Distr. General
28 October 2011
Bergen, 17-18 November 2011
Agenda Item 19.4
(Prepared by the Secretariat)
This document contains a list of those Scientific Councillors which participated in the
questionnaire-based survey of Scientific Council expertise (see UNEP/CMS/ScC17/Doc.6)
and those publications and reports which were submitted as part of the survey. The
publications concern a broad field of species migration and cross-cutting issues that are
relevant to CMS of the Scientific Councillors (see Annex 2). The list was developed based on
responses submitted by Scientific Councillors to the questionnaires analyzing the diverse
knowledge and experience possessed by the Council (see Annex 1).
It should be noted that Annex 2 includes the responses of Councillors as they were
submitted to the Secretariat. Furthermore, it should be recognized that the list is not a
thorough list of publications by Scientific Councillor nor are all Councillors represented as
only those who submitted completed questionnaires (45 Councillors, see
UNEP/CMS/ScC17/Doc.6 for details) are included.
For reasons of economy, documents are printed in a limited number, and will not be distributed at the meeting.
Delegates are kindly requested to bring their copy to the meeting and not to request additional copies.
Annex 1: List of Scientific Councillors which participated in the survey
Explanation on the expertise in the identified taxonomic group/ habitats of expertise
Mr Barry Baker
Barry Baker worked for 25 years with the Commonwealth Department of Environment where he gained extensive experience with wildlife management issues. He is a
specialist in the management of threatened species of vertebrates, particularly birds and mammals. His work over the last 20 years has focused on development and
implementation of recovery plans for threatened species, threat abatement plans for key threatening processes, and wildlife management plans to resolve
wildlife/human interactions, including harvest of native wildlife.
Barry has extensive experience in issues relating to population status, distribution and threats to a diverse range of threatened species including albatrosses and
petrels, koalas, kangaroos, turtles, dugongs, flying foxes and seals. Since establishing Latitude 42 he has continued to work on threatened species as a consultant to
Commonwealth and State government departments. Recent projects have included development of survey programs for seals in the sub Antarctic, demographic
analyses and modelling of threatened bird populations, evaluation of the effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas in the conservation of albatrosses, and coordinating
a long-term seabird monitoring program in National Nature Reserves in the Coral Sea.
Mr Ian Karika
Cook Islands
1999 – 2010: Manager - Takitumu Conservation Area, Rarotonga. Involving the implementation of Kakerori Recovery Programme. (Pomeria dimidiata)
2006: Monitoring of the breeding cycle Mangaia Kingfisher (Halcyon ruficollaris)
2007: Assistant for Strategy to eradicate Myna bird (Acridotheres tritis)
1999 -2003: Councillor – Rarotonga Environment Council.
2003 – 2010: Chairman – Rarotonga Environment Authority.
2006 – 2010: President – Te Ipukarea Society (Environmental NGO).Delegate for Cook Islands Birdlife International (Pacific Region)
Mr José Joaquín
Costa Rica
Varios años trabajando en conjunto con los investigadores de la Universidades de Costa Rica, Nacional y Tecnológico de Costa Rica y con las diferentes ONG´s en
monitoreo de tortugas marinas y aves en humedales
Mr Tomas Herrera
Desde 1980 he participado en proyectos de investigación que abordan taxonomía, ecología de poblaciones y comportamiento en especies de aves y reptiles del
Caribe, campañas de observación y anillamiento de aves migratorias. Impartí durante 10 años (1983-1993) la asignatura: Sistemática y Ecología de Vertebrados en
una Universidad Pedagógica. He asesorado tesis universitarias de pregrado y postgrado, y actuado como oponente en múltiples estudios. Durante 2 años (1997,
1998) fungí como autoridad administrativa CITES de Cuba. Soy miembro del grupo nacional de diversidad biológica; he participado en la elaboración de los informes
de país a la CBD. Trabajo actualmente en un proyecto de evaluación del comportamiento animal para uso en un sistema de alerta temprana de sismos.
Tengo experiencia en la actividad regulatoria ambiental y en evaluación de impacto ambiental, en particular en biodiversidad.
También tengo experiencia en manejo, mantenimiento y reproducción en cautiverio con vertebrados cubanos y mamíferos terrestres africanos. Fui Director del
Parque Zoológico Nacional de Cuba (2000-2008), representante de Cuba ante la Asociación Latinoamericana de Parque Zoológicos Acuarios y Afines. Coordinador
(2000-2008) de un Diplomado Internacional de Manejo de Fauna Silvestre en Cautiverio, donde además impartí la asignatura Ecología y Conservación. Soy
vicepresidente primero de la Asociación de Zoológicos y Acuarios de Cuba. Director de la Revista científica CUBAZOO (2000-2008).
Dr Fernando Spina
Experience in research and monitoring of bird migration; coordination of large-scale and long-term monitoring project based on ringing. Experience in experimental
field approach to stopover ecology and physiology as well as habitat use of migrants. Experience in the organisation of networks of volunteers and centralised
databases. Use of large sets of data for monitoring phenology of migration and seasonal species distribution. Experience in applied research for the application of
international and national legal instruments for conservation and management of bird populations.
I’ve been involved and still am in research on different wetland species; I coordinate a large-scale project based on monitoring of bird migration on Mediterranean
islands as well as coastal sites with scrubland. I co-ordinate a large-scale project on autumn bird migration across the Alps.
Explanation on the expertise in the identified taxonomic group/ habitats of expertise
Ms Humbulani
South Africa
A trained Molecular biologist with knowledge across the taxas. Has worked in the government of South Africa since 2004 as one in charge of conservation
management including migratory species. Other duties are to ensure the achievement of norms and standards of biodiversity management for the species.
Mr Kahsay
The Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority (EWCA) for which I have been working for a couple of decades has taken considerable measures towards assessing
the existing population of larger mammals. In the process, I have learned that the antelopes located in the northeastern and eastern parts of the country require
concerted conservation endeavours. The antelopes include Dorcas and Sommerring’s Gazelle as well as the rare Dibatag.
Besides, the Wild ass is among equid spp. that need to be rendered global attention. As a leader of the larger carnivores conservation group at national level, I also
imagine concerted endeavours have to be put in place in order to rescue the remnant population of Cheetah.
On the other side of the country, the movement of plenty of herds of White eared kob has brought the attention of conservation partners since the recent past. It has
been conformed that over eight hundred thousands of white eared Kobs are moving between South Sudan and Gambella (Southwestern Ethiopia). As a result, it has
been named as the “second Massai Mara”. EWCA, in collaboration with its partners including the South Sudan Administration has put considerable efforts on the
ground and it would be very much appreciated if CMS takes part in the process and further strengthens the existing endeavours.
Mr Jean-Philippe
Je suis secrétaire général de la Société d’Etude Ornithologique de France.
J’ai publié plus de 200 articles concernant ce sujet.
Je suis membre du groupe de réflexion sur les zones humides au niveau français et travaille sur ces questions depuis de nombreuses années.
Je travaille également depuis plus de 25 ans sur la réhabilitation écologiques des sites d’exploitation de matériaux alluvionnaires (gravel and sandpits), notamment en
faveur de l’avifaune.
Professor Zurab
Dr Attilla Bankovics
I am familiar with all terrestrial vertebrates in Europe and deal also with birds in South America and SE Asia. For all habitats except savannah, I have experience in
Europe; and for savannah in South America.
Dr Samuel Kasiki
Some taxonomic experience based on my University education. For habitat experience, I have trained in Ecology and Conservation Biology
Mr Abdellah El
Dr Adriaan
My main expertise is in commercially exploited fish species and fish species in temperate Atlantic waters. However, I can draw on the expertise of my colleagues at
IMARES and Wageningen University who have research experience in inland waters of Africa and inland and marine waters in southeast Asia (Indonesia and
Vietnam). Along the same lines, I can draw upon the expertise of my marine mammal and marine bird colleagues.
For habtiats, I have sound knowledge on marine ecology/ biology of continental shelfs and some knowledge on open ocean systems and sea mounts ecology.
Dr Askar
Dr James Williams
United Kingdom
PhD in bird acoustics
Mr Umeed Khalid
I have worked for survey/census of waterbirds, mainly waterfowl. I also undertook surveys of Phasianida and Houbara bustard. As regards mammals, I undertook
population assessment of ungulates like Urial .I have been involved in population assessment of River dolphin
Explanation on the expertise in the identified taxonomic group/ habitats of expertise
Dr Azwianewi
South Africa
I have been working on Seals and seabirds in South Africa and the sub Antarctic region at the Prince Edward Islands.
For habitats, I am familiar with sea cliffs and rocky offshore islands.
Ms Daliborka
I am interested in ecology of waterbirds such as grebes, herons and ducks. As a member of National IWC tem I am involved in water bird count since 2002. Moreover
as a head of National Ringing Scheme I am interested in migratory passerines, their ecology and migrating system and ringing recovery via their flyways.
Dr Peter Puchala
Mostly Passeriformes, Piciformes, Anseriformes, Ciconiiformes
I mainly work with broad policy matters concerning biological diversity, such as sustainable use, ecosystem management, landscape planning, wildlife management
Dr Torbjörn
Dr Kokul Kasirov
M. Tano Sombo
Cote d'Ivoire
Nous avons effectué un inventaire des mammifères terrestres en Côte d’Ivoire.
Une étude des Chiroptères nous a permis de dénombrer douze (12) espèces. Nous avons élaboré un projet sur les chauves-souris pour mettre en évidence leur
Les aires protégées de la Côte d’Ivoire sont situées dans deux (2) types d’habitat (la forêt et la savane). Toutes nos investigations sont effectuées dans domaine.
Nous avons été pendant longtemps les gestionnaires des aires protégées de ces écosystèmes.
Mr Daniel Blanco
Soy especialista en aves y en particular en aves playeras migratorias (chorlos y playeros), anátidos (cauquenes) y otras aves acuáticas migratorias.
1. División de Estadística de las Naciones Unidas: Composición de regiones macro geográficas (continental), subregiones geográficas, y económicas
seleccionadas otras agrupaciones. Disponible desde:
2. Estos países y territorios no estas clasificados por región según la División de Estadística de la ONU, si no de acuerdo con la ISO 3166 “Códigos para la
representación de nombres de países”
3. Lista Roja de la UICN de especies amenazadas: Habitats Classification Scheme (Versión 3.0). Disponible en:
Dr Donatien
Dr Jiri Flousek
Czech Republic
United Nations Statistics Division: Composition of Birds: European orders, esp. Passeriformes
Bats: European species
Habitats: Forest, Grassland, Wetlands (inland), Rocky areas, Caves (artificial)
Professor Branko
FYR of
I teach vertebrate taxonomy and ecology. Also I have dealt with butterflies and grasshoppers for the last 15 years; Also evaluation of natural ecosystems- the subject
which I teach too.
