SIGOB is a product of the Democratic Governance Cluster of the UNDP and the Regional Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean, which aims to strengthen management capacities for democratic governance, implemented by governments in the areas of Executive, Legislature and Judiciary, both at central and local government level. The project has 20-­‐year experience in 17 countries, has worked in 14 Presidencies, 12 Local Government, 3 Supreme Courts, 3 Legislatures, 22 Ministries or Secretaries, and there are about 15 thousand employees on its management networks in the region. It has been evaluated positively in the evaluation of the Regional Program in 2006, in the external evaluation in 2007 and the recent assessment of 2010. SIGOB understands governance as a method of inter-­‐institutional political action. Its methods and procedures, supported by software, favor the internal and external transparency, the effectiveness of political action, interaction with citizens, management strategies and constant reminder of the rule of law expressed as respect to the law system. This methodology has resulted in 10 working systems that address different areas of management in conducting government: The Goals System for results-­‐oriented management of the Government Action Plan: System that allows to monitor in a regular and permanent manner the progress of the priority goals for the President, to influence in its attainment by means of an early alarms system and mechanisms that unlock the problems that appear, forming a management network with ministers and managers in charge of goals. This system has accountability the progress of government programs against citizens groups organized for the purpose, at meetings and regular attendance by internet. The Management Center is a system outlining methods and procedures for managing the dispatches necessary for implementing the daily agenda of the President, Governor or Mayor with the government's daily agenda and facilitates transparency in his/her daily agenda. It is a system that encompasses both inter-­‐ and intra-­‐institutional methods and procedures, and involves the offices of the Presidency, offices of the Ministries, key ambassadors, etc. The System for Tracking and Archiving Official Correspondence and Records: This system supports different types of operations with official correspondence in order to get a dual objective of transparency and paper handling "zero". It was weighted positively by the organization "Transparency Colombia" and has won the Public Transparency award for the Presidency of the Dominican Republic Regular Structured Process (Work flow): Working system that has been designed to facilitate and transparent public services which are in high demand and require responses to citizen. It has been applied to administrative procedures, audit processes in organism’s accountants and public investment processes Work System for Relations between Government and Society: SIGOB has developed a triple work platform to strengthen the relations among those who govern and citizens. a. / System of communicative action, whose main objective is to inform citizens about the progress of government programs and projects, as well as the problems and constraints that need to be achieve. b. / Government -­‐Citizen Forum, which allows the management of agreed public agendas. This forum favors participation of organized population groups and also the construction of responsible commitments.
c. / Monitoring system that analyses actors and subjects favorability that concerns the government, considering the media reactions. Other systems that SIGOB develops for contribute to the objective of strengthening the management capacities are: January 2011 Work System for Strategic Management: identification of scenarios to define government management situations in advance. Management Cabinet System: The system encourages debate and follows the decisions of the collegial bodies of Ministers (Secretaries). Inter-­‐institutional Agendas Management System: Method and instrument for transparency in the action of any minister or secretary at the highest executive level, and coordination of synergies between them. Work System for relations between Executive and Legislative: Procedures and tools that address two areas of management: requests for reports and monitoring of Bills in Parliament plenary and committees. INSTITUTION WITH TECHNICAL ASSISTANT WITH SIGOB
Ministerio del Justicia., Seguridad y
Derechos Humanos (2010)
Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Provincia
de Buenos Aires (2007)
Ministerio de Gobierno de la Provincia de
Buenos Aires. (2006)
Gobernación del Chaco (2010)
Gobernación de Corrientes (2011)
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores
Presidencia de la República (2010)
Ministerio de Planeamiento y Gestión
Presupuestaria (2007)- (2010)
Prefectura de Sao Pablo (2009)
Gobierno del Estado de Amazonas (20072008)
Presidencia de la República (2004), (2008)
Ministerio de Economía - Sociedad de
fomento fabril
Presidencia de la República (2010), (2011)
Comisión de empalme entre Gobiernos
Ministerio del Interior y Justicia (2010)
Ministerio de Defensa Nacional (2004)
Gobernación del Cesar (2010)
Alcaldía de Bogotá (2007)
Alcaldía de Cartagena. (2010)
Consejo Superior de la Judicatura (2006),
Presidencia de la República (1998)-(2008)
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores (1998)
Comisión Espacio Aéreo CESA (2010)
Cámara de Cuentas (2011)
Suprema Corte de Justicia (2009)
Presidencia de la República (2007)
Presidencia de la República (2010)
Comisión Inmersión Publica
GEORGIA (Europa del Este)
Cancillería (2002)
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores (2002)
Presidencia de la República (2006), (2010)
Presidencia de la República
Jefatura de Gobierno de la Ciudad de
México DF
Sistema de Aguas de la Ciudad de México
Presidencia de la República (2009)
Presidencia (2010)
Presidencia de la República (2004), (2010)
Vice-Presidencia de la República (2007)
Corte Suprema de Justicia (2004)
Cámara de Diputados
Cancillería (2007)