PROSECUTORS 1. Parliamentary Debates on Corruption (1994) 2. Cases Ballena Blanca and Malaya (2005): • • • Corruption. Money laundering of building activities Land planing 3. Law 10/2006, of April 28, on Forest Fiscalía Coordinadora de Medio Ambiente y Urbanismo Fiscalía General del Estado COMPETENCES URBANISM AND LAND PLANNING HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL HERITAGE ENVIRONMENT ILL TREATMENT OF DOMESTIC ANIMALS FOREST FIRES Fiscalía Coordinadora de Medio Ambiente y Urbanismo Fiscalía General del Estado COMPOSITION 1.- Chief Public Prosecutor. 2.- Three Assistant Public Prosecutors. 3.- Fifty two Delegated (one in each province). 4.- One hundred fifty five Especialized Public Prosecutors. 5.- Ten Liaision Prosecutors. 6.- A Technical Unit. 7.- A Police Unit. Fiscalía Coordinadora de Medio Ambiente y Urbanismo Fiscalía General del Estado MAIN TASKS To Coordinate Delegated and Especialized Public Prosecutors in the whole Spain. To receive whatever notice regarding infractions of environmental legislation, which will be properly conveyed. To investigate directly those cases of higher importance or relevance. To prepare an annual report describing the situation of the environment from the penal and administrative point of view in Spain. To organize and participate in events related to the protection of the environment. Fiscalía Coordinadora de Medio Ambiente y Urbanismo Fiscalía General del Estado STATISTICS 2015 ACQUITTALS CONVICTIONS ENVIRONMENT 25 39 URBANISM AND LAND PLANNING 137 456 HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL HERITAGE 11 17 FLORA AND FAUNA 44 220 FOREST FIRES 28 132 ILL TREATMENT OF DOMESTIC ANIMALS 16 68 261 932 Fiscalía Coordinadora de Medio Ambiente y Urbanismo Fiscalía General del Estado Fiscalía Coordinadora de Medio Ambiente y Urbanismo Fiscalía General del Estado