Mr John O' Sullivan
United Kingdom
I worked for 35 years in bird conservation, for the first 20 working on UK conservation issues, and for the last 15 working on international matters, including
representing BirdLife International to Ramsar, World Heritage and, most importantly, CMS and its bird-related daughter Agreements.
Most of my knowledge concerns the birds of these habitats (listed in questionnaire), the threats facing them, and conservation techniques for the habitats and the
individual bird species involved.
Explanation on the expertise in the identified taxonomic group/ habitats of expertise
Mr Damjan Vrček
I work a lot on management of European big carnivores (lynx, wolves and bears) in Slovenia. For successful and appropriate management one has to know also
migrating corridors within a country and between the countries, as we share populations with other Balkan countries. Slovenia is also connected to the Alps and is as
such important corridor for large carnivores to occupy the Alps again. To achieve these goals we are cooperating mostly with Croatia on how to achieve common
sustainable management plan.
Most of my working experiences are from these habitat types (listed in questionnaire).
Dr Muhammed
Habitats: Subtidal Rock and Rocky Reefs, Coral Reef, Seagrass (Submerged), Rocky Shoreline, Sandy Shoreline and/or Beaches, Sand Bars, Spits etc, Mud Flats
and Salt Flats, Mangrove Submerged Root, Sea Cliffs and Rocky Offshore Islands, Coastal Sand Dunes & Coastal Brackish/Saline Lagoons/Marine Lakes
Dr Andreas Krüß
Dr Jelena Kralj
I have studied birds in Croatia since 1992. The majority of my study was done on waterbirds (esp. Anatidae) and forest bird communities. I also analyze recoveries of
ringed birds, including migratory routes and timing of migration. I am one of the authors of Croatian Bird Red Data Book and coordinator of Croatian Rarity
Committee. I participated in the organization of bird monitoring scheme in Croatia, coordinated the National bird monitoring programme and I took part in monitoring of
different waterbirds, Corncrakes etc.
I mostly study birds of aquatic inland habitats (natural lakes and carp fishponds) and bird communities in different types of temperate forest habitats (from alluvial
deciduous to mixed and coniferous forests). However, some study was also taken in grasslands and Mediterranean shrub habitats.
Sra Cristina
Poseo una maestría en manejo de fauna Silvestre y acuática, trabajo en programas de conservación de aves, especialmente loros y aves acuáticas. Otras áreas de
trabajo son programas de manejo sostenible de peces y reptiles.
Hábitats: Trabajo en programas de conservación de aves de sabanas y pastizales en las Ecorregiones Chaco húmedo, bosques y matorrales del Chaco seco,
bosques del Bosque Atlántico Interior y humedales en general. He coordinado un proyecto de conservación de aves acuáticas en las Américas, Centroamérica, el
Caribe y Sudamérica con BirdLife International. Actualmente coordino un proyecto de manejo sostenible de peces en Paraguay, como parte de un programa de la
cuenca del plat.
Dr Victor Pulido
Aves acuáticas, aves de desierto
Dr Eliezer
I did research on behavioural ecology and on conservation biology of the above mentioned groups.
Most of the natural habitats in Israel are desert or Mediterranean, so there was my main research.
Dr Mark Desholm
My research fields have mainly been focused on the migration of birds. Especially the interaction with man-made structures (I did a PhD in wind farm related mortality
in birds migrating over the sea) and birds on migration has been my focus. My main tools have been radar and thermal imaging (infrared) and also modelling. In
recent years my interest has broaden to also include migrating insects and bats – so in general all migrating organisms have my attention.
Dr Sergey Yerokhov
1971-2008. - Scientific specialist, senior scientific specialist, and head (1989-1994; 2007-2008) of the Laboratory of Ornithology, Institute of Zoology of Kazakh
Academy of Science. Masters Degree for avifauna of the artificial wetlands (1986). The annual field research work on the key sites of the main flyways of different
group of migratory birds, numerous and rare species, waterfowl especially. The main research work subjects for this period: seasonal migrations, flyways and
geographical connections, populations dynamic, demography, survival and mortality of birds. The total number of publications for this period – 175.
In addition for the fundamental subjects of Ornithology, some of the Projects for migratory birds conservation, management and other expertal activities was done:
1995 – 1997. “The Houbara bustard (Chlamidotys undulate) biology and conservation in Kazakhstan” The Project of the Kazakhstan Republic & Arabian Emirates
Governments. Scientific-technical expert. Annual field work on the desert areas of Kazakhstan.
Explanation on the expertise in the identified taxonomic group/ habitats of expertise
1997- to present - National co-ordinator of the monitoring-research work of the Global endangered Lesser White-fronted Goose (Anser erythropus) and ReadBreasted Goose (Branta ruficollis) autumn migration on the North-Western Kazakhstan. Reports, presentations and publications preparing.
1998 – 2007. National biodiversity expert and manager for the Government of Kazakhstan/GEF-UNDP full-scale Project “Integrated Conservation of Priority Globally
Significant Migratory Bird Wetland Habitat: A Demonstration on Three Sites” – By the co-operation with the international GEF-experts: Project Document developing,
preparing, confirmation and implementation.
2001-2005. National technical-scientific coordinator for Kazakhstan Government/ GEF-UNEP full scale Project for Russia, China, Kazakhstan and Islamic Republic of
Iran: “Development of a Wetland Site and Flyway Network for Conservation of the Siberian Crane and other Waterbirds in Asia”.
1995-2005 – National Delegate from Kazakhstan Republic to Wetlands International
2004-2008 “Important Birds Areas of Kazakhstan” Program participant.
1997 to present International Goose Specialist Group of Wetlands International member.
2009 to present National expert for the Lesser White-fronted Goose National Working Group in Kazakhstan Republic.
2005 to present – National expert for game waterfowl
During of my ornithological practice I worked on the main types of bird habitats in Kazakhstan, which are located in different geographical zones: 1971-1975 I study
the birds migration on the mountain areas – Chockpak Pass on the Tian-Shan Mountain system. At period 1976-1995 I study the waterbirds group and worked on the
main wetland habitats on the Western, Central, And Southern and Eastern Kazakhstan. And, beginning from 1995 to present, in addition of my continue to study
waterfowls in various regions of Kazakhstan, I make regular ornithological expeditions to desert and forest-steppe and mountain zones, where, except the
waterbirds, I studying also the birds of terrestrial, forest and rocky types of habitats.
On the other hand, my regular t contacts with the colleagues-ornithologists who are studying birds in the all types of habitats of Kazakhstan, my regular viewing of
the published information, reports and reports, expert work, give me the chance to have objective idea about a condition of the majority of different populations and
groups of migrating birds of Kazakhstan.
Dr Alexander
Dr Anatolii Poluda
Refer to Publications
Migration birds in Ukraine (visible observation, ringing).
Aquatic Warbler (monitoring breeding population in Ukraine, migrations of birds of Ukrainian population).
1.4 Temperate Forest – investigation of ecology of forest birds.
4.4. Temperate Grassland; 5.4. Bogs, Marshes, Swamps, Fens, Peat lands – investigation of ecology of marsh birds (including Aquatic Warbler); restoration of mires,
peat lands.
Mr Øystein
Lic Jorge Ulises
Mainly Eurobats work Birds: Author of books and articles
Manejo de Especies de tortugas marinas, con comunidades costeras, manejo de sitios de anidamiento,etc. Legilslación a nivel nacional contra el trafico de especies
silvestres, principalmente aves, mamíferos terrestres y tortugas marinas.
Hábitats: Experiencia en manglares tropicales y en bosque tropical húmedo.
Mr Barirega
I appreciate the following in regard to terrestrial mammals and Wildlife Conservation in general:- Ecology, Ethology, Health Management, Protected Area
Management, Community Conservation, Wildlife Utilisation, Wildlife Policy, Legislation and Enforcement.
I appreciate Forest and Savannah ecology, Population management, Ecosystem Management, Wetland and aquatic ecosystem Management.
Explanation on the expertise in the identified taxonomic group/ habitats of expertise
Mr Issa Abdou
Mr Francisco
J’assure le suivi des oiseaux d’eau au Niger ainsi que les antilopes sahélo sahariennes
Hasta 2010 apoye como coordinador la iniciativa de compañeros en vuelo para Honduras En mi experiencia profesional he tenido la oportunidad de estar vinculado
con el trabajo con aves especialmente las migratorias neotropicales, desde 2001 al 2003 trabaje en la estación de monitoreo de sobrevivencia invernal del parque
nacional Cerro azul meambar, posteriormente estuve vinculado desde 2003/2005 con la iniciativa de conservación del Golden Cheeked Warbler y desde 2004.
Hábitats: Mi experiencia se ha desarrollado en bosques tropicales húmedos y bosques de coníferas especialmente bosques mixtos de pino encino.
Dr Grzegorz
Since 1991 I have been engaged in several projects concerning the investigation and monitoring of bird communities and their population density in forest and
wetland ecosystems in different parts of Poland as well as on the territories of protected areas. Since 2008 my scientific activities include investigation of bird
communities within the Natura 2000 Special Protected Areas in Poland as well as the research on the climate change on birds in Poland.
In 1991-2000 I was engaged in the programme of monitoring of bird communities in the Borecka Primeveal Forest in North-Eastern part of Poland. In 2001–2005 I
was investigating and preparing reports on bird communities of several Landscape Parks in different parts of Poland (mostly forest areas). In 2006-2010 I was
investigating and preparing reports on bird communities of 144 Natura 2000 Special Protected Areas in Poland (mostly wetlands).
Dr Olivier Biber
Annex 2: Publications and reports submitted by Scientific Councillors as part of their questionnaire
Publications and Reports
Mr Barry Baker
(Appointed Councillor)
Abbott, C.L., Double, M. C., Gales, R., Baker, G. B., Lashko, A., Robertson, C. J. R., Ryan, P. G. 2006. Molecular provenance analysis for shy and white-capped albatrosses killed
by fisheries interactions in Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. Conservation Genetics. doi 10.1007/s10592-005-9064-y
Baker, G.B. and Wise, B. 2005. The impact of pelagic longline fishing on the flesh-footed shearwater Puffinus carneipes in eastern Australia. Biological Conservation, 126: 306316.
Baker, G.B. Cunningham, R. and Murray, W. 2004. Are red-footed boobies Sula sula at risk from human harvesting on Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Indian Ocean? Biological
Conservation,119: 271-278.
Boland, C.R.J., Double, M.C. and Baker, G.B. 2004. Assortative mating by tail streamer length in Red-tailed Tropicbirds Phaethon rubricauda breeding in the Coral Sea. Ibis, 146:
Terauds, A., Gales, R., Alderman, R and Baker, G.B. 2006. Population and survival trends of wandering albatrosses breeding on Macquarie Island. Emu, 106: 112-118.
Thalmann, S., Baker, G.B., Hindell, M. and Tuck, G.N., 2009. The at-sea distribution of Flesh-footed Shearwaters during the breeding season, and its overlap with long-line fishing
activity off eastern Australia. Journal of Wildlife Management 73: 399–406.
