Spanish literature and thought in the light of European

Année universitaire 2014/2015
Collège universitaire
Semestre d’automne
Spanish literature and thought in the light of
European philosophy
Programme des séances (contenu et objectifs pédagogiques) :
Pour chacune des 12 séances : présentation du thème général, de la(les) thématique(s), textes de
référence, lectures préparatoires, exercices) :
Class Schedule
Week 1. Introduction.
Part 1: Don Quijote
Week 2. Men and books.
- Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote, First Part, Prologue and § 1-9.
-José Ortega y Gasset, Meditations on Quixote, “First Meditation: A Short Treatise on the Novel”, §
Week 3. Perspectivism and Will of Adventure.
- Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote, First Part, § 21-22, 45, Second Part, §12-15, 17.
- José Ortega y Gasset, “To the Reader” in Meditations on Quixote.
Week 4. Enchantments.
- Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote, First Part, § 46-52, Second Part, §10, 22-24.
-René Descartes, “First meditation: What can be call into doubt” in Meditations on First Philosophy.
Week 5. Mimesis and Representation.
- Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote, First Part, § 23-26, Second Part § 25-27.
- Michel Foucault, “Representing” in Order of Things.
Part 2: Life is a dream
Week 6. Sense of life.
Pedro Calderón de la Barca, Life is a dream, Act I.
Miguel de Unamuno, The Tragic sense of life, §1 “The man of flesh and bone”.
27, rue Saint-Guillaume 75007 Paris France T/ +33 (0)1 45 49 50 51 - F/ +33 (0)1 42 22 39 64
Week 7. What is (a) dream?
Pedro Calderón de la Barca, Life is a dream, Act II.
Arthur Schopenhauer, The World as Will and Representation, book I, aspect I, § 1-6.
Week 8. What is (to) dream?
Pedro Calderón de la Barca, Life is a dream, Act III.
María Zambrano, Los sueños y el tiempo, Introduction (p. 15-25).
Part 3: Don Juan
Week 9. The ironist and the burlador
- Tirso de Molina, The Trickster of Seville and the Stone Guest, Act I.
- José Ortega y Gasset, “Introducción a un Don Juan”, in Meditaciones sobre la literatura y el arte,
(p. 369-389).
- “The two ironies or Socrates and Don Juan” in The Modern Theme (p. 52-59).
Week 10. The aesthetic realm of existence
- Tirso de Molina, The Trickster of Seville and the Stone Guest, Act II.
- Sören Kierkegaard, The Seducer’s Diary.
Week 11. The absurd man
- Tirso de Molina, The Trickster of Seville and the Stone Guest, Act III.
- Albert Camus, “Le don juanisme” in Le Mythe de Sisyphe (p. 99-107).
Week 12. Towards a Conclusion: Remarks and Outlook.
Présentation des modalités d’évaluation :
-A final paper (50%), for which an abstract must be submitted.
-An in-class test (30%) at the end of the semester.
-Active participation in discussions (20%), following the questions-answers format. These
discussions among students are based on the course readings and topics that are announced in
advance, and for which students are invited to prepare.
27, rue Saint-Guillaume 75007 Paris France T/ +33 (0)1 45 49 50 51 - F/ +33 (0)1 42 22 39 64
Références bibliographiques :
- CALDERÓN DE LA BARCA Pedro, La vida es sueño, Madrid, Cátedra, col. “Letras
Hispánicas”, 2014.
- English translations: (In verse): Life is a dream in Calderon’s Dramas, trans. Denis F.
Mac-Carthy, London, Henry S. King & co, 1873.
(In prose): Life’s a dream, Michael Kidd trans. & ed., Boulder (Colorado), University
Colorado Press, 2004.
- CERVANTES Miguel de, Don Quijote de la Mancha, Francisco Rico (ed.), edición del IV
Centenario, Madrid, Real Academia Española/Santillana, 2004.
English translations: The Ingenious hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha, trans. John
Rutherford, New York, Penguin Books, 2001; Don Quixote, trans. Edith Grossmann,
Harper/Collins, 2003.
- MOLINA Tirso de, El burlador de Sevilla, Madrid, Cátedra, col. “Letras Hispanas”, 1997.
English translation: The Trickster of Seville and the Stone Guest, trans.
Gwynne Edwards, Warminster, Aris and Phillips, 1986.
Lectures complémentaires
(Facultatif, ces lectures seront affichées sur le site Web)
- CAMUS Albert, Le Mythe de Sisyphe, Paris, Gallimard, col. “Folio Essais”, 1942.
E.t.: The Myth of Sysiphus, trans. Justin O'Brien, Harmondsworth, Penguin Books, 2000.
- DESCARTES René, Méditations métaphysiques, Paris, GF Flammarion, 2009.
E. t.: Meditations on First Philosophy, John Cottingham (trans. & ed.), New York,
Cambridge University Press, 2013.
- FOUCAULT Michel, Les Mots et les choses, Paris, Gallimard, col. “Tel”, 1966.
E. t.: Order of Things, London/New York, Routledge Classics, 2002.
- KIERKEGAARD Sören, The Seducer’s Diary, trans. Howard V. Hong & Edna H. Hong,
Princeton, Princeton Universtiy Press, 1997.
- ORTEGA Y GASSET José, Meditaciones del Quijote, Julián Marías (ed.), Madrid, Cátedra,
col. “Letras Hispanas”, 2007.
E. t.: Meditations on Quixote, trans. by Evelyn Rugg and Diego Marin, Introd. by Julián
Marías, New York, W.W. Norton, 1961.
- “Introducción a un Don Juan”, in Meditaciones sobre la literatura y el arte, ed. Inman
Fox, Madrid, Castalia, 1987, p. 369-389.
- “The two ironies or Socrates and Don Juan” in The Modern Theme, trans. James
Cleugh, New York, Harper&Row, 1961, p. 52-59.
- SCHOPENHAUER Arthur, The World as Will and Representation, trans. E. F. J. Payne,
New York, Dover Publications, 1969.
- UNAMUNO Miguel de, Del sentimiento trágico de la vida, Madrid, Alianza, 1994.
E. t.: Tragic sense of life, J.E. Crawford Flitch trans., New York, Dover Publications,
27, rue Saint-Guillaume 75007 Paris France T/ +33 (0)1 45 49 50 51 - F/ +33 (0)1 42 22 39 64
- ZAMBRANO María, Los sueños y el tiempo, Madrid, Siruela, col. “Biblioteca de Ensayo”,
- Traduction française: Les rêves et le temps, trad. Gónzalo Flores et Annick Louis,
Paris, J. Corti, 2003.
The extracts of these works to be read will be indicated in advance. A lot of them will be available in PDF
27, rue Saint-Guillaume 75007 Paris France T/ +33 (0)1 45 49 50 51 - F/ +33 (0)1 42 22 39 64