Los Incas

Los Incas
El imperio Tahuantinsuyu con
¿Dónde vivían los incas?
• Los incas habitaban
los países de
Colombia, Ecuador,
Perú, Bolivia, Chile y
• Su imperio contenía
los Andes – las
montañas más altas
de America Latina.
El mapa de expansiones
Perú es mas conocido como la tierra de los Incas. Tiene una área de
1,285,216 Km. cuadrados, y esta situado en la costa del Pacifico, en la
parte norte central de Sud America.
Perú es el tercer país mas grande de Sud America, detrás solo de Brasil y
Argentina. Perú es considerado un país tropical. Perú tiene tres regiones
bien marcadas, una delgada zona costera, las montañas de los Andes de
mayor anchura, y la zona forestal del Amazonas.
La faja costera es mayormente formada de desiertos pero aquí se ubican
los ciudades principales.
Los ríos corren desde el este hacia el oeste, deslizándose hacia abajo con
taludes bien inclinados lo que hace que los ríos sean torrentosos. En estas
valles se encuentran los mayores centros de agricultura.
• La famosa civilización Inca solo es una parte de toda la
Arqueología Peruana. Antes de los Incas, Perú tuvo las
culturas PRE-Colombinas , algunas de estas
precediendo a los Incas por muchos siglos.
• Este imperio es uno de lo mas conocido en el mundo.
En su apogeo, el imperio tenia 2500 Km. cuadrados
cubriendo los países que hoy se llaman: Colombia,
Ecuador, Perú, Bolivia, Chile, e Argentina.
El Imperio Incaico
A pesar de toda su grandeza el Imperio Incaico existió más de un
siglo. Con anterioridad al año 1430 los Incas gobernaron solo el
Valle del Cuzco.
Ellos habían entablado una guerra con los Chancas y finalmente los
derrotaron en una gran victoria en 1430. Esto marcó el comienzo de
una gran expansión militar.
El Imperio Incaico conquistó e incorporó la mayoría de las culturas
en el área que se extendía desde el sur de Colombia hasta el centro
de Chile. Los Incas impusieron su modo de vida sobre las gentes
que conquistaron.
Para el tiempo que los Españoles arribaron la mayoría del área de
los Andes había sido totalmente controlado bajo las leyes de los
Las fechas importantes
• 1438 – empezó el imperio inca (el rey,
Pacha cutí conquistó otros tribus)
• 1532 – Francisco Pizarro llegó a
Sudamérica (la conquista española)
• 1572 – murió el ultimo rey inca (Tupác
Amaru) terminó el imperio
The Inca Rise To Power (1)
• Their own legends state that ten related clans
emerged from caves in the region and were taken to
Cuzco by a mythical leader. Wherever their origins,
by about A.D. 1350 they resided in and around Cuzco
and by 1438 they had defeated their hostile
neighbors in the area. At this point under their ruler,
or Inca, Pachacuti (1438-1471), they launched a
series of military alliances and campaigns that
brought them control of the whole area from Cuzco
to the shores of Lake Titicaca.
The Inca Rise To Power (2)
The Inca armies were constantly on the march, extending
control over a vast territory. Pachacuti's son and successor,
Topac Yupanqui (1471-1493) conquered the northern coastal
kingdom of Chimor by seizing its irrigation system, and he
extended Inca control into the southern area of what is now
At the other end of the empire, Inca armies reached the Maule
River in Chile in spite of the Araucanian Indians’ resistance.
The next ruler, Huayna Capac (1493-1527) consolidated these
conquests and suppressed a number of rebellions on the
frontiers. By the time of his death, the Inca Empire - or as they
called it, Twantinsuyu - stretched from what is now Colombia to
Chile and eastward across Lake Titicaca and Bolivia to
northern Argentina.
Between nine and 13 million people of different ethnic
backgrounds and languages came under Inca rule, a
remarkable number given the extent of the empire and the
technology available for transportation and communication.
Las centros importantes
• Cuzco (el ombligo del mundo [navel of the
world] en quechua)
• Machu Picchu (desde allí los incas
estudiaban el sol)
• Pisac (también en Perú)
Machu Picchu
La religión
• Los incas también creían en muchos
dioses (eran politeístas).
