Con nferenciass de divulgación ccientífica de la Rea al Sociedaad Españ ñola de Físicca en cola aboraciónn con la FFundación n Ramón Areces Ciclo H Hablemos de Físicaa, Faculta ad de Cien ncias Físiccas (UCM M) Celebrando la Relativvidad General de Albert Ein instein W Whyy is tthe Uniiverrse sso biig an nd o old? JJohn Elllis Kin ng’s Colleege Lond don and CERN Jue eves 21 dee enero d de 2016, 1 12.30h Sallón de Acttos Julio R Rey Pastorr, Facultad d de Cienccias Matem máticas (U UCM), Plaza de las CCiencias, 3 3 28040‐M Madrid Abstra act Co osmologicaal inflation n is a propposal that for a while, very eaarly in its h history, the Universe expanded d (almost ) exponen ntially fast. This coould explaain why the Universe is so large e and has not (yet) collapsed. Inflation can also explain whyy the Universe is so homogenneous and d isotropicc on very large scales, and whyy its geometry is (alm most) flat . Moreove er, quantu um effectss during in nflation the strucctures see coulld have generated g en in the Universee today, such s as galaxies and clusters. Measurem ments of the t cosmic microw wave background are probing models of inflatiion, and may sho ow us hhow to connect c them m with particle physsics, quantum graviity and perhaps stri ng theoryy.