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Sentence Match Quiz for Category: preterite_salir
Mark the sentence that matches each item below.
1) Le dijiste que saliste corriendo.
- A: The matador left through the main door.
- B: They went out to buy food. They went out to buy it.
- C: You said that you left running.
- D: The person that left the office is the boss.
2) El torero salió por la puerta principal.
- A: Pedro and I dated for two years and then we got engaged.
- B: I went out with your very tall friend.
- C: We left the house late this morning.
- D: The matador left through the main door.
3) Salió de la escuela a las tres.
- A: She left school at three o'clock.
- B: The train left at six o'clock sharp.
- C: The flight did not leave at the scheduled time.
- D: He left running.
4) Ellos salieron a comprar los zapatos. Ellos salieron a comprarlos.
- A: They went out to buy the shoes. They went out to buy them.
- B: Some of my classmates appeared on TV this morning.
- C: You left very late from work.
- D: You left school early.
5) Salí temprano de la casa porque esperaba llegar antes del mediodía.
- A: I left early because I hoped to arrive before noon.
- B: She left the room crying.
- C: The flight did not leave at the scheduled time.
- D: They went out to buy the shoes. They went out to buy them.
6) Era la una cuando salimos a almorzar.
- A: We left the house late this morning.
- B: The matador left through the main door.
- C: The little girl was afraid because her nose was bleeding.
- D: It was one o’clock when we went to have lunch.
7) Tus libros estaban en la mesa cuando yo salí del cuarto.
- A: Your books were on the table when I left the room.
- B: She left the room crying.
- C: The person that left the office is the boss.
- D: The matador left through the main door.
8) Saliste de la escuela temprano.
- A: You left school early.
- B: I left home early.
- C: I left the meeting and I returned home.
- D: The person that left the office is the boss.
9) Pedro y yo salimos juntos durante dos años y luego nos prometimos.
- A: He left without saying goodbye.
- B: He left running.
- C: She left without saying goodbye.
- D: Pedro and I dated for two years and then we got engaged.
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(continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: preterite_salir
Mark the sentence that matches each item below.
10) Salí con tu amiga altona.
- A: She left the room crying.
- B: He left running.
- C: You left very late from work.
- D: I went out with your very tall friend.
11) Salimos tarde de la casa esta mañana.
- A: The party turned out just as we wanted.
- B: The flight did not leave at the scheduled time.
- C: You left school early.
- D: We left the house late this morning.
12) La mujer que salió de la iglesia es Susana.
- A: The woman who left the church is Susana.
- B: He left the house in spite of his illness.
- C: You left very late from work.
- D: The flight did not leave at the scheduled time.
13) Él salió sin decir adios.
- A: I went out to have a soft drink.
- B: You left very late from work.
- C: He left without saying goodbye.
- D: I went out with your very tall friend.
14) Salí temprano de la casa.
- A: I left home early.
- B: She left the room crying.
- C: I went out with your very tall friend.
- D: The party turned out just as we wanted.
15) Ella salió sin despedirse.
- A: She left without saying goodbye.
- B: The little girl was afraid because her nose was bleeding.
- C: The flight did not leave at the scheduled time.
- D: You said that you left running.
16) Salió corriendo.
- A: I went out to have a soft drink.
- B: I left the meeting and I returned home.
- C: He left running.
- D: The train left on time.
17) El tren salió a las seis en punto.
- A: The train left at six o'clock sharp.
- B: He left without saying goodbye.
- C: I went out with your very tall friend.
- D: You left very late from work.
18) Saliste muy tarde del trabajo.
- A: The flight did not leave at the scheduled time.
- B: She left the room crying.
- C: The matador left through the main door.
- D: You left very late from work.
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(continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: preterite_salir
Mark the sentence that matches each item below.
19) Salí a tomarme un refresco.
- A: He left at 3 P.M.
- B: I went out to have a soft drink.
- C: The train left at six o'clock sharp.
- D: You left school early.
20) La niña tenía miedo porque le salió sangre de nariz.
- A: I left early because I hoped to arrive before noon.
- B: The matador left through the main door.
- C: The little girl was afraid because her nose was bleeding.
- D: Did she rush out of her house and forgot her purse?
21) Él salió a las tres de la tarde.
- A: He left at 3 P.M.
- B: We left for Europe very late.
- C: The train left on time.
- D: I left early because I hoped to arrive before noon.
22) Salimos para Europa muy tarde.
- A: They went out to buy the shoes. They went out to buy them.
- B: Did she rush out of her house and forgot her purse?
- C: She left without saying goodbye.
- D: We left for Europe very late.
23) ¿Salió deprisa de casa y olvidó la cartera?
- A: The flight did not leave at the scheduled time.
- B: Did she rush out of her house and forgot her purse?
- C: He left at 3 P.M.
- D: She left school at three o'clock.
24) La persona que salió de la oficina es el jefe.
- A: I left the meeting and I returned home.
- B: The person that left the office is the boss.
- C: You said that you left running.
- D: You left school early.
25) El vuelo no salió a la hora prevista.
- A: The little girl was afraid because her nose was bleeding.
- B: The train left on time.
- C: Some of my classmates appeared on TV this morning.
- D: The flight did not leave at the scheduled time.
26) Algunos de mis compañeros salieron por televisión hoy en la mañana.
- A: Some of my classmates appeared on TV this morning.
- B: The little girl was afraid because her nose was bleeding.
- C: We left for Europe very late.
- D: She left school at three o'clock.
27) Yo salí de la reunión y volví a casa.
- A: I left the meeting and I returned home.
- B: We left for Europe very late.
- C: They went out to buy the shoes. They went out to buy them.
- D: He left without saying goodbye.
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(continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: preterite_salir
Mark the sentence that matches each item below.
28) El tren salió a tiempo.
- A: The train left on time.
- B: The train left at six o'clock sharp.
- C: The party turned out just as we wanted.
- D: They went out to buy food. They went out to buy it.
29) Ellos salieron a comprar los alimentos. Ellos salieron a comprarlos.
- A: We left the house late this morning.
- B: The little girl was afraid because her nose was bleeding.
- C: It was one o’clock when we went to have lunch.
- D: They went out to buy food. They went out to buy it.
30) Llorando salió del cuarto.
- A: She left the room crying.
- B: The little girl was afraid because her nose was bleeding.
- C: It was one o’clock when we went to have lunch.
- D: She left without saying goodbye.
31) La fiesta salió tal como queríamos.
- A: The little girl was afraid because her nose was bleeding.
- B: I went out with your very tall friend.
- C: The woman who left the church is Susana.
- D: The party turned out just as we wanted.
32) Salió de la casa no obstante su enfermedad.
- A: We left the house late this morning.
- B: The matador left through the main door.
- C: The person that left the office is the boss.
- D: He left the house in spite of his illness.
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Answer Key for Worksheet c3e18
Sentence Match Quiz starting on page 1
1 = C , 2 = D , 3 = A , 4 = A , 5 = A , 6 = D , 7 = A , 8 = A , 9 = D , 10 = D , 11 = D , 12 = A , 13 = C , 14 = A , 15 = A , 16 = C ,
17 = A , 18 = D , 19 = B , 20 = C , 21 = A , 22 = D , 23 = B , 24 = B , 25 = D , 26 = A , 27 = A , 28 = A , 29 = D , 30 = A , 31 =
D , 32 = D
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