CENTRAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION NATIONAL CENTRAL BUREAU-INDIA INTERPOL-NEW DELHI 5-B, 6th Floor, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003 Tel: 011-24365419, Fax : 011-24364070 E-mail : [email protected] Sub: New composition of the Commission for the Control of INTERPO's Fileone vacant post This NCB has received a circular dated 28-04-2015 from the Secretariat to the Commission for the Control of INTERPOL's File, France, the aim of the said circular is to ask member States to submit applications from experts with recognized international experience in police matters, who is the expert with recognized experience in police matters, particularly international police cooperation. The same was forwarded to MHA for further necessary action. In response, MHA directed CBI to obtain nomination, if any, from your organizations and nominate a suitable officer for the selection of the vacant post of CCF. In view of the above, it is requested to nominate a suitable officer, if any, for the said assignment from your organization and provide details to this NCB latest 15-08-2015 for onward transmission to IPSG otherwise, NIL report will be assumed. A copy of the same is sent herewith for information and further necessary action please. Enc: As above. •DV.SPR' femil6iD atec''' Assistant Di ector 1. The Director General, National Investigation Agency, 6 th and 7th Floor, NDCC-II Building, Jai Singh Road, New Delhi. 2. The Enforcement Director, Enforcement Directorate Headquarters, 6 th Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi. SP(HQ)/CBI with the request to circulate the message to all CBI branches for nominating a suitable officer for the said assignment and provide the details to this office latest 25-08-2015 for onward transmission to IPSG otherwise, NIL report will be assumed. 4. Interpol Liaison Officers of States /UTs CBI ID No.IP-16/1/2015/ Dated:-08-2015 •40. irtrrir-t, le — D. P. Pers-I, 20 ... une bonne connaissance des outils d'INTERPOL et des methodes de cooperation de l'Organisation ; une bonne maitrise de l'anglais ; l'exercice de fonctions operationnelles au niveau international ; une haute responsabilite de police dans leur pays. En outre, it est rappele que : les candidats au poste vise ci-dessus doivent etre ressortissants d'un Etat membre de l'Organisation ; les membres de la Commission ne sont pas remuneres, cependant l'Organisation prend en charge les frais de voyage et de sejour occasionnes par la participation aux sessions de la Commission qui se tiennent trois ou quatre fois par an sur deux ou trois jours chacune ; une certaine disponibilite des candidats est donc requise ; les personnalites composant la Commission de Controle des Fichiers doivent etre notoirement reconnues comme jouissant d'une totale independance personnelle. Dans l'exercice de leur mandat de membre de la Commission, ils ne representent ni le BCN, ni leur administration, ni leur pays. La presentation dune candidature implique que le candidat accepte sa designation comme membre de la Commission et reconnait pouvoir exercer son mandat en toute independance. Pour le present appel de candidatures, it est recommande que les Bureaux centraux nationaux s'adressent aux instances gouvernementales competentes de leurs Etats. Nous vous serions obliges de faire parvenir vos candidatures a la Commission de controle des fichiers, au plus tard le 31 ao0t 2015. Vos reponses peuvent etre adressees soit - par fax : +33 / - par e-mail via le reseau 1-24/7: ccf®Rs.igcs.int D'avance, nous vous remercions de votre cooperation. Le Secretariat de la Commission de Controle des Fichiers d'INTERPOL P.1 :formulaire pour transmission des candidatures ENGLISH VERSION Our reference: CCF/92/3.1.3/c990.15 Subject: New composition of the Commission for the Control of INTERPOL's Files: one vacant post Article 2 of the Rules on the Control of Information and Access to INTERPOL's Files (RCI) provides that the Commission for the Control of INTERPOL's Files "shall comprise five members, appointed because of their expertise and in such a way as to allow the Commission to carry out its mission completely independently ... [including] an expert with recognized international experience in police matters, in particular international police cooperation". Mr Ufuk Yavu4 (Assistant Director of the Turkish National Police), who was appointed by the General Assembly on 11 November 2013 as the CCF's expert with recognized international experience in police matters, resigned at the end of 2014. 