Mediakit 2012 03 02 Statistics Profile 1.000.000 Users 6.200.000 Page Views Men 75% Women Under 30 yeras old 25% 37% Between 30 and 49 years old 47% More than 49 years old 16 % $ Corporate executives (chairmen, CEOs, managers, directors) 50% Businessmen 30% Entrepreneurs 20% Constant growth rate of 20% per month in page views and traffic 42.000 Registered users He/she visits more than once a day 85% He/she reads El Cronista as main information source (print edition and online) 40% 40% He/she takes El Cronista as a complement to leading national generalist newspapers (print edition and online) Rest of the country 50% City of Buenos Aires 10% During the morning 80% From 4pm to 7pm (market closure time) During the evening 40% 30% 40% Abroad Mediakit 2012 03 TRADITIONAL FORMATS Home TOP 980X80 04 TOP RIGHT 300X50 RIGHT 3 300X250 MIDDLE 2 468X160 HEADER 950X50 RIGHT 4 300X250 FOOTER 728X90 MIDDLE 230X150 RIGHT 1 300X250 RIGHT 5 300X250 MIDDLE 1 468X160 RIGHT 6 300X250 RIGHT 2 300X250 RIGHT 7 300X250 Mediakit 2012 04 TRADITIONAL FORMATS Sections and Articles TOP RIGHT 300X50 RIGHT 2 300X250 RIGHT 1 300X250 MIDDLE 1 468X60 Mediakit 2012 TRADITIONAL FORMATS 05 General Specifications Weight: Up to 80 Kb Flash version: 7, 8, 9 Materials Submission: Project file (.fla), exported file (.swf), sources used to create it, a banner in .gif format for an alternative use, a destination URL in .txt format and clickTag. Technical Specifications for the assembly in flash: For banners with links to other websites, the layer must be visible as the animation progresses and it should be located on the animation. Within it, create a transparent button of the banner size. Attach the following action: on(release){ ); getURL(_root.clickTag, “_blank” } Implementation guide at the following URL: http://www. Mediakit 2012 RICH MEDIA FORMATS 06 Home, Sections and Articles 04 MEGAEXPANDIBLE 950X50 a 950x300 RIGHT 3 EXPANDIBLE 350X250 a 600X250 FLY F FL LY LY A AD D FLY AD 400X400 400 4 00 0 0X40 X40 X4 400 400X400 VIDEO LAYER 400X400 VIDEO BANNER 230X150 RIGHT 1 EXPANDIBLE FLY AD A BOTON 775X300 a 300X250 300X250 a 600x250 EXPANDIBLE PUSH MIDDLE 2 468X160 a 468X280 RIGHT 5 EXPANDIBLE 300X100 a 300X300 VIDEO BANNER Mediakit 2012 RICH MEDIA FORMATS 07 Home, Sections and Articles 04 FULL SCREEN SKIN SKIN ARCO BANNER TAKE OVER 350X250 a 990X727 Mediakit 2012 RICH MEDIA FORMATS 08 General Specifications Presence: Home, Sections and Articles Format: Flash versión 7, 8, 9 Weight: 80 KB Material submission: Project file (.fla), exported file (.swf), sources used to create it, the destination URL in .txt format and clickTag. Technical specifications: The format must be created in a piece in Flash, published in versions 7, 8, 9. It must contain three frames: first and third ones for the expanded ad and the second one, for the folded ad. Implementation and programming guide at the following URL: especificaciones/expandible_desplazamiento.html Mediakit 2012 NEWSLETTER 09 NEWS 300x250 Banner Size 1 News 468x160 2 News 300x250 3 News 300x100 NEWS 300x100 Daily deliveries to a 42.000 registered users base. NEWS 468X160 Format: Gif Maximum Weight: Up to 40 Kb Material Submission: A .gif file and destination URL in .txt format. Mediakit 2012 EMAIL MARKETING 10 Email Marketing is a form of direct marketing which involves the use of electronic mail as a commercial communication tool. HTML documents displaying advertiser’s ads are sent to users to: 1 - Enhance the business relationship with current or previous users. 2 - Promote loyalty and repeat business. 3 - Acquire new users or persuade current users to purchase again. HTML Specifications Mediakit 2012 MOBILE APPS 11 Ipad and Smartphone Banner Size Breaking news 320x50 On line Markets and Articles 320x50 320X50 Mediakit 2012 Sections at 12 Breaking News: Home, Economics & Politics, Markets & Financial News, Business, Financial Times, Entrepreneurs, Techno Life, Cronista Guides, Online Edition. Print Edition: Home, Economics & Politics, Business, Markets & Financial News, International, Financial Times, Valor, Opinion, Supplements: On line Markets: Stock Exchange, Foreign Exchange, Agriculture, Commodities, Mendoza province in real time Mediakit 2012 COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT - CONTACTS Sofia Iannuzzi Web Accounts Executive Tel: +5411.4121.9251 / Cel: +54114975.2196 [email protected] Mediakit Yanina Ayesa Head Online Commercial Tel: +5411.41219244 [email protected] Mediakit Tomás Reinke Director [email protected] Av. Paseo Colón 746 1° Piso (C1063ACU) Buenos Aires | | Mediakit 2012