Facts quiz

Facts quiz
Mammoths were alive …
a 400 years ago b 4000 years ago c 40 million years ago d 400 million years ago
There weren’t any mammoths in …
a Asia b Europe c North America d South America
There was a mammoth called the …
a wally mammoth b willy mammoth c woolly mammoth d molly mammoth
Cave people were alive in the time of the …
a Ice Age b Dinosaur Age c Grass Age d New Age
The cave at Altamira was discovered by Modesto Cubillas in …
a 1839 b 1789 c 1959 d 1868
On the walls there aren’t pictures of …
a bison b horses c deer d wolves
The colours the cave people used were …
a red, black and green b red, blue and yellow c red, black and yellow
d blue, red and green
Charlie Chaplin was a famous …
a actor b artist c painter d explorer
Mahatma Ghandi wasn’t a …
a religious leader b president of India c lawyer d vegetarian
Diana, Princess of Wales, was from …
a Scotland b Wales c England d Ireland
Who was a French emperor in the 19th century?
11 a Mahatma Ghandi b Napoleon Bonaparte c Charlie Chaplin
d William Shakespeare
Shakespeare and Cervantes were writers in the …
a 15th century b 16th century c 17th century d 18th century
Laurel and Hardy were famous …
a artists b actors c explorers d scientists
The Beatles were a successful pop group in the …
a 1940s b 1950s c 1960s d 1970s
One of the Beatles’ songs was called …
15 a Yellow Submarine b Happy Birthday c Love me tender
d Rockin’ all over the world
Colours 6 © Cambridge University Press and Grupo SM, 2007
Facts quiz: rules
1Cut out the cards below.
2Think of a name for your team. Tell your teacher.
Team name:
3What’s the correct answer? Read the questions on page 1 and write a, b, c or d in
the table below.
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
Question 7
Question 8
Question 9
Question 10
4Your teacher will ask the questions. Hold up the card, with your answer, a, b, c or d.
You will get one point for each correct answer.
*Write the facts you didn’t know in your notebooks. Write sentences with
the correct answers.
Facts quiz: cards
Colours 6 © Cambridge University Press and Grupo SM, 2007
Vocabulario was,were,wasn’t,weren’t
El vocabulario pertenece a las lecturas del Pupil’s Book página15 y del
Activity Book página 14. Algunas de las preguntas del quizz pertenecen
a las actividades del Photocopiable booklet página 12. No es necesario
haber trabajado todo el material para realizar el juego.
Actividad individual. Haz una fotocopia de la página 1 para cada
alumno. Pueden utilizar el cuaderno para anotar sus respuestas.
Correige en voz alta.
Respuestas: 1 b 2 d 3 c 4 a 5 d 6 d 7 c 8 a 9 b 10 c 11 b
12 b 13 b 14 c 15 a
Juego de equipo.
Haz una fotocopia de las páginas 1 y 2 para
cada equipo de tres o cuatro alumnos.
Divide la clase en equipos de tres o cuatro juadores. Primero, entrega a
cada equipo una fotocopia de la página 2. Los alumnos cortan las tarjetas
a, b, c, d y piensan en un nombre para su equipo. Escribe los nombres
en columnas en la pizarra para ir anontando las puntuaciones.
Entrega a los equipos la página 1. Tienen diez minutos para contestar a
las preguntas. Las respuestas deben escribirlas en la tabla de la página 2.
Esto asegurará que el proceso de alzar las tarjetas sea más rápido y el
juego más emocionante.
Lee las preguntas en voz alta. Cuando todos los equipos levanten la
tarjeta con la letra que creen correcta, díles cúal es la respuesta y ve
anotando la puntuación en la pizarra. Recuérdales que tienen que
levantar la tarjeta de la letra que hayan contestado en el cuadro.
Finalmente, haz un recuento de puntos para saber quien es el
*Write the facts you didn’t know in your notebooks. Write sentences
with the correct answers. En sus cuadernos, los alumnos escriben
las respuestas correctas de las preguntas que no acertaron. Pueden
corregir las que dieron como equipo o las que hicieron de forma
Vocabulary was, were, wasn’t, weren’t
The vocabulary is taken from the readings in the Pupil’s Book, page 15, and
the Activity Book, page 14. Some of the quiz questions come from the
Photocopiable Activities booklet, page 12, but it is not necessary to do
this in order to play the game.
Individual activity. Make one photocopy of page 1 for each pupil. The
pupils can write their answer in their notebooks. Go over the answers
with the class.
Answers: 1 b 2 d 3 c 4 a 5 d 6 d 7 c 8 a 9 b 10 c 11 b
12 b 13 b 14 c 15 a
Team game.
Make one photocopy of each page (pages 1 and 2) per
group of three or four.
Divide the class into teams with three or four players in each. Give each
team a photocopy of page 2 first. The pupils cut out the a, b, c, d cards
and think of a name for their team. Write the team names in columns
on the board to keep score.
Give the teams page 1. Set a time limit of ten minutes for them to read
the questions and decide on their answers, which they write in the
table on page 2. This ensures that the process of holding up the cards
is faster and makes the game more exciting.
Read out the questions. When all the teams are holding up their
answers, tell them which letter is correct and award points accordingly.
Stress that they must look at their answer sheet carefully and hold up
the correct card, as it is the card they hold up which will be taken as
their final answer.
Finally, count the points and declare a winner.
*Write the facts you didn’t know in your notebooks. Write sentences
with the correct answers. The pupils look at the questions they got
wrong and write the sentence, with the correct answer, in their
notebook. Make sure they copy the sentences correctly, with no
spelling mistakes. When they have finished, they can compare with
a friend.
Colours 6 © Cambridge University Press and Grupo SM, 2007