-Viracocha – el dios creador
-Inti – el dios sol
-Mama Kilya – la diosa de la luna
-Ilyapa – el dios del buen tiempo (weather)
Inca political and social life was infused with religious meaning. Like
the Aztecs, the Incas held the sun to be the highest deity and
considered the Inca to be the sun's representative on earth.
The magnificent Temple of the Sun in Cuzco was the center of the
state religion, and in its confines the mummies of the past Incas
resided. The cult of the sun was spread throughout the empire, but the
Inca did not prohibit the worship of local gods.
Other deities were also worshiped as part of the state religion.
Viracocha, a creator god, was a favorite of Inca Pachacuti and
remained important.
Popular belief was based on the idea that many natural phenomena
were connected to spiritual power. Mountains, stones, rivers, caves, or
tombs and temples were considered to be holy shrines. At these
places, prayers were offered and sacrifices of animals, goods, and
humans were made.
The temples were served by many priests and women dedicated to the
preparation of cloth and food for sacrifice. The temple priests were
mainly responsible for the great festivals and celebrations upon which
state actions often depended.
La sociedad incaica
• Los incas creían que
La familia real
sus emperadores
la familia real
eran hijos del primer
dios Viracocha, por
eso el rey o
otros nobles
emperador tenía la
autoridad máxima en
el imperio.
Social classes
The Inca nobility was greatly privileged and those related to the
Inca himself held the highest positions. The nobility were all
drawn from the ten royal ayllus.
In addition, the residents of Cuzco were given noble status to
enable them to serve in high bureaucratic posts.
The nobles were distinguished by dress and custom. Only they
were entitled to wear the large ear spools that enlarged the ears
and caused the Spaniards to later call them orejones, or "big
Noticeably absent in most of the Inca Empire was a distinct
merchant class. Unlike Mesoamerica where long-distance trade
was so important, Inca emphasis on self- sufficiency and state
regulation of production and surplus limited trade.
Only in the northern areas of the empire, in the chiefdoms of
Ecuador, the last region brought under Inca control, did a
specialized class of traders exist.
La comida
• Tres cosas esenciales:
-maíz (sara)
-papas o patatas (chuno)
-quinoa (chisaya mama [mother grain])
para cereales, harina, sopas
• Cuando los incas empezaron a comerciar
con otros tribus comían calabazas, piñas y
• Sabían como hacer la comida seca.
Las fotos
The Incas intentionally spread the Quechua language as a
means of integrating the empire.
The Incas made extensive use of colonists. Sometimes
Quechua-speakers from Cuzco might be settled in a newly won
area to provide an example and a garrison. On other occasions,
a resistive conquered population was moved to a new home.
Throughout the empire, a complex system of roads was
constructed with bridges and causeways when needed. Along
these roads, way stations, were placed about a day's walk apart
to serve as inns, storehouses, and supply centers for Inca
armies on the move.
Tambos also served as relay points for the system of runners
who carried messages throughout the empire. The Inca
probably maintained over 10,000 tambos.
World of the Incas
Almost at the same time that the Aztecs
extended their control over much of
Mesoamerica, a great imperial state was
rising in the Andean highlands, and it
eventually held sway over an empire
some 3000 miles in extent.
The Inca Empire incorporated many
aspects of previous Andean cultures but
fused them together in new ways - and
with a genius for state organization and
bureaucratic control over peoples of
different cultures and languages, it
achieved a level of integration and
domination previously unknown in the
With few exceptions the Incas, unlike the Aztecs, did not demand
tribute, but rather required labor on the lands assigned to the state
and the religion.
Communities were expected to take turns working on state and church
lands and sometimes on building projects or in mining.
These labor turns were an essential aspect of Inca control.
In addition, the Inca required women to weave high-quality cloth for
the court and for religious purposes. The Incas provided the wool, but
each household was required to produce cloth. Woven cloth, a great
Andean art form, had political and religious significance.
Some women were taken as concubines for the Inca and others were
selected as servants at the temples, the so-called "Virgins of the Sun."
In all this, the Inca had an overall imperial system, but remained
sensitive to local variations so that its application accommodated
regional and ethnic differences.
Los Impuestos
Inca Cultural Achievements
The Incas drew on the artistic traditions of their Andean
predecessors and the skills of subject peoples.
Beautiful pottery and cloth was produced in specialized
Inca metallurgy was among the most advanced of the
Americas, and Inca artisans worked gold and silver with great
technical skill. The Incas also used copper and some bronze for
weapons and tools.
