ANDREA CONNECT: ACTIVATE IT AND SEE YOUR EARNINGS SOAR! $ Andrea Connect powers up your business by allowing you to reach clients online and increasing your earnings! Get the details and activate it today! How does it work? 1. Your current clients sign up at They use your e-mail address to choose you as their Andrea STAR. You keep your clients! 2. In addition, your Andrea STAR profile will be shown to other people that are looking for an Andrea STAR. You get new clients! 3.Once you activate Andrea Connect, you can offer two new great services to your clients: Online Service Your clients can shop online at and pay with a credit or debit card, or use PayPal. The products are shipped directly to their home address. You will earn store credit on everything your clients purchase online! Benefits: • You don’t need to invest in the products because your clients pay Andrea directly. • You earn a percentage on everything your clients purchase. • Your client pays Andrea directly, eliminating the need for you to collect payment. • Andrea ships the products directly to your client, eliminating the need for you to deliver products in person. Personal Service Your clients can order online at and you collect the products at your Andrea store. You deliver the products to your clients in person and they pay you directly. You can offer your clients a discount if they pay you all at once, or offer them a payment plan. You still have the flexibility to manage your business in a way that best suits both you and, your clients. % Beneficios: • You decide how much to invest by setting a maximum amount for your client’s online orders. • Your customers can shop online 24/7. 4. Grow your earnings quickly and find new clients using our advertising and promotional tools in addition to our online invitations. How do I activate Andrea Connect? 1. Activating Andrea Connect is easy. Simply go to My Andrea Business and click on ACTIVATE SERVICES. Inicia Tu Negocio Afiliación Sucursales CATÁLOGOS DAMA CABALLERO INFANTIL OFERTAS BLOG Sistema de Pedidos 1 Activa Servicios 2. Choose from one of two options: A. If you have already created an online account, just enter your e-mail and password. B. If you don’t have an online account yet, create one by entering the information requested: STAR number, e-mail, date of birth, etc. CATÁLOGOS DAMA CABALLERO INFANTIL OFERTAS BLOG ACTIVACIÓN DE SERVICIOS ACTIVA ANDREA DIGITAL! Complementa tu negocio utiliza Internet, las redes sociales y los dispositivos móviles para vender. A Ingresa tu correo electrónico (SPI) Ingres tu contraseña (SPI) Gana dinero sin invertir. Olvidate de cobrar y entregar. Destina tu tiempo a buscar clientes. ACTIVATE ANDREA DIGITAL Mas información ACTIVA TU CENTRO DE NEGOCIOS ACTIVA TU CENTRO DE NEGOCIOS Administra tu negocio desde casa, tu oficina digital las 24 hrs. B Realiza pedidos. Calcula tus ganancias. Atiende a tus clientes. Capacítate y recibe información. Mas información Activate the service from My Andrea Business by clicking on My Services. 1. Link your Andrea online account with Facebook so that your contacts can choose you as their Andrea STAR. 2. If you signed up as an Andrea STAR at more than one store, choose the store you would like your products shipped to. 3. Accept the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Notice. 4. Click on Finish. If you have just signed up through our Call Center/Internet, your Andrea Connect account has been activated. CATÁLOGOS DAMA CABALLERO INFANTIL OFERTAS BLOG ANDREA CONTACTA-ACTIVACIÓN DE SERVICIOS 1. REVISA TU INFORMACIÓN 2. ASOCIA TU CUENTA SERVICIOS ACTIVOSDE FACEBOOK Así tus contactos y otros clientes que lleguen a la página podrán elegirte como su Estrella Andrea para realizar sus compras o pedidos. 1 Iniciar Sesión Mariana Lugo 3. SELECCIONA TU SUCURSAL 2 Tu sucursal: CALL CENTER IMPORTANTE: Andrea Digital solo puede estar activo en una sucursal, para cambiar de sucursal debes desactivar el servicio por lo que puedes perder clientes, ya que deben nuevamente elegirte como su Estrella Andrea. 3 Quiero recibir información de andrea por correo electrónico. He leido y acepto los Términos y Condiciones y aviso de Privacidad. ACTIVATE ANDREA CONNECT Log in to My Andrea Business and that’s it! Learn to put Andrea Connect to work for you and earn more money! 4