Project Number No. P148737
Assignment Title: Corredor Seco- Food Security Project (ACS-GAFSP)
Reference No. PP-16/17-2014
Answers and Clarifications No. 1
Date: December 19, 2014
1. We would like to know if we can generate the information in Spanish
A= The EOI must be presented in English.
2. Will the selected consulting firm play a direct service implementation role or an advisory
A= The role of the consulting firm is as implementer in field.
3. What is the anticipated funding range for the consulting services? Would they be required
for the entirety of the 5.5 years?
A= Yes, consulting services are expected to last for the duration of the ACS-GAFSP Activity (5.5
4. Is there a page limit on the Expression of Interest?
A= No page limit has been set.
5. Does the agency anticipate the same consulting firm performing services under both
Component 1 and Component 2? Can the Expression of Interest be directed at only one or
both components?
A= Consulting firms are expected to implement component 1 and 2 in an integrated fashion.
6. Nuestra organización está interesada en presentar Expresión de Interés en relación al
proceso para Corredor Seco Food Security Project (ACS-GAFSP), por lo cual le consulto si
hay un formato establecido para la presentación de la documentación.
A= There is not specific format for submitting the EOI, the interested firms should submit it
considering the requirements referred in the publication.
7. Please provide us with the digital version of the tendering documents for the
abovementioned prequalification.
A= There are no tendering Documents, this is a Request for Expression of Interest to select the
short list for each cluster previous to the RFP launch.
8. ¿Existe un modelo o formato específico para presentar las expresiones de interés a esta
A= Please refer to answer to query 6
9. ¿El anuncio no aborda el tema financiero, que información nos puede brindar al respecto?.
A= Consulting firms may visit www.gafspfund.org where details regarding the GAFSP Grant are
10. Conocemos la versión del 31 de Mayo del 2013 del, Government of Honduras’ Proposal to
the Global Agricultural and Food Security Program. ¿Hay una versión más actualizada o
eses correcta esta la versión aprobada?
A= That is correct, an updated version and additional information will be available to qualifying
11. En virtud que el anuncio fue publicado en ingles hasta en los medios locales, ¿Es preferible
A= Please refer to answer to query No. 1
12. Does the prime Consultant need to specify the names of any partner entities, such as subconsultant organizations/firms, in its answer to the Request for Expressions of Interest.
A= Yes, if the Consultant considerers that it may enhance its expertise must declare its
intention to associate and list the name of each associated and submit relevant information
about each associates, sub consultants will not be evaluated.
13. I found out you have already started a consultancy project with Invest Honduras. Even the
process is closed. I would be more than to be part of your team or other teams.
A= Consultancy services within INVEST are conducted in an independent fashion,
consultancy firms interested in ACS-GAFSP Implementation are expected to comply with
the EOI by January 8th.
14. Le agradecería mucho su ayuda para entender mejor el proceso de transición de la MCAHonduras a INVEST-H. Específicamente me gustaría saber la estructura de gobernanza de
INVEST-H, de quien depende y a quien rinde cuentas. No encuentro esta información en la
página de MCA-Honduras, por lo que de antemano le agradezco cualquier información que
me pudiera brindar.
A= More information regarding INVEST_H is available at www.mcahonduras.hn, governance
related issues are discussed within the Transparency Section.
15. Es posible me pueda facilitar información adicional sobre la convocatoria para presentación
de interés para la convocatoria abierta para zona del corredor seco de Honduras, ya que
como organización tenemos más de 35 años de trabajar es esta zona con proyectos de
Seguridad alimentaria y desarrollo económico, nos interesa esta iniciativa ya que los temas
descritos en los componentes 1 y 2 son parte de las estrategias de trabajo de nuestra
A= Please refer to answer to query No. 9
16. Idioma en que esperan recibir las manifestaciones de Interés
A= Please refer to answer to query No. 1
17. Si se debe presentar manifestación de interés por Cluster
A= As specified in the EOI, interested consultants are required to specify the cluster they plan
to bid on.
18. En caso de alianzas, los estados financieros (últimos 3 años) que esperan recibir son de las
organizaciones en su totalidad o únicamente de la organización líder. Vale la pena
mencionar, que dichos estados financieros difieren con los periodos de presentación dado
los años fiscales de cada organización.
A= Please refer to answer to query No. 12
19. Based on the request for Expressions of Interest, we understand that EOI submissions can
be sent by email to this email address. Is it also necessary to submit the EOI through the
[email protected] sufficient? Thank you in advance for your attention
this matter.
A= The Consultant may submit their EOI through any of the methods suggested in the
20. If the prime Consultant is successful in making it through to the next round, would the
Consultant be allowed to add sub-consultant organizations/firms, if not named at the EOI
A= If a shortlisted Consultant considers that it may enhance its expertise for the assignment
by associating with other consultants in the form of a Joint Venture or as Sub-consultants,
it may do so with either (a) non-shortlisted Consultant(s). In such case a shortlisted
Consultant must obtain the written approval of the Client prior to the submission of the
Proposal. When associating with non-shortlisted firms in the form of a joint venture or a
sub-consultancy, the shortlisted Consultant shall be a lead member. If shortlisted
Consultants associate with each other, any of them can be a lead member.
21. We would like to know if we can generate the information in Spanish. Thank you very
much for your answer.
A= Please refer to answer to query No. 1