Thalmann, S., Baker, G.B., Hindell, M., Double, M. C. and Gales, R. 2007. Using biometric measurements to determine gender of Flesh-footed Shearwaters, and their application
as a tool in long-line by-catch management and ecological field studies. Emu, 107: 231-238.
Trebilco, R., Gales, R., Baker, G.B., Terauds, A. and Sumner, M.D. 2008. At-sea movement of Macquarie Island giant petrels: relationships with Marine Protected Areas and
Regional Fisheries Management Organisations. Biological Conservation, 141: 2942―2958.
Waugh, S.M, Baker, G.B., Gales, R. and Croxall, J.P. 2007. CCAMLR process of risk assessment to minimise the effects of longline fishing mortality on seabirds. Marine Policy.
Mr Ian Karika
Mr José Joaquín
Mr Tomas Herrera
Co-Author: Manual para el manejo y la conservación de las tortugas marinas en Costa Rica; con énfasis en la operación de proyectos en playa y viveros.
Algunas reflexiones sobre las aves. Folleto del MINED. Autor principal. 1986.
Caracterización de los residuales del cebadero porcino ¨La Melvis¨ y valoración de las afectaciones que los mismos producen al entorno. Revista Científico Metodológica del
Instituto Superior Pedagógico ¨ Carlos Manuel de Céspedes¨. Colectivo de autores. 1986.
Breve caracterización de las Clase Anfibios y Reptiles de la Isla de Juventud. Revista Científico Metodológica del Instituto Superior Pedagógico ¨ Carlos Manuel de Céspedes ¨.
Autor principal. 1986.
Los zunzúnidos cubanos. Revista Científico Metodológica del Instituto Superior Pedagógico ¨Carlos Manuel de Céspedes¨. Autor principal. 1986.
Isla de la Juventud, su naturaleza. Editorial Científico Técnica. Libro. Colectivo de autores. 1994.
Confirmación de la presencia en la Isla de la Juventud de Nephronaias scamnatus (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Amblemidae. COCUYO, No. 1. Colectivo de autores. 1994.
Isla de la Juventud, vertebrados exóticos introducidos por causas deliberadas. Editorial Científico Técnica. Libro. Autor principal. 1995
¨SOS¨ Pradera Africana. Revista CUBAZOO. Autor principal. 2000.
Van Noordwijk A.J., Spina F., Baillie S.R., Downie I., Ferri A., Marangoni L., Wassenaar R., 2004 – EURING Data Bank geographical index. (
Spina F., Volponi S., 2008 – Atlante della Migrazione degli Uccelli in Italia. Vol. 1: non-Passeriformi. ISPRA – MATTM, Roma, pp. 800.
Spina F., Volponi S., 2009 – Atlante della Migrazione degli Uccelli in Italia. Vol. 2: Passeriformi. ISPRA – MATTM, Roma, pp. 629.
Saino N, Rubolini D., Jonzén N., Ergon T., Montemaggiori A., Stenseth N., Spina F., 2007 - Temperature and rainfall anomalies in Africa predict timing of spring migration in transSaharan migratory birds. Climate Research, 35: 123-134.
Jonzén N., Lindén A., Ergon T., Knudsen E., Vik J.O., Rubolini D., Piacentini D., Brinch C., Spina F., Karlsson L., Stervander M., Andersson A., Waldenström J., Lehikoinen A.,
Edvardsen E., Solvano R., Stenseth N.C., 2006, - Rapid Advance of Spring Arrival Dates in Long-Distance Migratory Birds. Science, 312: 1959-1961.
Rubolini D., Spina F., Saino N., 2005 - Correlates of timing of spring migration in birds: a comparative study of trans-Saharan migrants. Biol. Journal Linnean Society, 85(2): 199-210.
Saino N., Szép T., Romano M., Rubolini D., Spina F., Møller AP., 2004 - Ecological conditions during winter predict arrival date at the breeding quarters in a trans-Saharan
migratory bird. Ecology Letters, 7: 21–25
Dr Fernando Spina
Publications and Reports
Ms Humbulani
Mr Kahsay
Mr Jean-Philippe
Professor Zurab
Dr Attilla Bankovics
Dr Samuel Kasiki
Mr Abdellah El
Dr Adriaan Rijnsdorp
Most of my experience falls on PA management works. Thus, the publications I have are all about PA management in general and were published locally both in English and Amharic
version journals. I remember about eight of them that may be related to CMS indirectly. I also remember some unpublished reports on status of Dorcas Gazelle, African lion, human
wildlife conflict and dozens of reports on wildlife census and status assessment conducted in different PAs including the controlled hunting sites
J’ai réalisé en 2009 un rapport sur l’impact de la pollution lumineuse sur la biodiversité.
Réalisation d’un rapport sur les espèces d’oiseaux marins dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de Natura 2000 au niveau français.
Chevolot, M., Hoarau, G., Rijnsdorp, A.D., Stam, W.T., Olsen, J.L. 2006. Phylogeography and population structure of thornback rays (Raja clavata L., Rajidae). Molecular Ecology
15: 3693–3705
Hiddink J.G., B.R. MacKenzie, B.R. Rijnsdorp, A., Dulvy, N.D., Nielsen, E.E., Bekkevold, D., M. Heino, M., P. Lorance, P., Ojaveer, H. 2008. Importance of fish biodiversity for the
management of fisheries and ecosystems. Fisheries Research, 90: 6–8
Hoarau, G., Rijnsdorp, A.D., van der Veer, H.W., Stam, W.T., Olsen, J. 2002. Population structure of plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) in northern Europe: microsatellites revealed
large scale spatial and temporal homogeneity. Molecular Ecology, 11: 1165-1176.
Jørgensen C, Enberg K, Dunlop ES, Arlinghaus R, Boukal DS, Brander K, Ernande B, Gårdmark A, Johnston F, Matsumura S, Pardoe H, Raab K, Silva A, Vainikka A, Dieckmann
U, Heino M, Rijnsdorp AD, 2007. Managing evolving fish stocks. Science, 318: 1247-1248
Pastoors, M.A., Rijnsdorp, A.D., van Beek, F.A. 2000. Evaluation of the effects of a closed area in the North Sea (‘Plaice Box’) on the stock development of plaice (Pleuronectes
platessa L.). ICES Journal of Marine Science, 57: 1014-1022
Rijnsdorp AD, Peck MA, Engelhard GH, Möllman C, Pinnegar JK. 2009. Resolving the effect of climate change on fish populations. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 66:1570-1583
Rijnsdorp, A.D., Pastoors, M. 1995. Modelling the spatial dynamics and fisheries of North Sea plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) based on tagging data. ICES Journal of Marine
Science, 52: 963-980
Rijnsdorp, A.D., Daan, N., Dekker, W., Poos, J.J., Van Densen, W.L.T. 2007. Sustainable use of flatfish resources: addressing the credibility crisis in mixed fisheries management.
Journal of Sea Research, 57: 114-125
Rijnsdorp, A.D., van Leeuwen, P.I., Daan, N. and Heessen, H.J.L. 1996. Changes in abundance of demersal fish species in the North Sea between 1906-1909 and 1990-1995.
ICES Journal of Marine Science, 53: 1054-1062
Rijnsdorp, A.D., Heessen, H.J.L. 2008. Biodiversity of the high seas. Final Report Lot 1. IMARES Report C085/08.
Dr Askar Davletbakov
Dr James Williams
UN indicators
Mr Umeed Khalid
Dr Azwianewi
Chaudhry, A.A., Khalid, U., Chaudhry, S.A. 1988. Urial population in the Punjab. Proc. 8th Cong. Zool., Peshawar, pp:205-207.
Chaudhy, A.A., Khalid, U.1989. Indus dolphin population in the Punjab. Proc. 9th Cong. Zool. Islamabad.
Chaudhry, A.A., Khalid, U., 1990. Phasianidae and their managementin Punjab-Pakistan. Tiger Paper. FAO, Bangkok, 1 7(2):8- 10.
Chaudhy, A.A., Khalid, U. 1990. Crane migration through Punjab. Pakistan J. Forestry.
Mian. A. Chaudhry, A.A. Khalid, U. 1990. Houbara bustard population in Punjab - Pakistan. Pakistan J. Forestry.
Reeves, R.R., Chaudhry, A.A, Khalid, U. 1991. Competing for water on the Indus Plain: Is there a future for Pakistan's river dolphins? Environ. Conserv., 18: 341-350.
Chaudhry, A.A., Khalid, U. 1993. Anatidae populations responding to deteriorating habitat conditions on the wetlands of the Punjab, Pakistan. Posters' Abstracts, Anatidae 2000,
Strausburg, France.
Publications and Reports
Ms Daliborka
Dr Peter Puchala
Dr Torbjörn Ebenhard
Dr Kokul Kasirov
M. Tano Sombo
Khan, A.A. Khalid, U. 1996. Taunsa Wildlife Sanctuary: a candidate Ramsar Site on decline. Proc. Int. Symp. Biodversity of Pakistan, PMNH, Islamabad.
Khan, A.A. Khalid, U. and Rajput, R. A. 1996. Himalayan Brown Bear Conservation and Habitat Management through People at Deosai. Northern Areas, Pakistan. Proc. 2nd Int.
Symp. Coexistence of large Carnivores with Man, Saitama, Japan.
Khan; A.A. Rajput, R.A. and Khalid, U. 1996. Plant in Coexistence with man and wildlife at Deosai: Himalayas. Proc. 1st training workshop on Ethnobotany and its application to
conservation. National Herbarium/PARC (NARC), Islamabad, pp 26-42.
Khan, A.A., 'Rajput, R.A. arid Khalid, U. 1996. Birdlife at Deosai in Pakistan: A source of sustenance and sustainability for local people. Proc. 1st. Pan Asian Ornithological
Congress, Coimbatore,India
Kirkman, S.P., Bester, M.N., Hofmeyr, G.J.G., Pistorius P.A., & Makhado, A.B. 2002. Pup growth and maternal attendance patterns in Subantarctic fur seals. African Zoology, 37:
Hofmeyr, G.J.G, De Maine, M., Bester, M.N., Kirkman, S.P., Pistorius P.A., & Makhado, A.B. 2002. Entanglement of pinnipeds at Marion Island, 1996-2000. Aust. Mammal., 24:
Hofmeyr, G.J.G., Bester, M.N., Makhado A.B. and Pistorius P. A. 2006. Population change of subantarctic and Antarctic fur seals at Marion Island ready. South African Journal of
Wildlife Research, 36(1): 55–68
Kirkman, S.P., Bester, M.N., Makhado, A.B. & Pistorius, P.A. 2003. Female attendance behaviour of Antarctic fur seals at Marion Island. African Zoology, 38:402-405
Crawford, R.J., Cooper, J., Dyer, B.M., Greyling, M.D., Klages, N.T.W., Ryan, P.G., Petersen, S.L., Underhill, L.G., Upfold, L., Wilkinson, W., De villiers, M.S. Du Plessis, S., Du toit,
M., Leshoro, T.M., Makhado, A.B., Mason, M.S., Merckle, D., Tshingana, D., Ward, V.L. & Whittington, P.A. 2003. Population of the surface nesting seabirds at Marion Island.
