Third Grade Math Assurance Words These are the KEY math vocabulary words that Third Grade Students need to have mastered by the end of their third year. Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 3 Objective 4 English Remainder Numerator Denominator Quotient Product Equivalent Thousands Ten Thousands Hundred Thousands Rounding Reasonable Angles Reflection Rotation Translation Perimeter Area Capacity Cup Pint Quart Gallon Meter Centimeter Liter Milliliter Kilogram Gram Spanish Residuo Numerador Denominador Cociente Producto Equivalente Millares Decenas de millar Centenas de millar Redondear Razonable Angulos Reflexion Rotacion Traslacion Peimetro Area Capacidad Taza Pinta Cuato Galon Metro Centimetro Litro Mililitro Kilogramo Gramo