PROGRAMA IB Lenguaje B Español Asignación de Verano Sra. Cándida Thompson REMIND Sign up for my IB Spanish 2 messages: TEXT – 706-621-7105 ENTER- @c4a888 I Comunicación y prensa A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. Publicidad Publicitario, propaganda, publicar, reclamo, noticia, anuncio, aviso, cine, correo, revistas, letreros, circulares, cartel, letrero, transmitir, difundir Prejuicio en la prensa Aprensión, prejuicio, opinión, injusticia, obstinación, terco, intransigente, duda, absurdo, sospecha, temor Censura Red Correo Prensa Radio y televisión Sensacionalismo en la prensa Teléfono II Asuntos Globales A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. Drogas Reservas de energía Agua y comida Calentamiento global, cambios de clima, desastres naturales Mundialización, globalización Economía internacional Migración (urbano, rural, internacional) Pobreza y hambre Racismo, prejuicio, discriminación El efecto del hombre en la naturaleza El ambiente y la sostenibilidad F. G. H. I. J. Diversidad de idioma Migración Subculturas Conceptos de belleza humana Comunicación verbal y no verbal V Costumbres y tradiciones A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Celebraciones, eventos sociales y religiosos Vestuario, uniformes Etiqueta y protocolo Moda Comida Eventos Históricos Trajes típicos nacionales Las artes VI Salud A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. Conceptos de belleza y salud Dieta y nutrición Abuso de drogas Epidemias Servicios de salud Higiene Enfermedades, síntomas Salud mental Ejercicio físico Cirugía Medicina tradicional y alternativa VII Ocio III Relaciones Sociales A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. Eventos sociales y religiosos, celebraciones Sistema educativo Lenguaje y identidad cultural Dominio lingüístico Minorías Multilingüismo Nacionalismo, patriotismo fanatismo Relaciones(amigos, trabajo, familia) Estructuras políticas y sociales Comportamientos sociales y posiciones Tabúes versus lo que es aceptable IV Diversidad Cultural A. B. C. D. E. Creencias, valores y normas Herencia cultural Como se aprende una cultura Asimilación cultural Influencia intralingüística A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Entretenimiento Exhibiciones y espectáculos Juegos Pasatiempos Recreación Interacción social por medio de ocio Deportes Viajes VIII Ciencia y tecnología A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Entretenimiento Ética y ciencia Ética y tecnología Impacto de la información tecnológica en la sociedad Ciencias naturales Energía renovable Investigación científica Ciencias sociales These are the IB themes you will be responsible for your IB Assessment. You will have to know how to speak, read and interpret and write about these topics. This is your IB ASSESSMENT OUTLINE for Standard level: EXTERNAL ASSESSMENT: Paper I: 70% 25% (1 hr and 30 min) This consists of 4 Reading texts with Comprehension questions based on themes I-III (Core themes). Paper II: 25% (1 hr and 30 min) A writing exercise of 250-400 words from a choice of five, based on the options. Written Assignment 20% Intertextual Reading followed by a written exercise of 300-400 words plus a 200 word rationale, based on the core themes. INTERNAL ASSESSMENT: Individual Oral 30% 20% Based on the options: 15 minutes preparation and a 10 minute presentation and discussion with teacher. Interactive Oral Activity Based on the Core: Three classroom activities assessed by the teacher. 10% IB Summer Assignments Part I: LEARN this vocabulary! Expect a quiz during the first week of school! You should know how to classify this vocabulary and which are core themes and option themes as well as meanings. For example: What are the core themes? The optional themes? PART II: A. Keep a one week (5 entries; 100 words per day) Journal in Spanish. Also to turn in on the first day of school! B. Prepare a digital presentation of ONLY pictures of your summer vacation. This will be your first oral presentation for the year. You will have to explain your presentation in Spanish to the class. Only an index card with five sentences or terms will be allowed. THESE ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE YOUR FIRST GRADES FOR THE YEAR. JOURNAL GUIDELINES Spanish IB Sra. Thompson You will use clean loose leaf paper for your journal. The journal will be collected on the first day of the next school year. ALL five entries must be turned in and are to be stapled together. Neatness counts, if they are illegible they will not be graded. NO ROUGH DRAFTS! 1) Notation: Write the date and journal entry # for each time you write an entry. Use blue or black ink when you write in your journal. Use double space (skip a line). 2) Content: Always use Spanish. Use interesting vocabulary and grammar. Write freely not worrying about how many words on your first draft. Do not repeat words frequently. Check spelling and accents DO NOT USE TRANSLATORS! 3) Edit: Edit your entry for unforgivable errors which include the following: a) subject-verb agreement b) accents due to change of meaning (el jugo vs. él jugó) c) noun-adjective agreement d) spelling e) ser vs. estar f) verbs like “gustar” g) personal “a” Entries must be at least 100 words in length. The following words do not count as part of the word count: proper names, articles, conjunctions like “y”. It is recommended that you write more than 100 words to make sure you meet these requirements. Once you finish writing the entry, note the following numbers: a) Word count at the end of each line b) Point where you wrote word #100 c) Grand total at the bottom of the page