African Journal of Marine Science, 25: 427-440
Makhado, A.B., Crawford, R.J and Underhill, L.G.. 2006. Impact of predation by Cape fur seals Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus on Cape gannets Morus capensis at Malgas Island,
Western Cape, South Africa. African Journal of Marine Science, 28 (3&4): 681-687
Makhado, A. B., Strauss V. & Crawford, R. J. M. 2007. Trends in numbers of African Penguin chicks received by SANCCOB as a result of being orphaned through abandonment by
parents, 2001-2006. STG document.
Makhado, A.B., Bester, M.N., Kirkman, S.P., Pistorius, P.A., Ferguson, J.W.H., Klages, N.T.W. 2008. Prey of the Antarctic fur seal Arctocephalus gazella at Marion Island. Polar
biology, 31: 575-581
Makhado AB, Crawford RJM, Underhill LG, Meÿer MA, Wilke C. published online. The efficacy of culling seals seen preying on seabirds as a means of reducing seabird mortality.
African Journal of Ecology, 47: 335–340
Bester, M.N., Hofmeyr, G.J.G., Kirkman, S.P Chauke., L.F., de Bruyn, P.J.N., Ferreira, S.M., Makhado, A.B., Maswime, T.A.M., Mcintyre, T., Mulaudzi, T.W. , Munyai, F.M.,
Pistorius, P.A., Radzilani, P.M., Ramunasi, A.J., Tshitabane, N.H. and Wilkinson, I.S.. 2006. The leopard seal at Marion Island, vagrant or seasonal transient? South African Journal
of Wildlife Research, 36(2): 195-198
Mulaudzi T.W., Hofmeyr G.J.G., Bester, M.N., Kirkman, S.P., Pistorius, P.A., Jonker, F.C., Makhado, A.B., Owen, J.H. and Grimbeek R.J. 2007. Haulout site selection by southern
elephant seals at Marion Island. African Zoology, 43(1): 25-33
Crawford, R. J. M., Makhado, A. B., Upfold, L. & Dyer, B. M. Mass on arrival of Rockhopper Penguins at Marion Island correlated with breeding success. African Journal of Marine
Science, 30: 185–188.
Makhado, A.B. Bester, M.N. Kirkman, S.P. Pistorius, P.A. Ferguson J.W.H. Klages N.T.W. The diet of the subantarctic fur seal Arctocephalus Tropicalis at Marion Island submitted
in Polar Biology (under review)
Barjaktarov, D., Novčić, I., Vasić, V. 2004. Wintering Waterfowl of Serbian portion of Danube River: counts 1999-2003. 1st International Eurasian Ornithology Congress; 27-33.
Antalya, Turkey 8-11 April 2004
Barjaktarov, D. 2004. Ornithological importance of Gruža accumulation. Matica Srpska Proceedings for Natural Sciences, 107: 55-64, Novi Sad.
Barjaktarov D., Djapić, D., Radakovic M., Rakovic, M., Barna, K. 2007. Roll and importance of accumulation Lake Gruža in bird migration. 2nd International Eurasian Ornithology
Congress; Abstract Book. 26-29 October, Antalya, Turkey.
Publications and Reports
Mr Daniel Blanco
Dr Donatien Muembo
BLANCO, D.E., B. LÓPEZ-LANÚS, R.A. DIAS, A. AZPIROZ & F. RILLA. 2006. Uso de arroceras por chorlos y playeros migratorios en el sur de América del Sur. Implicancias de
conservación y manejo. Wetlands International. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
BLANCO, D.E., P. YORIO, P.F. PETRACCI & G. PUGNALI. Distribution and abundance of non-breeding shorebirds along the coasts of the Buenos Aires Province, Argentina.
Waterbirds, 29(3): 381-390.
GOLDFEDER S.D. & BLANCO, D.E. 2006. The conservation status of migratory waterbirds in Argentina: towards a national strategy; in: Boere, G.C., C.A. Galbraith & D.A. Stroud
(eds.): Waterbirds around the world: 189-194.
BLANCO, D.E., MATUS, R., BLANK, O., DE LA BALZE, V.M. & ZALBA, S.M. 2006. The Ruddy-headed Goose (Chloephaga rubidiceps) mainland population: a flyway perspective;
in: Boere, G.C., C.A. Galbraith & D.A. Stroud (eds.): Waterbirds around the world: 195-196.
BLANCO, D.E. & DE LA BALZE, V.M. Harvest of migratory geese (Chloephaga spp.) in Argentina: an overview of the present situation; in: Boere, G.C., C.A. Galbraith & D.A.
Stroud (eds.): Waterbirds around the world: 870-873.
LÓPEZ-LANÚS, B. & D.E. BLANCO (eds.). 2004. El Censo Neotropical de Aves Acuáticas. Global Series No. 17. Wetlands International. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 113 pp.
D.A., THORUP, O., WEST, R., WILSON, J. & ZÖCKLER, C. (on behalf of the International Wader Study Group). The conservation and population status of the world's waders at
the turn of the millennium; in: Boere, G.C., C.A. Galbraith & D.A. Stroud (eds.): Waterbirds around the world: 643-648.
Leno, E., D. Alemany, D.E. Blanco & R. Bastida. 2004. Prey size selection by Red Knot feeding on mud snails at Punta Rasa (Argentina) during migration. Waterbirds, 27(4): 493498.
LANCTOT, R.B., D.E. BLANCO, M. OESTERHELD, R.A. BALBUENO, J.P. GUERSCHMAN & G. PIÑEIRO. 2004. Assessing habitat availability and use by Buff-breasted
Sandpipers (Tryngites subruficollis) wintering in South America. Ornitologia Neotropical 15 (Suppl.): 367-376.
BLANCO, D.E., R.B. LANCTOT, J.P. ISACCH & V.A. GILL. 2004. Pastizales templados del sur de América del Sur como hábitat de aves playeras migratorias. Ornitología
Neotropical, 15 (Suppl.): 159-167.
MADSEN, J.; R. MATUS, O. BLANK, L. BENEGAS, G. MATEAZZI & D.E. BLANCO. 2003. Population status of the Ruddy-headed Goose (Chloephaga rubidiceps) in Tierra del
Fuego and mainland Patagonia (Chile and Argentina). Ornitología Neotropical 14 (en prensa).
LANCO, D.E.; S.M. ZALBA, C.J. BELENGUER, G. PUGNALI & H. RODRÍGUEZ GOÑI. 2003. Status and conservation of the ruddy-headed goose (Chloephaga rubidiceps) in its
wintering grounds (Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina). Revista Chilena de Historia Natural (en prensa).
the Buff-breasted Sandpiper: Historic and contemporary distribution and abundance in South America. Wilson Bulletin 114(1): 44-72.
BLANCO, D.E.; J. BELTRÁN & V. DE LA BALZE (Eds.). 2002. Primer Taller sobre la Caza de Aves Acuáticas: Hacia una estrategia para el uso sustentable de los recursos de los
humedales. Wetlands International, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 152 pp.
BLANCO, D.E. & P. CANEVARI. 2001. Wetlands of critical importance to shorebirds: An update about distributions and numbers in South America. Proceedings of the International
Shorebird Symposium, VI Neotropical Ornithological Congress, Monterrey, México. WHSRN. 3-11 pp.
BLANCO, D.E. & P. CANEVARI. 1998. Monitoreo de avifauna en humedales: El Censo Neotropical de Aves Acuáticas; en: Norbis, W. & L. Chomenko (eds.): Seminario-Taller
sobre Monitoreo Ambiental. Rocha, noviembre PROBIDES & UNESCO-ORCYT. Serie: Documentos de Trabajo No. 31: 147-157 pp.
BLANCO, D.E. & M. CARBONELL (Eds.). 2001. El Censo Neotropical de Aves Acuáticas. Los primeros 10 años: 1990-1999. Wetlands International, Buenos Aires, Argentina &
Ducks Unlimited, Inc. Memphis, USA.
BLANCO, D.E.; R. MATUS, O. BLANK, L. BENEGAS, S. GOLDFEDER, F. MOSCHIONE & S. ZALBA. 2001. Manual para la Conservación del Cauquén (Canquén) Colorado en
Argentina y Chile. Wetlands International. Buenos Aires, 32 pp.
MATUS, R.; O. BLANK, D.E. BLANCO, J. MADSEN, L. BENEGAS & G. MATEAZZI. 2000. El Canquén Colorado (Chloephaga rubidiceps): Antecedentes sobre sitios de
reproducción y concentración en la XII Región de Magallanes, Chile. Bol. Chileno Ornitología, 7: 13-18.
MATUS, R.; O. BLANK, D.E. BLANCO, J. MADSEN, L. BENEGAS & G. MATEAZZI. 2000. El Canquén Colorado (Chloephaga rubidiceps): Antecedentes sobre sitios de
reproducción y concentración en la XII Región de Magallanes, Chile. Bol. Chileno Ornitología, 7: 13-18.
BLANCO, D.E. & P. CANEVARI. 2000. Monitoreo de avifauna en humedales: El Censo Neotropical de Aves Acuáticas; en: Norbis, W. & L. Chomenko (eds.): Seminario-Taller
sobre Monitoreo Ambiental. Rocha, noviembre 1998. PROBIDES & UNESCO-ORCYT. Serie: Docume
Publications and Reports
Dr Jiri Flousek
Professor Branko
Mr John O' Sullivan
(Appointed Councillor)
Mr Damjan Vrček
Dr Muhammed
Dr Andreas Krüß
Dr Jelena Kralj
I am not a publishing scientist, but I have been involved with the publication of numerous RSPB, BirdLife, CMS, Ramsar and other publications dealing with a wide range of issue
affecting migratory species
Abubakr, M, Amjad, S., Jones, D. A. 1990. The complete replacement of live feeds in marine larval prawn culture using encapsulated deliver system. Presented at the 7th,
International Symposium on microencapsulation Glasgow, U.K.
Amjad, S., Abubakr, M, Jones, D. A. 1990. Comparsion of microdelivery systems used in Aquaculture. Presented at the 7th International Symposium on Microencapsulation.
Glasgow , U.K
Abubakr, M and Jones, D. A. 1992. Functional morphology and ultra-structure of anterior mid-gut diverticulate of Penaeus monodon larvae. FABRICUS, 1798 (Decapoda, Natantia)
Crustaceana, 62(2): 142 - 158 .
Rushdi, A. I., Abubakr, M. M Heba, H. A. 1994. Marine habitats of the Red Sea at Al-Urj, Al-Salif & Duhbab-Yakhtul areas; their ecology, environment & management
recommendations. UNEP, Sana’a.
Fareed, K. H. and Abubakr, M. M. 1995. Introduction to the biology of fishes. Al-Zuhairy Educational cooperation pp. 332 (Arabic).
