Sierra Middle School ELAC Meeting Agenda September 15, 2016

Our vision: All students will be linguistically and academically prepared for college and career in a global community.
Sierra Middle School
ELAC Meeting Agenda
September 15, 2016
v Welcome
v Meeting called to order at:
v Introductions – Dr. Yee, Mrs. Jackson, Mr. Ortega, and Mrs. Cisneros
v New Business:
v Nominate: President, Vice President, Secretary, and DELAC (District English Learner Advisory
v Required Task #5: Training to assist members in carrying out their legal responsibilities
v Remind: Assist with adding Remind Application and signing up
v Recommendations and/or follow up: Send nominations out to parents, receive, and count vote
to elect members on October 20, 2016
v Next ELAC meeting: Date October 20, 2016 Agenda item: Topic: Regular School Attendance
v Time on the Agenda: (other announcements, comments)
v Meeting adjourned at:
Check Legal Requirements/Trainings Covered During Meeting:
1. Advises school site council (SSC) on the development of Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
2. Assists in the development of school’s needs assessment
3. Assists in the development of the school’s annual Language Census Report
4. Assists in the development of the school’s efforts to make parents aware of importance of regular school
5. Receives training to assist members in carrying out their legal responsibilities
6. Assists in the develop of the district master plan for educational programs and services for English
❏ Elections (at first school year meeting)
Our vision: All students will be linguistically and academically prepared for college and career in a global community.
Escuela Secundaria Sierra
Orden del Día de la Reunión de ELAC
15 de septiembre de 2016
v Bienvenida
v La junta fue llamada a la orden a las:
v Introducciones – Dr. Yee, Sra. Jackson, Sr. Ortega y .Sra. Cisneros
v Nuevos Asuntos:
v Nominar: Presidente, Vice Presidente, Secretaria, y DELAC (Comité Consultivo de Alumnos de
Inglés de Distrito)
v Asunto requerido #5: Entrenamiento para asistir a los miembros en llevar acabo sus
responsabilidades legales.
v Remind (Recordatorio): Asistir en añadir la aplicación Remind y registrarse
v Recomendaciones y/o para la próxima: Mandar las nominaciones a los padres, recibir, y contar
los votos para elegir miembros el 20 de octubre de 2016
v Próxima reunión de ELAC: 20 de octubre de 2016 Tema del Orden del día:: Asistir a la
Escuela Regularmente
v Tiempo en el Orden del día: (otros anuncios, comentarios)
v Se levantó la junta a las:
Check Legal Requirements/Trainings Covered During Meeting:
1. Advises school site council (SSC) on the development of Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
2. Assists in the development of school’s needs assessment
3. Assists in the development of the school’s annual Language Census Report
4. Assists in the development of the school’s efforts to make parents aware of importance of regular school
5. Receives training to assist members in carrying out their legal responsibilities
6. Assists in the develop of the district master plan for educational programs and services for English
❏ Elections (at first school year meeting)