2 On 5 March 2015, at its 184th session, the Executive Committee appointed Ms Aminata Kane (Director of the Mali Police) to temporarily replace Mr Yavuz pending the next General Assembly session, in conformity with Article 3(d) of the F. The aim of the present circular is to ask Member States to submit applications from experts with recognized international experience in police matters. In application of Article 2(b) of the RCI, this expert "shall be appointed by the General Assembly from amongst the candidates put forward by Member States and selected by the Executive Committee". The appointed expert will serve for the remainder of the term of office, that is until 10 November 2016. Applications must include all information allowing the candidates' expertise and experience to be assessed, including their recognized international experience in police matters, in particular international police cooperation. Additional assets will be: - Sound knowledge of INTERPOL's tools and the Organization's cooperation methods; - Good command of English; - Performance of operational functions at international level; I - A high-ranking position in their country's police. It should also be remembered that: - Candidates for the post mentioned above must be nationals of an INTERPOL Member State. - The members of the CCF are not paid. However, the Organization will cover the travel and accommodation costs incurred by attending CCF sessions, which are held three or four times a year, each lasting two days. A certain degree of availability is therefore expected of candidates. - Members of the Commission for the Control of INTERPOL's Files must be recognized as being totally independent. While serving their term of office on the Commission, they will represent neither the NCBs, nor their administrations, nor their countries. In submitting an application, the candidate agrees to be appointed as a member of the CCF and acknowledges that he/she will be able to perform his/her duties in complete independence. It is recommended that National Central Bureaus approach their appropriate government authorities in connection with this request for candidates for the CCF. Please submit your applications to the CCF no later than 31 August 2015. Please send your replies by: - fax to: +33/ or - e-mail via 1-24/7 to: [email protected]. We thank you in advance for your cooperation. Secretariat for the Commission for the Control of INTERPOL's Files End.: Application Forin 3 VERSI I ESPAROLA N/Referencia : CCF/92/3.1.3/c990.15 Asunto: Nueva composition de la Comision de Control de los Ficheros de la OIPC-INTERPOL: Provision de un puesto vacante El articulo 2 del Reglamento sobre el Control de la Information y el Acceso a los Ficheros de INTERPOL, en adelante denominado "Reglamento de Control", establece que la Comision de Control de los Ficheros (CCF) de INTERPOL "estara compuesta por cinco miembros, designados en razor, de sus conocimientos especializados y de modo que permitan a (a Comision ejercer su mision con total independencia (....) [entre ellos] un experto de reconocida experiencia internacional en la esfera policial, y en particular en el ambito de la cooperacion policial internacional". Et Sr. YAVUZ (Subdirector de la Policia Nacional de Turquia), designado como miembro de la CCF por la Asamblea General el 11 de noviembre de 2013, en calidad de experto de reconocida experiencia internacional en el ambito policial, dimitio a finales del afio 2014 De conformidad con el articulo 3 d) del Reglamento de Control, el 5 de marzo de 2015 el Comite Ejecutivo, en su 184a reunion, designo a la Sra. KANE (Directora de la Policia Judicial de Mali) como sustituta temporal del Sr. YAVUZ, en espera de la proxima reunion de la Asamblea General. Et objeto de la presente circular es conseguir que los Estados miembros presenten candidaturas de expertos de reconocida experiencia internacional en el ambito de la cooperacion policial. SegUn to establecido en el articulo 2 b) del Reglamento de Control, la Asamblea General designara