DouAbul, A. Abubakr, M. 1996. Marine Conservation Survey along the Southern Coast of Yemen in the Gulf of Aden / Arabian Sea. Spons, by the Royal Netherland Gov.
DouAbul, A. Abubakr, M. Abdulah, M. Haddad, A. Heba, H. Marine Ecosystem of the Red Sea Coast “Literature Review “. G.E.F/U.N.D.P.
DouAbul, A. Abubakr, M. 1996. Reconnaissance Survey / Identifica of Hot spots. G.E.F. / U.N.D.P.
Assessment Report on Marine Biodiversity in the Republic of Yemen. 1997. Report for UNDP (National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan of Yemen).
Farra. M and Abubakr. M 1998.A report on the “Environmental Information and monitoring of the aquatic resources of Yemen.” Prepared for the FAO, Sana’a. TCP/YEM/6711(A).
Abubakr. M and Farra.M.1998. Environment and Human Development Report of the Republic of Yemen. Prepared for the Ministry of Planning and UNDP.
Mohammed Abubakr, Nabeel AL-Shwafi, Hassan Heba and Ali DouAbul. 2002. N-Alkanes Distributions in Surface Sediments From the Red Sea Coast of Yemen. Faculty of
Science Bulletin, 15:59-65 – Sana’a Uni.
M M Abubakr and M Al-Safani. 2006. Coral Reefs in Yemen and the occurrence of coral bleaching in the Yemen Red Sea coral reefs. Faculty of Science Bulletin, 19:35-59 –
Sana’a Uni.
T A Khaaf, M M Abubakr, I M Abdul-Sahib and Alshwafy. 2006. Some Sea Shells of the coastal region of Huneish Island, Southern Red Sea, Yemen. Iraq. J. Aqua 1, 17-24.
M. M. Abubakr and M. A. Abdelmoneim. 2007. A preliminary study for distribution of some heavy metals in marine sediments of the Yemen coast. J. Egypt. Acad. Soc. Environ.
Develop., 8(3):53-61.
M. M. Abubakr, A. Douabul and N Al- Shwafi. 2007. Distribution of Nutrients the coastal water of the Red Sea, Yemen. J. Egypt. Acad. Soc. Environ. Develop., 8(3): 63-74
Procházka, P., Hobson, K.A., Karcza, Z., Kralj, J. 2008. Birds of a feather winter together: migratory connectivity in the Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus. J. Ornithol.,
Triplet, P., Overdijk, O., Smart, M., Nagy, S., Schneider-Jacoby, M., Karauz, E.S., Pigniczki, C., Baha El Din, S., Kralj, J., Sandor, A., Navedo, J.G. 2008. International Single
Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Eurasian Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia. AEWA Tecnical Series No. 35, Bonn, Germany, 154 pp.
Kralj, J., Dolenec, Z. (2008): First arrival dates of the Nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos) to Central Croatia in th early 20th century and at the turn of the 21st century. Cent. Eur. J.
Biol., 3(3): 295-298.
Radović, D., Ščetarić, V., Kralj, J. & Blažina, D. 2008. Results and population estimates from the 1997/98 Non-Estuarine Coastal Waterbird Survey in Croatia. pp. 13-17 u: Burton,
N.H.K., Rehfisch, M.M., Stroud, D.A &. Spray, C.J. (eds). 2008. The European Non-Estuarine Coastal Waterbird Survey. International Wader Studies 18. International Wader Study
Group, Thetford, UK.
Kralj, J., Radović, D., Tutiš V., Ćiković, D. 2007. Migration of central and east European Acrocephalus warblers at the eastern Adriatic coast: an analysis of recoveries. Ring, 29 (12): 121-131.
Publications and Reports
Sra Cristina Morales
Dr Victor Pulido
Kralj, J., Radović, D., Tutiš V., Ćiković, D. 2007. Migration of central and east European Acrocephalus warblers at the eastern Adriatic coast: an analysis of recoveries. Ring, 29 (12): 121-131.
Radović, D., Kralj, J.,Tutiš, V 1999. Migration pattern and seasonal activity of waders at Draganić fishponds in NW Croatia. Wader Study Group Bull., 90: 35-41.
Kralj, J., Radović, D., Tutiš, V 1998. Numbers and seasonal activity of Anatidae at Draganić fishponds in NW Croatia. Vogelwelt, 119: 21-29
Morales C y Z. Rebecca. Las Aves y El Hombre (en prensa) Biodiversidad del Paraguay. Fundación Moisés Bertoni - USAID. Asunción, Paraguay.
Morales C., Del Castillo H y Clay R. Aves del Río Paraguay. En: Morales C., A. Yanosky, L. Luna, E. Cabrera y S. 2006 Centrón. Biodiversidad del Río Paraguay. Guyra Paraguay –
Transbarge Navegación. Asunción Paraguay
C. Morales. 2001. Valoración Económica de Especies Silvestres. En SEAM/GUYRA-Paraguay/PRODECHACO. 2001. Especies Silvestres del Paraguay. Guía para la identificación de
especies con valor económico. PRODECHACO. Asunción-Paraguay
C. Morales y C. Vitale. 2003. Tendencias Poblacionales del Nandayus Nenday (Aves: Psittacidae) en el Bajo Chaco. MNHNP 14 (1-2) Pp: 74-79.
C. Morales. 1996. Bases para el Manejo Sustenteble del Ñandai (Nandayus nenday) en el Chaco Paraguayo. Tesis. Maestría en Manejo de Recursos Naturales. UNELLEZ. Venezuela.
Zarza R. y C. Morales. 2006. Aves Acuáticas del Paraguay. Guyra Paraguay, Asunción Paraguay.
Yanosky A., C. Morales y M. Fernández. 2005. “IABIN Invasive Information Network (I3N) Capacity Building: Needs Analysis and Design of Action Plan”.
Lesterhuis, A., C. Morales y L. López. (En prensa). CENSO NEOTROPICAL DE AVES ACUÁTICAS EN PARAGUAY: INFORME ANUAL 2006. Informe a ser publicado por la oficina de
Wetlands International para América del Sur
Morales C., A. Barras. 2001. Cacería Comercial de Especies Silvestres en Comunidades Yshir de Alto Paraguay. Aspectos Sociales, Económicos y Metodológicos.V Congreso
Internacional de Manejo de Fauna Silvestre en la Amazonía y Latioamérica. Ponencia: 10 al 14/09/01. Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.
Morales C., C. Vitale y R. Fariña. 1999. Taller Conservación Regional del Loro Hablador Amazona aestiva. Libro de resúmenes del IV Congreso Internacional de Manejo de Fauna
Silvestre en la Amazonía y Latinoamérica. Asunción 4 al 8/10/99.
Clay C., C. Morales, R. Zarza y. 2007. Conservación de las Aves Acuáticas en las Américas. VIII Congreso de Ornitología Neotropical. Maturín Venezuela Mayo 2007.
Centrón S. A. Lesterhuis, C. Clay y C. Morales 2007. Fluctuaciones Poblacionales de dos especies de chorlos neotropicales en Paraguay. VIII Congreso de Ornitología Neotropical.
Maturín Venezuela Mayo 2007.
Khara M. Strum, Matilde Alfaro, Ben Haase Michael J. Hooper, Kevin A. Johnson, Richard B. Lanctot, Arne J. Lesterhuis, Leticia Lopez, Angela C. Matz, Cristina Morales, Benjamin
Paulson, Brett K. Sandercock, Julian Torres-Dowdall, and María Elena Zaccagnini (En Prensa) ¿Contribuye la exposición a los pesticidas inhibidores de la Colinesterasa en los
sitios no reproductivos, a la declinación de las poblaciones de chorlos y playeros? VIII Congreso de Ornitología Neotropical. Maturín Venezuela Mayo 2007
Pulido, V y P. Aguilar. Artrópodos presentes en la dieta de la lechuza de los arenales en las Lomas de Lachay. Rev. Per. Entomología., 22(1). 1979. Lima, Perú.
Pulido, V. Perspectivas para el manejo de la flora y fauna silvestre en las lagunas de Mejía. 1982. Boletín de Lima, 4(4): 61-72.
Pulido, V. La lechuza de los arenales de las Lomas de Lachay. Revista de Zonas Aridas, CIZA., 1984 (2): 75-78.
Pulido, V. Conservación de las aves migratorias: Más allá de nuestras fronteras. 1985. El Volante Migratorio. Lima, (4): 28-34.
Pulido, V. Las aves migratorias, su aporte al desarrollo y a los ecosistemas. Rev. Medio Ambiente. Lima N. 13. Set. 86. 11-13 pp.
Pulido, V. Santuario Nacional de las lagunas de Mejía. Rev. Aventura de Turismo. Perú. Vol. 1. N. 3. Agost. Set. 1986. 32-34 pp.
Pulido, V. y C. Yockteng. Conservación de la fauna silvestre en el Bosque Nacional de Tumbes con especial referencia la mono coto de Tumbes. En: Symposio Conservación y
Manejo de la Fauna Silvestre en Latinoamérica (IX CLAZ Perú). 1986. 33-43 pp.
Pulido, V. Las aves migratorias y algunos apuntes sobre su conservación en el Perú. Flora, Fauna y Areas Silvestre. FAO/PNUMA. Año 1. N. 3 Enero Abril. 1987. 30-33 pp.
Pulido, V. y J.P. Myers. Las poblaciones de aves de orilla arenosa marina: una propuesta para su conservación. En Memorias del III Congreso de Ornitología Neotropical. Cali,
Colombia. 1987. 177-180 pp.
Myers J.P., P.D. Mc Lain, R.I.G. Morrison, P.Z. Antas, P. Canevari, B.A. Harrington, T.E. Lovejoy, V. Pulido, M. Sallaberry and S.E. Senner. The Western Hemisphere Shorebird
Reserve Network Wader - Study Group Bulletin. IWRB Special Publication N. 7. Number 49. April. 1987. 122-124 pp.
Pulido, V. Paracas: Un motivo de reflexión 1987. El Volante Migratorio. Lima. (8): 23-24.
Pulido, V. Conservación de la fauna silvestre. En: Producción Animal y Medio Ambiente; Explotación en Selva Baja. Heifer Project International. Pucallpa. Noviembre 1987. 73-81 pp.
Pulido, V. Humedales de Mejía - Arequipa: Conservación y posibilidades de manejo. Enero 1988. Boletín de Lima N° 55: 35-40 pp.
Pulido, V. Protección del suri. Rev. Medio Ambiente. Lima. Junio. 1988. N. 32:8.
Publications and Reports
Pulido, V. Flora y fauna silvestre del Perú amenazada y en peligro. Rev. Medio Ambiente. Lima. Agosto. 1988. N° 33-34:16-17 pp.
Pulido, V. Las lagunas de Mejía: Al encuentro del tiempo perdido. El Volante Migratorio. Lima. 1988. N° 11. 32-34 pp.
