I.E.D.BICENTENARIO ENGLISH WORKSHEET (RECUPERACIÓN) – SECOND TERM GRADES: 1101, 1102, 1103 NAME: _________________________________________ GRADE:______ ACTIVITY 1. Memorize the song: “21 guns” by Green Day 2. Write a text about the causes and consequences to be a bad student (20 lines). Use the connectors of cause and effect, such as: as a result, in consequence, therefore, so for this reason, so that, because as a consequence. Don’t forget to use connectors of sequence, comparison and contrast and an appropriated use of the tenses. 3. Study all the things above for a simple test. NOTA: 1. Esta recuperación debe ser entregada en su totalidad en el cuaderno. 2. No se reciben trabajos iguales a otros estudiantes. Evite el plagio y la copia.