Propuesta de modificación del Código Civil boliviano y el

Propuesta de modificación del Código Civil boliviano y el traslado de la causal de anulabilidad
del contrato, “por falta de consentimiento para su formación”, establecido en el numeral 1) del
art. 554), a las causales de nulidad del contrato, enunciadas en el art. 549
In the thesis, there is approached the importance of recording as grounds of nullity the most important,
since it is the lack of the assent in the formation of the contracts, understanding that this one is the
expression of will, free of the parts that contract, to put under an obligation in a legal form; becoming
necessary to move the grounds of voidability of the contract, " for lack of assent for his / her formation
", established in the numeral 1) of the art. 554 of the Civil Code, to the grounds of nullity of the
contract enunciated in the art. 549 of the same legal body, by identifying foundations, diagnosing
reasons, elaborating offers and socializing ideas of application.
The object of the investigation centres on civil matter, I free of the obligations; the implication,
the conceptualization, form of application of the concepts or juridical civil categories of the nullity or
absolute nullity and voidability or relative nullity.
Key words: code, contract, obligations, nullity, voidability.