Pulido, V. Importancia de la conservación de los ambientes acuáticos en el Perú. Red Hemisférica de Reservas de Aves Playeras. 1988. 68-79 pp.
Pulido, V. La investigación en áreas silvestre protegidas del Perú. Boletín de Lima. Lima. Julio. 1989. Año 11, N .64: 65-68 pp.
Pulido, V. Las aves migratorias: Un desafío sin fronteras. Revista del INIAA. Lima. Setiembre. 1989. Año 1. N .2: 20-22 pp.
Pulido, V. Ambientes y aves acuáticas del Perú. El Volante Migratorio. Lima. Setiembre. 1989. Año 7. N° 13: 24-31 pp.
Pulido, V. Política de utilización y conservación de la flora y fauna silvestre. Agroenfoque. Lima. Diciembre. 1989. Año IV. N° 34: 22-24 pp.
Pulido, V. Las Unidades de Conservación del Perú. Rev. Flora y Fauna y Areas Silvestres - FAO. 1989. Año 3 (11): 13-15 pp.
Pulido, V. y M. Dourojeanni. Variación estacional de las poblaciones de aves en las lagunas de Mejía. Rev. Forestal del Perú, Lima. Vol XVII, (2): 49-70.
Pulido, V. Importancia de las Unidades de Conservación en la prevención de algunos desastres naturales. Revista del INIAA. Lima. Abril. 1990. Año 2 N° 4: 33-35 pp.
Pulido, V. Fauna silvestre: Posibilidades de un recurso que se extingue. Revista del INIAA. Lima. Junio. 1990. Año 2. N°. 5: 25-27 pp.
Pulido, V. La Caza en el Perú: manejo racional y desarrollo. Revista del INIAA. Lima. Diciembre 1990. Año 2. N° 7: 25-26 pp.
Pulido, V. La Fauna silvestre del Perú. Revista del INIAA. Lima. Abril-Mayo. 1991. Año 3. N 8: 8-9 pp.
Pulido, V. Vida silvestre: Investigación, conservación y política. Revista del INIAA. Lima. Enero-Marzo 1992. Año 4. N° 9. 12: 18, 49-50 pp.
Pulido, V. Situación actual de la fauna silvestre amenazada en las Areas Naturales Protegidas del Perú. Revista del INIAA. Lima. Abril-Julio 1992. Año 4. N° 13: 31-33 pp.
Pulido, V., G. Castro y E. Goya. Las aves del estuario de Virrilá y Manglares de San Pedro. Revista del INIAA 1992. N° 15: 6-9.
Pulido, V., G. Castro, M. Ríos, G. Suarez de Freitas y J. Ugaz. Bases para el Establecimiento del Programa de Conservación y Desarrollo Sostenido de Humedales, Perú. DGFFINIAA-UNALM-FPCN-RHRAP. Lima. 1992. 39 pp.
Pulido, V. La Reserva Nacional del Titicaca: problemática y propuesta para un desarrollo sustentable. Programa de Humedales de la Unión Mundial para la Conservación de la
Naturaleza. Memorias del Segundo Taller de Humedales. Paraty, Brasil. 1992.
Pulido, V. Suri, la gigante corredora de los Andes. Revista Medio Ambiente. Lima. 1993. N° 53: 49-50 pp.
Pulido, V. Ecología y Pobreza. Bitácora. Revista del CYDES. Lima. Enero, Junio 1994. (1): 47 - 49.
Pulido, V. y J. Oltremari. Investigación en Areas Protegidas de América Latina. Oficina Regional de la FAO para América Latina y el Caribe, Santiago, Chile. 1995. Informe Tecnico
N° 19. 90 pp.
Pulido, V. Estudio de caso: las Lagunas de Mejía. Boletín Ramsar. Gland. Enero, 1996. (22):21.
Pulido, V., J. Jahncke, P. Nakamatzu y C. Flores. Conservation of Charadriiformes on the Peruvian Coast. Shorebird ecology and conservation in the Western Hemisphere.
International Wader Study 8, 1996. pp 55-61.
Castro, G., V. Pulido, T. Valqui, J. Chávez, and B. Alba. The Huanchaco Extractive Reserve: Integrating Environmental Conservation and Sustainable Development in Peru - A
Report. Ethnobiology in Human Welfare. Ed. S.K. Jain. 1996. Deep Publications, New Delhi. pp 239-242.
Pulido, V. y E. Velazco. Estado actual y tendencias de la investigación biotecnológica en el Perú. Armonización de la Bioseguridad en las Américas. IICA. 1996. 195-204 pp.
R. Butler, F. Delgado, H. de la Cueva, V. Pulido and B. Sandercock. Migration Routes of of the Western Sandpiper. Wilson Bull. 1996. 108 (4), 662-672 pp.
V. Pulido. Visión de la investigación en las áreas protegidas del Perú. Comité Peruano de la UICN-PRONATURALEZA. 1996, 63-68 pp.
V. Pulido. Fauna silvestre amenazada en las áreas silvestres protegidas del Perú. En: Diversidad Biológica del Perú, Zonas prioritarias para su conservación. FANPE GTZINRENA. 1996. 98-102 pp.
Castro G. y V. Pulido. Humedales del Perú. En: Diversidad Biológica del Perú, Zonas prioritarias para su conservación. FANPE GTZ-INRENA. 1996. 103-104 pp.
V. Pulido. Perú: Estrategia Nacional para la Conservación de Humedales. En: Uso Sostenible de Humedales en América del Sur: Una Aproximación. UICN. 1997, 33-38 pp.
P. Soini, V. Pulido, A. Brack y K. Thelen. Biología y manejo de la tortuga Podocnemis expansa. Tratado de Cooperación Amazónica, Secretaría Protempore. Caracas. 1997. 48 pp.
V. Pulido. Visión actual de la conservación de los humedales. Reporte Humedales 1992-1997. PCDSH. 1998. 55-60 pp.
V. Pulido y C. Ponce. Conservación de las aves de orilla: una perspectiva Latinoamericana. Reporte Humedales 1992-1997. PCDSH. 1998. 61-69 pp.
V. Pulido, G. Castro, L. Alfaro, R. Bustamante, G. Suarez de Freitas y J. Chávez. Plan Maestro de la Reserva Nacional de Paracas. Reporte Humedales 1992-1997. PCDSH. 1998.
93-112 pp.
V. Pulido y G. Castro. Experiencias de manejo participativo en el Balsar de Huanchaco. Reporte Humedales 1992-1997. PCDSH. 1998. 113-122 pp.
Publications and Reports
Dr Eliezer
Dr Mark Desholm
V. Pulido. Importancia de la Zona Reservada de los Pantanos de Villa. Rev. Per. de Ingeniería Sanitaria y Ambiental. Lima. 1998 (14): 18-19 pp.
V. Pulido. Conservación de la fauna silvestre amenazada en el Perú. En la diversidad Biológica de Iberoamérica. Gonzalo Halffter, Compilador. Acta Zoológica Mexicana, nueva
serie, Volumen especial 1998.
V. Pulido. La Zona Reservada de los Pantanos de Villa en el contexto de la conservación de los humedales en el Perú. En: Los Pantanos de Villa Biología y Conservación. Museo
de Historia Natural, Univ. Nac. Mayor de San Marcos. 1998. Serie No 11, 147-159 pp.
V. Pulido. Ecología, Ciencia y Docencia. Temas de Educación y Sociedad. Rev. Facultad de Educación Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. 2002. 124-127 pp.
V. Pulido. Educación ambiental para conservar la biodiversidad. Rev. Facultad de Educación Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. 2006.
L. Salinas, C. Arana y V. Pulido. Diversidad, Abundancia y Conservación de aves en un agroecosistema del desierto de Ica, Perú. Rev. Perú. Biol. 13 (3): 155-167 (Julio 2007).
V. Pulido. El camino sin retorno: la extinción de las especies de fauna silvestre en el Perú. Universidad. Edición 2009. N° 15. Asamblea Nacional de Rectores. Lima. 173-215. pp
Coautor del Capítulo del Perú. Inventario de Humedales de la Región Neotropical IWRB Slimbridge y UICN Cambridge (Scott Derek y Montserrat Carbonell, compiladores). 1986.
219-252 pp.
Coautor del Capítulo de Perú en el Atlas of Neartic Shorebirds on the coast of South America. Canadian Wildlife Service Special Publication. Canada. 1989. Vol 1 y 2. 325 pp.
El Libro Rojo de la Fauna Silvestre del Perú. Edit. (INIAA-WWF-FWS US). 1991, 219 pp.
Contribución en la publicación del Libro Humedales en Peligro. Editado por la Unión Mundial para la Conservación de la Naturaleza. Suiza. 1993.
Vocabulario de los Nombres Comunes de la Fauna Silvestre del Perú. Lima. 1998. 241 pp.
Aves en el desierto de Ica, la experiencia de Agrokasa. Lima 2007. 323 pp.
The yearly report on the activities of the Israel Nature and Parks Authority (in Hebrew)
The reports of Israel to the CMS, when submitted.
Shy, E., Frankenberg, E., Kaplan, D., Giladi, P., Lachman, A. and Har-Zion, M. 1998. The effect of management on mountain gazelle (Gazella G. gazella) populations in Israel.
Gibier Faune Sauvage, Game and Wildlife, 15,617-634.
Shy, E., Bekerman, S., Oron, T. and Frankenberg, E. 1998. Repopulation and colonization by birds in the Agmon Wetland, Israel. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 6:159-167.
Frankenberg, E. 1999. Will the biogeographical bridgecontinue to exist? Israel Journal of Zoology, 45, 65-74.
Clark, B. and Frankenberg, E. 2001. Chapter 19. Israel (including West Bank and Gaza). In Mallon, D.P. and Kingswood, S.C. (eds.) Antelopes. Part 4: North Africa, the Middle
East, and Asia. IUCN, Gland, pp. 107-111.
Olsvig-Whittaker, L., Frankenberg, E., Perevolotsky, A. and Ungar, E.D. 2006. Grazing, overgrazing and conservation: Changing concepts and practices in the Negev rangelands.
Secheresse, 17(1-2), 1-5.
Desholm, M. 2009. Avian sensitivity to mortality: prioritising migratory bird species for assessment at proposed wind farms. Journal of Environmental Management, 90: 2672-2679
Masden, E.A., Haydon, D.T., Fox, A.D., Furness, R.W., Bullman, R. and Desholm, M. (2009). Barriers to movement: impacts of wind farms on migrating birds. ICES Journal of
Marine Science, 66: 746-753.
Desholm, M. (2006). Wind farm related mortality among avian migrants – a remote sensing study and model analysis. PhD thesis. University of Copenhagen. Center for
Macroecology, Institute of Biology and National Environmental Research Institute. Department of Wildlife Ecology and Biodiversity. National Environmental Research Institute. 127
pp. (
Desholm, M., Fox, A.D., Beasley, P.D.L. & Kahlert, J. (2006). Remote techniques for counting and estimating the number of bird-wind turbine collisions at sea: a review. Ibis,
148(s1): 76-89.
