Symposium program - Universidad de Huelva

Welcome party
Seville, March 20th , 20h. Restaurante Juliá. Avenida de las Palmeras.
I: Addressing the Problem Filling the gap between ecological
research and environmental policies. Environmental education
in UE and USA
Seville, March 21st, 9 hours. Pabellón de Brasil, Vicerrectorado de Investigación
de la Universidad de Sevilla, Avenida de las Palmeras.
Saturio Ramos (Viceprincipal of the U. Seville, Spain): Welcome to Participants
Mike Adams (U. Wisconsin, USA) and F. García Novo (University of Seville): TIES
Project. Report on Atlantis meeting in Bruxelles (March, 15-17)
F. García Novo (U. Seville, Spain): Position paper: addressing the natural resources
in Education.
Juan Espada (Viceconsejero de Medio Ambiente, Junta de Andalucía): Focusing on
the main topics: environmental politics, environmental policies
Antonio Pérez Moreno: (U. Seville, Spain)Land use and natural resources: EU and
US approaches
Juan Luis Suárez de Vivero (U. Seville, Spain): Maritime politics in the UE and the
US: concepts, data, resources and conflicts. Integrative approach to emerging
Lunch 14h, Restaurante Juliá, Avenida de las Palmeras
Chris D´Elia (U. South Florida, USA): Fostering Education about Science,
Environment, and Policy: What Do Our Students Really Need to Learn?
Nancy Kendall (U. Wisconsin, USA): Educational policies: success and failures.
Jim Nafzinguer (Willamette University, USA): The Use of International
Environmental Law in the Institutional Management of Environmental Systems.
Brack Hale (U. Wisconsin, USA): Ecosystem Management: a framework for
interdisciplinary investigations of environmental issues in post-secondary
Briana Maier (U. Wisconsin, USA): EU-US: a comparison of urban policies.
General discussion.
II: Case studies Filling the gap between ecological research and
environmental policies. W Andalucia and some other European
case studies
CIECEMA, Research Facility of the University of Huelva, 22th March. Bus leaves
form Hotel Bécquer at 8 hours. Season starts at 9 hours.
Rafael Beltrán (Viceprincipal of the U. Huelva, Spain): Welcome to participants.
José Prenda (U. Huelva, Spain) and F. García Novo (U. Seville, Spain):
Introducing CIECEMA, a young research facility.
Tom Gaumert (ARGE-Elbe, Germany) and Mike Adams (U. Wisconsin, USA):
The Lower Elbe: Case Study on Environmental History and Institutional
Impacts–a Valuable Tool Applicable to Post-Secondary Educational Goals.
Jan V Mourik (U. Amsterdam, Holland): Surviving in a delta environment.
Historical changes in population and landscapes in Holland.
Alberto Vargas (U. Wisconsin, USA): Environmental Education and Biosphere
Reserves in Mexico.
Mónica Aguilar Alba (U. Seville, Spain): Geographical introduction to the region
of W Andalucia.
Lunch 14.00h
Brian Ohm (U. Wisconsin, USA): An institutional framework for
interdisciplinary investigations of environmental issues in post-secondary
education: The Wisconsin River context.
Angel Martín y Rocío Fernández Alés (U. Seville, Spain): Ecological history of
the region.
José Prenda Marín (U. Huelva, Spain): Doñana and the conservation of W
Juan B Gallego y R Fernández Lo Faso (U. Seville, Spain): Restoring the land and
the rivers. A growing task beyond conservation.
José Ojeda Zújar (U. Seville, Spain): Available tools for management and
education Environmental policies in Andalucia.
General discussion.
Visit to the Marine Museum, 19.30h.
Bus returns from CIECEMA to Seville at 21 hours.
III: Field trips to the case study areas
March 23 . Huelva. Bus leaves from Hotel Bécquer, Av. Reyes Católicos 4,
Sevilla, at 8 hours.
Conducting the trip: J Prenda, JL Suárez, JB Gallego. Doñana and its restoration: F G
Novo, R Fernández.
Sevilla- Huelva- Cartaya (coffee)- Río Piedras- Punta Umbría- Mazagón- (lunch)Matalascañas. Visit to PN Doñana in a 4x4 vehicle.
General Discussion.
Bus returns from Matalascañas to Seville at 21 h.
Project TIES
Trans-Atlantic, Institutional Environmental Policy in
relation to Environmental Education
Coordinators: F.G. Novo (EU) and M. Adams (USA)
Sevilla Symposium. 21-24 March, 2007
University of Seville, University of Huelva
March 24th , Cádiz. Bus leaves from Hotel Bécquer, Av. Reyes Católicos 4,
Seville, at 7 hours.
Conducting the trip: JL Suárez, JB Gallego, F G Novo.
Sevilla-Puerto Real- (coffee)- Playa de Valdevaqueros-Algeciras-(lunch)
General Discussion. Programming TIES.
Palmones- Natural Park of the Straits (Parque Natural del Estrecho)- Jerez- Sevilla
21 h. Farewell to Participants
Plant Biology and Ecology Department. Biology Faculty. U. of Seville.
EU Coordinator: Francisco García Novo. 954557060. [email protected]
Secretary: Raquel Fernández Lo Faso. 954557069. [email protected]
- Analysis of environmental management problems in
developed countries
- Multisided approach to the European examples
selected as a focal case: Gulf of Cadiz and Guadalquivir
River (Spain) and Elbe River (Germany).
- Discussion on how to improve University education to
meet the emerging environmental needs in our