a dicho experto "entre los candidatos presentados por los Estados miembros y que hayan sido seleccionados por el Comite Ejecutivo". El experto asi designado formara parte de la Comision hasta que finalice el resto del mandato, es decir, hasta el 10 de noviembre de 2016. En las candidaturas se incluiran todos los datos que permitan comprobar los conocimientos especializados y la reconocida experiencia internacional en el ambito policial de los candidatos, en particular en el ambito de la cooperacion policial internacional. Se considerara una ventaja suplementaria: poseer un buen conocimiento de las herramientas de INTERPOL y de los metodos de cooperacion de la organizaciOn policial; dominar el ingles; - ejercer funciones operativas a escala internacional; - ocupar un puesto de alta responsabilidad policial en su pais. Adernas, les recordamos que: Los candidatos al cargo mencionado deberan tener la nacionalidad de uno de los Estados miembros de la Organización. Los miembros de la Comision no reciben remuneration alguna, pero la Organization se hare cargo de los gastos de viaje y estancia ocasionados por la participacion en las reuniones de la Comision, que se ce(ebran tres o cuatro veces al ano y tienen una duration de dos o tres dias cada una, por lo que se requiere cierta disponibilidad por parte de los candidatos. Las personalidades que integran la Comision de Control de los Ficheros deben gozar de una absoluta independencia personal ampliamente reconocida. Durante el ejercicio de su mandato como miembro de dicha 4 Comision no representan ni a su Oficina Central Nacional, ni a sus administraciones nacionales, ni a sus paises. La presentaciOn de una candidatura implica que el candidato acepta su designacion como miembro de la Comision y reconoce que puede ejercer su mandato con toda independencia. Para esta presentacion de candidaturas se recomienda a las Oficinas Centrales Nacionales que se dirijan a las instancias gubernamentales competentes de sus respectivos paises. Les agradeceremos envien sus candidaturas a la Comision de Control de los Ficheros no mas tarde del 31 de agosto de 2015. Pueden remitir sus candidaturas: - por fax: +33 / - por e-mail, a tray& de la red 1-24/7: ccf®gs.igcs.int Agradeciendo de antemano su cooperacion, les saluda atentamente, La Secretaria de la Comision de Control de los Ficheros de INTERPOL Anexo : Formulario para el envio de candidaturas CCF/92/3.1.3/c990.15 :Lit..1774 -100 - vl Ls L` " ;L! tiji Lia3 "La () ~s" .~`U 4-11 Lsit- ;413)1 11-4-AG1 efr.40,14j :(Jyj-4I) JL r,_#.12;" :(c)j_ii.;)1 1):171-U ciL41 c—ij..stw Jw [42,11> j Lc] 6..) JL...414,5 JJI .24Li_711 r11:6 L:r. (. )3 ;ALI ,...9 :3.7.1y) 444, j Le Lsts- 11-!Ujila:•-4, 4) 5 '14 ( LA 01 ;L;La;II..46-,43 012 "La ) ‘131-5.- Le ;184 JI j l.t4.11 k4 1.; )I j_itJI r41.."s 42014 c.ls. j_ihj 4(Z.SJ-JI a )la rl 42013 j!...-ky..14. 12J1,..):,.)-tj 11 L',3 L5:,A LA4-i 112:31 L.yia 2 ;LLI Ly2:3 c(),4J-41 c51!)-2-. i 4L-.4.P - : 42015 Lri)L. / J 6-1 5 4;LALell 11.4.11 LsipjiJJ1jy.,,a.-1 L112L.,—,.._,:i1a1L.)10.3.tt a,U)1 rUL■ 5 4 jo (u)2 .2016 11-45.)cjtj..t.j 10 0 54.-..:5 L;.111-41,11,1 04,..";t:11 ;L4,31Lia31,„:4_1 JL.41A..).5.111 (,)c . &jjJ,11 Lsivy.fzil ,Ly.--,!_k1.1 rlyl of j_.‹...tyi c;4..1z;.11 0_,LeJ IjyAl uli)t4 ; — *)11 '&01 Lsip — a15....J1;_;+,,-c L55.:—.1.1:1_,%3) : cs.L!lA ji 41.1;,1.1 c3 ;.L,a.c.tD 45-01 Li;T 1,511.1 t-tib.P c3 .4.t.:--- 11,4--4,-;10 4IL:=2-Pf Ja,rL.j4L<:,* l÷ijts Lsipa .1;:11 3.<1 LL:it-! , L./.1- 1.1L±,U:) COJ • JS~L t 1.L1it L').‘.,4y ;AL,ZA!_)t it ,L'V). c‘1,U.14 r1-;4 11L.51P (:)1 - c41,j31 .L.,,J1i.411.4...J3.1_,L kAt.f. j u 4j1S aL 3t4 _Aj aY,.1 a-L.)1 0116 1.4 0 L .2015 jta.2L..)t 31 LALait alga c3 jy}41 IL-47 cJi cs'7)49 +33 / • J._roc, it • ccf@gsigcsint :1-24/7 L) , Lsis. jyy-6'),1 1 ulliy a~L5ip 6 Ref.: CCF/91/3.1/d323 (-7)1/ Term of office as member of CCF — Form 22/04/2015 Application Form Term of office as Member of the Commission for the Control of INTERPOL's Files (November 2015 - 10 November 2016) Expert in international police cooperation Personal data Family name: Forename(s): Date of birth: Place of birth (dd/mm/yyyy) Town/City: Country: Current nationality: Other nationality or nationalities: Postal address Number and street name: Postcode: Town/City: Country: Telephone number: Mobile