Like the Mesoamerican peoples, the Incas made no practical
use of the wheel.
They had no system of writing.
The Incas, however, did make use of a system of knotted
strings with which numerical and perhaps other information
could be recorded. It functioned something like an abacus, and
with it the Incas took censuses and kept financial records.
Inca Cultural Achievements
The Incas had a passion for numerical order, and the
population was divided into decimal units from which they
enlisted the them in the military.
Inca stonecutting was remarkably accurate and the best
buildings were constructed of large fitted stones without the
use of masonry. Some of these buildings were immense.
Incan constructions, the large agricultural terraces, irrigation
projects, and the extensive system of roads were among the
Incas' greatest achievements.
The Incas displayed their technical ability and workmanship as
well as their ability to mobilize large amounts of manpower.
Inca genius was best displayed
– in their statecraft and
– in their architecture and
– public buildings.
Comparing The Incas And Aztecs
Both the Inca and the Aztec empires were based on a long
development of civilization that preceded them; and while in
some areas of artistic and intellectual achievement earlier
peoples had surpassed their accomplishments, both
represented the success of imperial and military organization.
Both empires were based on intensive agriculture organized by
a state that accumulated surplus production and then
controlled the circulation of goods and their redistribution to
groups or social classes.
In both states older semi kinship-based institutions, the ayllu
and the calpulli, were being transformed by the emergence of a
social hierarchy in which the nobility was increasingly
predominant. In both areas this nobility was also the personnel
of the state, so that the state organization was almost an image
of society.
Comparing The Incas And Aztecs (2)
While the Incas attempted to create an overarching political state and
made conscious attempts to integrate their empire as a unit (the
Aztecs did less in this regard), both empires recognized local ethnic
groups and political leaders and were willing to allow considerable
variation from one group or region to another - that is, provided that
Inca or Aztec sovereignty was recognized and tribute paid.
Both the Aztecs and the Incas found that their military power was less
effective against nomadic peoples who lived on their frontiers.
Essentially, the empires were created by the conquest of sedentary
agricultural peoples and the extraction of tribute and labor from them.
At the same time, their ability to survive the shock of conquest and to
contribute to the formation of societies after conquest demonstrates
much of their strength and resiliency. Long after the Aztec and Inca
empires had ceased to exist, the peoples of the Andes and Mexico
continue to draw on these cultural traditions.
Comparing The Incas And Aztecs (3)
There were considerable differences between Mesoamerica and
the Andean region in terms of climate and geography but also
in terms of their civilizations.
Trade and markets, for example, were far more developed in the
Aztec Empire and earlier in Mesoamerica in general than in the
Andean world.
There were considerable differences in metallurgy, in writing
systems, and in social definition and hierarchy. But within the
context of world civilizations, these two empires are variations
of populations where sedentary agriculture is the most
Basic similarities can also be seen in systems of belief and
cosmology and in social structure.
But the American Indian civilizations shared much with each
other, and that factor plus their relative isolation from external
cultural and biological influences gave them their peculiar
character and ultimately their vulnerability.
La Conquista Española
En Noviembre de 1526, Francisco Pizarro encabezó desde el sur de
Panamá una expedición. Pizarro se enteró de la riqueza del Imperio Incaico
y retornó a España para recaudar dinero y reclutar gente para la conquista.
En 1530 acoderó en la zona costera del Ecuador y comenzó su marcha
hacia tierra adentro. En 1532 Pizarro fundó el primer pueblo español en
territorio Peruano el que llamó San Miguel de Piura. En Noviembre de
1532 el alcanzó la ciudad de Cajamarca, donde el Inca Atahualpa estaba
Pizarro y sus hombres capturaron Atahualpa aprovechando de la ventaja
de las corazas que sus hombres vestían y sobre todo de los caballos que
eran desconocidos en América, lo que ponían a los Españoles en ventaja
respecto a altura y protección. Después que los hombres de Pizarro
capturaron a Atahualpa, Pizarro encarceló a Atahualpa y pidió un rescate
en piezas de oro suficiente para llenar el cuarto donde encerraron a
Atahualpa hasta la marca que el Inca alcanzara con su brazo extendido.
Con la excusa que la gente de Atahualpa estaba demorando, Pizarro
ordenó la ejecución de Atahualpa con la pena del garrote. Los Españoles lo
condenaron a muerte por herejía.
¿Qué aprendimos hoy?