(Airport of Barajas) to the student- residence hall San Agustín

Instructions to go from the Airport of Madrid (Airport of Barajas) to the studentresidence hall San Agustín:
When you arrive to the Airport of Madrid, you can take three options to get to the
student-residence hall San Agustín:
1. You can take a taxi from the Airport. This is an option you can take if you come
with a lot of luggage. It can cost you, with the Airport´s supplement –
approximately- 25 Euros. Therefore, if that is not the case, we recommend you to
take one of the two other options, specially the one concerning the underground.
2. In the Airport, and this is the option we recommend you, you can take the
underground, Line 8 (colour pink), direction Nuevos Ministerios, and get down in
this stop, Nuevos Ministerios (it is the last one of this line). In Nuevos Ministerios,
you can connect with Line 6 (grey colour), which is a circular line. You must get to
the stop called Ciudad Universitaria (it’s the third stop from Nuevos Ministerios).
(See the underground-map of Madrid we offer you in pdf format).
When you get to Ciudad Universitaria, you will come out to an avenue named
Avenida de Complutense. Walk 1 more minute till Plaza de Cardenal Cisneros (see
map below of the University city). Then take the road leading to the Colegio Mayor
San Agustín. The address of the student-residence hall is Avenida de Séneca nº 7,
but you will arrive quicker if you go round the sport grounds of the university
(Instalaciones Deportivas UCM), which is the road called Obispo Trejo. On your
left you will find the student-residence hall.
3. The third option to reach the student-residence hall is by taking a bus from the
Airport. When you reach the Airport of Barajas, you can take bus nº 86 (blue bus)
that will take you to plaza de Colón. Bus nº 86 runs each 10-20 minutes between
4.45 am and 2.00 am. The fare of the ticket is 50 cents of Euro. When you reach
plaza de Colón, take the underground, Line 4 (brown colour), direction to Argüelles
(it is the last stop). Get down and take Line 6 of the underground (grey colour), and
in two more stops you will be in Ciudad Universitaria, where you must get down.
Follow the above instructions to reach the student-residence hall.