telephone number: Fax number: E-mail address: Education Give full details of your education and training, starting with the most recent. Give the exact name of the institution and title of degree in the original language. Do not include primary/secondary school education if you have a university degree or equivalent diploma. YearEstablishmentDegree obtainedMain field(s) (name, place) Page 1/2 Ref.: CCF/91/3.1/d323 Term of office as member of CCF — Form 22/04/2015 Language skills /';,) Mother tongue: For languages other than mother tongue, enter the appropriate letter from the coding below to indicate the level of your knowledge. AProfessional fluency: Able to converse actively at high level of fluency and prepare reports and papers. BWorking knowledge: Able to follow work-related discussions, use the telephone, and understand documents — grammar may be uncertain. CLimited knowledge: Able to understand simple conversations and written texts. Language Understanding Oral Reading Writing French English Spanish Arabic Other(s): University work Please indicate any university publications and any other university projects completed and/or practical previous experience, giving full details of the tasks assigned to you. Professional Experience Employment periods (List positions held in reverse chronological order) Duties/Employers/Description of tasks and responsibilities Submitted by NCB: (specify) Date: (dd/rpm/yyyy) Page 2/2 °Irtr NCE New Delhi From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: 'TA 9 Li CCF <[email protected]> Tuesday, April 28, 2015 7:52 PM ZONE IPCQ Recomposition de la Commission de controle - New composition of the Commission for the Control - Nueva composicion de la Comision de Control [For official use] F FORMULAIRE CANDIDATURE CCF.doc; S FORMULARIOS CANDIDATOS CCF.DOC; A FORM RECOMPOSITION CCF.doc; E FORM RECOMPOSITION CCF .doc mk Follow up Flagged iPCU Dy. Month I •• 0.4.2. 0 1 5 Confidentiality Level : INTERPOL For official use only VEUILLEZ TROUVER CI-DESSOUS UN MESSAGE EN LANGUES FRANCAISE (original), ANGLAISE, ESPAGNOLE et ARABE. PLEASE FIND BELOW THE FRENCH (original), ENGLISH, SPANISH AND ARABIC VERSIONS OF THE MESSAGE. A CONTINUACION ENCONTRARAN LAS VERSIONES DEL MENSAJE, EN FRANCES (original), INGLES, ESPAROL Y ARABE. 4' L`~')/_11 4- 1(1 )/./15/1 71-'1./) 41L-VL. 4) VERSION FRANCAISE N/References : CCF/92/3.1.3/c990.15 Objet : Recomposition de la Commission de controle des fichiers de l'O.I.P.C.-INTERPOL : un siege a pourvoir L'article 2 du Reglement relatif au controle des informations et a l'acces aux fichiers d'INTERPOL, ci-apres appele « RCI prevoit que la Commission de controle des fichiers de l'O.I.P.C.-INTERPOL: « compte cinq membres designes en raison de leur expertise et de fawn a permettre a la Commission d'exercer ses missions en toute independance (...) (dont] un expert reconnu pour son experience internationale dans le domaine de la police, en particulier de cooperation policiere internationale ». Mr Ufuk YAVUZ (Directeur adjoint de la Police nationale turque), designe par l'Assemblee generale le 11 Novembre 2013 comme membre de la CCF, expert reconnu pour son experience internationale dans le domaine de la police, a demissionne en fin d'annee 2014. Le 5 mars 2015, le Comite Executif tors de sa 184 eme session, a designe Mme Aminata KANE (Directrice de la Police judiciaire du Mali) comme remplacante temporaire de Mr YAVUZ en attendant la prochaine Assemblee generale, conformement a ['article 3d du RCI. Le but de la prtesente circulaire est d'obtenir de la part des Etats membres des candidatures d'experts reconnus pour leur experience internationale dans le domaine de la police. Suivant, ['article 2b du RCI, cet expert sera design& par l'Assemblee generale, parmi les candidatures transmises par les Etats membres et selectionnees par le Comite executif ». L'expert ainsi designe siegera au sein de la Commission pour la duree du mandat restant a courir, soit jusqu'au 10 novembre 2016. Les candidatures doivent comporter tour les renseignements permettant d'apprecier ['expertise et ['experience des candidats et notamment leur experience internationale reconnue dans le domaine de la police, en particulier de cooperation policiere internationale.+ Constituent des atouts supplementaires : 1