Desholm, M. & Kahlert, J. (2006). Avian collision risk at offshore wind farms. - Journal of Ornithology 147(Suppl. 5): 156.
Chamberlain, D.E., Rehfisch, M.R., Fox, A.D., Desholm, M. & Anthony, S.J. (2006). The effect of avoidance rates on bird mortality predictions made by wind turbine collision risk
models. Ibis, 148(s1): 198-202.
Fox, A.D., Desholm, M., Kahlert, J., Christensen, T.K. & Petersen, I.K. (2006). Information needs to support environmental impact assessment of the effects of European marine
offshore wind farms on birds. Ibis, 148(s1): 129-144.
Desholm, M. & Kahlert, J. (2005). Avian collision risk at an offshore wind farm. Biology Letters, 1(3): 296-298.
Desholm, M. (2003). How much do small-scale changes in flight direction increase overall migration distance? Journal of Avian Biology, 34(2): 155-158.
Desholm, M., Christensen, T.K., Scheiffarth, G., Hario, M., Andersson, Å., Ens, B., Camphuysen, C.J., Nilsson, L., Waltho, C.M., Lorentsen, S.-H., Kuresoo, A., Kats, R.K.H., Fleet,
Publications and Reports
Dr Sergey Yerokhov
Dr Alexander Kozulin
Dr Anatolii Poluda
Mr Øystein Størkersen
Lic Jorge Ulises
Mr Barirega
Mr Issa Abdou malam
Mr Francisco
D.M. & Fox, A.D. 2002. Status of the Baltic/Wadden Sea population of the Common Eider Somateria m. mollissima. Wildfowl, 53: 167-203.
Petersen, I.K., Christensen, T.K., Kahlert, J., Desholm, M. & Fox, A.D. (2006). Final results of bird studies at the offshore wind farms at Nysted and Horns Rev, Denmark. Report
request. Commissioned by DONG Energy and Vattenfall A/S. National Environmental Research Institute. 166 pp.
Desholm, M. 2004. TADS investigations of avian collision risk at Nysted offshore wind farm, autumn 2004. Report Request. Commisionned by ENERGI E2 A/S. National
Environmental Research Institute. 27 pp.
A.Kozulin, S.Schofalo, V.Natikanets, O.Ostrovski, O.Sidorenko 2001. Changes in species composition, number and habitat selection of wintering waterfowl in Belarus in 1967-2000.
// Changes of wintering sites of waterfowl in Central and Eastern Europe. OMPO Special Publication. Vilnius.
Kozulin A, Sidorenko O. 2001. Number and distribution of wintering waterfowl in Belarus. Acta Ornithologica Lithuanica, pp.260-265.
Kozulin A., Vergeichik L., Stepanovich Y. 2003. Factors affecting fluctuations of the Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola population of Byelarussian mires. Acta Ornithol., 39:
Kozulin A., Tanovitskaya N., Vershitskaya I., UNDP, Belarus. 2010. Methodical Recommendations for ecological rehabilitation of damaged mires and prevention of disturbances to
the hydrological regime of mire ecosystems in the process of drainage., 40 p.
Kozulin A. et al. 2005. Treasures of Belarusian nature: Areas of international significance for conservation of biological diversity. Скарбы прыроды Беларусі: Mn: Belarus – 160 p.
V. Podoliako, N.Bambalov, M.Vergeichik, A.Kozulin, A.Pugachevski, V.Rakovich, V.Savchenko, V.Yatsukhno. Biospherically compatible use of forest and wetland ecosystems
(world tendencies and Belarusian experience). Mn: Belarus, 2003, 190 p.
Poluda A. Survey of New Potential Sites and Monitoring of Key Breeding Sites of Aquatic Warbler in Ukraine in 2008. Report of Ukrainian Society for the Protection of
Birds (unpublished). – Kyiv, 2008. – 38 p.
Poluda A.M. Breeding sites of the Aquatic Warbler in Ukraine and their conservation status. – Berkut, 18 (1-2), 2009. P. 143-163.
Poluda A. Ukrainian Slender-billed Curlew (Numenius tenuirostris) survey:Team 2, Kherson region, 23/08/2010 – 6/09/2010. – Report of Ukrainian Society for the Protection of
Birds (unpublished).Kyiv, 2010. – 11 p.
Barirega, Akankwasah, Buyinza, Mukadasi, Kansiime, Frank and Basuta-Isabirye, Gilbert (2010) 'The Effects of Crop Raiding on Household Food Security in the Albertine Rift: A
Case Study of Queen Elizabeth National Park, Western Uganda', Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 15: 1, 45 — 54
Akankwasah, B. 2009. Is social poverty more acute near Protected Areas? An assessment of Social capital formation around Queen Elizabeth National Park in the Albertine Rift,
Western Uganda. Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research (Forth Coming)
Akankwasah, B. 2008. The contribution of Protected Areas towards peoples livelihoods in the Albertine rift, a case of QENP in Western Uganda. MSc Dissertation. Kampala
Uganda: Makerere University
Akankwasah, B. 2007. Effects of Change in Access to Fuel wood and Fish Resources on the Household Consumption in and around Queen Elizabeth National Park. Makerere
University Kampala. Un published
Akankwasah, B. 2006.An assessment of community participation in the management of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. BSc Dissertation. Kampala Uganda: Makerere
Rapports annuels sur le denombrement des oiseaux d’eau du niger et strategie de reintroduction de l’autruche et de la gazelle dama dans la reserve naturelle nationale de l’air et
du tenere
Inventario de Aves Presentes en Islas del Cisne y Nuevos Reportes Para Honduras.
Conservación del Chipe migratorio Mejillas Doradas, Golden Cheecked Warbler en el Refugio de Vida Silvestre Corralitos. Francisco Morazán, Honduras.
Caracterización de Aves del sotobosque Parque Nacional Cerro Azul Membar.
Publications and Reports
Dr Grzegorz Rąkowski
Report on climate change impact on migratory bird species in Poland (2010).
Report on abundance of saker falcon (Falcon cherrug) in Poland (2010).
Rakowski G., Walczak M., Smogorzewska M. Natura 2000 Areas in Poland, part I. Special Protected Areas. Institute of Environmental Protection, Warsaw, 2010.
Report on abundance of bird species covered by AEWA Agreement in Poland (2009)
Report on abundance of bird species covered by MoU on birds of prey in Poland (2009)
Rąkowski G., Dąbrowska J., Czarnocki K., Zagrodzki Z.: Avifauna of Natura 2000 area „Ostoja Warmińska”. Ochr. Środ. i Zas. Nat., 34: 33–55, 2008
Dr Olivier Biber
Biber, O. & F. Benoit 1968: Le premier camp ornithologique du Chasseral. Nos Oiseaux, 29: 295-301.
Benoit, F., O. Biber & H. Märki 1970: Notes sur la migration d'automne au Chasseral. Nos Oiseaux, 30: 273-292.
Biber, O. 1970: Le Pluvier guignard Eudromias morinellus au Chasseral et dans le Jura suisse. Nos Oiseaux, 30: 318.
Johnson, A.R. & O. Biber 1971: I.W.R.B. Goose Working Group mission to Eastern Europe, December 1970. Typoscript, 12 p.
Johnson, A.R. & O. Biber 1971: I.W.R.B. Goose Research Group mission to Eastern Europe, December 1970. I.W.R.B. Bull., 31: 43-50.
Biber, O. 1971: Contribution à la biologie de reproduction et à l'alimentation du Guêpier d'Europe Merops apiaster en Camargue. Alauda, 39: 209-212.
Biber, O. 1972: Les mouvements d'automne de la Mésange noire Parus ater au Chasseral (1600 m) dans le Jura de 1967 à 1971. Nos Oiseaux, 31: 205-232.
Biber, O. 1972: Bibliographie de Camargue. 17e et 18e Compte rendu d'Activité de la Station Biologique de la Tour du Valat: 15-41.
Biber, O. 1973: Zur Phänologie des Herbstzuges beim Hausrötel Phoenicurus ochruros nach Fangergebnissen auf dem Chasseral (Berner Jura). Orn.Beob., 70: 147-156.
Biber, O. & L. Hoffmann 1973: Winter waterfowl counts in Portugal, January 1973. I.W.R.B. Bull., 35: 32-38.
Johnson, A.R. & O. Biber 1974: Winter waterfowl counts along the Atlantic coast of Morocco in January 1974. I.W.R.B. Bull., 37: 76-81.
Biber, O. & L. Hoffmann 1974: Dénombrement hivernal de la sauvagine au Portugal. Cyanopica, 1/4: 25-37.
Biber, O. & P. Lüps 1974: Mögliches Brüten des Birkenzeisigs am Chasseral. Orn. Beob., 71: 171.
Biber, O. 1975: Bibliographie de Camargue (réédition corrigée et complétée). 19e et 20e Compte Rendu d'Activité de la Station Biologique de la Tour du Valat: 16-53.
Märki, H. & O. Biber 1975: Flügellänge und Gewichtsschwankungen beim Zitronenzeisig Serinus c. citrinella (Pallas 1764) vor und während des Herbstzuges. Jahrb. Naturhist.
Mus. Bern, 5: 153-164.
Biber, O., H. Guérin & R. Duckert 1975: Inventaire des oiseaux nicheurs de la région du Parc National des Cévennes. 25 S. (Typoscript).
Grundbacher, B. & O. Biber 1976: Beobachtungsorte des Mornellregenpfeifers in der Schweiz (1927-1974) mit besonderer Erwähnung der Raststation Chasseral (Berner Jura).
Orn. Beob., 73: 93-96.
Biber, O. & B. Bruderer 1976: Die Bedeutung von Heckenlandschaften für unsere Vogelwelt. Natur und Mensch, 18: 169-171.
Biber, O. 1978: Le Guêpier d'Europe. Courrier du Parc Naturel Régional de Camargue Nr. 13: 15-17.
Biber, O. 1978: Zum Polymorphismus der Gefiederfärbung beim Hausrotschwanz Phoenicurus ochruros. Jahrb. Naturhist. Mus. Bern, 6: 133-142.
Biber, O. 1979: Schutz, Neupflanzung und Pflege von Feldhecken. Vögel der Heimat, 49: 94-96.
Blondel, J., O. Biber et al. 1979: Structure et dynamique des peuplements d'oiseaux dans un secteur de moyenne altitude du Parc National des Cévennes: le versant nord-ouest de
l'Aigoual. Annales du Parc national des Cévennes, 1: 59-83.
Biber, O. 1979: Etude de l'avifaune nicheuse et des peuplements d'oiseaux des garrigues languedociennes, des causses, des Cévennes méridionales et du mont Aigoual. 151 p.
(non publié).
Biber, O. 1979: Vogelflügel sind nicht nur zum Fliegen da. Berner Zeitung BZ, 15 Dez. 1979.
Biber, O. & J.-P. Biber 1980: L'avifaune des haies sur le Plateau de Diesse (Jura). Nos Oiseaux, 35: 269-284.
Biber, O. 1982: Die wissenschaftlichen Sammlungen. Vögel der Heimat, 52: 151-153.
Biber, O. 1983: Häherkuckuck Clamator glandarius bei Biglen BE. Orn. Beob., 80: 83.
Biber, O. 1984: Bestandesaufnahmen von elf gefährdeten Vogelarten in der Schweiz. Orn. Beob., 81: 1-28.
Lüps, P. & O. Biber 1984: Gewicht und Körpermasse bei Höckerschwänen Cygnus olor vom Wohlensee bei Bern. Orn.Beob., 81: 77-78.
Biber, O. 1984: Biometrische Angaben über die Ringdrossel (Turdus torquatus alpestris und T. t. torquatus). Jahrb. Naturhist. Mus. Bern, 8: 231-262.
Biber, O. 1985: Untersuchungen zum Tagzugverhalten des Hausrotschwanzes Phoenicurus ochruros während der Herbstzugzeit nach Feldbeobachtungen auf dem Chasseral
(Jura). 56 S. (Diplomarbeit).
Publications and Reports
Lüps, P., O. Biber & C. Marti 1986: Angaben zu Geschlechts-Dimorphismus und Gewicht bei Höckerschwänen Cygnus olor vom Wohlensee. Mitt. Naturf. Ges. Bern N.F. 43: 155164.
Schifferli, L. & O. Biber 1987: Les oiseaux et l’agriculture. Sempach (37 p.).
Tschanz, B., O. Biber, B. Grundbacher & P. Lüps 1989: Brutplatzstrukturen, Lichtverhältnisse und Mikroklima an den Brutplätzen von Trottellummen Uria aalge, Tordalken Alca
torda, Papageitauchern Fratercula arctica und Gryllteisten Cepphus grylle auf Vedöy (Lofoten, Norwegen). Orn. Beob. 86: 5-24.
Zbinden, N. & O. Biber 1989: L'évolution de l'avifaune en Suisse. Sempach (41 p.).
Zbinden, N. & O. Biber 1989: La situation de l'avifaune en Suisse dans les années 1980. Liste des espèces d'oiseaux menacées et vulnérables en Suisse. Sempach (10 p.).
Biber, O., N. Zbinden, C. Marti & L. Schifferli 1989: Switzerland. In: R. F. A. Grimmet & T. A. Jones (Eds): Important Bird Areas in Europe. ICBP Techn. Publ., 9: 697-706.
Schifferli, L., O. Biber, N. Zbinden & H. P. Pfister 1989: Threatened bird species of Switzerland and their habitats. World Birdwatch, 11/2: 8-9.
Christen, W., O. Biber & H. P. Pfister 1990: UVP N5, Teilstrecke Aare-Grenchen. Ornithologischer Spezialbericht. Interner Bericht Schweiz. Vogelwarte Sempach.
Biber, O. & B. Jacquat 1990: La 4e Conférence de la Convention de Ramsar, Montreux 1990. Nos Oiseaux, 40: 485-488.
Jacquat, B. & O. Biber 1991: XXe Conférence mondiale du Conseil International pour la Protection des Oiseaux (CIPO). Nos Oiseaux, 41: 69-73.
Biber, O. & H. P. Pfister 1991: Les oiseaux en hiver. Station ornithologique suisse, Sempach (25 p.).
Biber, O & B. Jacquat 1992: Protection des oiseaux en Europe de l’est. Fonds « Essor ». Nos Oiseaux, 41: 328-329.
Biber, O. 1993: Lebensraum und Raumnutzung der Goldammer Emberiza citrinella zur Brutzeit in einer intensiv bewirtschafteten Agrarlandschaft. Hochdorf (Dissertation).
Biber, O. 1993: Bestand und Bruterfolg der Goldammer Emberiza citrinella in einer intensiv genutzten Agrarlandschaft (Schweizer Mittelland). Orn. Beob., 90: 53-65.
Biber, O. 1993: Angebot und Nutzung der Hecken und Gebüsche als Nistorte der Goldammer Emberiza citrinella in einer intensiv genutzten Agrarlandschaft (Schweizer Mittelland).
Orn. Beob., 90: 115-132.
Biber, O. 1993: Raumnutzung der Goldammer Emberiza citrinella für die Nahrungssuche zur Brutzeit in einer intensiv genutzten Agrarlandschaft (Schweizer Mittelland). Orn. Beob.,
90: 283-296.
Biber, O. 1993: Lebensraum für den Weissstorch. Bulletin 1992 der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für den Weissstorch, Altreu no. 22: 3.
Biber, O. 1993: Un écosystème favorable à la cigogne blanche. Bulletin 1992 de la Société suisse pour la cigogn blanche, Altreu no 22: 3.
Lüps, P., O. Biber & A. Nussbaumer 1993: Erklären die Singflüge der Feldlerche Alauda arvensis den Sexualdimorphismus in der Flügelgrösse. Jahrb. Naturhist. Mus. Bern 11:
Biber, O. & T. Salathé 1994: The survival of the White Stork: a challenge for nature conservation in Europe and Africa. IWRB News 12, July 1994: 7.
Biber, O. 1995: Internationales Symposium über den Weissstorch.Bulletin 1994 der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für den Weissstorch, Altreu Nr. 24: 4-5.
Biber, O. 1995: Feldstudien über Verhalten und Ökologie von Weissstörchen. Bulletin 1994 der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für den Weissstorch, Altreu Nr. 24: 5.
Biber, O., P. Enggist, C. Marti & T. Salathé (eds) 1995: Proceedings of the International Symposium on the White Stork (Western Population) Basel 1994.
Biber, O. 1995: Analysis of threats and approaches to solve problems of White Stork conservation: introduction. In: Biber, O., P. Enggist, C. Marti & T. Salathé (eds): Proceedings of
the International Symposium on the White Stork (Western Population) Basel 1994: 97-98.
Biber, O. 1995: International opportunities for the conservation of the White Stork, support, monitoring, and evaluation of conservation measures: introduction. In: Biber, O., P.
Enggist, C. Marti & T. Salathé (eds): Proceedings of the International Symposium on the White Stork (Western Population) Basel 1994: 299-300.
Biber, O. 1995: 1995, Année européenne de la conservation de la nature. Nos Oiseaux, 43: 185-186.
Biber, O. & M. Moritzi 1997: Trendwende beim Weissstorch. Infodienst Wildbiologie & Oekologie, 1/97: 1-12.
Biber, O. & A. Araújo 1997: White Stork Ciconia ciconia. In: Hagemeijer, E.J.M. & M.J. Blair (eds): The EBCC Atlas of European Breeding Birds: Their Distribution and Abundance.
T. & A.D. Poyser, London: 58-59.
Biber, O. 1997: Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella. In: Hagemeijer, E.J.M. & M.J. Blair (eds): The EBCC Atlas of European Breeding Birds: Their Distribution and Abundance. T. &
A.D. Poyser, London: 746-747.
Biber, O. 1997: “Nos Oiseaux” change d’aspect! Nos Oiseaux, 44: 1.
Beaud, P. & O. Biber 1997: 9e Réunion des collaborateurs de la Centrale ornithologique romande et de la Station ornithologique Suisse. Nos Oiseaux, 44: 121-122.
Biber, O. 1997: La Centrale ornithologique romande: 50 ans d’activité. Nos Oiseaux, 44: 191-192.
Beaud, P. & O. Biber 1998: 10e réunion des collaborateurs de la Centrale ornithologique romande et de la Station ornithologique Suisse. Nos Oiseaux, 45: 120-121.
Publications and Reports
Biber, O. & M. Antoniazza 1998 : Espèces en forte expansion : doit-on intervenir ? Nos Oiseaux, suppl. 2: 109-112.
Biber, O., P. Beaud, D. Gobbo, Cl. Guex, B. Posse & P.-A. Ravussin 1998: Migrations et sites d’escale. Actes du 36e Colloque interrégional d’ornithologie, Neuchâtel, 9-10
novembre 1996. Nos Oiseaux, suppl. 2, 118 pp.
Biber, O. 2000: Ernst Sutter (1914-1999). Nos Oiseaux, 47: 63-64.
Beaud, P. & O. Biber 2000: 11e réunion des collaborateurs de la Centrale ornithologique romande et de la Station ornithologique Suisse. Nos Oiseaux, 47: 131-132.
Biber, O. 2000: Nos Oiseaux, une société au parcours de funambule! Ou: comment être à la hauteur de toute la diversité de ses membres? Nos Oiseaux, 47: 209-210.
Moritzi, M., L. Maumary, D. Schmid, I. Steiner, L. Vallotton, R. Spaar & O. Biber 2001: Time budget, habitat use and breeding success of White Storks Ciconia ciconia with variable
foraging conditions during the breeding season in Switzerland. Ardea, 89: 31-44.
Moritzi, M., R. Spaar & O. Biber. 2001. Todesursachen in der Schweiz beringter Weissstörche Ciconia ciconia von 1947-1997. Vogelwarte, 41: 44-52.
Beaud, P. & O. Biber. 2001. Index de la revue Nos Oiseaux, volumes 1 à 47 (1913-2000). Tome I: Table des matières et Index systématique des espèces. Nos Oiseaux, suppl. 4,
231 pp.
Ravussin, P.-A., A. Barbalat, P. Beaud, O. Biber, L. Maumary, S.-P. Parrat & B. Posse 2001: Agir pour les oiseaux. Actes du 39e Colloque interrégional d’ornithologie, Yverdon-lesBains (Suisse), 20-21 novembre 1999. Nos Oiseaux, suppl. 5, 157 pp.
Biber, O., M. Moritzi & R. Spaar 2003: Der Weissstorch Ciconia ciconia in der Schweiz – Bestandsentwicklung, Altersaufbau und Bruterfolg im 20. Jahrhundert. Ornithol. Beob. 100:
Wermeille, E. & O. Biber 2003: Activité, utilisation de l’habitat et régime alimentaire d’un couple de Cigognes blanches Ciconia ciconia à Damphreux (Jura, Suisse) en première
année de réinstallation. Nos Oiseaux 50 : 147-158.
Biber, O. & P. Beaud. 2004. Index de la revue Nos Oiseaux, volumes 1 à 47 (1913-2000). Tome II: Index des mots-clés et index des auteurs. Nos Oiseaux, suppl. 6, 267 pp.
Biber, O. & B. Posse. 2005. Mue complète pour Nos Oiseaux! Nos Oiseaux, 52: 1-2.
Biber, O. 2005. Troisième Congrès mondial pour la nature, Bangkok, Thaïlande, novembre 2004. Nos Oiseaux, 52: 62.
Biber, O. 2006. Les oiseaux piscivores sur la sellette. Nos Oiseaux, 53: 69-70.
Biber, O. 2006. Les oiseaux d’eau toujours à la une. Nos Oiseaux, 53: 193-194.